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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: universities are responsible for producing and sharing of knowledge and they should take away from the traditional structure and move toward a knowledge based structures. Therefore, the main purpose of this research was studying structural aspects of knowledge-based organizations in kashan University of Medical Sciences.Method: This was a descriptive-survey research. The statistical population consisted of 182 faculty members of Kashan University of Medical Sciences that 114 were chosen as sample by using Cochran Formula. The data gathering tool was researcher- made questionnaire of structural dimensions with 24 items based on 5-likert scale. Content validity of questionnaire confirms by experts and through Cronbach alpha coefficient, reliability coefficients were obtained equal to 0.93. Data analyses were through descriptive and inferential statistics by using SPSS.Results: One sample t-test indicate that structural dimensions mean include complexity (3.38± 0.47), formalization (3.02 ± 0.64), concentration (3.07 ± 0.54), relationships based on trust (4± 0.28), extrovert interactive relationships (3.88 ± 0.38) and comprehensive emotional relationships (3.85±0.38) were higher than average (3) and this relations were significant (P=0.001).Conclusion: Based on the results, components of complexity, formalization, concentration, relationships based on trust, extrovert interactive relationships and comprehensive emotional relationships were high that was indicated relatively favorable status of structural dimensions in Kashan University of Medical Sciences but But it doesn’t mean the ideal situation and needs to be improved.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Academic buoyancy and self- directed learning are effective factors in students learning and play an important role in academic success. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of self-directed learning on predicting academic buoyancy in students of Lorestan University of medical sciences.Methods: this is a descriptive and correlational study and statistical population of research included all students of Lorestan University of medical sciences in the academic year of 2014- 2015. By means of partial stratified sampling a number of 369 students were selected based on Chochran’s formula. Data were collected through self- directed learning questionnaire as well as academic buoyancy questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation, multiple regression analysis and T independents through SPSS.Results: The results showed significant positive correlation between self-directed learning (r=0.33) and its aspects including, self-control (r=0.38), autonomy (r=0.27) and willingness for learning (r=0.31) with academic buoyancy (P<0.01).Moreover, among different aspects of self-directed learning, self- control and willingness for learning were meaningful predictors of students’ academic buoyancy (P<0.01, F=36.02). In addition, comparison of different aspects of self-directed learning revealed that female students have shown a higher self-control and willingness for learning than male students (P<0.01). While male students have higher academic buoyancy than female Students (P<0.01).Conclusion: The results of the study confirm the significant role of self-directed learning in developing academic buoyancy in students of Lorestan University of medical sciences. It is recommended that workshops should be hold in order to developing students’ self-directed learning.

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Introduction: Students particularly, students of medical sciences not only experience problems that other students have but also they confront specific problems that are related to their job so that, they are threatened more by losing their psychological health.definitely, Self-esteem, is the most important factor in mental growth, also effective factor in academic achievement.this study has been done for determining self-esteem in students of guilan university of medical sciences.Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical study. In this study, statistical population including 2866 students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences that 537 of them were selected through stratified random sampling method in 93-94. The data were collected through cooper- smith self-esteem questionnaire in 4 domains (general esteem, social, family and educational) and demographic questionnaire and were analyzed by using inferential statistics, Kolmogorov- Smirnov, Friedman test and SPSS software.Results: The results showed that the mean and standard deviation score of self-esteem in general dimension (19.51±4.29), the social dimension (5.35±1.29), the family (6.37±1.69), educational (5.62±1.68) and total self-esteem was reported (36.82±6.97) respectively. also, there is significant difference among mean score of self-esteem with sex of students (p=0.015), course (p=0.023), willingness to course (p=0.0001) and failing in one credit (p=0.013).Conclusion: According to the result, the highest mean score of self-esteem was related to familial domain and the lowest average was in terms of social self-esteem, so, considering the importance and necessity of self-esteem in academic achievement, holding educational workshops to strengthen Self-esteem by focusing on different effective factors is suggested.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: psychological capital as an important element of educational system in students is necessary. The aim of current research was to investigate the role of spiritual health and mindfulness in psychological capital of students.Method: This is a correlation study. The Statistical population consisted of 2500 students of faculty of Humanities in University of Guilan that 335 students were selected by cluster random sampling method in the academic year of 2013-14. they responded to the Luthans’s psychological capital, palutzian and Ellison’s spiritual health questionnaire and Short form of Freiburg’s mindfulness inventory with acceptable reliability and validity. The gathered data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis through SPSS.Results: Results showed that there is a positive and significant relation between spiritual health and mindfulness with psychological capital (efficacy, resilience, optimism, hope) (P<0.01). The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that spiritual health and mindfulness could significantly predict psychological capital.Conclusion: The result of research implies the importance of spiritual health and mindfulness as spiritual and psychological variables in explaining of psychological capital. Thus, training based on promoting spiritual health and mindfulness in educational systems lead to improving psychological capital among students.

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Introduction: Identifying exact needs in education leads to designing an effective and realistic program, but it is not obtained only by knowing and analyzing educational needs as well as achieving good information for decision making and determining objective of program. The aim of this study is to determine of educational needs With the purpose of faculty members training in this regards.Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Of 360 faculty members of Guilan University of medical sciences, 196 participated in this study that were determined based on Morgan table and census sampling. A researcher made questionnaire in the form of five choices Likert was used for collecting data. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were determined by content validity and alpha Cronbach respectively. Data were analyzed by statistical descriptive and Pearson correlation coefficient through SPSS software.Result: Among 196 research participants, 3.1% were full professor, 17.9% associate professor, 56.1% assistant professor and 23% were instructors. Findings showed 92 of faculty members (46.9%) declared new teaching methods (PBL, EBL, EBM, CPC) as the priority in education field, also in the fields of research and methods of clinical evaluation 87 (44.4%) and 71 (36.2%) determined English conversation and clinical evaluation methods respectively. In individual development domain, 66 of faculty members (33.7%) declared patients rights also, familiar with IT skills and applying software and rules and regulation of faculty members employment have been determined by 87 (44.4%) and 62 (31.6%), as first priorities in IT and management activities domains.Conclusion: Faculty members consider new teaching methods, English conversation and familiar with IT skills as important priorities so, it shows faculty members sensitivity to effectiveness, high quality of teaching and creating depth learning in learners and promoting their scientific this regards, EDC should try to hold workshops for faculty members both to promote their scientific ranking and improve quality of education in university.

