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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The focus of this research was to present a model for the design, performance as well as evaluation of the instructional entrepreneurship schemes at the universities. To this end, according to the background of the research, the theoretical tenets of the primary components were fist taken into account. These components were arrayed into set structure (the primary model) based on which the researcher could furnish response to the research questions and collect the required data. To do so, a questionnaire of five parts ok devised and after figuring out the face validity and making sure of its validity (0.795), the data (i.e. 269 subjects who were 102 managers and 167 acadenuc members of the universities) were analyzed by drawing upon the desciptive statistics and inferential statistics such as t-test for single samples, Factor Analysis and Agreenment coefficient (P). The results obtained indicated that in order to design. Perform and evaluatie the entrepreneurship schemes, one ought to allow for four main sets of components such as purpose, aim, theoretical foundations, the components of the entrepreneurship scheme and the environmental factors finally, based upon the reearch findings, a model was proposed to design executes, and perform the instructional entrepreneurship schemes, which is borne out by investigating the specialists views.Therfore, with respect to the dire need felt, it is recommended that the universities carrying out the instructional entrepreneurship sehemes utilize.

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The aim of this inquiry is to study the existing amount of knowledge management elements (policies and strategies, leadership, incentives, knowledge acquisition, training, communication). In Isfahan Department of education based on the female teachers points of views. In this descriptive study, the subjects are all high school female teachers aged 1348-85. The data gathered are based on a questionnaire consisting of  21 questions. The questionnaire was prepared by Pastur in 2001. The questions should be answered based on the Likret of degrees. This questionnaire studies six basic elements of knowledge management. The stability of this questionnaire in the study was estimated 0.97. 170 samples were chosen. The results showed that in all the six elements related to knowledge management, the subjects scored lower than average. Also there was a meaningful relationship between some of the subjects' population elements (experience of teaching, educational degree, major) and their score on knowledge management questionnaire.

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The emerging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its development in recent years have provided educational researchers and authorities with a highly resourceful and competent means to revolutionize and improve teaching and learning methods and extend their reforming goals. Deployment of this technology requires comprehensive investigations to recognize weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of our educational system, characterize the existing and desired situations and design master and detailed plans toward educational objectives. The first step in this regard is to distinguish the multi dimensional roles of ICT in socio-cultural and economic situations of our society. Upon justification of these roles, the subsequent studies and research activities can be directed and organized successfully. This paper is an attempt to draw a comprehensive model of ICT roles in our educational system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3843

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In the present study, an attempt is made to provide a needs analysis based on evaluation of high school principals and board of Education staffs familiarity with IT in Isfahan During the academic year of 2004-2005. The needs analysis covers such different categories as computer, information networks, electronic government and computer tools. The research method utilized in the study was a descriptive survey. The population sample was randomly selected (180) from among all high school principals and Board of Education staff in Isfahan during the academic year 2004-2005. The procedure was a structured twenty two item questionnaire prepared by the researcher. The objective was to measure the extent to which high school principals and board of Education staff in Isfahan are familiar with It and / or need to increase their IT literacy. The reliability of questionnaire was estimated, 0.85 and 0.90 respectively. In this study, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the obtained data including: one-variable and independent variable t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the tukey test. The research findings revealed that the degree of Isfahan Board of education staffs knowledge of IT is more than of high school principals concerning information networks, e-government and computer tools. In addition, the results further indicated that the knowledge of subjects on computer was at a peak, while their knowledge about the influence of computer tools was quite low. It was also found that high school teachers and board of education staffs level of needs to training needs to information and e-government was geared to the years of employment. Infact, such need for those with a ten - years employment record was less compared with those with ten, fifteen or even more than 16 years of working experience.

