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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research performed to study correlation between time management and work-family conflict, family-work conflict with khuzestan cement factory’s personnel profit in 2010-2011. In this research, time management and work-family conflict, family-work conflict and their small scale chose as a predict variable and personnel productivity chose as a standard (check) variable.The research sample were 217 person of khuzestan cement factory choose by classifactory sampling method.This research is a descriptive applied research, and data analysis method is the correlationship that accounted simple and multiple correlation coeficients of predict variables and standard variables. All of the research theorys are bilateral (two-sided).In this research, it used behaviors of time management questionnaires (macan), work-family conflict questionnaires carlson) and personal productivity questionnaire (achieve) to collect necessary information.The results show that: there is simple and multiple interrelation between predict variables and standard variables.There is a positive meanningful relation between time management and productivity, and a negative meanningful relation between work-family conflict, family-work conflict and productivity. The other achievenent of this research was that, out of small scales of time management (meeting management, relations management, operational planning, goals prioritize, targeting and entrustment) just show between two small scale of goals prioritize, and entrustment with productivity, and between small scales of work to family conflict (the conflict based on time, intolerability, and based on behavior with productivity, and from small scales of family to work conflict (conflict based on time), based on intoerability and based on behavior). all of three with productivity showed a simple and mutiple unity.

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The research purpose is to investigate the relationship between happiness and coping styles, family environment among university students therefore, 364 students (181 male and 183 female) were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. The tools employed were, The coping styles questionnaires, Oxford and Argail happiness questionnaires and family environment questionnaires inventory, The data analyzed by multi-variable regression analysis showed that among coping styles, family environment and happiness is positively, significantly correlated and conclude among emotional-Focused styles and family environment components (solidarity, organization) and happiness is positively correlated, However among conflict and happiness is negatively correlated.

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This research is written base on the goal of determination the relationship between students study methods and achievement motivation with time management. For this matter, 341 high school girls were selected through the students of districts 2 and 4 of Tehran via cluster random sampling method. Also these 3 questionnaires: A) Study methods B) Herman's achievement motivation C) Time management, were distributed through them and finally the results were analyzed with several variables regression and Pierson Correlation methods. The results demonstrate that all of these three hypotheses are correct and it defined that there are a relationship between students study methods and achievement motivation, student's achievement motivation and time management, students study methods and time management. And it declared that the exploratory studies methods and careful reading have had the most affect on student's achievement motivation and time management as well. While, only 39.47% of students use these careful reading methods and it represent the students have not enough knowledge about the benefits of study methods and half of them are a bit familiar with time management skills.

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This research intend to investigate the impact of happiness training through the cognitive, behavioral method of Fordyce on the mental health and emotional intelligence of university students. In so doing، at first a sample consisting of 500 students were randomly selected from various faculties. The selected student were then tested by the General Health questionnaire. Then 70 student who had obtained high scores in the and supperin prom low mental health، were randomly selected, and then divide into two groups of 5: an experimental group and emotional intelligence test of petraidz and Farenham. Later، the experimental group received happiness training during 8 sessions that each lasted 120 minutes and the members of control group continued their normal daily lives. Then، both groups participated in a post-test and were tested by the 3 afore-mentioned tests. In order to make sure about the consistency of training effect, both groups were reassessed 3 months later. The obtained data were analyzed through the statistical method of multivariable covariance and Spss-15 statistical software. The obtained results revealed that happiness training increases the emotional intelligence and mental health of students. Moreover, the difference between the experimental and control group in both variables was significant، however happiness training did not reveal a significant difference in the emotional intelligence and mental health of males and females as two different genders.

