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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: The paraoxonase 2 is one of the paraoxonase family enzymes, which, unlike the paraoxonase 1 and 3, is an intracellular antioxidant system expressed in many cells. Andrographophyllide is a plant that has recently received attention and is used in many fields due todifferent properties, including antioxidant property. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect ofandrographolide on paraoxonase 2 expression. Materials and methods: In this study, 18 Wistar rats were divided into three groups, includinga control group (receiving physiologic serum) and two experimental groups that received 3. 5 mg/kgandrographolide and 7 mg/kg andrographolide. Real-time PCR was performed to evaluate the expressionof paraoxonase 2. Results: Compared to the control group, andrographolide at 3. 5 and 7 mg/kg body weightreduced the liver expression of paraoxonase 2. The rate of expression of paraoxonase 2 was somewhatsimilar in both doses. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, current study showed that injectionof andrographolide extract at 3. 5 and 7mg/kg body weight of male rats reduced the expression of liverparaoxonase 2.

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Background and purpose: Creating cardiovascular protection with proper exercise andnutrition are important issues. The aim of this study was to investigate the combined effects of highintensity interval training (HIIT) and flaxseed oil supplement on the expression of genes involved incardiac protection (UCP2, UCP3 and eNOS) in healthy male rats. Materials and methods: Twenty adult wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups(n=5) including control-saline (CS), training-saline (TS), control-flaxseed oil (CO), and training-flaxseedoil (TO). The training groups were given high-intensity interval training (10 weeks, five sessions in week)on a rodent treadmill at 90– 95% of VO2max. The supplement groups received flaxseed oil at 30 mg/kgper cage. Five days after the last training session, rats were sacrificed and samples were collected. Results: UCP2 and UCP3 gene expression significantly increased in training group comparedwith control group. Interestingly, we found that UCP2 gene expression in combined group wassignificantly higher than those of the control and training groups (P=0. 008). Also, the expression of UCP3was significantly higher in the exercise training group (P=0. 05) and combined group (P=0. 05). eNOSgene expression significantly increased in combined group compared with control and trainig groups(P=0. 008). Conclusion: High intensity interval training combined with flaxseed oil supplement contributesto cardiac protection by increasing the expression of UCP2, UCP3 and eNOS genes.

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Background and purpose: Taxonomic identification of larval and adult stages of Taeniahydatigena from other Taenia species based on morphometric characteristics of the rostellar hooks inintermediate and definitive host is important in medical and veterinary parasitology. Therefore, this studyaimed at identifying the larval stage of Taenia hydatigena (Cysticercus tenuicollis) based onmorphological characteristics of rostellar hooks isolated from sheep and goat in Mazandaran province, Iran for the first time. Materials and methods: This study was conducted in 100 samples of rostellar hooks of thelarval stage of Taenia hydatigena isolated from sheep and goats in 2014-2015. Morphologicalcharacteristics of large and small hooks in the number and size characters were determined and measuredby calibrating microscopes. Data analysis was done in SPSS applying Chi-square and One-way ANOVA. Results: The mean number of large and small hooks in goat and sheep isolates were 30. 8± 3. Morphometric characteristics of hooks in the shape and size were similar in both animal isolates. Butsignificant differences were seen between native and nonnative isolates in mean width of large hookslength (P< 0. 05). Conclusion: This study identified the larval stage of Teaina hydatigena from other species ofTeaina according to characteristics of rostellar hooks, which is of great significance in taxonomic studiesin parasitology.

