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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between identity identification styles and self-efficacy with delinquency attitudes in high school students in Gorgan. Methodology: The research method was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population consisted of 2700 students, of which 330 students were selected by simple random sampling using the Brzonsky (1989) style identification questionnaire, Scherer and Maddox general self-efficacy questionnaire (1982) and dynamic delinquency attitude. (2009) answered. Correlation coefficient and regression with SPSS and Lisrel software were used to analyze the data. Findings: Based on the research findings, there is a negative and significant relationship between identification style with a positive attitude towards delinquency (R =-0. 96), a positive and significant relationship between identification styles with self-efficacy (R = 0. 73) and a negative relationship between self-efficacy and delinquency attitude. And significant (R =-0. 71) was obtained. The results of regression analysis indicated that identity and self-efficacy styles can predict some variance of positive attitude towards delinquency (β,= 0. 96). Structural equations also showed that the model had a good fit from real world data and the effect of self-efficacy variable on the components of delinquency attitude was confirmed and the fit was significant. Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, identity and self-efficacy styles can be used to reduce attitudes toward delinquency.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was to study the relation of transformational leadership to creativity through organizational learning mediation. Methodology: This research was descriptive and correlation studies. This research population were all the teachers of high schools in Kermanshah city (5900), that a sample in 360 people size were chose by simple random sampling and Morgan’, s table. The research instrument was three standard questionnaires of Transformational Leadership Bass and Avilio (2000), Nifeh Organizational Learning (2001) and Moqimi Creativity (2009). Statistical techniques and statistical software SPSS and LISREL were used to analyze the data. In descriptive analysis of the data, frequency distribution tables, central indices (Mode, Median and Mean), dispersion indices (Standard deviation and Variance) were used. Pearson correlation coefficient and confirmatory path analysis were used to test the research hypotheses. Findings: The findings showed that transformational leadership has a positive effect (0/2532) and significant effect on creativity at 0/05 level. The organizational learning has a positive effect (0/08) and significant effect on creativity at 0/05 level. The transformational leadership through organizational learning (0. 0432) and t value (2. 12) has positive and significant effect on creativity at the 0. 05 level. Conclusion: Therefore, applying transformational leadership style in organization enhances organizational learning and employee creativity.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify and categorize the barriers and challenges of educational citizenship behavior in junior high school teachers in the northern provinces of the country. Methodology: This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and with grounded theory method. The statistical population of this study included all junior high school teachers who were selected by snowball method (chain reference). Data collection was done through interviews with professors and teachers individually and in groups. These interviews were collected based on indicators such as type of school (governmental and non-governmental), gender, education and age. Strauss and Corbyn are attributed to data analysis Findings: During this study, it was found that the barriers and challenges of educational citizenship behavior among teachers are related to the categories of meeting economic and living needs, organizational justice, and organizational characteristics of teachers, strategic education programs, and respect. The main underlying theory derived from the analysis of respondents' findings (a model of educational citizenship behavior) in teachers b. Economic needs indicate that salaries and benefits received have a direct impact on the incidence of teachers' educational citizenship behaviors. Having a sense of justice helps to maintain the status quo, and the greater the sense of motivation, the greater the motivation to work and try. Interested teachers also exhibit greater levels of educational citizenship behavior. Because committed teachers consider this behavior to be based on their committed values and assignments, and accordingly show appropriate educational citizenship behavior. Conclusion: According to research findings, teachers need mutual respect to gain power and social status. Teachers who have this need seek education and learning and tend to control the learning environment.

