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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Evidence suggests that unprofessional behavior is a common problem among medical students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate pre-conditions and barriers of establishment of professional medical education from perspective of faculty members of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This phenomenological qualitative study was conducted in 1392 with participation of eighteen faculty members of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences (who were targeted among 130-faculty member). Participants in three focus groups explained their beliefs, perceptions and expectations about the training of professional in the form of questions such as "How do students learn professionalism? " and "What challenges do you face in training your professional obligations?" We used content analysis for data analysis process.Results: The faculty members mention ed learning experience before entering the university, structured teaching in the school and learning professional role models as main factors affecting the learning of medical professional. Research participants believed that the teachers’ role modeling and feedback are most influential factor in professional learning, but trainees didn’t accept their teachers as role models. From the perspective of faculty, p professionalism is a multidimensional issue and has been a affected by economic, social and political factors. Also a hybrid approach was also proposed for training the professionalism with the major components of theoretical and clinical training.Conclusion: The results show that the current formal programms of medical schools in the field of professional training is not enough and a focus on specific activities is proposed to improve teaching professionalism including an approach to role modeling. The approach could be provided with an intentional demonstration of professional behavior during the educational courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Nurses for maximum effciency should acquire theoretical knowledge in the classroom and scientific capabilities through training and experience in clinical environments. This study has been done to determination effective factors on adaptation of theorical education and practical Nursing care from viewpoints of nurses.Methods: This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study and the population was 200 nurses' staff in Rasht Educational and remedical hospitals in 2014. In this study, sampling has been carried out using a cluster randomized two stage method. A questionnaire including two parts, one part consist of personal information and second part, effective factors on adaptation of theoretical education and clinical care has been used. Initially, the cluster that was the same as hospitals and Educational and remedical Centers located in Rasht has been listed. To given the sample size, the contribution of nurses per hospital who should participate in the study was specified and 20 nurses in each cluster were randomly selected. And later, by consideing the number of nurses in each shift of work, information was collected. Finally data were analyzed using factor analysis and SPSS software.Result: About effective factors on adaptation of theorical education and practical Nursing care in four areas of activity including personnel departments, clinical status, quality of education and a master trainers indicated that improving the confidence of nurses in independent decision making, clinical care based on standards, education and knowledge of teachers and trainers and their confidence when teaching clinical care have utmost importance.Conclusion: Since there is a gap between theory and clinical care designing appropriate educational program in the future, given the strengths and weaknesses in different areas to adapt the theoretical and clinical care, is necessery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Collaboration among care team in order to improving the quality of patient care is necessary in this regards and by considering the importance of health care team members' attitudes in this relationship and need for assessing tools that are used in studies. This study has been performed to assess the validity and reliability of Attitudes to Health Professionals Questionnaire (AHPQ) for the first time in Iran.Methods: In a cross - sectional study the validity and reliability of AHPQ was assessed. Firs Permission was obtained from the author. Then the instrument was translated into Persian and was sent to 10 medical education experts. The questionnaire was translated back from Persian into English by two translators and did not impair the original questionnaire. To evaluate the reliability, two methods of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) and test – retest via intra-class correlation coefficient (Intra-class correlation coefficient=ICC) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used. To assess the quantity of content validity, the content validity rate (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were determined.Results: All of 20 items had CVR points higher than 0.62 based on Table of lawshe. Comparing CVI shows 17 items with an CVI of higher than 0.78 other 3 items with low CVI rechecked. Questions internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=94.1%) revealed that all the questions are highly correlated. Test - retest reliability via correlation coefficient ICC was 96.6% and r=0.875 at the level of p<0.005 was significant.Conclusion: The results showed that Persian version of the tool is valid and reliable and appropriate for assessing the skills of interprofessional attitude.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Implementation of Evidence-Based practice (EBP) is a basic need for improving nursing skills. Nurses should not only be aware about last evidences, but also use it in clinical environments. Therefore identifying barriers and facilitators can be one of the important steps for implementation of EBP. This study aimed to assess Nurse’s perception about facilitators and barriers of implementation of EBP in Guilan educational and remedial Centers, 2012.Methods: In this cross sectional study, 247 nurses that working in Guilan educational and remedial Centers, were chosen by random sampling. Data collection scale was Funk Barriers Scale and facilitators of implementation of EBP were filled with self-report method. Data were analyzed with SPSS and using independent t-test and ANOVA.Results: The first three important barriers were “The nurse does not have time to read research” (3.22±0.9) “The facilities are inadequate for implementation” (3.11±0.9) and “There is insufficient time on the job to implement new ideas” (3.05±1) and most important facilitator was “collaboration between university centers and hospitals” (3.25±0.8). Also there was a statistical significant difference between nurse’s position and facilitator score (P=0.002).Conclusion: Implementation of EBP will succeed when the nurses work in clinical settings that EBP consider, as an important value there. Organizations will have effective role in reducing barriers, through providing sufficient time, necessary facilities and improving nurse’s ability in researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Clinical education is the essential in nursing education. In this direction, achieving to clinical objectives in critical wards in patients care is necessary and training of efficient nurses for patient care is important.Methods: This is a descriptive analytic study and 51 male and female 7th semester nursing students of kurdistan University of Medical Sciences were recruited for study. Sampling has been done by consus data were collected by method and questionnaire of personal information & self-evaluation and Objective Structured Clinical exam (OSCE) checklist. Data was analyzed by T test and pearson correlation using spss (18).Resault: The resault of the self-evaluation showed that achieving to clinical objectives in Hemodialysis was optimal and in CCU and ICU were medium. The result of OSCE showed that EKG interpretation and endotracheal tube suction had minimum score. In heart massage and oxygen therapy had maximum score. Also clinical procedure in Hemodialysis ward were optimal. There is no significant difference among OSCE and self-examination. Also Pearson correlation test showed significant difference between OSCE and average score (p<0.007) but no difference showed between self evaluation and average score. The result of the OSCE was better than self evaluation and there was significant difference (p<0.002).The result of the OSCE in female students were better than self-evaluation and T test showed significant difference (p<0.002). There was no significant difference among OSCE and self-examination in male students.Conclusion: In regard to the results, achieving to some competences were poor. Therefore further review of clinical objectives at the end of every course is necessary. The result of clinical evaluation in planning education induced to achieving to higher level of competences.