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This study aimed to determine the role of emotional creativity and cognitive creative representation of the metacognitive skills. Statistical Society of Islamic Azad University Garmsar Branch, all students in the school year were 1388-1389. Using multistage random sampling of students in 400 different fields was selected. Research tools include questionnaire, metacognitive skills, Manavipour and Rohani, Abedi creativity testing and scale emotional creativity. Results showed that between creativity cognitive and emotional creativity there is a significant correlation. Cognitive Creativity 28 percent, and emotional creativity 48 percent of the variance of metacognition skills to explain. Regression results showed that 62 percent of the variance of metacognitive skills, creativity cognitive and emotional creativity representation of there. The comparison revealed that the role of metacognitive skills, creativity, emotional, cognitive creativity more. To the extent able to explain 20 percent more metacogitive skills are.

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Aim: This research was studied the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy in academic self perception and behavioral self perception of children with ADHD. Using the quasi experiment design on children with ADHD in third, fourth and fifth grade of Tehran primary school in 40 students (20 students in control and 20 students in experiment group) between the ages of 9-11 was chosen. Then for experiment group, a cognitive behavioral therapy program for 19 sessions and as the same for control group of the program of free painting was conducted. For the aim of studying the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy, the Harter's self perception of pretest and post-test questionnaire was used. Covariance analysis showed that the academic self perception and behavioral self perception in the experiment group had a reduction in comparison of control group after using the treatment program. This means that the cognitive behavioral therapy program affected on children with ADHD and this caused the reduction of false self perception in the children.Conclusion: The treatment program can be useful for improving the self conception in students with ADHD.

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The purpose of this study has considerling practicality، reliability، validity and norm finding of individual adjustment among a sample group of 480 students. The sample were selected by nonrandom method. The questionnaire was used in this study is made of 90 question. Two questions of the 90 question were omitted. The reliability coefficient of Cronbach،s Alpha was equal to 0.879. In order to determine inventory validity the principle component analysis was used. Results showed that 12 fectors determine 34.600 of the whole variance of variables. These factors are as follows: 1) Confidence, 2) Stress tolerance, 3) Satisfaction of others, 4) Individual liberty, 5) Social support, 6) Ability to communicate, 7) Positive self-concept, 8) Flexibility, 9) Independence, 10) Emotional self-awareness, 11) Van nose, 12) Their understanding and acceptance. The scale was correlated with the mental health test. The overall coefficient between the two scale is 0.157 and four factors of-Confidence, Stress tolerance, Satisfaction of others, Individual liberty are statistically significant. Finally two kinds of percentile and categorical norms. Have been provided.

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The main aim of this research was to assess the effects of psychological training program on Mental health and related issues. This research is a semi-experimental method with pretest- posttest and a control group. The population consists of all the Basketball players from Iranian superleague Basketball clubs. Who were around 150 players. Two teams was selected due to the similarity as the experience group and control group. The measure to assess the personality profile was the MMPI-2RF which consists of Validity scales 4 profile including clinical, somatic/cognitive and internalizing scales externalizing, lnterpersonal and interest scales and Psy5scales.This invertory consists of 338 questions and showed high validity and reliability coefitient (<0.86). The inventory was admissioned to the subjects before and after the intervention was applied. Through Covariance analysis data were analyzed. The results revealed that the intervention concludes to aggravation in subscales e.g., emotional/internalizaing dysfunction, Thought dysfunction, demoralization Somatic complaints, low positive emotions, Ideas of persecution, malaise, Cognitive complaints, Helplessness/Hopelessness, stress/worry, Anxiety, Substance abuse, family problems, Interpersonal passivity, Social avoidance, disaffiliativeness, Aesthetic literary interests, psychoticism, Negative emotionality/neuroticism in experimental group.

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View 1283

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homosexuality has been existing from the beginning of history along with the human being. We can find references to this phenomenon in the world of literature and art in very ancient times. the issue of sexual orientation is not new and dates back to the time of Socrates and Plato. That problem that wich of psychological factors and biological factors are more crucial in the etiology of the phenomenon، has always been the cause of much debate. This paper reviews the Epidemiology of the phenomenon and psychopathological factors from different points of views.

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