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Background and Objectives: Inflammation plays important roles in development of several chronic diseases, including cognitive functions. Neuritis in the brain can lead to decreased cognitive function in elderly people. Diet is one of the factors affecting inflammation. The empirical dietary inflammatory index is a novel tool that assesses the overall inflammatory potential of diets by generating experimental scores based on the food groups. The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between the empirical dietary inflammatory index and the cognitive function status in elderly people of Tehran, Iran. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 173 literate (at least the end of primary school) elderly participants (60+ years), referring to the health centers of retirement houses in five districts of Tehran, 2019. General questionnaire, food frequency and mini-mental state examination were completed using interviews. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS Software. Results: In this study, relationships between the empirical dietary inflammatory index and the classifications of this index was assessed using the statuses of cognitive function. However, no statistically significant relationships were seen between these categories and the statuses of cognitive function. Vitamin D supplementation (monthly), waist circumference and economic status were significantly associated to cognitive function (p < 0. 05). Conclusion: In the present study, no statistically significant relationships were reported between the experimental inflammatory index of diets and cognitive function statuses of elderly people aged 60 years or older.

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Background and Objectives: High intakes of saturated and trans fatty acids can increase risks of cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Therefore, removal of partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils containing trans fatty acids has been suggested as one of the most effective health interventions. The aim of the current study was to investigate the policy effects of decreasing trans fatty acids in partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils as well as increasing intakes of unsaturated fatty acids through the introduction of novel products into the market and assessing the averages intake of saturated and trans fatty acids by households of capital cities in West Azerbaijan, Fars, Khuzestan, Lorestan, Semnan and South Khorasan Provinces. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on households in capitals of six provinces. Data were collected from the begging of May to the end of July 2014 using telephone interviews. Information on the types of fats and oils used for cooking as well as the purchase pattern and their quantities were collected using questionnaires. Fatty acid profiles of the consumed fats and oils were investigated as well. Results: The commonly consumed oils in the provinces included partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils, blended oils and frying oils. These oils included more than 70% of the total oil intakes. Furthermore, the average intakes of oils and fats per capita in the provinces were ordinarily West Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, Lorestan, South Khorasan and Fars. Intakes of trans fatty acids ranged from 0. 32 in Fars to 0. 67 g/person/day in West Azerbaijan. Results of this study showed that quantity of the trans fatty acids in partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils has decreased by 95%, compared to that in previous decade. Moreover, consumption of partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils by households has decreased by 45%, compared to that in the last decade. Conclusion: Effective policies, reformulations of oils and decreasing of trans fatty acids in partially-hydrogenated vegetable oils have included positive and effective changes, which have led to improve quality of fats and oils consumed by the households.

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Background and Objectives: Dietary diversity score is a nutrient intake adequacy index associated with the child growth. As mothers make the most important decisions affecting dietary patterns for their families and children, this study investigated possible relationships between the dietary diversity scores of children and mothers and the anthropometric statuses of preschool children for the first time in Iran. Materials & Methods: In total, 236 children and their mothers participated in this cross-sectional study. Data about mothers and children weight, height and dietary diversity scores were collected using food recall questionnaires and dietary diversity questionnaires, respectively. Then, mothers and children were categorized into good, medium and weak dietary diversity score groups based on the protocols by the United Nation Food and Agricultural Organization. Furthermore, households were categorized into three major groups (low, middle and high) based on their socioeconomic statuses. Results: This study showed that child weight-for-age (p = 0. 013) and weight-for-height (p = 0. 03) included significant relationships with the mothers dietary diversity scores. Conclusion: The better the mothers dietary diversity scores were, the more likely they were to have children with normal weight for height, weight for age and height for age values, compared to mothers with low dietary diversity scores.

