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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2023

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Homeschooling is defined as educating the child by parents in home environment. In this approach curricula and teaching methods are determined by child and their parent. The current research was aimed at studying the factors influencing on tendency to homeschooling. In this qualitative a sample of 9 families selected based on purposeful sampling and using the snowballing method. Method for gathering data included semi-structured interview and autobiography. Results shoe that economic factors were not considered as an effective to tendency to home schooling from the parent's standpoint. Parents believed that the most important socio-cultural factors affecting the tendency to home schooling were as following, being the competitive climate within schools, lack of the ethical education and human values in school curricula, educational experiences of parents and taking the responsibility from parents. In addition to, parents referred to this reasons as educational and pedagogical factors leading to homeschooling, dissatisfaction with the school curricula, teaching methods and lack of autonomy in learning, attending to the interests and needs of child. Active methods and being opportunities for mutual learning. Centralization and politicization of education also mentioned as influential policies in tendency to home schooling. Results also indicate that tendency of parents to home schooling is not only because of dissatisfaction with schooling, but also because of positive homeschooling factors and incentives.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of understanding the pedagogical activities in high school level in terms of the impact on formation and strengthening the national and religious identity of the teens. For this purpose by using descriptive methods and techniques of content analysis, the pedagogical and religious approved programs for high school in 2011 academic year in relation to religious and national identity symbols were analyzed. The study population comprised all pedagogical programs approved by the Ministry of Education's Deputy. The Quranic Atmosphere Office and the Art and Cultural Office selected for the analysis most likely due to pedagogical programs. The results showed that these programs with the goal of identity of the teenage generation were focused on the symbols of national and religious identity. Although, they were not balanced and have gained the most attention in the fields of national components, symbols of territorial defense, flag, national anthem, poetry and literature. The programs related to national holidays were also limited to the Fajr decade and the anniversary of the liberation of Khorramshahr. The attention level to monuments and historical symbols and Iranian clothes were limited too. In the field of the symbols of religious identity (reflecting the religious values in a religious community) had gained more effects and prominence in comparison with the symbols of national identity. In these applications, the high school pedagogical programs showed the most attention to the Holy Qur'an, obligatory religious rituals, sacrifice and martyrdom. In total, the data indicated more attention of pedagogical programs to religious values compared with the national values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2054

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The present study was attempted to find out about practical strategies for carrying out the approved decentralized system of curriculum planning for the universities from the viewpoints of the faculty members of the field of educational science at those universities in Tehran, which have a faculty member's promotion verification board in 2010. The used research method was a combination of descriptive methods inclusive of document analysis and survey. The statistical samples of 101 faculty members were selected randomly by using the Morgan table out of a total population of 134 faculty members from the universities of Al-Zahra, Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Teachers Education, Tarbiat Modarres and Allameh Tabatabaei. The data collection tool was a researcher developed questionnaire and in analyzing the obtained data, by using the SPSS software, various tests were used such as descriptive statistics tests (mean, standard deviation and different kinds of tables), Inferential statistics (univariate t- test for two independent groups, ANOVA F-test and the corresponding post-hoc tests). The validity of the research tool was confirmed by specialists and the reliability was found with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 91%. The research indicated that the practical strategies for carrying out the approved decentralized system of curriculum planning for the universities were the existence of the culture of teacher- centered curriculum planning, specialized and expertise curriculum planning in the faculty members, personal motivation in professors, establishing suitable financial and credit support mechanisms at universities, creating appropriate organizational structure, educational system of professional guidance and support at universities, appropriate legal mechanisms and the existence of a real belief in the importance of teacher-centered curriculum planning on the side of the faculty members.

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View 1140

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This study was conducted with the aim of recognition and application of new teaching models among the humanities faculty members at Khorasgan Branch of the Islamic Azad University. It was a descriptive-survey and the statistical population was included all of 140 faculty members of humanities.96 participants were selected by random sampling method. The gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, which included 35 Likert-type items assumed to measure the level of recognition and application. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained based on the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.80 in the area of knowledge and 0.84 in the area of application. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation) as well as inferential statistics (single-variable t-test‚ independent t-test‚ variance analysis) for both recognition and application areas. The results indicated that not only the faculty members were familiar with these methods but also they apply these methods in their teachings. The results also revealed that there were significant demographic differences such as years of education and acquaintance‚ but there were no significant demographic differences in terms of faculty and the field of study between those faculty members regarding recognition and application.

