In order to study the effect of two different types of natural zeolite included in broilers diet on the blood biochemical parameters, relative weights of the intemal organs and their production potential, a research was conducted in a completely randomized design using 2*4 factorial arrangement, consisting of eight treatments each in four replicates. The total numbers of chicks used in this experiment was 640 commercial hybrids of Arboe Acers and 20-day-old chicks of mixed sex were allotted to each replication. The experimental rations of the three rearing phasese (starter, grower and finisher) was prepared using the two types of natural zeolites (Clinoptilolite, and Heulandite) in the different levels (0,2,4 and 6 percent). The metabolizable energy, protein and the other nutrient content of these rations were similar. The biochemical factors of blood including glucos, cholesterol, tricylceried, calcium, phosphorus, protein, albumin, cratinine and enzymatic activities of aspartat trasaminase (AST) and alkalin phosphatase (ALP) were measured at 21, 24 and 49 days of ege. The relative weight of the organs (proventriculus, gizzard, liver, heart, spleen and kidneys) in the above ages and the characteristics including weight, feed intake, feed convertion ratio were measured weekly and at the end of each rearing period. In order to study the economical effect of the experimental rations at the end of 3, 6, 7 and 8 th weeks of experiment the feed expenditure for one kg weight and production index in various treatment were calculated and compared with each other. The results of statistical analysis of data obtained indicated that there was no significant effect of types of zeolite on the broilers blood biochemical parameters. whereas the amount of glucose, protein content and the enzymatic activity of AST and ALP were effected by the zeolite levels. By increased the level of zeolite the glucose content decreased (p<0.05) but the protein content of blood increased significantly (p<0.01). The effects of zeolite type on relative weight of body organs in two sexes were different. Proventriculus relative weight (p<0.05), liver, spleen and kidneys relative weight (p<0.01) in male sex decreased by clinoptilolite Zeolite type had not significant effect on relative weight of all organs except gizzard that was significant at (p<0/01). Effect of zeolite level on spleen relative weight (p<0.01) and kidneys (p<0.05) in female were significant. In all rearing period two type of zeolite had no significant effect on broilers performance, but zeolite level in all steps had significant effect on weight gain and in 21, 42 and 49 days had significant effect on feed intake. Weight gain in all period had increased by increasing the level of zeolite in experimental diets. Zeolite type had no significant effect on production index but zeolite levels in all period had significant effect on production index and in 49 and 56 days production index in all diet with zeolite were higher than control groups.