Spinach is one of the most important leafy vegetables of chenopodiaceae family. This plant is native to Iran and has valuable nutrients. In this research mineral element content (like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, cupper, zinc), protein, total fiber, total fat, oxalic acid, phenolic compounds and fatty acids of seven Iranian spinach cultivars (Arak, Khorram Abad, Shirvan, Bojnourd, Karaj, Varamin and Lahijan) were analyzed and compared. Results showed that Arak cultivar had the highest amount of potassium, calcium and copper; Lahijan cultivar had the highest amount of magnesium and protein, Varamin cultivar had the highest amount of phosphorous, zinc, fiber and fat, Khorram Abad cultvar had the highest amount of iron. The lowest amount of oxalic acid was determined in Karaj and Lahijan cultivars (53.8 mg/ 100 g of fresh weight). Phenolic compounds had significant difference and cultivar Shirvan had the the highest amount of these compounds (110 mg Tanic Acid/gdw). The highest percentage of linolenic acid (w3) and linoleic acid (w6) were belonged to the Arak and Lahijan cultivars, respectively. Therefore Iranian spinach cultivars have considerable amount of minerals, fiber, protein, phenolic compounds, essential fatty acids (linolenic acid (w3) and linoleic acid (w6) and should be used in diet programs.