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During locomotion, human subjects navigate in their environment and choose the direction by means of the internal representation of space that is continuously updated by sensory input. The aim of this study was to assess whether leg proprioceptive information plays a role in the definition of the reference frame for orientation. Eleven male young healthy rights–handed subjects volunteered in these experiments. Unilateral leg vibration muscle was applied during locomotion a long a straight path in these subjects. Vibration was administered either from the onset or in the middle of a seven- step task, under eyes–open (OE) or blindfolded condition. The deviation of the walking trajectory was quantified by the distance of the seventh from the first foot print along the medio–lateral axis. Foot angles and stride lengths were computed for all foot all foot–falls. All deviations from the straight–ahead were accompanied by coherent changes in foot orientation on the ground. Vibration produced a clear–cut deviation from the straight–ahead direction when delivered in the middle of blindfolded locomotion. With EO the deviation was much smaller. A mild deviation was obtained in blindfolded condition when vibration started at the onset of locomotion. Leg proprioceptive plays a major role in the definition of loco motor trajectory.

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View 1608

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Whole body vibration training (WBVT) has been considered as a new method of training that resulted in mechanical stimulation of neuromuscular system. Regarding to the high relationship between neuromuscular system efficacy and dynamic balance that it is an avoidable part of daily activity and sports skill, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of whole body vibration training on dynamic balance in male athletic students. Twenty male athletic students from the departments of physical education and sport science of university of Tehran (age: 20.7±1.03 y, weight: 69.25±6.21 kg, height: 174.5±5.05 cm, BMI: 22.58±3.1) participated in this study while they divided in two control and experimental groups. The dynamic balance measured with the star excursion balance test (SEBT) before applying WBVT. Experimental group participated in whole body vibration training for 10 days (frequency 30 Hz, amplitude 10 mm, in five different body position with two minutes vibration each position and 40 seconds rest). The post-test of SEBT done for two groups afterward. MANOVA, a two way repeated measure ANOVA and dependent t test used to analyze the data. Significant differences shown for dynamic balance after WBVT in five excursions (medial, antro-medial, posterior, postro-lateral and postro-medial). Two groups had a significant difference when all excursions compared in a time. An improvement shown in five excursions (medial %4.69, antro-medial 4.3% posterior %8.6, postro-lateral %6.22 and postro-medial %7.9). WBVT could improve dynamic balance specifically in medial, antro-medial, posterior, postro-lateral and postro-medial excursions.

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View 1561

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The role of trunk muscles especially Transverses abdominis and Multifidus in lumbar spinal stability has been discovered. The Spinal column is a basement for limbs that are inherently unstable and muscular partnership dependent. This partnership depends on the existence of one efficient movement control system that has the potency for precise appointment of spine stability condition and subsequently reactions movement control system. Any changes in this system may cause a LBP in person and vice versa. Therefore it is important that an efficient exercise regimen instruct to train these muscles and improvement function of control system. The purpose of this of single blind randomized controlled trial study is to investigate the efficacy of a specific therapeutic exercise approach based on Pilates exercise on pain and stability of lumbopelvic. 32 nurses between with the non-specific chronic low back pain were randomly entered into control group and Pilate's group. The exercisetraining group undertook six week program of exercises. The quality and perceived intensity of pain were assessed using the visual analogue scales (VAS), McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) and pressure biofeedback to assess stability of lumbopelvic. Data analysis was performed using paired T-Test, Independent T-Test. A significant reduction in pain intensity (P=.0001) and Improved stability (P=.0001) was seen in the training group. The control group showed no significant differences in the same measures post intervention. Between the Pilates and Control groups has significantly difference in pain intensity (P=.0001) and in Improved stability (P=.0001) These data suggest that Pilates’ specific core stability exercise with multiaspect benefits can used as a complement method in non-specific chronic low back pain.