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Purpose: This article was conducted with the aim of identifying competitiveness indicators with emphasis on human capital training in the country's banking industry. Methodology: This research was based on empirical philosophy and deductive-inductive method. The present study was an applied-developmental research in terms of purpose and a cross-sectional research in terms of data collection method. Since quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study, so it was a mixed research. The statistical population of this article included marketing professors and managers of the Iranian banking network. A non-probabilistic and purposeful method was used for sampling and finally 12 of the mentioned experts participated in this study. In this paper, the meta-combined method was used to identify the underlying categories of competitiveness and with emphasis on human resource training in the banking industry. Also, the results were validated using fuzzy Delphi method. Data analysis was performed using MaxQDA and MatLab software. Findings: The results showed that the main indicators of competitiveness based on the banking industry are: organizational knowledge management, training and development of human capital, customer experience management, market orientation, brand equity, bank structure, change management, customer satisfaction and loyalty, knowledge, technology Information and communication and financial management. These indicators can be monitored and measured based on 45 items. Conclusion: According to the research findings, identifying competitiveness indicators with emphasis on human capital education in the country's banking industry, creates a platform for healthy competition and ultimately leads to growth and improvement of the country's economic situation.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was designing of justice-oriented leadership model in the management of primary schools of Tehran city with a structural equation modeling approach. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and In terms of implementation method was cross-sectional from type of quantitative. The research population was the primary school managers of Tehran city in the 2019-20 academic years with number of 1419 people, which the sample size based on the Cochran's formula was calculated 302 people who were selected by step stratified sampling method with respect to the volume ratio of areas. To collect data were used from researcher-made questionnaire of justice-oriented leadership with 63-item, which the content validity was confirmed by experts opinion and the construct validity was confirmed by exploratory factor analysis and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and combined methods. Data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in SPSS and PLS software. Findings: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that justice-oriented leadership has six dimensions of causal conditions (with two components of organizational factors and attitudinal factors), central phenomenon of justice-oriented leadership (with four components of behavioral patterns and moral characteristics, support through two-way communication, strengthening moral behavior and decision making), strategies and actions (with two components of achievement of reward through performance and achievement of goals through reward), intervening conditions (with three components of managers differences, staff differences and managers changes), underlying conditions (with two components of factors encouraging fair behavior and factors threatening fair behavior) and consequences (with three components of school-related outcomes, staff-related outcomes and managers-related outcomes). Also, the results of structural equation modeling showed that the justice-oriented leadership model had a good fit and the components of each dimensions on their respective dimensions and all dimensions on justice-oriented leadership had a significant effect (P<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the findings, planning is essential to use the justice-oriented leadership model to improve school management. As a result, officials and planners can use the justice-oriented leadership model to improve the performance of managers and hold in-service courses for them in the form of workshops.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to predict students' readiness for addiction based on emotional intelligence and empirical avoidance. Methodology: The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the present study consisted of all students of Iran University of Medical Sciences who were studying in the academic year 2016-17. The sample size was 150 students who were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used in this study were the Iranian Addiction Readiness Scale (Zargar, 2006), the Cyber or Schering Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (1990) and the Experimental Avoidance Questionnaire (Hayes et al., 2004). Data analysis was performed from the implementation of questionnaires through SPSS20 software in two descriptive and inferential sections (Pearson correlation, multiple regressions). Findings: The results of statistical analysis showed that the effect of emotional intelligence variable and its components on the regression equation was significant (p <0. 01). There was also a significant positive correlation between experimental avoidance and readiness for addiction (p <0. 01). Conclusion: The data of the present study showed that students with low emotional intelligence showed a higher readiness for addiction than students with higher emotional intelligence.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to design and validate the optimal model of multicultural teaching for teachers of Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah. Methodology: In this study, a mixed exploratory approach (qualitative-quantitative) and interview research method were used. The study population in the qualitative section included curriculum specialists, educational psychologists, sociologists and masters of the Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah and new internal and foreign theoretical foundations. The sampling method was purposeful and snowball type and the sample size reached 27 people after reaching theoretical saturation and 19 sources was studied based on the criterion-based sampling method. The statistical population in the quantitative part included curriculum specialists, educational psychologists, sociologists and masters of the Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah province. The stratified random sampling method was used and the sample size was 280 based on Cochran's formula. Data were collected in the qualitative part through semi-structured deep interviews and in the quantitative part through a researcher-made questionnaire. Qualitative findings were obtained by content analysis method and MaxQDA software. Findings The findings showed that the multicultural teaching model consists of 10 dimensions and 29 components, based on which the obtained dimensions include goals (behavioral, ethical, perception),Content (organization, presentation methods),teaching educational activities and learning experiences (teaching behavior, teaching method, role and tasks of the teacher, features of multicultural teaching, consequences of multicultural teaching),Teachers' perception of multicultural teaching (scope of the teacher's thinking, teacher flexibility, macro-policies of the human resources education system, practical and theoretical concept of multicultural teaching),Evaluation (types and principles),Grouping (attention to group homogeneity, group heterogeneity, attention to cultural differences, number of group members, attention to gender, attention to age, attention to individual differences),Obstacles and problems (functional, structure),Time and place characteristics (physical characteristics, equipment, duration),Learning materials and resources (characteristics and types of resources),Criteria for learning activities (challenges and strengths) (All of which were higher than the criterion (3%)) was identified and led to the design of a favorable model of multicultural teaching for masters of the Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah. In order to validate this model factor analysis and structural equations using Smart PLS3 software were used. . Conclusion: Designing a multicultural teaching model for teachers of Kermanshah Azad University has a good reputation.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was investigate the pattern of effective factors on ethical growth and determine their status in elementary period students. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The study population in the qualitative section was ethical growth experts who according to the principle of theoretical saturation number of 12 people of them were selected by purposive and snowball sampling methods. The study population in the quantitative section was an elementary period students of Tehran city in the academic years of 2019-2020 who according to Cochran's formula number of 377 people of them were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. Data were collected by semi-structured interview and researcher-made questionnaire methods and analyzed by open, axial and selective coding and one-sample t-test methods in SPSS-21 software. Findings: The findings of the qualitative section showed that the effective factors on ethical growth had 88 concepts, 20 factors and 6 categories which categories and factors were included of living environment and upbringing (with three factors of role of family environment in ethical growth, role of educational environment in ethical growth and role of peer group in ethical growth), ethical reasoning (with three factors of cognitive reasoning, emotional reasoning and psycho-motor reasoning), supportive environment (with three factors of family and educators have scientific knowledge, use of incentives and attention to spiritual issues), psychological, social and educational injuries (with four factors of injuries due to personality and mental characteristics, injuries due to improper use of media, injuries due of family problems and injuries due of educational functions), create of cognition (with three factors of responsibility, empowerment and modeling) and ethical virtues (with four factors of altruism, human dignity, rule of law and decision-making power). The findings of the quantitative section showed that there were a significant difference between the mean of all factors with the mean of society (P<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, planning is necessary to improve the ethical growth of students. Therefore, specialists and planners in the field of education can design and implement programs according to the categories and factors of this research to improve the ethical growth of elementary period students.

