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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background& Purpose: Today, Reason of attractive the most sports is their Unpredictability. The competitive ability of teams that make the league, the more difficult it is to predict the outcome League matches will be more attractive. The aim of this study was to comparing competitive balance between Iranian and selected countries of the European Football premier League.Methodology: The research method is descriptive and of post events type. Secondary research data have been obtained from the tables in the final year of 2012-2013. The Statistical population of research is Premier Leagues of Iran, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the statistical sample is teams This Leagues. The nine-club concentration ratio (C5) and C5 index of competitive balance (C5ICB) were used to analyze the data. The value of these indices is less than the balance of the league and vice versa.Results: The competitive balance index (C5ICB) the following results were obtained: the equilibrium leagues selected countries: Russia (133), France (135), Iran (136), Germany (141), Italy (144), Netherlands (146), Spain (148), Portugal (149) and England (150) that the iranian Premier League is the country's third highest among the selected countries.Discussion: Based on the findings and Iran ranks third among European Premier countries can be concluded that Football in Iran appears to be pursuing a more balanced and the traditional dipole mode in Tehran and in other parts of the country is under development.

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Background & purpose: Development is continious process, ongingand age- related and contain growth and maturation. The purpose of this study, the relationship between some anthropometric characteristics of with object control motor skills of preschool children aged 3 to 5 city of Ahvaz, and compare the motor skills of boys and girls was the object of control.Methodology: In a descriptive study-the field, 350 children (183 boys and 167 girls) (3 to 5 years) from the city of Ahvaz in clusters nursery a randomly selected and tested by using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics test Pearson correlation coefficient for the relationship between anthropometric characteristics (height, weight, arm length, forearm length, palm length (from the wrist down)) The object control skills, and, and t-test to compare the mean motor skills of boys and girls in the control object would mean a=0.05 was used.Results: Results showed the character anthropometric and motor skills, object control children there are a relation Between boys and girls in terms of motor skills and object control, was not observed significant difference.Discussion: This evidences the need for greater attention to the anthropometric characteristics of coaches and sports teachers with the necessary And be suggest the importance of making choices for children, for various motor skills, features Anthropometric measures as well as the other criteria are appropriate.

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Background & Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of mental practice and physical practice in fatigue and non-fatigue condition on the generalized motor program and parameter of Rotating tracking skills.Methodology: 40 students of Shahid Beheshti University were voluntarily participate in the task in 3 session every other day, then 48 hours retention test were performed. The data analyzed by dependent T test, one way ANOVA, mixed factorial ANOVA.Results: The result showed that learning of 2 section generalized motor program and parameter of Pursuit skill were significantly increased by both of mental practice and physical practice in fatigue and non - fatigue condition (p<0.05). The result showed that there was no significant effect between amount of effect of mental practice and physical practice on learning of generalized motor program and parameter of Pursuit skill in fatigue and non-fatigue condition (p>0.05). Other finding of study was that fatigue is a factor can have a significant effect on parameter learning but it dosen't have significant effect on motor program learning (p<0.05).Discussion: mental practice in fatigue condition and physical practice in non-fatigue condition are useful. In the fatigue condition should be refused practice parameter and focused on learning of motor program.

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Background & purpose: Mental toughness questionnaire-48 is a tool by which we can measure the level of mental toughness. Mtq48 was translated into 35 different languages and has been used. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Persian version of it.Methodology: 1064 people with age range of 14-56 years (M=25.33, SD=6), were including students, athletes, coaches and sport managers participated in this study. Forward-backward standard method with the original authors help was used to provide it’s Persian version. Face and content validity was confirmed by experts. To study the reliability of internal consistency Cronbach’s alpha was used. Also for data analysis Spss 18 and Amos 18 were used.Results: Reliability analysis using cronbach’s alpha showed overall internal reliability of the Mtq48, a=0.93 and challenge, commitment, control, emotional control, life control, confidence, confidence in abilities and confidence interpersonal were a=0.77, 0.80, 0.84, 0.78, 0.81, 0.86, 0.81, 0.81, respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the six-factor model is a good fit.Discussion: This study also found that Persian version of Mtq48 has good reliability and validity. It seems to be a suitable tool for the study of mental toughness. Thus, researchers can use Persian version of it for further research.

