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The close connection between Persian and Arabic language and literature has led to numerous exchanges between the two languages. Among them is the translation of Saad al-Din Varavini's book "Marzbannameh" by Ibn Arabshah in the ninth century. Ibn Arabshah has taken an adaptive and free approach in his translation and tried to disguise his translation by creating a metamorphosis and recreating the original text. The present study is based on the model of Vinay and Darbelnet and aims to evaluate the quality of Ibn Arabshah's translation and explain his use of the components of adapted translation. Due to the wide volume of the book, its fifth chapter was examined as a body of research. The result of the research showed that "Fakheh al-Khalifa" is an adapted translation of Marzbannameh and the translator has made the translation language normal by substituting simple expressions instead of complex structures, increasing and decreasing the meaning of words, and using equivalents in the target language. In adapting his translation to the model of Vinay and Darbelnet, it was also found that the translator has presented another metamorphosis of the precious work of "Marzbannameh" through indirect translation and using the techniques of transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. He brought the target text closer to the horizon of the Arabic-speaking reader in a way that, in addition to providing a readable context, enabled the Arabic-speaking reader to communicate well with the text.

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Khayyam's quatrains contain fundamental questions about man and existence that have attracted the readers’ attention and caused them to translate into many languages. Mohammad Noureddine is one of the translators who have translated Khayyam's quatrains into Arabic. He has sometimes undergone deforming changes based on the beliefs and ideas in his society in transmitting the concepts of quatrains to Arabic. Antoine Berman emphasizes that the translation of any foreign text should keep its strangeness in the target language, and any deletion, addition, or change should be considered as the distortion of the original text. This paper adopts a descriptive-analytical method to analyze the deforming tendencies in Mohammad Noureddine's translation of Khayyam's quatrains based on Antoine Berman's theory and examines seven deforming tendencies, which are rationalization, clarification, redundancy, boastfulness, qualitative weakening of the text, quantitative weakening of the text and destruction of the subtextual semantic network to determine the degree of Mohammad Noureddine's adherence to the source text and his success in conveying concepts and meanings. Findings indicate that the translator weakens the quantity and quality of the text by avoiding translating some words or choosing an equivalent that does not reach the level of the source word in terms of semantic richness, and he has tried to rationalize by changing the structure of sentences and punctuation. It has turned to clarification and boastfulness by adding explanations to the text and the tendency to beautify the destination text. Moreover, he has used his mystical and social thoughts in it through the changes in meanings and concepts.

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There are many commonalities in translation between language and culture. Folk words become popular in a certain period and, after a short period, they are whether forgotten or enter into the colloquial and official language. The use of slang manifests itself in the form of breaking words, reduction, repetition, change, heart, increase and decrease of phonemes, colloquial words, prayer, oath, curse, etc. In the present study, we used the descriptive-analytical method to equate and localize the components of slang in the field of vocabulary and syntax, i. e. terms, allusions, homogenization, street and market words, phrases, prayers and curses, spelling, etc., against each of the Arabic words and expressions. For this purpose, we chose the famous Arabic author Naguib Mahfouz for the collection of stories Al-Hob Fawqa Hadabit al-Haram. The results show that regarding the components in the translation of the collection of stories, "semi-complete sentences" (due to the abundance of such forms in the original text) and "displacement of sentence elements" and then more slang expressions and slang words were used. It is worth mentioning that the component of "oath" (due to its lack of use in the text of the story) and then the component of omission had a small amount in translation.

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Zouelm Asieh | HAJIKHANI ALI

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“ Multi-meaningfulness” referring to several meanings of a word is one of the disputed linguistic principles in the Qur’ an, which is divided into two types of Lexical and Syntactic. Assuming the acceptance of this basis, due to the role of translation in conveying the message of the Qur’ an, how to apply it in translation becomes important. This research seeks to find the correct way to apply multi-meaningfulness in the translation of the Qur’ an and examine some translators’ opinions about its acceptance by the descriptive-analytical method. To translate multi-meaning phrases, several meanings are expressed with the conjunction “ and” in order to avoid distortion and semantic loss by considering criteria such as non-conflict of meanings with each other and with definite reasons. Among the translators under review, Meshkini and Makarem have specified the acceptance of “ Multi-meaningfulness” as well as Rezaei has applied this basis with different ranges and methods in translation. Safavi does not accept “ Multi-meaningfulness” based on Al-Mizan, as well as Moezzi and Fouladvand have never stated several meanings in the translation of a phrase.