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Purpose: Present research was conducted with aim of modeling of academic engagement based on school climate and quality of life with mediated self-regulation in students. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional correlational study. The study population was female high school students in Tehran in the academic year 2019-20. The research sample was 350 students who were selected by multi-stage random sampling method. In addition to the demographic information form, academic motivation questionnaires (Frederick et al., 2004), school climate (Lee et al., 2017), quality of life (War & Sherborn, 1992) and self-regulation (Boffard et al., 1995) were used to collect data. قس. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling in SPSS-22 and LISREL-8. 8 software. Findings: The results showed that the mode of academic engagement based on school climate and quality of life with mediated self-regulation in students had a good fit. Also, school climate had a direct and significant effect on self-regulation and academic engagement, quality of life had a direct and significant effect on academic engagement and self-regulation had a direct and significant effect on academic engagement (P<0. 05), but quality of life had not a significant effect on self-regulation (P>0. 05). Other results showed that the school climate with mediated self-regulation had an indirect and significant effect on academic engagement (P<0. 05), but the quality of life with mediated by self-regulated had no significant effect on academic engagement (P>0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results, to improve students' academic engagement can be done by improving their school climate, quality of life and self-regulation.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was identify the dimensions and components of promoting teachers' motivation in the education process. Methodology: The type of research based on the purpose was applied and based on the implementation method was exploratory from type qualitative. The research community was the documents and texts of promoting teachers' motivation in the education process and the experts and researchers in the fields of educational sciences of Tehran city in 2019 year. The research sample according to the theoretical saturation principle was 15 people who were selected by purposive non-random sampling method. Information collection tools included taking notes from documents and texts and interview with experts and researchers. Data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding methods in MAXQDA-2020 software. Findings: The findings showed that t the dimensions and components of promoting teachers' motivation in the education process had 86 indicators, 8 components and 3 dimensions. The organizational dimension had three components of management and coworkers, work environment conditions and performance appraisal system, the social dimension had three components of social relations, social responsibility and social status of the teacher and the individual dimension had two components of personal characteristics and immaterial goals of teachers. Conclusion: According to the identified dimensions and components of promoting teachers' motivation in the education process, planning are essential to improve teachers' motivation by promoting the components of management and coworkers, work environment conditions, performance appraisal system, social relations, social responsibility, social status of the teacher, personal characteristics and immaterial goals of teachers.

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Purpose: the aim of this research compare the effectiveness of group counseling with Gestalt therapy and reality therapy on identify style in the first high school students in Tehran. Methodology: Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The statistical population included all female students in the first secondary school of public schools in Tehran in the academic year 2009-2010. 45 people were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling method and randomly divided into three groups of 15 people. In this study, the first experimental group received 10 sessions of 90 minutes of Gestalt therapy group counseling training program and the second experimental group received 10 sessions of 90 minutes of reality therapy group counseling training program and the control group did not receive any treatment. The research tool was Brzonsky (1989) Identity Styles Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test and SPSS software version 22. Findings: The results showed that group reality therapy counseling had a greater effect on identity styles than Gestalt therapy. Emphasizing human freedom and responsible behavior, reality therapy seeks to persuade students to identify their values and set goals, actions, barriers, and ultimately a commitment to take action to achieve identity. Therefore, group reality therapy counseling is an effective method in students' identity styles (P˃,0, 001). Conclusion: Based on the research findings, there is a significant difference in identity styles between the first experimental group of Gestalt therapy group counseling, the second experimental group of reality therapy and the control group.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of principals' ethical leadership on organizational health mediated by organizational justice in schools. Methodology: The study method was descriptive and correlational studies. The study population was all 339 secondary school teachers in Qorveh city in 2020. From this population, based on Morgan table, a sample of 181 people was selected by simple random sampling method. Data were collected using the Ethics Leadership Questionnaire by Brown et al (2005), the Morman and Niehoff (1993) Organizational Justice Questionnaire, and the Hui and Fieldman (1996) Organizational Health Questionnaire. In the present study, Cronbach's alpha values were Ethical Leadership Questionnaire (0. 89), Organizational Justice (0. 92) and Organizational Health (0. 90). GFI values were confirmatory factor analysis of Ethical Leadership Questionnaire (0. 92), Organizational Justice (0. 93) and Organizational Health (0. 92). Structural equation modeling test using LISREL10. 30 software was used to analyze the data. Findings: Ethical leadership, principals had an effect (0. 61) with a significant amount (7. 61) on the organizational health of schools and an effect (0. 62) with a significant amount (6. 79) on organizational justice. Organizational justice had an effect (0. 27) with a significant amount (3. 63) on the organizational health of schools. Ethical leadership Principals due to organizational justice had an indirect effect (0. 167) with a significant amount (3. 22) on the organizational health of schools. Conclusion: According to the research findings, the moral leadership of principals and organizational justice has a positive and significant relationship with the organizational health of schools.

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Purpose: Regarded to the role and importance of Islamic teachings in improving organizational effectiveness and performance, the present study was conducted with the aim of presenting an organizational virtuousness model based on Islamic teachings. Methodology: The type of research based on the purpose was applied and based on the implementation method was exploratory from type qualitative. The research population was documents and texts of organizational virtuousness based on Islamic teachings and experts and pundits in this field (university professors of humanities and management and seminary professors and Islamic sciences), which according to the principle of theoretical saturation, number of 30 people of them were selected as the sample by purposive sampling method. Data were collected through take noting from documents and texts and semi-structured interviews with experts,which the validity of interviews was evaluated appropriate by the triangulation method and its reliability calculated 0. 86 by the Cohen's Kappa coefficient method. Also, to analyze the data were used from theme analysis method. Findings: The results showed that organizational virtuousness based on Islamic teachings has six organizer themes including voice of nature (with six basic themes), populism (with seven basic themes), religious beliefs (with eight basic themes), moral attributes (with seven basic themes), job commitment (with six basic themes) and Islamic management (with six basic themes). According to the themes, the organizational virtuousness model was designed based on Islamic teachings. Conclusion: According to the organizational virtuousness model based on Islamic teachings, planning to promote organizational virtuousness through organizer and basic themes is necessary. Therefore, experts and planners of organizations can take an effective step to improve organizational virtuousness and organizational performance and effectiveness by improving the themes of this research.