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Background & Purpose: Entrepreneurship consists of searching and opportunity pursuit process and its value maximization. The nowadays organizations need pay much attention to entrepreneurship to increase its efficiency and effectiveness against increasing environmental changes. An appropriate structure determination of entrepreneurship often follows after when the superior manager will be committed to concept of entrepreneurship.Methodology: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structure of the physical education organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran with an entrepreneurial approach and to determine its connection with the entrepreneurship of this organization. 194 subjects of this study were stratified randomly selected from all expert staff of physical education organization. Two questionnaires of entrepreneurial Structure and organizational entrepreneurship were used to collect data. One-sample t test was used to determine the status of entrepreneurial structure and its components and the organizational Entrepreneurship and Pearson correlation coefficient test was used to determine the relationship among the variables of the research.Results: The results indicated that there is significant relationship between the entrepreneurial structure and its all dimensions with the Entrepreneurship of the organization. Also, mean of organizational entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial structure and its all dimensions were significantly lower than the intermediate level.Discussion: the basis the findings of the present study, designing an entrepreneurial structure in the organization of physical education can improve the Entrepreneurship of the organization.

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Background & Purpose: physical education have positive effect on the students but the situation is not perfect. The aim of this study was to investigate affective factors in promotion of physical education lesson’s status in schools.Methodology: 173 subjects (92 women and 81 men) were selected from physical education teachers in North Khorasan Province (2011-2012).A 5 scales Likertself-management questionnaire was usedin this study. Validity is confirmed by experienced experts and teachers, and reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha (a=0.97). Exploratory factor analysis with the Direct Oblimin Rotation method was used to identify the factors and the Friedman test with Wilcoxon post-hoc were used for data analysis at p<0.05 significance level.Results: Based on the result of factor analysis, 36 items were categorized in 5 factors include Teacher's Expertise (6 items), Mental Aspect (5 items), Attitudes & Knowledge of Related Groups (11 items), Surveillance & Evaluation (4 items), and Facilities (10 items), respectively, as the most significant factors in promotion of physical education lesson’s status. Also, there was a significant difference between the priorities of the factors in the promotion of physical education lesson’s status.Discussion: Teacher’s Expertise, Mental Aspect and, Attitudes& Knowledge of Related Groups factors were placed in the first priorities with same importance. But these 3 factors had significant difference with Surveillance & Evaluation, and Facilities (p<0.05). According to the high priority of Teacher’s Expertise, Mental Aspect and, Attitudes & Knowledge of Related Groups factors, it seems that attending to and recruiting these factors will help to promoting the status of physical education lesson in schools.

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Background & Purpose: This study would report about one of the potential problems in motor learning that followed by weightlifting and decreasing the range of motion (ROM) in weightlifters.Methodology: The research community was 20 to 25 years old Tehran weightlifters that experienced in weight training around 3 years and non-weightlifters ordinary people. Among the research community 20 weightlifter (21.12 ± 1.67 years) and 20 non-weightlifters (21.45 ± 1.23 years) were selected purposful.They were trained overhand serve volleyball based on a similar schedule program (3 Sessions, 120 trials).In order to derive learning, the performance accuracy were recorded and measured by overhand volleyball serve test of AHHPERD and performance kinematic by motion analysis. Data analyses of performance accuracy were done by dependent and independent t-test, multiple analyses of variance with repeated measure and performance kinematic by comparison of joints angular displacement and angular-angular graphs of two groups with reference pattern).Results: analysis of quantitative analysis has shown that practicing leads to improve the score accuracy of two groups but performance of tow group were different from each other (P<0.0001). The scores of weightlifters accuracy didn’t have significant differences from retention (p=0.081) and transfer (p=0.061) to pre-test. Qualitative comparison of joints angular displacement and angular-angular graphs were derived that the pattern of joints displacement between limb coordination in control group was more similar to a reference pattern.Conclusion: Weightlifters in the performance process of learning a new motor skill were weaker than those of ordinary people. This could be due to limited range of motion, but conclude the problems in motor learning should be subject to further research.

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Background & Purpose: The most important mission of all sports organizations and individuals involved in sports is attracting of community people to the sporting- recreational activities and provide of the facilities and suitable conditions in this field for them. the aim of this research is expression of most importance stimulating factors of sport activities in the health ways (with emphasis on physical fitness equipment of Parks).Methodology: This research is descriptive; analytical and is done as field research with noting the kind of research. Statistical population includes the whole of Urmia population who aged above 20, and research item consists of 384 individuals on base of Morgan table. Research tool used from researcher based questionnaire that Reliability was a (a=0.82), and is base on 5 degrees Lickert scale. Data were analyzed in meaningful level (p<0.05) in means of one-sample t-test and Friedman tests.Finding: Our results show that whole effective factors which posed in this research; consists of quality of facilities, cultural factors, social factors, sub-structural factors and finally environmental factors have roles on sport development in health ways.Discussion: On base of our preference outcomes; if we orderly take account into sub-scales cultural factors, quality of equipments, environmental factors, and finally social factors, it's outcome is memory making and developing positive situation in users mind in these ways and will cause development of sport for all, and consequently will bring citizens consent health development, and their more succulence.