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Cognitive metaphorical theory is a term used in linguistics to refer to an idea or conceptual field based on another idea or concept. Examples from the book Sahifa Sajadieh and its two translations by Mousavi Garmaroodi and Elahi Ghomshey have been selected in order to investigate the relationship between cognitive metaphors at the two main levels: similar metaphors, special metaphors, with the act of translating and paying attention to the translators. In these examples, the metaphorical element was extracted and the performance of each translator in dealing with it was investigated. The results suggest that although translators have taken a different approach to translate the meanings of the source text, the success of both translators in translating metaphors has been similar. Mousavi Garmaroodi, as a translator of literature, has used creative metaphors, while Elahi Ghomshei has, in some instances, translated abstract concepts without metaphor in order to facilitate translation. In this research, the translation of Sahifa Sajadieh's conceptual metaphors is examined by the descriptive-analytical method and comparative approach.

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The role of language in a literary text is aesthetic and literary translation has a special sensitivity from this perspective. In a literary text, the translator must translate not only the content and message but also the literary devices to the extent permitted and in the format required by the text. Among translation theories, the model of Carmen Valero Garcé s critiques literary translation. This model consists of four levels (semantic-lexical, syntactical morphological, discourse-functional, and stylistic-practical). In this model, translations are also evaluated from the perspective of two criteria of adequacy and acceptability. This study considers the translation of selected works of the famous Lebanese author "Gibran Khalil Gibran" in the book "Hamam-e Rooh” by Seyed Hassan Hosseini based on the theory of criticism of Garcé s translation and at all four levels of his proposed model. The achievement of this descriptive-analytical study indicates that the translator has performed better in the semantic-lexical and syntactical-morphological levels and has appeared in relatively weak stylistic and discourse levels, but in general, this translation has the necessary adequacy and acceptability. He also has used "expansion" more than any other solution.

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Youssef Hussein Bakkar (1942-present) is a writer, researcher, and literary critic among scholars who have attempted to criticize Arabic translations of Khayyam's quatrains through his knowledge of translation techniques. The present study aims to descriptively-analytically criticize his views on these translations based on seven features (rationalization, clarification, theological terms, qualitative ennoblement, quantitative impoverishment, idiom destruction, language system destruction), which are the deforming view of Antoine Bremen (1942-1991), the French pioneer theorist. The findings of the study indicate that Bakkar used his criticism in his reviews and his views are often humorous, devoid of reasoning, and do not follow any particular theory. Adopting a linguistic approach by Bakkar shows that his critique of the method is consistent with the components of Antoine Berman's theory, but Bakkar’ s linguistic approach lacks the application of theoretical issues. He does not present his views in a coherent, solidly structured theoretical framework.

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In all the languages of the world, some words and expressions indicate an unpleasant and impolite concept, which are called "linguistic taboos" or "rhetoric" and are generally avoided from their obvious and direct use. Examination of the "Mokhtarnameh" TV series indicates the use of a significant number of these taboos; In light of this, what is important for the authors of this article is to identify and extract the desired interpretations in the series in the first step, and in the next step, the authors identify techniques used in the translation of this series by a qualitative approach and descriptiveanalytical method, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the translation by criticizing and examining the inputs of Persian taboos in the Arabic dubbing of the TV series, and present the result to the audience. The result indicates that the translation of the taboos used in the TV series under study can be defined, formatted, and recognized by the most important linguistic strategies in constructing euphemism, including semantic implication, semantic expansion, permissible, omission, reduction, duplication, contradiction, and literal or semantic translations. Another conclusion is that using the method of reduction and contradiction, respectively, has been the most frequent and least frequent strategies in translating the studied TV series.

