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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Today, experts believe that human resource management is considered to be the most important factor to achieve competitive advantage. They believe that human resourcesis very important because of its scarcity, value, non-replaceability, and non-imitability. This issue is of particular importance in NAJA, due to its responsibility to establish and maintain the country's order and security, and has led the researcher to address the pathology of human resource management in the organization. This research is applied in terms of purpose hence it seeks to identify and solve the problem of the workplace and in terms of data collection method, it is descriptive-survey method. Furthermore, considering the fact that the researcher evaluates and elaborates human resources management issues in the organization using the deep interview technique and again; The data gathering method is field reporting and the means for collecting is questionnaires and interviews. The statistical population of this research is personnel of NAJA human resources deputy who have been sampled in two stratified random sampling methods and a non-random-purposeful and judgmental sampling method. In order to analyze the information, a binary-based quantitative test method has been used. The results of the research show that based on Human Resource Excellent Model, human resources management in NAJA in the field of human resource strategies (39 points), human resource processes (114 points) and human resource results (60 points), and totally achieved 213 points out of 1000 points And there is a gap between the current and desirable situation.

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The present research is looking for using duty officers as potential expert human resources of variable fields and specialties at the organization. The research is practical in terms of goal and descriptive-analytical in term of method and in term of collecting data, it is based on the questionnaire using Delphi method result. Semi-structured interview has been done with 15 experts based on the purposeful sampling of snow bullets and the data analyzed using qualitative content analysis method and then 62 of 90 earned components, have been confirmed by experts and used for making questionnaire. components classified in three parts: skills, line and staff. The data were analyzed by SPSS22 software. The normality of distribution of data has been analyzed using the Kolmogorov test and randomness analyzed using Z_test, both confirmed with %95 of confidence. Also, validity of the indices ranking was evaluated by chi-square test and Friedman test applied for survey ranking. At the end of the study, the researchers evaluated to a large extent the possibility of the assignment of official employees’ duties in the sector of skill occupations to duty officers. Hairdresser and Cooking were on the top of assignment priorities. Possibility of assignment of queue duties was at moderate level and If the job security of champions accepted with management of organizations, achieve the athletic and commanding jobs vaulted in top level. And in the stuff job the Service element was on top for delegating.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Certainly, human existence as a non-removable part of management, can be considered as the main challenge of managers, therefore, according to scientists and experts, although managers and commanders are responsible for a variety of tasks, leadership is the most important and, at the same time, the most difficult task for them to handle. This study is a descriptive-tracingkind of study. The statistical society is all the staff and directors of the deputy of Human Resources of NAJA (480 people) and its sample size is (215 people) based on the Cochran formula. Considering the following: adopting different leadership styles and positive or negative feedback, and taking advantage of the findings of this research and in order to increase productivity and positive performance in NAJA’ s human resources deputy, consultative and participatory leadership styles should be consideredand magisterialand supportiveleadership styles should not or less be considered. Conclusion is only applicable to the NAJA Human Resources Deputy Commandership and the use of this leadership styles are not recommended for other operational and executive categories. regarding the aboveitems, there is a positive and direct relationship between selecting a suitable leadership style andconsidering the research findings. Which means the leadership style affects employee’ s performance, and, this effect is positivesince β = 0. 203.

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this study is about Intelligence as an attractive and curious concept that has been considered in many disciplines. The purpose of the study was to identify the impact of organizational intelligence on organizational citizenship behavior of managers of QAWAMIN Bank of Tehran City. The population consisted of all the managers of the QAWAMIN Bank in Tehran, numbering 260 people. Sampling was simple random sampling. The sample size was determined 150 persons using the COCHRAN formula. The research method was descriptive-survey and in order to collect the required data, standard organizational intelligence questionnaires were used. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings of the research linear regression test indicated that the dimensions of organizational intelligence (Strategic insight, shared vision, desire for change, passion, performance pressure, unity and agreement, and knowledge use) affect organizational citizenship behavior. In this regard, the directors of the QAWAMIN Bank Tehran Branch can arrange a regular and formalized process to address the problems ahead andrevise the Strategic Plan and take into account the organization's commitment to the referrals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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For every organizational change, there are always traces of resistance. Commitment, satisfaction, and acceptance of changes by employees mainly depend on their personality traits. Therefore, the present study deals with the effects of personality traits of employees on their resistance to organizational change, with the mediating variable being the role of psychological contract. The present study is an applied-descriptive survey. The statistical society consists of all the personnel of KHORAMABAD Police Force. The random sampling method was used. To collect data, the standard NEO-FFI questionnaire was used and 141 participants filled out the questionnaire. To test the research hypotheses, the structural equation modeling was performed by means of the SMART-PLS software. Results of the present study show that the personality traits can affect the employees' readiness for change, up to 36%; the personality traits can affect the psychological contract up to 53%; the psychological contract can affect the employees' readiness for change up to 83%; and finally, the psychological contract, as the mediator, can pave the way for the personality traits of the employees to prepare for change with a probability of 44%. The psychological contract can increase the relationship between the personnel traits of the police force employees and their readiness for the organizational change.

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Shariati jam Hassan

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This study, has been conducted targetingthe strategy compilation of human resources management of information technology an communication depudy of IRI. This study is practical and in terms of description, tracing. The statistical society of this study is 187 from high-level and mid-level managers of the organization. The way the data has been gathering in this study is whole counting and in order to collect the information of statistical society questionnaire, and in order to confirm the justifiability of the structure LIZREL software has been used. Also, the method of confirming factor analysis with suitability test index has been used. Durability of questionnaire is measured 0. 862 using Cronbach alpha test. In order to analyze the data in the article, inner factor evaluating matrix, outer factor evaluating matrix, inner and outer matrix and also threats, opportunities, strength and weaknesses evaluating matrix, has been used. Research findings show that the current situation of the process of the human resources maintenance of the case study deputy is in stage 4th and weakness and risky situation is obvious. So that, this deputy in process of the human resources maintenance, in terms of inner environment suffers relative weakness and also threatened in terms of outer situation. Thus, NAJA information technology and communications deputies, in order to its goals and missions to be happen, should avoid outer environment threats and remove inner environment weaknesses and convert them tostrength and emphasizing defensive strategies, change its process of the human resources maintenance from defensive strategy to offensive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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