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مقدمه و هدف: جذابیت لیگ های ورزشی به عوامل متعددی بستگی دارد که یکی از این عوامل تعادل رقابتی می باشد. هدف از این تحقیق، مقایسه تعادل رقابتی لیگ برتر فوتبال ایران و کشورهای منتخب اروپایی است.روش شناسی: روش پژوهش، توصیفی و از نوع پس رویدادی است. داده های این تحقیق ثانویه است و از جداول پایانی سال 2013-2012 به دست آمده است. جامعه آماری تحقیق شامل لیگ برتر کشورهای ایران، روسیه، فرانسه، آلمان، ایتالیا، هلند، اسپانیا، پرتقال و انگلیس و نمونه آماری آن، تیم های لیگ های کشورهای مذکور است نسبت تمرکز (C5) و شاخص تعادل رقابتی (C5ICB) استفاده گردید. هرچه مقدار این شاخص ها کمتر باشد، تعادل لیگ بیشتر است و برعکس.یافته ها: بر اساس شاخص تعادل رقابتی (C5ICB) نتایج ذیل به دست آمد: ترتیب تعادل لیگ های برتر کشورهای منتخب: روسیه (133)، فرانسه (135)، ایران (136)، آلمان (141)، ایتالیا (144)، هلند (146)، اسپانیا (148)، پرتقال (149) و انگلیس (150) است که لیگبرتر کشور ایران در رتبه سوم بین کشورهای منتخب قرار دارد.بحث و نتیجه گیری: بر اساس یافته ها و رتبه سوم ایران بین کشورهای مطرح اروپایی، می توان نتیجه گرفت که فوتبال در ایران به صورت متعادل تری دنبال می شود و تیم های مختلف ایران در لیگ هرسال برای قهرمانی در حال رقابت هستند و تا هفته های آخر این رقابت ادامه دارد که نشان دهنده پیشرفت فوتبال در نقاط مختلف کشور است.

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Background & purpose: A fan is someone who has intense desire and feelings towards his /her favorite club or player. Media impress on social values and by representing football makes society to accept it as a powerful social value. So it is important to study Television role impressing society feelings and commitment towards football teams.Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the rate of fans commitment towards favorite football teams regarding their demographic characteristics and also the role of television in creating commitment among the fans.Methodology: The statistic society was 20000 football fans participating in competition between Malavan and Piroozi teams and 377 samples was chosen to be considered in this research. Research tool was a questionnaire prepared by the researchers with alpha chronbach 78% and favorite validity approved by some experts in sport management and communication field.Results: Results showed significant correlation between the television role and the rate of commitment among fans and also there was significant correlation between marital status and the rate of commitment among football fans which showed the single fans are more committed than others.Discussion: the amount of information spectators get through watching television and also attractive football matches broadcast by television have important role in making spectators as committed fans. Single people are the majority of football fans.

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Background & Purpose: The most important period of motor development is childhood period, the most important stages motor development are effectively development fundamental motor skills.The purposes of this study were to determine construct validity and three reliability aspects of Test of Gross Motor development (TGMD-2) children with Intellectual Disability aged 7-10 in Tehran.Methodology: 205 children from among total children with Intellectual Disability of Tehran aged 7-10 were selected according to sex and age. Instrument in research was TGMD-2. Reliability was analyzed internal consistency reliability, test-retest, interarater reliability. Reliability coefficients were calculated based on ICC and Cronbach's alpha manner. Construct validity was analyzed confirmatory factor and age discrimination capability with correlation Pierson coefficients.Results: Internal consistency reliability for locomotor and object control score and also foot total composite score averaged 0.77, 0.80 and 0.83, respectively. Internal consistency reliability was for females in locomotor (0.93) and object control score (0.96) and also GMQ (0.89) and males (0.91), (0.89) and (0.90) respectively. Test- re test reliability ranged from 0.80 to 0.88 and inetrarater reliability equally and above 0.95. To investigate construct validity, Ulrich (2000) two- factor model postulated and this hypothesis were supported for our population. Additionally, the differentiation capability provided support for another aspect of construct validity; which is motor performance increases with age.Discussion: In conclusion, this study showed that TGMD-2 can measure gross motor development of the studied community to be used with confidence.

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Background & Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate the types of scientific plagiarism in the physical education thesis and the ways of detecting them from aspect of male and female students in University of Mazandaran.Methodology: The method of this research was descriptive and survey. Data for this study were gathering with a researcher- made questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed by a group of professors insport management and it' s reliability counted with Cronbach’s alpha 0.87. The questionnaire was designed to compare 5 Likert value. The responders of this questionnaire were 110 graduate male and female students of University of Mazandaran.Results: The Results indicate the importance of identifying the types of scientific Plagiarism and ways of detecting them. Most the type of scientific plagiarism from viewpoint of the respondents was unconsciously and unintentionally. There was no difference between viewpoint of male and female students.Discussion: To deal with the abuse of science we must looking to upgrade current methods of detecting and identifying newer methods.