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Background and purpose: Application of nanomaterials is growing in removing variouscontaminants, pharmaceuticals, and in deactivation of water or sewage bacteria. However, the ability todegrade or eliminate the genetic components of bacteria by nanoparticles and preventing the increasingtrend of antibiotic resistance from sewage treatment plants needs to be further investigated. This studyaimed at eliminating the genetic components (antibiotic resistance genes) of heterotrophic bacteria fromwastewater by Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles. Materials and methods: To eliminate genetic components of bacteria, the ability of nZVI wasmeasured by cellular and molecular methods to remove the genetic components of the bacteria. Selectedgenes included TetW (tetracycline) Ctx-m-32 (Ceftazidime), and CmlA1 (Chloramphenicol). Polymerasechain reaction (PCR) and specific primers were used to detect resistant genes. Results: The average concentrations of HPC and ARBs were 1. 68 × 105 and 2. 58 × 104 cfu/mLin primary effluent. The mean values for ARGs were (TetW)=33. 71 ± 10. 66, (CmlA1)=57. 71 ± 11. 60, and(Ctx-m-32)=37. 71 ± 4. 85 ng/μ l after the experiments. The proposed software model for HPC and ARBsincluded nZVI= 20-23 mg/l, QN2=7-7. 8l/min, and time=23-30 min and for ARGs it included nZVI=28-30mg/l, QN2=7-7. 8l/min, and time=30-38 min. Conclusion: Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles can degrade and eliminate heterotrophic bacteria, and decompose and eliminate the genetic components of bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. Unlikethe chlorination units of sewage treatment plants that increase antibiotic resistance among effluentbacteria, iron significantly reduces the populations of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Compared to TetW andCmlA1, the Ctx-m-32 genes have high stability and durability against nZVI.

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Background and purpose: Nowadays, Presence of heavy metals such as cadmium inagricultural soils, is regarded as a serious threat to human health in recent years. Phytoremediation is amethod by which heavy metal accumulate in plant tissues, hence elimination of these elements fromcontaminated soils would be possible. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of cadmiumfrom soil-compost by alfalfa using EDTA and (NH4)2SO4. Materials and methods: The effect of changes on initial concentration of cadmium (10 to 200mg of cadmium per kg of soil-compost) and the ratio of EDTA (5 to 15 mg per kg of soil-compost) to(NH4)2SO4 (200 mg per kg of soil-compost) on the removal of cadmium were investigated. Concentrationof cadmium was determined by ICP. Analysis of data was performed in R software based on centralcomposite design (CCD) model and SPSS. Results: The highest concentration of cadmium uptake was observed in the root of alfalfa. Application of EDTA in higher doses had significant effect on absorption in plant root (P< 0. 05). Lowerconcentrations of EDTA (<10 mg/kg) considerably increased cadmium in aerial parts. Increase in EDTAdosage in highly contaminated soil, was effective in transmission of cadmium from soil-compost into theroots, but accumulation of cadmium did not have a considerable increase in areal parts of the alfalfa. Conclusion: Phytoremediation has proved to be effective in removing cadmium fromagricultural soil. It is a safe, an eco-friendly technology, and requires inexpensive reagents. According tothis investigation, adding (NH4)2SO4 with EDTA can be effective in improving Phytoremediationprocess.

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Background and purpose: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds are amongstthe most hazardous environmental pollutants due to some features such as chemical stability, lowdegradation, bioaccumulation, and high toxicity for living organisms. Their resources are found in PersianGulf beaches, so, this study aimed at investigating the concentration, source identification, and ecologicalrisk of PAH compounds in coastal sediments in Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ), Iran. Materials and methods: In order to assess the concentration of PAHs, 16 stations along the coastwere selected and in each station two samples were collected. After preparation and extraction of samplesusing Soxhlet, the concentrations of these compounds were determined by HPLC. The toxicity evaluationindicators and diagnostic ratios were used to assess the ecological risk and determining their origin. Results: Mean concentration of PAHs in sediment was 292. 72± 54. 44 ng/g dry weight. The meaneffects range-median quotient of the PAHs (M-ERM-Q, M-PEL-Q), toxic equivalence quotient (TEQ), and mutagenic equivalence quotient (MEQ) showed that current values were less than the permissiblelimit. Comparison of PAHs concentration with sediment quality standards (NOAA, SQGs, and EPA)showed that the values for all compounds were lower than the standard limits (PEC, TEC, PEL, TEL, ERM). However, among these compounds, the average concentration of Acl was higher than the ERLstandard and the concentrations of Acl, Ace, and Phe were higher than the EPA toxicity threshold. Conclusion: In this study, moderate PHAs pollution was seen in the region. Both petrogenic andfuel sources were found to be involved in introduction of these compounds into coastal sedimentsdepending on the location of the station and its sources of contamination. Also, in terms of ecologicalrisk, these compounds have low risks for living organisms.