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Introduction: The gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical practice in nursing is one of the major problems that many solutions have been suggested to eliminate it. The present study was conducted to determine solution for decreasing gap Between theoretical knowledge and Clinical Performance from the Viewpoints of Nursing Students in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2014.Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, that 200 nursing students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences were selected by convenience sampling method. Data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire about three categories of Strategies for decreasing gap Between Knowledge and Practice from the Viewpoints of Nursing Students, including "Instructor", "student" and "educational planning". The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed. Data was analyzed using independent t-test, one-way ANOVA.Results: The mean of the total scores achieved for the approaches taken to reduce the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical Performance was 3.87±0/74. Results showed that Among the factors to Instructor, student and educational planning, The use of modern methods of instruction by instructors of nursing with mean score 4.2±0.98, Having interest in nursing with mean score 3.78±0.74 And the use of instructors, with clinical and scientific competence in clinical practice, with mean score 4.4±1.07 Were important as the Solutions respectively.Conclusion: Given the gap between theoretical knowledge and Clinical Performance, adopting Appropriate strategies, in three dimensions instructor, student and educational planning in order to eliminate or reduce the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical Performance in nursing seems necessary.

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Introduction: academic burnout and exhaustion is one of the major challenges of education, that affects motivation, in this regards, study of academic burnout and its consequences is important.The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship among academic burnout, academic engagement and performance in students of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This is a descriptive -correlation study. The study population included all students of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences (n=2600). Samples were 335 of different faculties, that selected by stratified sampling. To collect data, academic engagement questionnaire of schaufeli and the academic burnout questionnaire of Bersou were applied. In addition, the academic performance was measured using the students GPA. Eventually, data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the stepwise multiple regression analysis by the means of SPSS-19 software.Results: results showed that the mean values of variables for academic burnout, academic engagement and academic performance were 41.08, 50.97 and 15.93, respectively. There is a significant negative relationship between academic burnout and academic engagement (P<0.001, r=-0.49).also, a significant negative relationship exists between academic burnout and academic performance (P<0.001, r=-0.17). The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that the factors of academic burnout can predict academic engagement (P<0.001) as well as Factors of academic burnout to predict academic performance (P<0.01).Conclusion: The results of the research demonstrate relationship among academic burnout, academic engagement and performance of students therefore, reducing burnout can improve and increase engagement and performance, and educational managers in universities of medical sciences consider burnout in educational planning to increase engagement.

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Introduction: Academic achievement is affected by several variables. Some more important ones include motivational beliefs and control source. This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between learning motivational beliefs and control source dimensions with academic achievement.Methods: In this descriptive, analytic study, the population under study included all the students in Birjand University of Medical Sciences during 2014-15 academic year (n=2621). The sample was selected using Kerjsi and Morgan’s Table as 335 individuals who were selected by stratified random sampling method. To collect data, the 47-item MSLQ by Pintrich and De Groot, the 29-item Julian Rotter Source Control Questionnaire and students’ overall mean score – as the academic achievement parameters were were analyzed through independent T-Test, Pearson correlation, one-way variance analysis and regression analysis using SPSS software.Findings: Regression analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between motivational beliefs and locus of control with academic achievement of students (R=0.452), (P= 0.013). about locus of control no significant differences was showed between the male and female students (T=1.06) and (P=0.12). But there was a significant differences between academic achievement and male and female students (T=2.136), (P=0.04).Conclusion: results show relationship between motivational beliefs and locus of control with academic achievement of students, so holding workshop in this field, to improve these two important factors in students is offered.

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of Curriculum Development at Allameh Tabatabaei University Introduction: Clinical training as an important period of medical education has a major role in shaping students' professional capabilities. Given the importance of this issue, Practical medical training experienced dramatic changes during the past two decades and move towards the development of clinical skills training labs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the quality of training provided in the clinical skills lab from the viewpoints of medical students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in clinical skills lab of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, on all medical trainees that introduced to the clinical skills lab for training course in 2014-15. Sampling method was census and was included 50 students. Data were collected by researcher-made questionnaire with 20 questions for 8 groups: internal medicine, pediatrics, urology, gynecology, orthopedics, anesthesia, ENT and general surgery. Also, data were analyzed using SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistical tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney U and Spearman).Results: The students in different educational groups involved in this study evaluate this course at good level as follow: internal medicine (90.8%), pediatrics (68.2%), urology (100%), surgery (68.2%), ENT (90.9%), orthopedic (77.3%) and anesthesia (86.4%) but (54.5%) of students in gynecology group evaluate this course weak, overall, 68.2% of the students expressed that quality of training for all groups was good. there was no statistically significant relationship between quality of training and variables including age (P=0.52), sex (P=0.55) and OSCE score (P=0.19).Conclusion: As the clinical skill labs consider the first place to convert theoretical learning into practical learning and students were not satisfied with the quality of education in some groups, further studies to solve the problems and improve the quality of education in these clinics is recommended.

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