Introduction: A potential limitation of current ACL injury prevention training may be a deficit in the transfer of conscious, optimal movement strategies rehearsed during training sessions to automatic movements required for athletic activities. Instructional strategies with an internal focus of attention have traditionally been utilized, but may not be optimal for the acquisition of the control of complex motor skills. Conversely, external-focus instructional strategies may enhance skill acquisition more efficiently and increase the transfer of improved motor skills to sports activities Objective: The purpose of the current study was investigation of the effect of feedback training utilizing external focus of attention on kinetic, kinematic, and functional factors of active subjects. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four males (aged 24. 83± 2. 77 years, BMI 22. 20± 1. 8 kg/m2, and weight 72. 20± 9. 30 kg) were randomly assigned to feedback (n=12) and control (n=12) groups. The Feedback group completed training 3 times a week for 8 weeks; training lasted 45 min in each session. Peak knee flexion angle was measured using 3D motion analysis during landing, peak vertical and posterior ground reaction force was measured using force plate set, and functional movement was measured using triple hop test. For data analysis repeated measures analysis of variance, independent-sample, and paired t tests were used. Findings: Results revealed that feedback training caused significantly increased peak knee flexion angle (p=0. 001, pre=44. 88± 4. 89, post=51. 26± 4. 80, effect size=1. 266), increased functional movement of subjects (p=0. 006, pre=5. 11± . 51, post=5. 21± . 49, effect size=0. 911), and decreased peek posterior ground reaction force (p=0. 011, pre=-303± 55. 39, post=-271± 45. 83, effect size=0. 877). There was no significant effect in peak vertical ground reaction force (p=0. 134, pre=2076± 426. 79, post=1884± 328. 18, effect size=0. 612 ). Conclusion: Given the reported significant effect of training on peak hip abduction moment and functional movement of participants, coaches and athletes recommended that to reduce the risk factors associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury and increase athletic functional performance, feedback training should be used during training sessions.