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Translation, as one of the leading means of transmitting cultures among nations, is a challenging field in the field of comparative literature. The existence of multiple layers of meaning between the main and virtual meanings of poetic words and the unfamiliarity of translators with the semantic rotation between words and meanings in verses prevent the correct transmission of poets’ thoughts to the audience in literary texts. Among the famous Iranian poets, the translation of Hafez's poems, due to the interpretability of existing concepts and lexical localization, requires the translator to be more careful in his intellectual layers, cultural requirements, and religious beliefs. This research is based on the descriptive-analytical method and investigates the pathology of translating multilayered concepts of words and poetic idioms of Hafez in the Arabic translations of "Ibrahim Amin Al-Shawarbi" and "Ali Abbas Zuleikha" according to Catford's theory of formal changes in the lexical, grammatical, omission, and addition sections. The results of this research show the complete failure of the abovementioned translators in translating the multi-layered meanings of Hafez's poetic terms, and the neglect of paying attention to the semantic rotations of the terms has been identified as the main cause of this issue.

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Analysis and investigation of translation quality have long been taken into consideration. Various methods have been proposed by theorists and linguists to critique the translation of texts from Arabic into Persian and vice versa. One of the methods presented in the field of translation criticism is Vinay and Darbelnet’ s model. This article raises two questions: How is the translation of Adel Abdel Moneim Suleim evaluated based on the Vinay and Darbelnet model, and which of the components of Vinay and Darbelnet is most used in the translation? In this research, using a descriptive-analytical method, a part of Adel Abdel Moneim Suleim's Arabic translation of Jalal Al-Ahmad's School Principal novel is examined based on the Vinay and Darbelnet model, and the quality and method of interpretation of this novel are evaluated by the translator. The result shows that the translator paid more attention to the elements of the target language in translating the selected samples. Also, in some cases, the translator ignores the transmission of the message and content of the original language to the target language and relies on direct and lexical translation, which may be due to the translator's insufficient knowledge of some cultural components and the basic foundations of the source language.

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SAYADANI ALI | Rahimkhani Saman | Aghamohammadi Ahle Iman Somayeh

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One of the models proposed for the realization of a clear and prominent translation, especially in the field of translation studies, is the model of Lawrence Venuti (1995). He first deals with how to convey the message in a clear and unambiguous framework in exceptional circumstances by introducing components called de-familiarization and alienation and then simplifies complex concepts by considering the cultural-historical and structural relations between the two languages. At this stage, the translator applies the simplification process in the translation text by relying on logic and reasoning through factors such as modification, interpretation, sharing, and finally transfer. In a more general sense, simplification means breaking long sentences or phrases, substituting short sentences for them, and reducing repetitive phrases. Relying on a descriptiveanalytical method, the present study intends to analyze the two translations of Mehdi Sarhadi and Musa Aswar from the novel of Isa Ibn Al-Ansan in order to achieve the reflection of the mentioned pattern in the studied translations and introduce more accurate and acceptable translations. The result of the research indicates that Lawrence Venuti’ s theory is consistent with all components (defamiliarization, alienation, grammatical syntactic defamiliarization, semantic defamiliarization), and the translation of Musa Aswar in the field of de-familiarization and Mehdi Sarhadi in the field of alienation have the most reflection.

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Bidkhuni Mohammad | Aghahosseini Dehaghani Hossein

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Vocabulary critique is one of the critiques used to evaluate translations of various texts. Garces' (1994) theory is one of the most comprehensive models presented in this type of critique, which radically evaluates the quality of translation and is based on the principle of equality between the source and destination text at four levels: semantic-lexical, syntactic-explicit, discourserole, and style-cognitive purpose. This research intends to evaluate and critique the lexical choices of Mohaddith Dehlavi's translation of Fotuh al-Ghayb based on the semantic-lexical level of Garces' model by a descriptiveanalytical method. For this purpose, after a brief introduction of Mohaddith Dehlavi and his translation, Garces' theory is briefly explained, and then the applicable cases of this theory are mentioned in detail in separate titles on the examples taken from the book. The findings of this study show that the terms of Dehlavi's translation can be evaluated and criticized from the perspective of the components of Garces' theory. In addition to being interpretive, this translation contains many instances of equivalence and similarity, lexical expansion, and ambiguity.

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