Qazaan reserve covers an area of 5066 hectares, situated in the southern part of Kashan. This ecological area consists variety of habitats, including: plains, rocky slopes, debris and streams. Maximum and minimum elevation of study area varies from 3550 to 1600 m above level sea. Mean annual rain and temperature is 181.5 mm and 6.8˚C, respectively. A commented list of the plants of Qazaan reserve area is presented. 398 plant species are reported from the area. They are including two families of Pteridophyta, (Equisetaceae, Adiantaceae) and 396 Angiosperms (including 348 Dicotyledons, 48 Monocotyledons).Altogether, 61 families and 264 genera are known from the area. The families with high number of species are including, Compositae (54 species), Labiatae (41 species), Gramineae (38 species), Cruciferae (29 species), Umbelliferae and Caryophyllaceae (each with 21 species). 312 species (78.5%) are endemincs of Irano - Turanian region, of these 39 species are endemics of Iran, three species Astragalus eriostomus, Cousinia Kashanensis and Ferula kashanica are endemics of Qazaan reserve of Kashan. Therophytes with 147 species (36.9%), Hemicryptophytes with 141 species (35.4%), Chamephytes with 33 species (8.2%), Phanerophytes with 43 species (10.8%) and Geophytes with 34 species (8.5%) are the most important life forms of the reserve.