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View 2750

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The purpose of the present research was to investigate the role of distance education on human resources development in the doctoral students of Payam Noor University (PNU). The method of the research was descriptive-survey. The statistical population was consisted of 1082 doctoral students of PNU who 132 students were selected as samples by using the random sampling method and Cochran's formula. The required data were collected by using a questionnaire with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.927 for the component of distance education and 0.901 for the component of human resources development. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between distance education and human resources development at a=0.01 (r=0.841). The result of LISREL analysis showed that distance education affected students' knowledge, attitude, skill and behavior as the components of human resources development. Chi-square to df ratio (1.23) was less than three. The value of RMSEA (0.0033) was less than the threshold (a=0.01). P-value (0.321) was greater than the threshold (a=0.05) and the values of GFI (0.92) and AGFI (0.96) were greater than the threshold (0.90). All of them suggested the goodness of fit of the model and further indicated the causal relationship between the distance education and human resources development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1825

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This research has been done with the purpose of studying the effect of home literacy environment, parents positive reading attitude and children's reading interactions at home and school environment on children's positive reading attitude of fourth and fifth grades of elementary school's students. To perform this correlational research, the methods and the required data by using the Chiu and Ko reading dimension questionnaire (2005) were applied from a sample of n=352 students in the fourth and fifth grades of Rafsanjan township through random clustered sampling. The data were analyzed using path analysis method. Results revealed that the direct effect of purposeful reading behavior of parents and family socioeconomic status on parents positive reading attitude was positive and significant. The effect of parent positive reading attitude on children's positive reading attitude and children's reading interactions at home environment was positive and significant but on reading interactions in school was not significant. Results also revealed that the reading interactions at home and school environment had a significant effect on creation of children's positive reading attitude, and the effect of reading interactions at home environment was stronger too. Other results revealed that mother's positive reading attitude played a more important role in increasing of reading interactions and creation of children's positive reading attitude at home environment with regard to the father's attitude.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1938

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This research was conducted with the aim of content analysis of science textbook of the elementary school fifth grade based on Dewey's problem-solving model. The general approach of textbook for problem solving process was performed by using William Romei technique, and two checklists were used with 87.5% reliability to investigate stages and necessary skills in lessons. The results showed that stages and skills of problem solving have not been considered sufficiently in the science textbook. Only three out of eleven lessons of the textbook have conformity with problem solving stages in the framework of content presentation and its activities in the field of organizing the content-based problem solving stages of Dewey. Therefore, organizing the content structure of the textbook did not provide the opportunity for teaching in problem solving method. In the field of necessary problem solving skills, have not been uniformly applied in the textbook and the essential skills were categorized in ten different types. They were including observational skills, classification, measurement, tools application, information gathering, hypothesis and prediction, discussion on the results and findings, selection of variables, communication, evaluation and the design of research. Considerable differences were observed in their frequencies and the differences included the frequency spectrum of 0 to 37. Meanwhile, the most attention was paid to the skills of interpretation, inference and conclusion and the least attention was paid to variables of recognition and assessment skills.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 11254

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The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between Kolb's learning styles, personality traits and academic performance among the university students. Method of research was correlation and the research population was consisted of 3145 students of Kermanshah Razi University. There were 320 students among them from different majors (196 female students and 124 male students) who were selected by using Krejcie and Morgan sample size table and by cluster random sampling method. Assessment tools were consisted of short form of NEO Personality Inventory and Kolb's learning styles inventory. Students' mean scores were used to measure academic performance. Data were analyzed by using Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that there were significant relationships between learning styles and personality traits of the students with academic performance and each of the learning styles of students with certain personality traits were associated (p<0.01 and p<0.05). Stepwise regression analysis showed that there were significant multiple correlation between personality traits of neuroticism and conscientiousness, and learning styles of abstract conceptualization and active experimentation with academic performance (p<0.01) and the most predictive variables for academic performance of students who were able to explain 28% of the variance in academic performance. These results would be discussed in more details in this paper.