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Purpose: The main purpose of this study is "to investigate the factors affecting the commercialization of knowledge in the field of health in Tehran University of Medical Sciences ". Methodology: The field of combined research was that in the quantitative part of the field finding method and the type of correlation and in the qualitative part of the data method of the foundation. The statistical population included academic experts and specialists, including managers, experts, trustees and consultants in the field of knowledge commercialization in the field of health of medical universities in Tehran. To select the sample size in the quantitative section using stratified random sampling method, a sample of 385 people and in the qualitative section using the snowball method, a sample of 18 people was selected, which data collection has continued until saturation. Data collection tools including checklists, checklists and researcher-made questionnaires. After collecting data using Strauss and Corbin system approach in three stages of open, axial and selective coding, 72 concepts and 15 categories were extracted. Among them, the category of commercialization of knowledge in the field of health as a central category and 14 other components of data theory formed the research foundation was drafted. Then, the proposed comprehensive model presented in the second stage was tested and analyzed using statistical software SPSS 20, Lisrel 8. 8 and SmartPLS. 03. Findings: The results indicate that all the variables calculated in the form of the mentioned levels were confirmed as variables that should be considered in the design of the desired model. Also, considering that the absolute value of t-value for all relationships between variables was greater than the critical value of 1. 96 and also all factor loads in the standard state was greater than 0. 3. Conclusion: Based on the results, none of the relationships were rejected and all variables and relationships were confirmed. Therefore, the initial model of the research was finally approved.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was designing a model for increasing organizational justice with the approach of cultural ethical values in education staff. Methodology: This study was applied in terms of purpose and combined (qualitative and quantitative) in terms of implementation method. The research population in the qualitative section was the managers and deputies of the weekly districts of Mashhad and in the quantitative section were the education staff of the weekly districts of Mashhad in the 2019-20 academic years. The research sample in the qualitative section was 30 people who were selected according to the principle of theoretical saturation by available sampling method and in the quantitative section were 257 people who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Data were collected by methods of phishing, interviews and researcher-made questionnaire whose face validity and structure were confirmed and its reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha method for all dimensions above 0. 80. Data of in the qualitative section were analyzed by Delphi method and in the quantitative section were analyzed by descriptive statistical indicators and structural equations in SPSS-26 software. Findings: The findings of the qualitative section showed that organizational justice has four components of distributive (4 subscales), procedural (3 subscales), interactive (2 subscales) and linguistic (2 subscales) and cultural ethical values has four components of cultural values (3 subscales), ethical leadership (4 subscales), professional ethics (3 subscales) and ethical atmosphere (2 subscales). The findings of the quantitative section showed that the components of both factors were confirmed, subscales and components had a significant effect on the model of increasing organizational justice with the approach of cultural ethical values and the model had appropriate fitness indicators. Conclusion: Based on the results, the final model of increasing organizational justice with the approach of cultural ethical values in education staff that this model can have practical implications for education professionals and use it to improve the education organization.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between illustration management motivation and Ava behavior with the modulatory role of self-efficacy and self-monitoring of physical education teachers in Golestan province. Methodology: This was a descriptive-correlational study that was conducted as a survey. The statistical population of the study included physical education teachers in Golestan province with a volume of 1840 people, of which 318 as a sample using Krejcie-Morgan table and sample method. Simple random sampling was selected. To collect the data, Choi et al. (2015) Imaging Management Motivation Questionnaire, Zuhair and Erdogan Staff Voice (2011), Betz Self-Efficacy (2004) and Choi et al. (2015) Self-Supervision Questionnaire were used to collect data. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling with Smart PLS software. Findings: The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between image management motivation and Ava behavior. Also, there was a significant relationship between image management motivation and Ava behavior with self-efficacy modulatory role, but there was no significant relationship between image management motivation and Ava behavior with self-regulatory moderation role. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, the variable of motivation of illustration management explains and predicts the behavior of sound, ie increasing the motivation of teachers' illustration management increases their behavior and vice versa.

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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to examine the faculty members' lived experience of faculty-student interaction strategies in the academic environments. Methodology: The research method was phenomenology in which the faculty members' perceptions of interaction with students were examined. The statistical population of study consisted of 81 faculty members of the Faculties of Science and Physics of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman during the 2018-2019 academic year. By purposeful sampling and theoretical saturation procedure, 18 individuals were selected as the sample. Interview questions were prepared through in-depth research on the subject of faculty-student interaction and the interviews were semi-structured. The three-step coding method including open, axial, and selective coding was used for data analysis. Findings: The findings showed that the conditions for the formation of the student-student interaction included the contextual and enhancing factors such as student perception of the subject, holding of debugging hours, motivation in the faculty and student, and reducing factors such as the nature of course theory, the student's low academic level, high volume of practical work, limited time, and lack of self-confidence. The results also showed that student engagement strategies and methods were included general, conditioned, and student interaction strategies. In addition, the consequences of adopting faculty-student interaction strategies also included student-centered outcomes such as scientific, personality, social, occupational, as well as faculty-based outcomes such as gaining experience, updating faculty’, s information and knowledge, inner satisfaction, and feedback was provided to identify strengths and weaknesses. Conclusion: The results have important implications for higher education curriculum planners in order to improve the areas of faculty-student interaction. Accordingly, it is necessary to use interactive content with a practical and collaborative nature, and teaching methods based on different interactive strategies, and planning to provide more student access to the faculty through out-of-class activities and provide more opportunities for students to communicate with the faculty members on a more personal level.

