Fried foods are high in fat and cause many human health problems. The use of edible coatings is a suitable method to reduce oil uptake in fried foods. In this study the effect of gum arabic and soybean soluble polysaccharide, as coating agents, with concentration (1, 3, 5 w/v%) and also immersion times of strips in coating solutions (2 and 4 minutes), temperatures (170, 180, 190oC), and time of frying (5, 6, 7 minutes) on moisture, oil uptake, color, crispiness and organoleptic characteristics of french fries were evaluated, using Response Surface Methodology. The findings showed that the effects of experimental variables on moisture content, color parameters, hardness and oil content of french fried were Significant (p < 0.01). The moisture content decreased with increasing temperature and frying time, but the amount of oil uptake and hardness increased. Results indicated that coated french fries resulted better product in oil uptake, as gum arabic and soybean soluble polysaccharide (5% solution and 2 min immersion) and fried in 170oC for 6 min showed the lowest oil content (18.09 and 18.12 %, respectively) and reduced oil uptake of french fries up to 31.13% and 33.55%, respectively. Additionally, color and sensory properties in french fries that were prepared with gum arabic and soybean soluble polysaccharide coating were not significantly different than French fries without coating. According to the results of this study, soybean soluble polysaccharide can be considered as suitable and competitive coating material with gum arabic to reduce oil uptake of french fries.