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Background and purpose: Airports are proved to have adverse effects on the air quality ofneighboring areas. This study aimed at determining the concentrations of air pollutants including PM10, PM2. 5, O3, NO2, SO2, CO, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) in Mehrabad InternationalAirport. Materials and methods: The samples were taken from two sites (runway and passengerswaiting hall) in Mehrabad in December 2015. The concentrations of BTEX, particulate matter, and othergaseous pollutants were measured using gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID), MetOne aerocet 531s, and Aeroqual Series 500, respectively. The effect of meteorological parameters(temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity) on the concentrations of air pollutants were analyzedusing nonparametric correlation test. Results: In runway, the temperature was found to have a significant correlation with all thepollutants except PM2. 5 (p<0. 05). Relative humidity showed a significant correlation with all pollutants, except PM2. 5 and O3 (p<0. 05). Moreover, wind speed was significantly correlated with all the pollutantsexcept O3, NO2, and toluene (P<0. 05). No significant difference was found between the concentrations ofpollutants in two sampling sites, except for benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene (p<0. 05). Conclusion: Prevention of air pollution in neighboring areas of Mehrabad airport could be doneusing appropriate management system and flight schedule planning according to current findings, especially the effect of meteorological parameters.

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Background and purpose: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) evaluates positive and negativeconsequences of development on human health, which is recently proposed in Iran. Human healthinvolves a wide range of factors, therefore, predicting and estimation of their effects require convenientand efficient tools. Materials and methods: In this case study, data was collected and a database on regionalhealth status was created. The research was then carried out in three main stages, including 1-assessmentof the epidemiology of important diseases and health risks, 2-health impact assessment of the project viamicro-activities, 3-assessment of impacts on three health components, including physical health, metaphysical health, and socio-economic and cultural factors. After assessing negative and positiveeffects, scoring was performed based on a multidisciplinary panel of experts. Results: According to the final scores calculated, most concerns were associated with diarrhealdiseases, intestinal parasites, conjunctiva, and leishmaniasis. On the other hand, preventing and reducingthe likelihood of illness due to lack of awareness and the challenge of new people in the region call forextensive cultural and social planning. Conclusion: Quantitative, accurate, rapid, and reliable results of multilateral approach matrix, were able to predict positive and negative effects, thereby leading to an integrated management solutionsto mitigate the negative impacts and improving the quality of the project. Implementation of the projectproposed was found to be non-problematic while carrying out corrective actions and authorized healthmonitoring program.

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Background and purpose: Pregnancy creates permanent changes in life of women and bringsnew responsibilities which could lead to a great level of stress in women. Stress could result in somecomplications to mother and her neonate during delivery. This study aimed at determining the effect ofcognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based self-management intervention on labor outcome in nulliparouswomen. Materials and methods: This randomized clinical trial was performed in 64 nulliparous womenin Ahvaz, Iran 2016. The subjects were selected using purposive sampling and were assigned into twogroups of case (n=32) and control (n=32). The intervention group attended eight sessions of CBT-basedself-management programme in 28-32 weeks gestational age, while the control group received routineprenatal care. Demographic characteristics were recorded at the beginning of the study and variables oflabor outcome (length of delivery, labor pain, infant’ s Apgar score, the use of oxytocin for augmentation oflabor pain, and satisfaction from delivery process) were recorded using a researcher-made questionnaire. Results: The mean values for pain intensity in the active phase of labor, length of active phaseand second stage of labor, the use of oxytocin for augmentation of labor pain, neonatal Apgar score in 1and 5 min were significantly different in case group compared with those in the control group (P<0. 05). The mean of pain intensity in second stage of labor and length of third stage of labor decreased in theintervention group, but showed no significant differences between the two groups (P>0. 05). Conclusion: According to current study, CBT-based self-management programme couldimprove labor outcome.