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purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of self-regulated learning skills training on reducing student procrastination on the campuses of Farhangian University in Tehran. Methodology: The research method was quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest with a control group. To conduct the research, among all the student teachers of the campuses of Farhangian University of Tehran province who were studying in the campuses of this university in the academic year 2019-20,Using multi-stage cluster sampling method, after screening student students with high and low procrastination, 30 people were selected and divided into two groups of 15 people in experimental group and control group through simple random sampling method. The Solomon and Roth Bloom (1984) procrastination questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation and in order to answer the research hypotheses, inferential statistical tests including univariate covariance (ANCOVA) were performed. Findings: The results of "analysis of covariance" showed,Self-regulatory learning skills training has a significant effect on reducing procrastination. Also, the mean score of procrastination in educational, research, cultural and social activities of student-teachers in the experimental group in the pre-test stage was equal to (28. 53), (23. 80) and (37. 40), respectively, and in the post-test stage. Its value has reached (15. 33), (26. 26) and (25. 86), respectively, ie the educational model of self-regulated learning skills has a significant effect on reducing procrastination in continuous and final educational, research, cultural and social activities. The student had teachers on the campuses of Farhangian University in Tehran. Conclusion: The data of the present study showed, that by using and self-regulating education, students 'and teachers' procrastination can be reduced.

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Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of explain and design the process of internationalization of higher education with a mixed approach. Methodology: This study was mixed in terms of practical purpose and method of implementation. The research population was in the qualitative section of documents and international experts on higher education of Payame Noor University, Georgia International Branch. According to the principle of theoretical saturation, 15 of them were selected as the sample by purposive sampling. The research population was a small part of the students of the mentioned university in the academic year of 2009-2010. According to Krejcie and Morgan table, 350 students were selected as a sample by random sampling method. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire (47 items) was used in the quantitative part, and their psychometric indices were confirmed. Data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding methods and partial least squares in SPSS and Smart PLS software. Findings: The findings showed that in the process of internationalization of higher education, causal conditions included of cultural and social components and economic components, underlying conditions included of financial infrastructure, facilities and equipment components and political components, intervening conditions included of administrative components and support and service components, strategies included of organizational components and academic components and outcomes included of international communication components and educational and curricular components. Also, the process of internationalization of higher education had a good fit and causal conditions on the internationalization of higher education, internationalization of higher education, underlying conditions and intervening conditions on strategies and strategies on outcomes had a significant effect (P<0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, it is necessary to plan for the internationalization of higher education, which for this purpose the use of identified components can be effective.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to, investigating the effectiveness of teacher management styles on students' motor education whith the role of problem-solving teaching-learning strategy intervention in basketball skills. Methodology: The research method was semi-experimental with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of, 706 seventh grade male and female students of Sarab city, in the first half of the first semester of the first academic year of 2018-2019. During the first half of the first semester, 30 students were selected as the sample of the research according to the preliminary assessments and purposefully. A randomized design was used in two experimental groups (n = 20) and control (n = 20). The experimental group received a one-on-one session in 12 sessions of 65 minutes per week,the control group was placed on the waiting list for two months. The Wolfgang and Glickman (1986) Dimensional Movement Training Questionnaire was used to collect information. To analyze the research data using SPSS software, univariate analysis of covariance (ANOVA) was used at a significance level of 0. 001. Findings: The results showed that the use of different classroom management styles in all aspects of motor training (cognitive, emotional, physical fitness and skills) is significant. All dimensions of motor training are significantly different from the interventionist style, but not much different from the non-interventionist style. Also, interactive classroom management style can be the most effective classroom management style along with providing a problem solving strategy. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, problem solving training is a short-term, efficient and harmless strategic problem that can empower students to learn basketball skills by targeting their cognitive abilities.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was identifying the effective factors on successful implementation of descriptive evaluation in the primary education system of Iran and comparing the descriptive evaluation of Iran with selected countries. Methodology: The present study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was descriptive evaluation experts in 2020 year, witch according to the inclusion criteria number of 30 people based on the principle of theoretical saturation were selected as a sample by purposive and snowball sampling methods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by open, axial and selective coding methods in MAXQDA software. Findings: Findings showed that effective factors on successful implementation of descriptive evaluation in the primary education system of Iran had 129 concepts and 10 components in two dimensions of manpower and curriculum. The manpower had four components of teachers' ability, motivational factors, structural factors and factors related to students and the curriculum had six components of multidimensional curriculum, fit of curriculum with facilities, fit of curriculum with needs of individual and community, content of curriculum, flexibility of curriculum and students' satisfaction from curriculum. Finally, the descriptive evaluation of Iran was compared with that of Germany and the England, and its similarities and differences were expressed. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, for the successful implementation of descriptive evaluation in the primary education system of Iran, should be paid special attention to manpower and curriculum and sought to promote them by improving the related concepts.

