In this study macaroni was enriched at three levels with thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and iron (as NaFeEDTA, 3H2O and SO4Fe,7H2O) in the range of 4.4-11, 2.64-4.8, 35.2-75, and 28.6-88mg/kg flour respectively. The influence of drying and cooking on the retention of these micronutrients were determined by HPLC. However, same effects on organoleptic characteristics of the samples were also evaluated by thirty in-house panelists.After drying, retention of vitamins, B1, B2 and niacin, were 86.1- 87.32%, 52.54-63.92% and 58.14-76.39% and after cooking were 67.79-73.72%, 71.5-79.08% and 62.80-70.17% respectively. No significant difference was observed in organoleptic characteristics of enriched samples, but the differences between each enriched sample and reference sample were significant (a£0.05).Regarding to the results of the research, enrichment of macaroni with 11mg thiamine, 4.8mg riboflavin, 75mg niacin and 28.6mg iron (SO4Fe, 7H2O) per Kg of flour weight, is recommended.