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Background and purpose: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is one of the most commonpreventable causes of mental disabilities. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence ofpermanent and transient congenital hypothyroidism in Mazandaran province, Iran. Materials and methods: This retrospective descriptive survey was done based on medicalrecords of children with primary diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism between 2006 and 2014. Results: Until March 2012, 176250 infants were screened for congenital hypothyroidism ofwhom 389 were diagnosed with the disease (1 per 453 births). Among these cases, 169 had permanentCH (1 per 1043 births) and 220 had transient CH (1 per 801 births). Until 2014 a total of 269088newborns was screened by which 548 case of primary congenital hypothyroidism were diagnosed (1 per491 births) but their definitive diagnosis are not available until the next three years. The girl/boy ratio inpermanent CH group was higher than that in transient CH (P=0. 08). Conclusion: This study showed a high prevalence of transient and permanent hypothyroidism inMazandaran, but transient CH was found to be more prevalent. Therefore, the factors affecting thedevelopment of transient CH and its higher incidence among male infants in Mazandaran province arerequired to be specifically investigated in future researches.

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Background and purpose: Airway stenosis is one the most dangerous diseases. Anethumgraveolens L. (Dill) has anti-spastic effect on smooth muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate theeffect of the hydroalcoholic extract of this plant on male rat tracheal smooth muscle contractile activity. Materials and methods: In this experimental study, tracheas of healthy rats were dissected. Weinvestigated the effect of different concentrations of Dill hydroalcoholic extract in presence and absenceof propranolol and L-NAME on reduction of tracheal smooth muscle contraction induced by potassiumchloride. Results: Compared with the negative and positive control groups, the extract of Anethumgraveolens at 5 gr/l significantly decreased tracheal smooth muscle contraction induced by potassiumchloride (P <0. 05). Propranolol and L-NAME did not reduce the antispasmodic effect of Dill extract(P<0. 05). Conclusion: Hydroalcoholic extract of Anethum graveolens could inhibit the tracheal smoothmuscle of rat contractions in a dose-dependent manner, but it seems that β-Adrenergic receptors and NOare not involved in this process.

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Background and purpose: Free radicals play an important role in development of variousdiseases and anti-oxidant compounds could be of great benefit in prevention and treatment of thesediseases. Today, natural antioxidants are more safe and healthier than synthetic ones and are not limitedto terrestrial resources of marine. Algae are found to be rich in antioxidant compounds and this studyaimed at examining the antioxidant properties of Colpomenia sinuosa obtained from Chabahar coasts. Materials and methods: Extraction was performed using 95% methanol. DPPH free radicalscavenging, the activity and reducing power chelated Fe (II) ions were tested in 1, 0. 1, and 0. 01 mg/ml ofthe extract. Results: The highest rates of free radical scavenging DPPH, activity and reducing power chelatedFe (II) ions, were 55. 45± 1. 25%, 90. 11± 2. 83%, and 0. 06± 0. 01 at 1 mg/ml, respectively. Conclusion: The methanolic extract of Colpomenia sinuosa showed good antioxidant properties, especially the type II antioxidants and can be used as supplement or medication after being approved inpreclinical and clinical studies.

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Background and purpose: Acanthamoeba species are ubiquitous amphizoic organisms whichcan cause lethal diseases, such as keratitis and encephalitis in domestic animals and humans. The firststage in studies related to Acanthamoeba is achieving abundant amount of amoebae in culture medium. The aim of this study was to evaluate TYM medium as a rich medium for the diagnosis of Acanthamoebakeratitis in corneal scrapes. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, we used one species of Acanthamoeba thatwas previously genotyped. Acanthamoeba was cultured in five plates of non-nutrient agar (NNA)medium with E. coli without TYM and in five plates of non-nutrient agar containing E. coli and TYM. Amoebae growth was observed for 24 to 48 hours by invert microscope. Results: According to current results using TYM medium increased the growth of trophozoites8. 8 folds and amoebas can be isolated form medium after 24 to 48 hours. Conclusion: Due to the significant growth of Acanthamoeba in NNA improved medium, it isrecommended for agglutination and early detection of Acanthamoeba in clinical and environmentalsamples.