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Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze contents of Grades 1– 6 textbooks in Iran, regarding food and nutrition literacy domains and their components. Materials & Methods: This study included content analysis of primary school textbooks (Grades 1– 6) in 2019– 2020 academic year. Analysis included all pages of 41 books of primary schools (4878 pages). Data collection was carried out using checklists comprised of three principal domains of food and nutrition literacy, including cognitive, skill and value-attitude as well as their components. The research tool reliability was assessed based on the agreement rate between the two coders, using Holsti method. The reliability assessment was 85. 29%. Results: Of all the food and nutrition literacy components in the books, 92% were related to the cognitive domain whereas 8% belonged to the skill domain of food and nutrition literacy. The value-attitude domain, including nutritional tendency, nutritional health values and cultural and social issues related to foods were mostly missing. Critical factors of food and nutrition literacy in primary school curriculum included media literacy, skills linked to food label analysis, and interactive and critical food and nutrition skills. Conclusion: In conclusion, revision of the textbook contents and curriculums is necessary to ensure that they provide acceptable levels of food and nutrition-linked skills, promoting positive attitudes of healthy eating.

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Background and Objectives: Currently, increases in population of the world increase supply and food demands. Production of transgenic plants is one of the relative achievements. The aim of this study was to describe the consumer perceptions towards transgenic products. Materials & Methods: The study was carried out by sampling with the maximum diversity and participants enrolled until data saturation. Thirty adults aged 20– 70 years living in Tehran were recruited in the study using in-depth interviews and 15 people were included in the study through focus group discussion. Data were analyzed using directed content analysis and MAXQDA Software (Version 10). Results: Findings showed that people awareness on transgenic products was relatively low and limited. The sources of information mostly included the Internet and television and the most important types of transgenic products were oils, fruits, corn, rice and soy. Based on the participant views, lack of exact determination criteria and exaggerated advertisements were the shortcomings of information on these products. Based on the consumer interpretation, transgenic foods were products manipulated by hormonal changes and molecular structure grafts, which included various tastes and appearances, compared to normal products. Conclusion: Based on the importance of information in shaping people attitudes and perceptions, lack of proper information to publicity was revealed in this study. Proper use of the undeniable ability of mass media, especially television, is one of the factors that can contribute to this information. Another factor that can help this information includes clear labeling.

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Background and Objectives: Food quality and safety control is an important part of the public health assessment of food adulteration has been a key issue in recent years. Cream is a product containing milk fat and is one of the most expensive and widely consumed edible fats, which is often targeted for cheating by mixing various vegetable oils with natural milk fats. A way to detect this type of fraud is to assess phytosterols in this dairy product. Materials & Methods: In this study, homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction method combined with dispersive liquidliquid microextraction method was used for the extraction of stigmasterol, brassicaestrol, compesterol and β-sitestrol from animal cream samples. Samples were analyzed using gas chromatography-flame ionization detection method. To achieve high efficiency, effects of various factors in each extraction step, including type and volume of the extraction solvent, volume of the separating agent, speed and duration of centrifugation in the homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction step were investigated and optimized. Moreover, type and volume of the extraction solvent and salting effects in the dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction step were investigated and optimized as well. Results: The suggested method was successfully carried on on cream samples. Limit of detection and limit of quantification of the method were in ranges of 0. 92– 2. 1 and 2. 1– 6. 4 ng/g, respectively. Method included a proper precision with relative standard deviation of less than ≤ 8. 8 for intra and inter-day precisions. Results showed that the total phytosterol content in 21 samples (70%) was more than 3%, contrary to the legal limits by the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. Conclusion: Results of this study have verified that the suggested method is simple and reliable, including short analysis time and high ability to extract and measure phytosterols from animal cream samples.

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Background and Objectives: The aims of this study were to investigate effects of balangu seed gum on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of low-fat fresh yogurt and monitor these characteristics during the storage. Materials & Methods: In this study, effects of balangu seed gum quantity (0– 0. 1%) and fat content (0 to 2%) on physiochemical and sensory characteristics of the fresh low-fat yoghurt were studied. The low-fat yoghurt was stored for 14 days and then investigated on Days 1, 7 and 14 for physiochemical and sensory characteristics. Results: Results showed that increases in balangu gum content decreased syneresis and pH of the samples significantly (p< 0. 01). Increase in fat content led to a decreases in syneresis and increases in viscosity of the samples (p< 0. 01). Furthermore, results showed that increases in balango gum content increased the taste, texture, color and overall acceptance scores (p< 0. 01) while fat did not include significant effects on sensory characteristics of the samples. Based on the results, the optimum point for low-fat yoghurt production with minimum syneresis, maximum viscosity and highest taste, texture, color and total acceptance includes balangu gum content of 0. 1% and fat content of 1. 25%. This product includes viscosity of 1169. 49 (Pascal second), syneresis of 36. 75, taste score of 4. 91, texture score of 4. 90, color score of 4. 96, total acceptance score of 4. 99 and desirability index of 90. 1%. Results of physiochemical characteristics after 14 days showed increases in syneresis and viscosity and decreases in pH level (p < 0. 01). Sensory specifications did not significantly vary between Days 1 and 7; however, differences were significant on Day 14, compared to Day 1 (p<0. 01). Despite these differences, samples included acceptable scores and were appropriate for consumption. Conclusion: Results of this study have shown that balangu seed gum can be used as an appropriate alternative of fats in fresh low-fat yogurts. Moreover, these yogurts can be stored for up to 14 days.