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View 1346

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of massage on the knee extensor muscles fatigue following submaximal isokinetic contractions. Ten male games players (age 22.9±1.7 years, body weight 75.2±6.5 kg, height 182.2±4.2 cm, all values mean ± SD) volunteered to participate in two experimental sessions (massage and rest conditions) one week apart and at the same time of day. On each test day, subjects were performed submaximal isokinetic concentric efforts of the knee extensors at 60°/s, across a 90° range of motion. The subjects relaxed during the passive flexion phase. Fatigue was judged to have occurred when the torque output dropped below 50% PT for three consecutive movements. Subjects then either received massage on the knee extensors or rested for a 15 minute duration. Recovery from fatigue was quantified using peak torque (PT), vertical jump test and perceived recovery scale (VAS). Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 13.0. The data was analyzed using a repeated measure ANOVA and t-test. PT and vertical jump significantly declined following fatigue protocol. There was no significant difference in PT and vertical jump test value change between rest and massage conditions. There was a significant increase in fatigue VAS at the end of fatigue protocol. There was a significant difference in fatigue VAS between massage and rest condition. This study supports the use of massage for helped the subjective feeling of fatigue but there was not enough evidence to conclude that there is an effect of massage on muscle fatigue.

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View 5243

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The present study was designed to compare the effects of physical practice, cognitive imagery accompanied with physical practice, and motivational imagery accompanied with physical practice on performance and learning of the Basketball free throw. Seventy eight female students with no prior experience in the task participated in the study in partial fulfillment of the requirements for their P.E. course. They were assigned in three groups according to the results of Motor Imagery Ability questionnaire, Sport Imagery Questionnaire, and pretest scores. All groups participated in pretest, eighteen sessions of practices and learning tests. The results of variation analysis with repeated measures among groups in acquisition sessions did not show significant difference. The results of one way ANOVA indicated that cognitive imagery group produced better results in retention and transfer tests. In comparison two methods, cognitive function accompanied with physical practice, vs. Motivational imagery accompanied physical practice, and results pointed out that first method improve task optimal learning.

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View 2261

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The purpose of this study was to determine validity and reliability of the Repeated Agility-based anaerobic test (RAAT) and Running- based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). The subjects were selected randomly (n=36) among male P.E students. They performed the RAAT and RAST test. The Wingate anaerobic test also used as criteria test. The data was analyzed by regression pattern (p<0.05). The result showed that the correlation of RAAT and Wingate test wasn’t significant only in absolute and relative minimum power (absolute minimum power p=0.08 r=0.29, relative minimum power p=0.5 r=0.12) but was significant in other variables (absolute maximum power p=0.001 r=0.73, relative maximum power p=0.01 r=0.40, absolute mean power p=0.001 r=0.83, relative mean power p=0.03 r=0.37, Fatigue index r=0.33 p=0.05). On the other hand, the correlation of RAAT and RAST was significant (absolute maximum power r=0.88 p=0.001, relative maximum power p=0.001 r=0.77, absolute mean power r=0.91 p=0.001, relative mean power p=0.001 r=0.80, absolute minimum power r=0.77 p=0.001, relative minimum power p=0.003 r=0.47, Fatigue index r=0.43 p=0.009). Reliability of RAAT and RAST test showed in all aspect (absolute maximum power’s reliability in RAAT r=0.96 p=0.001, absolute maximum power’s reliability in RAST r=0.97 p=0.001). The results showed that the RAAT has sufficient validity. Also the RAAT and RAST test are Reliable.

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View 1407

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of eight weeks resistance training on muscle strength, lean body mass, serum myostatin, GASP-1, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in untrained young men. Sixteen young men (19-26 years) were assigned to resistance training (n=8) or control (n=8) groups. The training protocol consisted of thrice weekly using three sets of eight to ten repetitions at 60-70% of 1RM for whole-body exercises, whereas control group performed no resistance training. Blood sampling, muscular strength test and body composition analysis (DEXA), were performed at 0, 4th and 8th weeks. Myostatin, GASP-1, and IGFBP-3 measured by enzyme immuno assay, wherease IGF-I was determined via immunoradiometric. Result showed that resistance training caused significant increases in muscular strength [between weeks 0 and 4 (P<0.05), and weeks 4 and 8 (P<0.05)], lean body mass [between weeks 0 and 8 (P<0.05)] and GASP-1 [between weeks 0 and 8 (P<0.05)], whereas myostatin were decreased [between weeks 0 and 4 (P<0.05), and weeks 4 and 8 (P<0.05)]. But significant change in serum levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 did not observe. The findings of this study suggest that 8 weeks resistance training does not alter serum levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3, and decreasing myostatin production and inhibitation of its function by GASP-1 may play important role in increasing muscle strength and muscle mass which induced by resistance training.