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Background and purpose: Keratocystic odontogenic tumor tends to recur and behave moreaggressively than follicular cysts and dental follicles. Eosinophils are multifunctional leukocytes, but theirrole in oral lesions is controversial. Current study aimed at assessing the density of eosinophils inaggressive odontogenic lesions. Materials and methods: In this descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study, paraffin blockswere obtained from Babol Dental School archives including 16 cases of keratocyst, 19 follicular cyst, and12 dental follicle and their demographic characteristics were extracted. The overall density of eosinophilsand density of eosinophils in adjacent areas and away from odontogenic epithelium were examined inslides stained with Congo red in 10 microscopic fields (40x). Results: Eosinophil density was 0. 08± 0. 3 in dental follicles, 1. 7± 2. 1 in follicular cysts, and6. 14± 5. 6 in keratocystic odontogenic tumors. The eosinophil density in areas adjacent to odontogenicepithelium in keratocyst and follicular cysts was greater than that in areas away from odontogenicepithelium (P>0. 001). Conclusion: Based on current study, eosinophils appear to influence the pathogenesis offollicular cysts and keratocystic odontogenic tumors. Their increased density in keratocysts, especially inthe vicinity of odontogenic epithelium, is effective in its aggressive behavior.

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Background and purpose: Health organizations play a major role in improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of health services, if they have appropriate structures for systematicevaluation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the software systems of the hospital informationsystem (HIS) in Sari Bou-Ali Sina Hospital. Materials and methods: A descriptive-case study was done on the HIS provided by PooyaSamaneh Diva Co. Data was collected using observations and interviewing the head of IT department. Data analysis was done using the evaluation indicators of HIS proposed by Iran Ministry of Health. Results: The HIS in Sari Bou-Ali Sina Hospital consists of 6 software programs and 42subsystems. The software for administrative and financial subsystems had more subgroups while thecentral subsystem had the least number of subgroups. Reporting was not available in management andcentral subsystems. The subsystems for management of information did not have any quantitative orqualitative upgrades according to the needs. Conclusion: The reasons for not paying attention to upgrading the software capabilities are asfollows: not involving the users in designing the software, inadequate training and user awareness ofexpected performances and capabilities, delays in financing, failure to notify the company about the latestinstructions and notifications of the Health Ministry and delays in implementation of the instructions inthe software, and multiplicity of software programs alongside the current HIS.

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Scleromyxedema (SM), a rare progressive cutaneous mucinosis with a systemic involvement, presents with progressive dermal mucin depositions, causing skin thickening. In addition to the skininvolvement and paraproteinemia, patients with SM also have other complications. The systems whichare commonly involved include the gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal, and central nervous systems. Scleromyxedema is difficult to treat. We present a patient with severeScleromyxedema with cutaneous, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and renal manifestations. Followingfailed therapeutic attempts, she responded to treatment with intravenous gammaglobulin (IVIG), prednisolone, and azathioprine. As a result of treatment with IVIG, the patient showed dramaticimprovement in her clinical symptoms and remained in remission throughout the course of combinationIVIG infusions and prednisolone. We concluded that an IVIG-prednisolone combination may be aneffective novel treatment of Scleromyxedema.

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Nosocomial fungal infections are amongst the main causes of mortality in patients admitted tohealthcare settings, especially in immunocompromised populations. The predominant pathogens includeCandida spp., Aspergillus spp., Mucorales spp., and Fusarium spp. Nosocomial fungal infections areincreasing due to the underlying factors in decades ahead. One of the predisposing factors includesimmune system suppressing modalities due to the extensive use of invasive treatments such as stem celltransplantation, organ transplantation, chemotherapy, and immunosuppressive drugs. Infection controlmethods recommended, can avoid catheter-related candidiasis and also minimize exposure to airborneAspergillus spores in immunocompromised patients in hospital settings. Many of these infections can beprevented without advanced equipment and high costs by training healthcare workers in using medicalequipment. Treatment for these infections is costly due to increased length of stay in health settings. Antifungal prophylaxis should be considered in patients at risk of invasive fungal infections during theperiods of severe immunosuppression. In this study the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, andprevention strategies of nosocomial fungal infections have been fully reviewed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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