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Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the professional development components of primary education teachers and managers with using themes analysis method. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was printed documents and texts about the teachers and managers' professions development in scientific databases between the 2000-2019 years, which according to the inclusion criteria were selected 52 cases as a sample by purposive sampling method. Data after collected by take noting method were analyzed with using open, axial and selective coding by themes analysis method in MAXQDA software. Findings: The findings showed that the professional development of primary education teachers and managers based on the fundamental transformation document had 206 basic themes, 53 organizing themes and 16 comprehensive themes included of teachers' characteristics, teachers' motivation, leadership program, teachers' group, educational group, specialist-professional, professional development, teachers' issues and problems, school factors, environmental-educational conditions, environmental-macro conditions, teachers' involvement in professional activities, guidance, networking, educational strategies and individual consequences. Also, the global themes of professional development of primary education teachers and managers were included of 20 basic themes, 8 organizing themes and 1 comprehensive themes including global components and eight organizing themes of guidance, networking, leadership, specialist-professional, educational group, leaders group, educational strategies and consequences. Conclusion: According to the identified themes, planning is essential for the professional development of primary education teachers and managers, which for this purpose it is possible to provide the conditions for improving themes.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was designing an organizational friction pattern in education of Golestan province with approach of grounded theory. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative from type of exploratory and with approach of grounded theory. The research population was experts in the fields of educational management, human resource management and organizational behavior of education in Golestan province in 2020 academic year. The sample size based on the principle of theoretical saturation was estimated 20 people who were selected according to the inclusion criteria by purposive and snowball sampling methods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by open, axial and selective coding methods based on Strauss and Corbin (1998) theory in NVivo software. Findings: The results showed that organizational friction in education had 87 concepts and 20 sub-categories in 6 main categories including organization weak strategies (causal conditions), organizational friction (axial phenomena), mental pressure in the workplace (interventionist conditions), internal organizational factors (contextual conditions), organizational anti-citizenship behaviors (actions) and organizational laziness (consequences). The organization weak strategies as causal conditions were included defective organizational structure, weakness in human resource management and weakness in strategic management, organizational friction as axial phenomena were included working indifference, working wasting time, lack of sense of responsibility, functional stupidity and heterogeneity of workforce management, mental pressure in the workplace as interventionist conditions were included concentration of control and power, nervous pressure in the workplace and distrust in the organization, internal organizational factors as contextual conditions were included weakness in performance evaluation, inefficiency of the administrative system, inattention to staff performance and inequality of financial and material, organizational anti-citizenship behaviors as actions were included anti-value behaviors and politicization and organizational laziness as consequences were included reduced organizational productivity, inefficient management of the organization and tendency to leave the job. Finally, organizational friction pattern in education were designed. Conclusion: The organizational friction pattern of the present research can be used by professionals and planners of education as a suitable pattern to reduce organizational friction through the identified categories.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was investigate the substrates and strategies of empowerment and promotion the position of female educational managers. Methodology: The present study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was documents and texts of empowerment and promotion the position of educational managers and university experts, senior managers and successful educational managers of Golestan province in 2020-21 academic years. The research sample consisted of 27 written documents and 19 people of academic experts, senior managers and successful educational managers who were selected according to the principle of theoretical saturation and by purposive sampling method. Data collection tools included taking notes from document and text and semi-structured interview with experts. Data were analyzed by content analysis method in MAXQDA-2020 software. Findings: Findings showed that the substrates of empowerment and promotion the position of female educational managers included three main categories, five sub-categories and 14 concepts, which the main categories were included of human (with two sub-categories of self-regulatory and extra-regulatory), social (with two sub-categories of environmental infrastructure and community support) and managerial (with one sub-category of managerial history). Also, the strategies of empowerment and promotion the position of female educational managers included four main categories, seven sub-categories and 16 concepts, which the main categories were included of development of management (with two sub-categories of general activities and specialized activities), individual potentials (with two sub-categories of psychological and human), environmental and political (with two sub-categories of community perspective and governance view) and credits (with one sub-category of financial investment). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study and using with the identified substrates and strategies can provide the ground for empowerment and promotion the position of female educational managers.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the strategic-indigenous components affecting the talent management of the staff of the Central Organization of Islamic Azad University. Methodology: The research method was mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population in this study was all experts in the field of talent management, which was done after 13 interviews. In addition, semi-structured interviews with university experts in 2009 were conducted in the form of descriptive, interpretive and selective codes, and the validity was determined in two ways: 1-The interview questions were fitted by 4 experts 2-The interview process by two colleagues To determine the reliability of Cohen's Coupon formula (0. 533) was obtained which showed high reliability. . In order to conduct this research, in addition to the documentary study, the content analysis technique with MAXQDA12 software was used to identify the dimensions and components. SPSS25 software was used for Delphi method Findings: According to the interviews, 385 initial codes were extracted in this process. With multiple revisions and integration of codes based on similarity and in several stages, finally 11 main components that define talent management along with 5 main themes (many of which were obtained in the research literature section) and finally 67 indicators and also 4 sub-dimensions as filtering dimensions (filters) and for them 8 components that define each Conclusion: The results showed that (dimension of talent absorption system, talent promotion system, talent retention system, development and education system and talent evaluation and discovery system) were identified as the main dimensions of talent management and also in 2 Delphi rounds of case components The evaluation was performed to determine the validity and reliability. In the first round, 23 indicators were removed and in the second round, 44 final indicators were approved with a Kendall coefficient of 0. 654.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to model the structural relationships of executive actions with academic involvement mediated by intolerance of uncertainty in female students. Methodology: This was a correlational study using structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study was all female students in the ninth grade of the first high school in Sari in 2009-2010. 280 students were selected as a sample size from all classes according to the inclusion criteria and ethical considerations. Collection tools included the Smart Academic Involvement Questionnaire (2012), the Rescue Executive Actions Questionnaire (2013), and the Friston et al. (1994) Uncertainty Tolerance Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18 and Amos-23 software and descriptive statistics and inferential statistics at a significance level of 0. 01. Findings: The results showed that executive actions were associated with academic conflict mediated by intolerance. On the other hand, a significant direct relationship was observed between intolerance of uncertainty and executive actions and academic conflict. There was also a significant difference between cognitive actions and direct academic engagement. In general, the fitted model showed that the effects of direct and indirect paths of 83% of the educational engagement variable can be explained by intolerance of uncertainty and executive actions. Conclusion: According to the research findings, cognitive actions and intolerance of uncertainty were associated with academic engagement of students in junior high school. The results showed that executive actions have an indirect effect on academic conflict mediated by intolerance of uncertainty in female high school students in Sari.

