The main aim of this research was to assess the effects of psychological training program on Mental health and related issues. This research is a semi-experimental method with pretest- posttest and a control group. The population consists of all the Basketball players from Iranian superleague Basketball clubs. Who were around 150 players. Two teams was selected due to the similarity as the experience group and control group. The measure to assess the personality profile was the MMPI-2RF which consists of Validity scales 4 profile including clinical, somatic/cognitive and internalizing scales externalizing, lnterpersonal and interest scales and Psy5scales.This invertory consists of 338 questions and showed high validity and reliability coefitient (<0.86). The inventory was admissioned to the subjects before and after the intervention was applied. Through Covariance analysis data were analyzed. The results revealed that the intervention concludes to aggravation in subscales e.g., emotional/internalizaing dysfunction, Thought dysfunction, demoralization Somatic complaints, low positive emotions, Ideas of persecution, malaise, Cognitive complaints, Helplessness/Hopelessness, stress/worry, Anxiety, Substance abuse, family problems, Interpersonal passivity, Social avoidance, disaffiliativeness, Aesthetic literary interests, psychoticism, Negative emotionality/neuroticism in experimental group.