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The interest of researchers and industries and organization managers to understand the characteristics and complexities of employees in the work environment and the need for long - germ investment on human resoures has led to do the most studies in organizational behavior and organizational / industrial psychology on the work environment, and its relation with job satisfaction. Since, work environment has a close relation with job motivation and satisfaction, the main goal of this research is to study the status of work environment of official staff, and its components in branches of Islamic Azad University according their degrees. In this study the, work environment factors were divided into four groups (physical, psychological, organizational, and work itself) and 23 components. The results show that the status of work environment according to all the four factors and most of the components in the capital branches compared with moderate and lower branches, and moderate to big branches in better (P<0.01, P<0.05). However, according to some components of work environment such as, job control, salary, and magnitude of job, ther is not a significant difference between university branches ranked differently.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between organizational climate of high school and teachers' organizational commitment. The aims of the study were a) to determine the differences between the five dimensions of organizational climate (supportive, directive, collegial, committed, disengaged) and also four dimensions of organizational commitment (professional commitment, organizational commitment, attachment to the work values and job involvement) from the teachers' point of views, b) to determine the differences between the dimensions of organizational climate (open/closed) in girls and boys highschools, and c) to determine the relationship between the organizational climate (open / closed) regarding the years of service, gender, academic degrees, course of teaching and type of school. The research method was descriptive - correlational type. The statistical sample consisted of 184 male and female high school teachers. They were selected from among the teachers of five districts of Isfahan through a multistage random sampling. The survey instruments included an organizational climate questionnaire with 33 items and the reliability coefficient of 89 , and an organizational commitment questionnaire with 37 items and the reliability coefficient of 90. The descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analyzing the data. To examine the relationship between the dimensions of organizational climate and the dimensions of teachers' organizational commitment, multivariable regressions, the c2 test, Tukey test (HSD), multivariable variance analysis (Manova), Pearson product-moment were used. The research findings revealed that there is a positive and strong relationship between the organizational climate of school and teachers' organizational commitment. There was also a relatively strong relationship between each aspect of organizational climate (supportive, directive, collegial, committed, disengaged) and teachers' organizational commitment (profressional commitment, organizational commitment, attachment to the work values and job involvement). There were also significant differences between the organizational climate aspects (open / closed) based on gender and years of service, academic degrees and type of school, but no significant difference was observed for course of teaching. There were difference between the organizational climate of school (open / closed) in girls and boys high schools.

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View 1584

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The main purpose of the present research was to evaluate the relationship between personality characteristics and job satisfaction. In this research three personality characteristics (introversion, extroversion and neuroticism) with five aspects of job satisfaction (principalship, organizational climate, economical situations, job development and work envioronment) were under study. The population consisted of all elementary, Junior high school and high school teachers of Masjed Soleiman. (1469 Person) The research method used correlation which is a category of descriptive survey research. A sample size of (230 person) was randomly selected from among the whole population. The instrument ot this study was the Eysenc Personality Test and job satisfaction researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaires was estimated at 0.87 for the personality characteristics and 0.85 for job satisfaction, using Cronbach alpha coefficient. The results showed that the most satisfaction was in the economical domain. The increase in teachers' introversion personality characteristic results in decreased job satisfaction and work environment situations. There is a paradox relationship between extroversion and work environment situations. There was also a significant difference between demographic factors and job satisfaction and no significant difference was observed between demographic factors and personality characteristics with respect to degree, age groups, sex and marital status except in neuroticism aspect in the junior high school and high school. Male teachers are more neurotic than women teachers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1993

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The present study, was a comparative study of Isfahan public and non-public (Non-Profit) high schools relating to the quality of educational practices in 2004-2005 academic year examining seven factors: Principal performance, teacher performance, learning facilities, hygienic factors, counseling and nurturing issues. The research procedure was causal - comparative survey and the researchr questionnaire contained 60 close structured questions arranged with a 5 degree Likert scale the reliability of this questionnaire assessed using Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient for teachers questionnaire was 0.89 and for The student's questionnaire was 0.98. The sampling technique was multistage, and three ot the five districts of Isfahan education were selected randomly. After gathering the data, statistical procedures at two descriptive and inferential levels were employed to analyze the data. At the descriptive level such statistical indicators as frequency tables, percentages, means, standard deviation, variance, and graphs were used and at the inferential level, one-way analysis of variance, single-variable t-test were used to measure the effect of each contributive factor. The results of the study showed that: there were significant differences between principals' and teachers' performance in public and non-public high schools, and principals and teachers in non-profit high schools had the better performance. There wer significant differences between public and non - public high school in: hygienic factors, counseling and nurturing matters. Namely, the educational services in both centers were equal and no significant differences were observed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1544

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This research was aimed to identify and estimate the amount of nutritional consumption and comparing them in the form of pyramid of nutrition guide and its effect on the academic performances and measurement of antropoetric on the primary school students of Ahwaz city. By using cluster sampling from four regions, 28 schools and 140 classes hare been chosen. Among the students chosen were 560 girl and 560 boy students and a total of 1120 students chosen and two questionnaires mere used. The nutrition has been taken in the last 24 hours according to their kind and amounts registered and weight and height of the subjects, hare been measured and other data registered. The data hare been analyzed with the use of SPSS software 11.5 The results show that the mean of weight and height of different ages and gedder of the students with NCHS standard have significant differences (P<0.001) and subjects nutrition arrangement like (balance, appreciativeness), variation and receptivity of basic nutritional materials such as (milk, meat, bread, grains, vegetables, fruit, sweet, and oil) have significant differences in nutitional indexes pyramid (P<0.002). Findings show that students with a mean of about 15 hare a different nutrition with reference to balances,. Appropriateness, variationa and receptivity of nutrition with the indexes pyramid.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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