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View 1149

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Studies have shown that exercise can increase bone density, but there is still uncertainty about the type and the intensity of exercise that provides maximum anabolic stimulus to bone. The purpose of this study was the study of bone mineral density among elite, female athletes in endurance, sprint and strength fields. Subjects comprised 32 elite female athletes, 11 endurance runners (3000 and 5000m), 10 sprinters (100 and 200m), 11 body builders and 10 non athlete controls aged 20-30 years. The athletes previously had at least 4years regular activity in their fields. The non athletes had not any regular physical activity before. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine and femoral neck was measured by DEXA. Data analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA and DUNNET POST HOC, a=0.05). Results are shown that body builders had significantly higher BMD at femoral neck Compared with all group (P=0.000, P=0.000, P=0.000). Between endurance runners and non athletes did not significantly differ (P=0.342), while sprinters had significantly higher BMD than endurance runners and non athletes at this site (P=0.001, P=0.000). At lumbar spine, endurance runners had significantly lower BMD, compared with all groups (P=0.037, P=0.000, P=0.008), but between body builders and sprinters ((P=0.48) also sprinter and non athletes did not differ (P=0.571), while body builders had significantly higher BMD at this site compared with non athletes (P=0.004). Our results provide further support for the concept that the type and Mode of exercise.

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View 1267

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The aim of the present research was to determine the effect of time course water aerobic training on the morphology of left ventricle in middle–aged men. Thirty members of the academic staff, with Mean (SE) age of 46.5±1.7yr, weight of 82.5±1.2kg, height of 173±1.5cm, who did not have any cardiovascular or particular diseases, were randomly selected for the purpose of this study. Then they were divided into two experimental and control groups each group was composed of 15 members. The training program of the experimental group included upper and lower extremity exercises as well as running and walking in water with the intensity of 65-75% HR reserve (Karvonen protocol). They all were given those exercises three times in a week over three months. To investigate the effects of training on cardiac morphology, subjects were evaluated both at the beginning and ending of each month, their LEVDD, LVESD, IVST, PWT, LVM were tested via the bi-dimensional and Doppler echo-cardiography. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was employed to detect any possible changes in each variable as a result of training. The benfruni post-hoc procedure was used for specific comparison, with the level of statistical significance at p<0.05. The results indicated that this type of training in short term period showed significant changes in LVEDD (p<0.05). Furthermore, the results did not reveal any significant changes in LVESD, IVST. Besides, the changes in PWT and LVM was significant in the tertiary period after three months (p<0.05). The present study has shown As regards the obtained results it could be concluded that: water aerobic training as a compound exercise with the volume overload can be a suitable choice for the middle aged men who were not able to conduct activities on land.

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The purpose of this research was identify and priority of the problems and obstruction of research in physical education in education ministry of Iran. The population in this research consisted of 546 physical education masters whom are employed in the ministry of learning and education of Iran, according to this educational year's statistics. 64 present of this people, about 360 of them, are selected as the statistic research examples. This is a descriptive type of research in which the data are collected by the field method. The necessary information has been collected through the library study and questionnaire. In the way of structuring the questionnaire, firstly the primary information collected in DELPHI way then the schemed questions in questionnaire was analyzed FACTOR ANALASIS and related tests. In this research reliability of the questionnaire has been checked by the CRONBACH ALPHA procedure resulting in 88 present for the whole questionnaire. To analyze the data in this research, DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC methods and FACTOR ANALASIS, have been utilized. The important facts discovered by this research proved that financial, organizational, private-social and also professional elements, by pointy are limiting the research and developments which are to be made in physical education field of Education Ministry. Also, from organizational elements, the relation and cooperation of the physical education system with other international sports science centers, from financial elements, the situation of providing facilities for researchers for researchers to attend the international seminars, from professional elements, the level of English knowledge between researches for using foreign sources, from private-social elements, the situation of training the expert researchers in this field by universities are the most limiting factors in physical education system of society.