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Purpose: Talent and its management can play an effective role in teacher performance. As a result, the present research was conducted with the aim of identifying the factors effecting on teachers' talent management of secondary school. Methodology: The present study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was talent management experts of Tehran city in 2020-2021 year, which from them according to the principle of theoretical saturation number of 16 people were selected as a sample by purposive and snowball sampling methods. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview that its validity was confirmed by the triangulation method and its reliability was obtained 0. 62 by the Cohen's Kappa coefficient method. Data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding methods in MAXQDA 2020 software. Findings: Findings showed that the factors effecting on teachers' talent management of secondary school were included 17 concepts, 6 subcategories and 3 main categories. The main categories were included the school structure (with two subcategories of reward and appreciation system from teachers' efforts and employment conditions and ethical principles in its process), mission and vision clear of school (with two subcategories of editing the strategic program and specify editing the goals, missions, values and perspectives) and laws, regulations and policies (with two subcategories of flexibility in the processes of teacher selection and recruitment and removal of restrictions on teacher continue education). Conclusion: Considering the identified factors effecting on teachers' talent management of secondary school, planning is necessary to promotion their talent management, which is achieved by improving the identified factors.

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purpose: The present paper aimed at Presenting the competency model of the managers of Islamic Azad University of Khorasan Razavi. Methodology: This was an applied research with mixed (qualitative-quantitative) approach. Participants of the qualitative part included the faculty members of the Islamic Azad Universities of Khorasan Razavi(10 units), out of which 15 people, selected through purposive sampling, were interviewed. Interview texts were analyzed by content analysis and Maxqda software. Statistical population of the quantitative part included all faculty members (1092 people) of the Islamic Azad Universities of Khorasan Razavi, out of which 284 were selected through random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire formulated based on the qualitative results, which had face validity and its reliability was obtained by Cronbach’, s alpha test. To analyze the data, structural-interpretive equations in MICMAC were used to prepare a conceptual model. Also, structural equations in Smart pls were used to validate the model. Findings: The results showed that the competency of heads and deputies of the Islamic Azad University can be classified into 7 components (human communication competence, perceived competence, managerial competence, professional competence, belief-value competence, personal competence, and organizational competence) and 47 indices. Moreover, the results of structural equations in Smart pls showed that the model’, s variable set could predict variance of competency as 0. 75. Goodness of fit of the model was 0. 37, indicating its overall desirability. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that in the presented model, the component of belief-value competence is a fundamental variable that affects other levels of competence, so it is important to pay attention to this competence for selecting managers of Islamic Azad University.

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Purpose: Considering to the role of human resource excellence in improving the performance and effectiveness of the organization, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the effective factors on human resources excellence in education. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative, the research population including the documents of human resources excellence and education experts of Alborz province in the 2019-20 academic years. The sample was considered according to the theoretical saturation principle 15 people who were selected by targeted and snowball sampling methods. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews whose validity was confirmed by the triangulation method and its reliability was calculated through the agreement coefficient between the two coders 0. 84. Finally, the data were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding method. Findings: The findings showed that the effective factors on human resources in elementary school teachers had 79 open codes, 41 axial codes and 19 selective codes. The selective codes were included of support management and leadership, providing facilities and needs of elementary school, effective communication and human relations of teacher, growing school culture, job motivation, belief and view of the teacher role, job satisfaction, salary and welfare, technological knowledge and skill, personal characteristics, cyber space, specialized knowledge and individual skills of elementary school, educational and developmental strategies, role of stakeholders (students and parents), attracting and training the qualified people, improving the quality of evaluation, facilitating organizational policies, teacher job competencies and teacher research skill. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, the identified effective factors of human resource excellence in primary school teachers have practical implications for education specialists and they can improve the identified factors to improve the performance and effectiveness of the organization.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of peace education on the psychological capital in male high school students. Methodology: The present study was a quasi-experimental method with a pre-test-post-test design with a follow-up of two months And considering the two experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the study consisted of male high school students in District 3 of Tehran in the academic year 2019-2020. 30 samples were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data collection tool was the Lutans Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ). The experimental group received peace training in 8 sessions of 120 minutes in 4 consecutive weeks and the control group did not receive any training in this field. For data analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance was used in spss-22 and the above research is significant at the level of 0. 01. Findings: The results showed that the implementation of peace education in the experimental group compared to the control group significantly affected the four components of psychological capital in male students. Also, the above results did not show much difference in the follow-up stage compared to the post-test stage, and based on this, it was concluded that peace education for male high school students steadily increases their psychological capital. Conclusion: Considering the positive effect of peace education on increasing the psychological capital of junior high school male students, it is suggested that these trainings be included in the curriculum or extracurricular activities of students in different levels and courses of study. Teachers and parents should be introduced to these concepts and the importance and necessity of addressing them in the school environment and classrooms by participating in workshops.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to design and explain the agility model of the organization in Tehran Water and Sewerage Company. Methodology: The present study was cross-sectional in terms of time. In this study, by examining 10 professors and specialists of Tehran Water and Sewerage Company, effective variables were identified. In this research, Maxqda software was used for qualitative data analysis and theorizing. Findings: The results showed that 201 open source codes were identified from 543 concepts. 20 main categories and 49 sub-categories including organizational authority, continuous improvement, organizational dynamics, organizational consequences, individual consequences, group consequences, organizational change, organizational strategic management strengthening, development and empowerment, organizational climate, organizational management subsystems, efficient organizational information systems Manpower competence, economic conditions of organizational management, socio-cultural environment, global technology environment, policy management and macro planning environment of organizational management, political management environment of organization, agile management of organization, strategic coordination. Conclusion: According to the results obtained, the following suggestions provide and optimize business performance. A vital need for maximizing profitability and productivity has been expressed. Among many assets of the institution, knowledge as a critical driving force for performance goals Becomes.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of creative drama on cognitive emotion regulation of aggressive gifted adolescents. Methodology: In this quasi-experimental study, pre-test-post-test and follow-up design were used. The statistical population of this study consisted of all gifted adolescent girls who are studying in talented schools in Tehran. Sampling method in this study, sampling was available. The number of samples was 30 (15 in the control group and 15 in the experimental group). First, the Bass and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (1992) and the Garnfsky Emotion Cognition Regulation (2001) were completed. Adolescents were then randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a creative demonstration program for 12 sessions, at the end of the twelfth session, and 1 month after (to evaluate the durability of the treatment program). The questionnaires were completed again by the subjects of both groups. In order to analyze the data, repeated measures analysis of variance was used. Findings: The results showed that the cognitive emotion regulation of the experimental group increased significantly (p <0. 01) after the intervention compared to the control group. Conclusion: Creative drama therapy program seems to be a good intervention method to improve cognitive emotion regulation, so this program can be used to promote the health of aggressive gifted adolescents.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of teachers 'job commitment on improving the educational performance of schools and teachers' professional ethics to provide a model in education in Mazandaran province. Methodology: In terms of purpose, this study was an application that was conducted with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design. In the qualitative approach, the content analysis method was used and in the quantitative approach, the descriptive survey method was used. The statistical population consisted of 20 people in the qualitative section, senior managers and education experts of Mazandaran province and in the quantitative section, teachers of education schools in Mazandaran province in the number of 33, 567 people. Considering the saturation law, 10 people and in a quantitative part, based on Cochran's formula, 380 people were selected as a statistical sample using stratified random sampling method according to the degree. To collect data, the researcher-made questionnaire of professional devotion with 55 questions, the questionnaire of educational performance Zandi (2013) with 25 questions, the researcher-made questionnaire of educational performance with 12 questions and the questionnaire of professional ethics Kadozir (2002) was used with 25 questions. The face and content validity of the instruments were approved by the supervisors and consultants and their construct validity was calculated with a factor load greater than 0. 5 which was approved. And their combined reliability and Cronbach's alpha were also calculated above 0. 7, which was confirmed. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that the variable of job commitment has two dimensions "organizational and individual". The organizational dimension has six components (organizational climate, organizational justice, reward system, job security, management support, organizational culture) and the individual dimension has three components (commitment to work, job motivation and positive feeling about work) that the organizational dimension with a factor load of 0. 977 it has a greater effect and an individual dimension with a factor load of 0. 922 has a lower effect. Conclusion: Also, the results of structural equation testing showed that,The effect of principals 'professional devotion on improving the educational performance of schools and teachers' professional ethics in education in Mazandaran province is positive and significant, and principals 'professional devotion has the greatest impact on teachers' professional ethics. Also, the presented model has a suitable fit.

