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In this study, theophylline sustained release pellets were prepared by pan coating method using different additives (including PVP, acacia, corn starch, avicel PH 101, dicalcium phosphate, sucrose and HPMC) and Eudragit RS 100 and RL 100. Wet granulation and pelletization techniques were used to prepare the initial cores. After determination of physical properties, the prepared particles were coated using Eudragit solutions. Based on the results of dissolution tests, although cores containing dicalcium phosphate, PVP additives and Eudragit RS 100 as the coating agent, did not show the desirable release pattern, but mixtures of pellets with different film thickness, Showed drug release profiles which were comparable with USP criteria.

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In order to optimize the concentration of organic solvent and temperature in method development stage in capillary electrophoresis, the electrophoretic mobility of propranolol in different concentrations of methanol in water-methanol mixtures at 20, 30 and 40°C has been determined. The mobility decreases with an increase in methanol concentration in the mixture, then reaches a minimum value and increases with further increase in methanol concentration at each temperature. The mobility increases with increased temperature and a linear relationship between the logarithm of mobility and reversed absolute temperature has been observed. The obtained experimental data have been fitted to a proposed model calculating the logarithm of mobility with respect to the concentration of solvents in binary solvents and temperatures. The model is:1nµ m,T= ƒc 1n µ c,T+J1 (ƒc ƒW /T) + J2 (ƒc2 ƒw/T)Where µm,T, µc,T and µw,T denote the electrophoretic mobility in mixed solvent, pure cosolvent and water at temperature T, respectively, fe and fware the volume fractions of the cosolvent and water in the mixture and J1-J2 are the model constants. The calculated percentage errors for different numerical analyses are between 4.8 to 6.4 percent. These errors lie within experimental relative standard deviations. The proposed model could help the analyst to speed up the method development in capillary electrophoresis.

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View 1026

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Pectin, a purified carbohydrate, can be obtained from the dilute acid extract of the inner portion of the rind of citrus fruits or from apple pomace. This carbohydrate mainly consists of partially methoxylated polygalacturonic acids. Purified pectin should produce not less than 6.7 percent of methoxy group and 74 percent of galacturonic acid on the basis of dried material. In this reaserch, several different methods of isolation of pectin from Citrus decumana Murry were compared.Extraction methods are included: extraction by HCL, extraction by EDTA, extraction by water, extraction by amonium oxalate. The methods used for precipitation are included: precipitation by ethanol, precipitation by copper sulfate. The percent of methoxy groups and galacturonic acid have been discussed. Indentification of produced pectin has been on the basis of United States Pharmacopeia. The results of IR spectra of standard and extracted pectin were also compared. The highest percentage of obtained pectin was 17.62% which was extracted by HCl and precipited by ethanol. The percent of methoxy groups was about 6.58 to 7.79 and the percent of galacturonic acid was about 72.99 to 79.98.

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View 2602

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Shivering occurs for heat production to maintain body temperature within its normal values and causes unexpected effects snch as: dyscom fort because of patients hypotermic, pain, increased oxygen demand, increased CO2 production, increased tidal volume, cardiac output, heart rate, blood pressure and decrease in mixed Venus blood O2 saturation, acidosis, hypoxia and increase in intra occular and intra cranial pressure, wound stretching and dehiscence. since shivering has been reported in %40 of post operative patients and because of above mentioned side effects, two methods for treatment of shivering (pethidin & doxapram) have been studied and compared. In this prospective study, the efficacy of two therapeutic methods for shivering in arterial oxygen saturation has been studied. Patients in anesthetic classes: ASA I & II who had ENT, abdominal surgery, brain and urologic operations and had shivering in post operation period have been treated randomly with 0.33 mg/kg pethidine or 1mg/kg doxapram. Vital signs and SaO2 during shivering and after treatment have been compared with each other and analyzed. Mean SaO2 during shivering was %93.76 and increased to %97.92 with treatment and it was significant (p<0.0001). This increase in pethidine group in comparison with doxapram was greater and significant (p<0.03). Systolic blood pressure has been decreased from 130/41 mmHg (before treatment) to 120/22 mmHg (after treatment) and was significant (p<0.0004) wherese diastolic blood pressure has been decreased from 82/62 mmHg to 79/46 mmHg in which the difference was significant (p<0.0002). These changes were greater in pethidine group than doxapram group. Because of the efficacy of pethidine therapy in increasing SaO2 and decreasing the unexpected cardiovascular response to shivering in comparison with doxapram, we recommend pethidine therapy for shivering in all patients especially with ischemic heart disease and high risk patients.