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View 2193

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In the present research the relationship between organization culture and effectiveness in Physical Education Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran by the use of Denison’s organization culture theory and model is studied. Then the research results are compared whit same researches in other countries. This research was descriptive-correlative survey, as well as field work. The statistical population of the research consists of all staffs and managers of different levels of under studied organization that selected randomly. In order to gather data, Denison organization culture survey (DOCS) instrument is used and for data analysis descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation…) and inferential statistics (Correlation Coefficient, Correlation Matrix…) are used. Result show that in this organization there is meaningful relationship between organization culture and effectiveness (r=.78, p<.01) Overall result support the idea that there is a close relationship between organizational culture and effectiveness and indicate that Denison’s model can be used as a diagnostic tools to understand organization culture and it’s impacts on different dimensions of effectiveness in physical education organization of Islamic republic of Iran.

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View 1715

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The main purpose of this study was to describe the status of teaching and operation of physical education course in the first three grades of elementary schools of Iran. The samples of this research were 796 men and 325 women teachers, and 691 men, and 500 women principals that selected randomly from schools of fifteen, provinces, which divided to five regions according to their geographical locations. A researcher made questionnaire was used as instruments to collect data from teachers and principals. The Validity of questionnaire was evaluated by 15 physical education experts. The descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the descriptive data and intended hypotheses. The result showed that:1- The majority of teachers and principals had diploma or two years college degree.2- About %70 of teachers were not specialist in physical education.3- The majority of teachers (%25 men and %20 women) had teachingexperience between (1-3 years) and principals between (5–10 years).4- The majority of teacher (under %50) acquainted with behavioral objectives and used them in lesson plan.5- About %40 of teachers emphasized on fundamental movements and plays in their teaching.6- About %58 of teacher used lesson plan for their teaching.7- Under%50 of teacher assigned grade on the basis of fulfillment of behavioral objectives.8- About %78 of teachers used school yards for teaching physical education course.9- About %27 of teachers assigned (%60-%80) of grade for increasing of physical fitness.10- About %37 of teachers agreed upon using integrated physical education method for their teaching.

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View 6509

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate on the relationship between physical activity with burn-out and achievement motivation in Physical Education Organization of Islamic republic of Iran sport experts. This study methodology is a kind of correlation between different variances. Statistical population of this study was 571 sport experts in physical education organization. The measurement tool of this study were 1-Beacke physical activity questionnaire 2-Maslash burn-out questionnaire3-Hermanes’ achievement motivation questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were evaluated before the distribution. The study result base on collected (280) questionnaire revealed that: The average physical activity and achievement motivation of the participants were higher than moderate. The total burn-out score of more than half of the participants was at the moderate level. The total score of physical activity and physical activity in leisure time had 27 percent of prediction power of burn-out. In short, the study results showed that playing sport and physical activity are useful and effective ways to decrease burn-out and must be more paid attention in different organizations managers and staff.

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The aim of this study was to survey of motivational and hygienic factors of Tehran high schools physical education teachers based on Herzberg tow factor theory. 68 subjects (N=850) (age average was 40, approximately 60 percent male and 40 percent female) were selected with random sampling method. Data was collected by standard questionnaire (Dant1996). Data analyses were used by Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Independent sample T test and Anova. There was no significant difference between male and female job motivation. There was significant difference between male and female motivational factors but no significant difference between their hygienic factors. There was no significant correlation between job motivation and age, also no significant correlation between motivational and hygienic factors with age. There was no significant difference on job motivation of people with different educational level. There was significant difference between motivational factors and educational level but no significant difference between their hygienic factors.Conclusion: personal variables such as age, gender and educational level rarely influence job motivation and hygienic factors but motivational factors could affect by these factors.

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View 1163

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