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Background and Objectives: Use of wastes such as seeds of summer crops leads to re-enter these valuable sources into the food cycle. Therefore, it causes enhancement of the nutritional values and production of functional foods in food industries. The aim of this study was assessment of the effects of feed composition variables and screw speed on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of breakfast cereals based on cornmeal and wheat flour enriched with melon seeds to achieve optimal results. Materials & Methods: In this study, response surface methodology was used to estimate effects of formulation variables, including melon seed flour (10– 20%), moisture content (12– 20%) and screw speed (120– 180 rpm) on expansion ratio, bulk density, hardness, water absorption index, water solubility index and sensory acceptance. Results: Results showed that increases in melon seed in mixtures of cornmeal and wheat flour increased density and hardness of the extruded snacks while the expansion ratio and water absorption decreased. The optimum conditions for the production of snacks included 10. 1% melon seeds, 18% moisture content and 172. 39 RPM screw speed. Conclusion: In Conclusion, breakfast cereals with whole melon seed flour can be suggested as functional foods with nutritional and health benefi ts. The final product includes desired sensory characteristics and consumer acceptability.

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Background and Objectives: Aflatoxin M1 is one the most important mycotoxin contaminants of milks. Various methods have been described to detect aflatoxins in milks, including chromatography, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and colorimetry. Regarding high sensitivity of electrochemical sensor based methods, the aim of the present study was to fabricate an accurate sensitive voltametric biosensor for the rapid detection of aflatoxin M1. Materials & Methods: In the present study, a biosensor based on magnetic and gold nanoparticles modified with pencil graphite electrodes was combined with high-performance liquid chromatography to identify aflatoxin M1. Electrochemical behaviors of the biosensor were investigated at various stages of fabrication, including immobilization of magnetic nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles, aptamers and analytics using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques. Results: Results showed that the current peak and charge transfer resistance respectively increased and decreased as the nanoparticles were immobilized, while the current peak and charge transfer resistance increased, compared to the unmodified electrode with the aptamer and analytics immobilization. Assessment of the functional characteristics revealed that the biosensor desirable repeatability (4. 6%), reproducibility (8. 8%) and acceptable stability (14 days). The biosensor limit of detection was 40 ng/l and the recovery proportion range was reported 93. 5– 89. 6 and 102– 105 for biosensor and high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. Conclusion: The suggested biosensor presented a limit of detection lower than that of Iranian national standard for milk (100 ng/l). Analysis of aflatoxin M1 contaminated milk samples using the biosensor showed a recovery proportion range close to that of high-performance liquid chromatography.

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Background and Objectives: Foodborne diseases have been the most important human health risks and the present study was carried out to investigate how to decrease these risks. The objectives of this paper were to investigate chemical compositions of Zataria multiflora Boiss and Ziziphora clinopodioides essential oils in chitosan nanoemulsion coating on growth of Aeromonas hydrophila inoculated in salmon fillets within 12 days of storage at cold temperatures (4 ° C ± 1) and antibacterial activity of the essential oils (emulsion and nanoemulsion) against highlighted bacteria using minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration methods. Materials & Methods: Chemical composition of the essential oil was assessed using gas chromatography and the treatments were divided into six major groups of no cover (control), chitosan, chitosan nanoemulsion, chitosan nanoemulsion containing 0. 5% Zataria multiflora Boiss, chitosan nanoemulsion containing 0. 5% Ziziphora clinopodioides and chitosan nanoemulsion containing Zataria multiflora Boiss and Ziziphora clinopodioides. Samples were stored in refrigerator for bacterial counting on Days 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12. Results: Carvacrol (44. 36%), thymol (30. 14%) and γ-terpinene (8. 31%) were identified as the most important compounds in chemical composition of Zataria multiflora Boiss essential oil. The most important compound in chemical composition of Ziziphora clinopodioides essential oil was pulegone (48. 19%). The mean logarithm of the bacterial number within 12 days showed significant differences between the groups (p < 0. 05). The present study showed that the highest inhibitory effects on the bacteria were in treated samples with chitosan nanoemulsion containing Zataria multiflora Boiss and Ziziphora clinopodioides essential oils, compared to control group. Conclusion: Results of this study have shown that nanoemulsion of chitosan edible coating is effectively capable of inhibiting growth of Aeromonas hydrophila in salmon fillets at cold temperatures. Furthermore, the nanoemultion can be used in food industries.