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View 1828

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This research was carried out in 2011 to evaluate the amount of professors' readiness to use E-learning in training–learning process according to descriptive survey method (field study). The statistical population was consisted of 140 faculty member of Payam Noor University of Mazandaran. Among them, 103 persons were selected randomly as samples according to Krejcie -Morgan table. For data collection, the researcher-made questionnaire was used. For data validity, the professors' judgment in this field was considered and the questionnaire reliability was 0.80, calculated according to Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was performed by using the means of descriptive and inferential statistics (t-test, one way variance). The results of this study showed that the rate of using E-learning environments by professors, their knowledge to work in these environments and their accessibility to these environments were at intermediate level, their skill rate to work in these environments were low and their attitude and belief to E-learning effectiveness in training and learning process were high.

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The aim of this study was the investigation for detection of the characteristics of global citizenship in primary school social studies curriculum. For this purpose, the researcher specified the characteristics and features of a global citizenship and then studied the content of social studies curriculum of primary school. As the first task, a descriptive method and for the second one, content analysis was used. For having a definite aim, the researcher selected social studies' textbooks of the fourth and the fifth grades and conducted content analysis to collect data. The researcher used the lists of analysis of lessons' objectives, student and teachers textbooks content analysis lists and picture analysis drafts. Then, based on theoretical principles and legislative based on the proposal, the validity was determined by educational experts and some other related specialists. Each sentient in lesson objectives, student and teachers textbooks as well as pictures in textbooks were analyzed. Based on the content analysis, the most important results indicated that in general, the qualities of global citizenship in curriculum developing of social studies in Iran primary schools were taken in to account at the rate of 10.20, 6.10 and 3.15 percent in cognitive domain, psychomotor domain and affective domain aspects, respectively. This issue showed that there was little consideration for the qualities of global citizenship in social studies curriculum. The results of picture analysis showed a rate of 30 percent attention to the qualities of global citizenship in social studies curriculum.

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This study was conducted with the aim of Preschool curriculum assessment under the supervision of education organization from the viewpoints of principals and educators of Isfahan in the academic year of 2009. The research method was descriptive-survey and the statistical population was consisted of all principals (40) and educators (506) of Isfahan preschools.140 educators and 37 principals were selected through cluster sampling and census method, respectively. A researcher-made questionnaire with 6 basic questions and 36 speeches based on Likert scale was used for data collection. The questionnaire reliability coefficient was 0.92 based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data were analyzed at two levels of descriptive statistics (percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (t-univariate test, Friedman test and ANOVA). The results showed the curriculum needs for health and safety (mean=4.59), language skills (mean=4.55), citizenship culture (mean=4.42), art and creativity (mean=4.09), physical education (mean=4.06) and religious education (mean=3.87) were above the average. Therefore, the requirement to curriculum was more than average level by the point of view of the principals and educators.

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View 3321

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the required competencies and skills for the agricultural vocational teachers by using the Delphi method. This descriptive survey was conducted by using the Delphi method. The population of this study was consisted of the teachers in Mehregan, Qasre shirin, Bisotoon, Ravansar, Songhor and Eslam abad agricultural vocational schools in Kermanshah Province. The numbers of 22 expert members were selected as samples by using the purposeful sampling method. Three rounds were employed for conducting Delphi method. Data were collected through questionnaire and then were analyzed by using mean and descriptive statistics. The findings indicated that the group of experts identified 40 required competencies and skills for agricultural vocational teachers, such as: having agriculture experiences and skills, having knowledge of agriculture, using a variety of teaching techniques and entrepreneurial intention. Then, competencies and skills were categorized into three main and six sub-ordinary categories: professional competencies (instruction, management and planning competencies), personal competencies (individual and social competencies) and professional skills (agricultural scientific and practical skills). Finally, it was introduced a model with identified competencies and skills for the agriculture vocational education teachers.

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