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic human pathogen, involves in several infections and often in bums, patients with cystic fibrosis and immune-compromised. It produces several siderophores, which play role in the development of bacterial infection. Pyoverd in is formed in iron depletion situation and enhances the iron uptake. In the present study we extracted Pyoverdin from P.aeruginosa (hospital sample) culture media for studding inhibitory effect Pyoverdin Siderophore, produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, on some Species of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia Coli and Klebsiella pneumonia. Quantity of Pyoverdin was determined by U.V. Spectrophotometry method and then, its antibacterial properties were studied by using solvent-solvent extraction and results were compared with standard antibiotics. These investigation showed that Staphylococcus areus more sensitive to Pyoverd in than the others. Finally we determined that inhibitory activity of Pyoverd in diminishes after 2 month storing at 4°C.

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View 1161

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The essential oil of Eryngium bungei Boiss. and Eryngiumcaeruleum M.B. (Umbelliferae) collected from the suburb of Neka, north of Iran, in July 2001, were isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed by means of GC and GC/MS. Twenty nine and twelve components were identified in the oils of Eryngium bungei and Eryngium caeruleum, respectively. The major constituents of the essential oil of the aerial parts of E.bungei were p-cymen-8-o1 (14.1%), methyl 2-decanoate (10.4%), and limonene (8.0%). The major constituents of the essential oil of the aerial parts of E. caeruleum were limonene (52.1 %), β. sesquiphellandrene (8.1%), α-pinene (5.5%) and δ-2-carene (5.3%).

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View 2479

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Background 0.25% Bupivacaine is used as an analgesic drug. Because of the side effects of the Lidocaine, such as permanent and transient nerves lesions, in this study, 0.25% bupivacaine was used in spinal anesthesia. Six hundred spinal anesthesia have been done using hyperbar 0.25% bupivacaine at Sina hospital in Tabriz, from January 2001 to January 2002. Dose of the drug was adjusted based on the hight of patients (4.5-6 ml). The range of ages was between 19 to 92 years. The findings showed that in 593 cases (98.83%) the spinal anesthesia was successful and operation ended completely without any pain. In 7 cases (1.16%) the anesthesia was not successful. Hypotension (BP<100 mmHg) which occurred in 35 patients, was adjusted by giving the ringer's solution and using ephedrine in some case. 23 out of 35 patients had history of BP and 12 patients were NPO for more than 12 hours. Diazepam 5mg IV was used in 65 cases (10.83%). There was no side effect after operations and during patient's follow up. Based on these findings, use of bupivacaine (0.25%) is recommended in spinal anesthesia for lower abdominal surgery.

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View 3929

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Exracts obtained from aerial parts of starchy inflate have been used in Iranian folk medicine in infective, rhumatic and other inflammatory disorders. We previously showed that the systemic administration of the hydroalcoholic extract of the plant have a marked anti-inflammatory effect on carrageenan induced inflammation. In the present study, topical anti- inflammatory activity of total hydroalcoholic exract isolated from aerial parts of stachys inflata was investigated in two inflammatory models in rats, carrageenan induced paw oedema and UV-induced erythema. Administration of gel formulation of Stachys inflate containing 1and 5 percent of the hydro-alcoholic extracts on rat paw following carrageenan injection in hourly interval from 1-4 hours afterwards did not affect the inflammatory responses but the gel formulation and the ethanolic solution of the extract reduced the erythema 4 and 24 hours following UV-exposure. The extract gels (1% and 5%) reduced the erythema from scale 3 in control to 2±0 (p<0.01) and 2.25±0.25 (p<0.05) 4 and 24 hours following 90 seconds UV exposure, respectively. The ethanolic solution of the extract 15 and 30 mg/ml also reduced the erythema to 2.25±0.25 (p<0.01) and 1.8±0.2 (p<0.001) 4hours following UV exposure; respectively. Similary 24 hours after UV exposure the score of erythema was reduced significantly (p<0.001) to 2 and 1.1±0.1 respectively. Additionally non of formulations showed effect on scabiation after 24 hours.