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Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of academic vitality training and psychological capital on the academic engagement of female students. Methodology: This research was a semi-experimental type with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all secondary school girls of the 7th district of Mashhad in the academic year of 2020. 45 people who had a lower score in the dependent variable and were willing to participate in training sessions were selected as a sample and were randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group (15 people in each group). One week after the pre-test for all three groups, one experimental group was exposed to the independent variable of academic vitality training and the second experimental group was exposed to psychological capital training, and the control group did not receive any training and then from all The groups were taken after the test. Rio (2013) standard academic engagement questionnaire was used to collect data. In this research, in order to investigate the differences between groups, multivariate and univariate repeated measure variance analysis was used, taking into account the intragroup (test) and intergroup (group membership) factors. Findings: The results showed that teaching academic vitality and psychological capital increases academic engagement in female students. The results showed that there is no significant difference between the effectiveness of academic vitality training and psychological capital on academic engagement. Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that academic vitality training and psychological capital are effective in increasing academic engagement and there is no difference between their effectiveness.

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Purpose: The current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of socio-cultural contexts on the underdevelopment of the target community of the Relief Committee in the east of Hormozgan province. Method: The method of the current research was carried out quantitatively and as a survey. The statistical population was all the clients and people who received support services from the relief committee in the cities of Minab, Rodan, Jask, Sirik and Beshagard. The total number of people working in the East Relief Committee of Hormozgan Province was 191 people, and 123 people were selected by simple random sampling based on the standard table of Mergan. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The data analysis method was also analyzed by Pearson correlation and linear regression using SPSS-V23 software. Findings: The results showed,Traditionalism has a positive effect on underdevelopment. Lack of risk-taking culture has a positive effect on underdevelopment. Institutionalization of dependency culture has a positive effect on underdevelopment. Chronic fatalism has a positive effect on underdevelopment. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the research, it is suggested that the aid committee provide the presence of empowerment non-governmental organizations such as Semans and non-governmental organizations in the studied environment.

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Hoseininejad Seyed Mahdi

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Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the impact of talent management measures on teacher succession, considering the mediating role of talent retention among Alevi school teachers. Methodology: Analytical and socio-statistical survey research method includes 112 Alevi school teachers in Tehran. In this research, a standard questionnaire was used to collect information. Data analysis has been done at the level of descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and Smart PLS statistical software. Findings: The results of the research showed that talent management measures have a significant effect on teacher succession and talent retention mediates this relationship. Conclusion: Today, talent management has become a very important and key issue in the field of human resources, and organizations have realized that attracting and retaining the best people can be considered as the main competitive advantage and play an effective role in improving people's performance.

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