This study, has been conducted targetingthe strategy compilation of human resources management of information technology an communication depudy of IRI. This study is practical and in terms of description, tracing. The statistical society of this study is 187 from high-level and mid-level managers of the organization. The way the data has been gathering in this study is whole counting and in order to collect the information of statistical society questionnaire, and in order to confirm the justifiability of the structure LIZREL software has been used. Also, the method of confirming factor analysis with suitability test index has been used. Durability of questionnaire is measured 0. 862 using Cronbach alpha test. In order to analyze the data in the article, inner factor evaluating matrix, outer factor evaluating matrix, inner and outer matrix and also threats, opportunities, strength and weaknesses evaluating matrix, has been used. Research findings show that the current situation of the process of the human resources maintenance of the case study deputy is in stage 4th and weakness and risky situation is obvious. So that, this deputy in process of the human resources maintenance, in terms of inner environment suffers relative weakness and also threatened in terms of outer situation. Thus, NAJA information technology and communications deputies, in order to its goals and missions to be happen, should avoid outer environment threats and remove inner environment weaknesses and convert them tostrength and emphasizing defensive strategies, change its process of the human resources maintenance from defensive strategy to offensive.