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View 1286

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The effect of sodium lauryl sulfate (an anionic surfactant) on the dissolution rate of diazepam from solid dispersions (pepared by cogrinding technique), physical mixtures and pure drug powders was evaluated. The dissolution rate of diazepam from solid dispersion was measured over 10 hours and compared with physical mixtures and pure drug powder. Different Diazepam-SLS ratios (1:0.25, 1:0.5, 1:1, 1:2, 1:5, 1:10) was selected and the dissolution rate of diazepam from each ofthem was measured. All of the solid dispersions showed higher dissolution rates than the equal ratios of physical mixtures. Physical mixtures also showed higher dissolution rates than pure drug powder. Due to the irritation caused by high concentration of ionic surfactants such as SLS, the 1:1 Diazepam-SLS ratio can be considered as optimum ratio for increasing dissolution rate of diazepam.

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View 1757

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The objective of this study was to investigate the serum copper status in women who use low-dose oral contraceptives (OCPs) containing 0.15 mg levonorgestrol and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol and also in postmenopausal women who take hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In these two case-control studies, one hundred-thrity five healthy nonpregnant-nonlactating women, with a mean age of 32 years (70 were OCPs users and 65 were non-OCP susers) and fifty-nine healthy postmenopausal women, with a mean age of 51 years (29 were under HRT and 30 were untreated) were studied using biochemical procedurs, anthropometric measurments and interview with the subjects. No significant difference was found between either OCPs and non-OCPs users or HRT and non-HRT groups in terms of mean BMI, number of pregnancies and copper intake. Mean serum copper concentration in OCPs users was significantly (P<0.0001) higher than that of non-OCPs users (162.3±36.5 µg/dl vs 112.3±29.6 µg/dl). Mean serum copper concentration in HRT group was also significantly (P<0.002) higher than that of non- HRT group (144.2±25.5 µg/dl vs 122.5±24.9 µg/dl). There was a significant (P<0.0001) relationship between serum copper status and use of OCPs analyzed using X2 test .This test did not show significant relationship in postmenopausal women. No significant correlation was found between serum copper concentration and age, BMI, number of pregnancies and copper intake in all groups. As a conclusion, the serum copper concentration increases in oral contraceptive users and the further evidence was provided by this study indicative of an increase in serum copper concentration of postmenopausal women who take, hormonal replacement therapy.

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Immunogene therapy is one of the recently developed approaches for the potential treatment of leukaemia based on the leukaemic cells engineered to express immune stimulates and returning them to the patient after irradiation. In this case returned cells are expected to act as a vaccine and stimulate the immune system, specially T Iymphocytes. Experiments have shown that expression of either IL-2 or B7.1 molecules have curative effect in murine leukaemia models. Recently, further studies showed that expression of IL-2 and B7.1 molecules together is more curative and reject the neoplastic cells resulting in the survival of up to 100% of the mice. This study aimed to evaluate the potency of recombinant adenovirus IL-2/IRES-B7.1 in expression of two IL-2 and B7.1 molecules simultaneously driven by one promoter and using IRES (internal ribosome entry site) sequence. Adenovirus GFP was used as a marker vector to evaluate the potency of recombinant adenoviruses in infection of the cells and induction of the transgene in mouse leukaemic C1498 cells. Adenovirus delta, a similar vector but without the two genes, was used as the control vector. The expression of B7.1 molecule on the surface of the cells was determined by FACS analysis and secretion of IL-2 was evaluated by ELISA. The results showed that adenovirus GFP can transducer C1498 and induce expression of GFP in these cells. This result indicates that adenovirus vectors can transduce C1498 cells. Adenovirus IL-2/IRESIB7.1 vector infection induces the expression of B7.1 on the surface of about 38% of the cells and also secretion of IL-2 at about 150 pg/m1/106 cells/24 hours by the transduced cells. As the conclusion it can be said that two IL-2 and B7.1 gene can be expressed using a single expression cassette with employing IRES. Additionally, adenovirus vectors transduce C1498 cells and adenovirus IL-2/IRES/B7.1 vector is able to induce the expression and secretion of B7.1 and IL-2 respectively.

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