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Introduction: Clinical education can be seen as facilitator of learning in clinical environment. Recognizing the problems in this field is the first step to improve educational programs. So this study aimed to determine nurse and midwifery students' satisfaction of clinical education in hospitals of Zahedan in 2014.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 142 senior paramedical students including (Nursing, midwifery and operation room) that were selected by census method from nursing – midwifery school of Zahedan university of medical sciences participated data was collected by valid and reliable questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test and ANOVA, through SPSS.Results: In the  training scope, (76.8%), consent of the instructor scope (70.2), dealing with student’s scope, (33.9%), the learning environment scope (24.6%), and the monitoring and evaluation scope 43% of student’s were reported unsatisfied situation, and the relationship between gender and satisfaction with clinical education was significant, but there was no significant relationship between satisfaction and field of study.Conclusion: according to low level of student satisfaction about performance coach, programs, and evaluation method; revise the curriculum according to the educational needs of students and integration methods for evaluating students in internship is suggested

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Introduction: The gap between knowledge and action is a challenge that knowledge translation can be a response to it. Knowledge translation is a process that leads knowledge to practice and makes data applicable. The present work was performed in 2014 to investigate the status of knowledge translation in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences from faculty's perspective.Methods: This study is a descriptive research. The studied population included the whole faculty of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences who were selected by census. The research tool was the knowledge translation questionnaire prepared by the Knowledge Translation Committee of Tehran University of Medical Sciences which its validity and reliability were confirmed again for this research. After demographic questions, the questionnaire was set in three parts including: "identifying needs of audiences and conversing these needs into research projects" (11 questions), "producing useful evidences for decision making" (9 questions), and "using results of researches by final users" (22 questions). To compare full score abtained from knowledge translation with demographic variable, t statistical analysis and multiple analysis of variance were used.Results: The results showed that the average score for the part of identifying needs of audiences and converting it into research projects was 2.46, the average score for the part of producing useful evidences for decision making was 2.86, the average score for the part of using results of researches by final users was 2.34, and finally the average total score was 2.47.conclusion: The results of the study indicated that the status of knowledge translation in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences from viewpoint of its faculty members is far from the desirable status. Pursuing proposed alternatives and adopting incentive policies for researchers to disseminate results of researches to users can help to fill the gap between knowledge and action.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Electronic databases are the most important sources of information and use of these resources in each university to be considered as key indicators of development. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of Ardabil medical students in using of electronic information resources.Methods: in this descriptive cross sectional study 250 students in fields of medicine, Para medicine, health and nursing selected by classified randomly sampling method and their knowledge about information resources evaluated by a questionnaire which its validity and reliability was checked by scientific methods. Collected data analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, means) and analytic statistic Chi-square test through SPSS.Results: 65% of samples have no familiarity with digital library. The mean total rate of student’s familiarity with information resources was about 46.5%. Latin and Persian databases that were used most by students were EBSCO (36.4%) and SID (26.4%) respectively. There is no significant difference among students with different filed of study in using information resources.Conclusion: Results showed that the knowledge of students in using electronic information resources was in lower rate. Therefore, designing a program for encouraging students to use more and better of these resources is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Adopting the academic lifestyle environment, as a new life style, make the using of advisors unavoidable for students. The aim of the present study is to investigate Students' perspective about duties and performances of academic advisors in the school of Health of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2013.Methods: In this descriptive and cross- sectional study, 97 students were selected using stratified and simple sampling method. A the researcher made questionnaire including 34 items in 3 fields, which has been designed for each duties and performances of academic advisors from the students' perspective, were used to gather data which has been analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA by SPSS 16.5 at 0.05 significant level.Results: The main duties of advisors from the students perspective, respectively, were: to familiarize the students with rules and regulations of universities (3.9±1.4), to evaluate the student’s academic achievements (3.2±1.4) and to prepare the students to accept the future responsibility (2.97±1.4). As about 10.3% of the students ranked the advisors performance as good, 56.7% as moderate and 33% as weak.Conclusion: the students evaluated the duties of the academic advisors as important but the performance of the advisors was not satisfactory from their perspective. The counseling process should consider as a specialty task which need education and we need to facilitate the relation between University Counseling Office and the academic advisors to promote their knowledge and performance.

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