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Background and Objectives: Lactobacillus spp. are widely distributed in environment as well as dairy products. During the fermentation process, these microorganisms produce various compounds such as organic acids and bacteriocins with antimicrobial activities. The aims of this study were to isolate and identify lactobacilli from local yogurts of Behbahan, Iran, and assessment of antimicrobial activity of the bacteriocins produced by these lactobacilli. Materials & Methods: In this study, the lactobacilli isolates were identified using 16S rRNA gene analysis. Antimicrobial effects of the bacteriocins were studied against five pathogenic bacteria using well diffusion and disk diffusion methods. Effects of proteolytic enzymes, heat and pH on these compounds were investigated as well. Results: Results of the well diffusion and disk diffusion methods showed that the most inhibitory effects on Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Micrococcus luteus and Listeria innocua belonged to Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus buchneri respectively. Micrococcus luteus was the most susceptible and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most resistant pathogens to effects of the bactericidal compounds. Antimicrobial compounds were inactivated by the proteolytic enzymes; however, the compounds preserved their resistance to heat and pH. Conclusion: Bacteriocins produced by native lactobacilli are able to inhibit activity of various pathogenic microorganisms in foods and can be used as safe, harmless biological preservatives.

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Background and Objectives: : Decreases in microbial loads of pomegranate arils and their antioxidant activity can lead to cardiovascular deceases as well as increases in the body immune system. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate effects of films containing chitosan and carvacrol on antioxidant activity and microbial load of pomegranate arils stored at 7 ° C ± 1. Materials & Methods: Anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity, microbial load and fungal colonies of the pomegranate aril packaging using films of carvacrol (0, 1 and 2%) and chitosan (0, 1 and 2%) were investigated every four days through 16 days of cold storage at 7 ° C ± 1. Results: The ANOVA results showed that various concentrations of carvacrol and chitosan caused significant differences in antioxidant activity and microbial load of pomegranate arils. Films containing chitosan significantly preserved the anthocyanin content, compared to the control. Film containing chitosan (2%) and carvacrol (1%) included significant effects on antioxidant activity and fungal colonies after 16 days of storage at 7 ° C ± 1. Conclusion: Films containing carvacrol and chitosan can be used in packaging industries due to the decreases in microbial loads.

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Background and Objectives: The relatively high prevalence of binge eating disorder and its negative effects such as decreased quality of life and impaired individual and social functions have made this disorder an important issue in health systems of various countries, including Iran. The aim of this study was to investigate roles of traumatic childhood experiences in predicting binge eating disorder mediated by early maladaptive schemas. Materials & Methods: The present study was a correlational study. Statistical population of the study included men and women aged 23– 65 years, who referred to health centers in Tehran as well as Internet users of these centers and their associated social media, 2019– 2020. Totally, 409 people were selected using convenience sampling method. Bing eating scale, Yang's early maladaptive schemas questionnaire and childhood traumatic experiences checklist were used to collect data. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS Statistical Analysis Software v. 25, AMOS Software v. 24 and structural equation analysis. Results: Results showed that primary traumatic experiences with direct effect size of 0. 19 and effect size of 0. 23 due to early maladaptive schemas included significant effects on binge eating disorder (p < 0. 01). Conclusion: Results of this study demonstrated that prevention of traumatic childhood experiences and use of educational and therapeutic interventions based on schema therapy can decrease the rate of binge eating disorder and its negative effects.

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