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Background & Purpose: Organization Justice Points to feeling and understanding form the amount of equity and equality in work behaviors and relations. A different research shows that increasing justice feeling affected on organization trust and career satisfaction. The purpose of current research is considering impressment of dimensions of organization trust and justice on career satisfaction on Athlete men in Iranian Futsal Professional League.Methodology: Present study after the occurrence of the transverse cross-sectional study. This study was undertaking of the correlate, the analytical and the branches. Therefore, the standard questionnaire of organizational justice (distributive, procedural and interactional), organizational trust and job satisfaction were used; Fix the literature of suitable questions with the sport environment. Consideration of content validity and content structure of questionnaire questions is sign of suitability. Reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of the questionnaire obtained %74, %70, %89 and %86. Volume sample was equal to the considered society. Thus, questionnaires have used between all the employed men in Iranian Futsal Professional League. 175 questionnaires were distributed and finally 144 of them was returned. To test the model was used form partial least squares method and PLS Graph software.Results: The results of the research findings show that organizational justice, procedural justice and interactional justice have asignificant impact on organizational trust. Furthermore, an interactive and distributive justice on job satisfaction affects athletes. Finally, organizational trust and job satisfaction affect athletes (P£0.05).Discussion: According to the obtained results, the proper use of any of the coaches can trust in organizational justice between individuals, teams, and player stake high satisfaction.Moreover, the success more teams provide.

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Background & Purpose: The purpose of this research was study interdisciplinary relationship at physical education and sport sciences in scientific journals. In this research was studied share of each science in physical education and sport science.Methodology: Research method was analytic and it based on citation analysis that it used with SPSS & EXCEL software. Research sample consisted of 370 scientific papers from four sports scientific journals.Results: First, this research, determined most share of scientific papers from other sciences. Results showed that study of this science with regard another sciences interactions is difference.Discussion: and Conclusion: Thus, physical education is related science using interdisciplinary procedures. Physical education identity based on interdisciplinary create cohesion framework for it. In addition, interdisciplinary cohesion needs replying to social problems. Finally, this research will pay to present proposal for future researches.

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Background & Purpose: Brand credibility reduces information costs because consumers may be prestigious brands, as an informed source would benefit for savings on the costs of data collection and processing. The purpose of this study was the influence of brand credibility on Word of Mouth and Switching propensity.Methodology: Method research was descriptive- correlational. The statistical population consisted of all the Nike consumers of Tehran’s city. For sampling, we selected 171 persons based on convenience sampling. For gathering data, three main questionnaires utilized brand credibility questionnaire (Erdem & Swait, 1998), Word of Mouth, and switching propensity questionnaires (Zeithaml, Berry & Parasuraman, 1996). The validity of questionnaires determined by experts and the reliability were (a=0.96) for brand credibility questionnaire, (a=0.90) for Word of Mouth questionnaire and (a=0.75) for switching propensity questionnaire. The SEM utilized for analyzing data. In examining relationships between variables, the output of the software EQS 6.1 was representing the structural model fit. (The index rate were NFI=0.97, CFI=0.99 & RMSEA= 0.043). It has been shows the appropriate SEM. In other words, the Observed data were similar to study design.Results: The results indicated that brand credibility had the positive effect on Word of Mouth (b=0.82) and the negative effect on switching propensity (b=-0.72).Discussion: According to our results, Managers should be searching for ways that stimulate the positive Word of Mouth and develop to reduce the negative Word of Mouth steps and its effects.

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Background and Purpose: performed studies showed that in spite of football sport importance, up to now the studies little performed about fans motives of this sport. The aim of the research, is studying of motives related to fanning of football among the youths.Methodology: in this research used measuring method and questionnaire devices for gathering data. The devices for gathering data, it was motive scale of fanning from van sport and colleagues. Current research statistical population include all students who are studying in the Yazd University in 1391-1392 academic solar years, totally 372 students were selected by sampling method of fit class random.Results: results of research indicate that emancipation of stress; esthetics and connection to the groups with dependent variable groups (fanning from football) have direct relation and meaningfulness. The strongest predictor fanning from football is emancipation of stress after that esthetics and connection to the groups are located in next rank.Discussion: the results of Multi variables Line regression Test showed that about 19% of fanning changes from football explains by seven variables predictor. Therefore, in this field (domain) should examine other effective variables.

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