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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to study psychometric properties of the scale of school engagement for student that focuses on psychological and cognitive dimensions. This descriptive study was conducted among high school students in Darmiyan of South Khorasan (N = 2002). For determination of sample size, based on the number of the parameters, that Mueller suggested, 400 students were selected. To collect data, NEO Personality Questionnaire (NEO-FFI), Self-regulated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (MSLQ) and Student Engagement Instrument were applied. Validity of school engagement scale was analyzed by using confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation. The results showed that the school engagement scale in the research community is reliable, and can explain the psychological and cognitive characteristics of student academic engagement. Also, for explaining convergent validity, among efficacy and loyalty with school engagement was observed positive and significant correlation. So, this scale can meet the needs of researchers, teachers, counselors and authorities in education for measuring up the psychological and cognitive dimensions of school engagement in high school students.

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One of the most devastating damage that threatens the dynamism of any system is the formation of the culture of pseudo-evaluation. The present study was conducted to represent the perceptions of teachers and managers about the effective factors at formation the culture of pseudo-evaluation in primary schools. Tried using the valuable capacity of qualitative methods identifies and represent the depth of the phenomenon under study. Data were collected using criterion sampling and semi-structured interviews with 27 teachers, managers and specialists, and were analyzed by software of MAXQDA. Analysis of the interviews led to the identification of seven main themes, including: "Individual factors", "Educational factors", "Factors related to the manager", "Socio-cultural factors", "School-related factors", "Factors related to policy and planning" and "Factors related to the implementation process". The results showed educational evaluation in the primary schools are facing whit diverse challenges. In order to conduct a valid and genuine evaluation, decisions must be made at a macro level. The findings show that the lack of attention to the conditions in the evaluation of student performance has provided the context for the formation of pseudo evaluation culture.

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Missing data that refer to any non-answering to items is a common phenomenon of empirical studies, educational and psychological assessments. Different statistical methods for dealing with nonresponse data are affected by the mechanism of missing-ness, their causes and their extent. The purpose of this article is exploring and describing the missing data in the university entrance national exam. Data for General Persian Literature Test of mathematical, Empirical and humanity Science fields and professional tests including literature in humanity filed, biology in empirical field and mathematics in math field in 1383, 1391 and 1395 (Solar years) used for this purpose. Analysis was done by SPSS, R and ‘ psych’ package in R. It is shown the amount of missing data has increased in the years under review (min 2. 2% and max 91. 6%). Under amusingness condition item difficulties are overestimated. It is also shown that there is a high positive correlation between the number of non-answered items in different test of the same year (rmin = 0. 41 and rmax=0. 78); and the high negative correlation between the number of correct responses and missing answers (rmin =-0. 56 and rmax =-0. 85). The results of show occurrence of missing data in various competence dimensions and non-ignorable of missing data in statistical analyzes. It is necessary to select and use appropriate method for missing data when analyzing data for university entrance national exam.

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Mohsenpour Maryam

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Over the recent decades a new theoretical framework entitled cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) has gained a special status in the field of educational measurement as an approach to integrate cognitive theories with education. This framework provides formative diagnostic feedback through a fine-grained reporting of learners’ attribute mastery profiles which is necessary to respond to test items. The present study, through application of Polytomouse Deterministic Input, Noisy ‘ ‘ and’ ’ gate [de la Torre & Douglas, 2013], investigated the degree to which the items of a mathematical literacy test can provide diagnostically useful information. Mathematics literacy test was designed based on PISA framework considering social and cultural characteristics. The construction of 20-item test was based on six cognitive competencies. Through expert rating, a Q-matrix including six fundamental cognitive attributes consisting of communication, mathematizing, representation, reasoning and argument, devising strategies for solving problems andusing symbolic, formal and technical language and operations was developed and data collected from 700 15-year-old students. Using PGDINA model, model fit indicators, latent Class Probabilities, items’ parameters, and student’ s attributes profile were produced. Results indicated flexibilities of the PGDINA model and items can provide diagnostically useful information based on proposed model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present research was to perform a meta-analysis on the research that was conducted to evaluate the validity of the concept map-based tests. The sampling methods of the present research were purposive and snowball. After removing the irrelevant research, selected 29 research as sample. This research consisted of the dissertations, articles, and projects that were printed or performed in the different journals, valid universities and institutions in and out of Iran. Of these research obtained 153 effect sizes. After checking the entrance and exit criterions and removing digressive data, remained 143 effect sizes that analyzed by CMA software version 2. The meta analysis results showed that concept map-based tests have possessed mix effect size. /486 that according to the Cohen criterion, it is a large effect size in the correlational research. The results of the present meta-analysis showed the concept maps-based tests possess an appropriate validity and can be used for evaluation aims in the various domains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this research was to construct and prepare a quality culture measurement tool at Farhangian University. In this study, exploratory mixed method has been used development tools. The statistical population of the study included the faculty members and staff at Farhangian University (N=1480), among whom 460 individuals were selected using the multistage cluster sampling method. The return coefficient of the questionnaire was 84 percent (389 people). Also, using a structured interview, a sample of 23 volunteers was interviewed in a targeted way. The validity and reliability of the quality culture questionnaire was approved before implementation. The result of the study was to confirm the dimensions of the quality culture consisting of ten factors; structural / managerial elements; cultural / psychological elements; leadership; communication; trust; commitment and accountability; participation; , "Empowerment", "infrastructure reform", "results and quality culture". To validate the questionnaire, stability and congruence and convergent and divergent validity were evaluated using Smart PLS software. The final scale of the 120-item questionnaire was based on the five-point Likert scale spectrum. It has a very good fit. As a result, it is suggested to improve continuously the quality of teachers in these factors and indices in the framework of its strategic plan.

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The present research was conducted to evaluate the quality of academic research outcomes from the perspective of knowledge production actors in one of the major universities in Iran with qualitative approach, case study method and triangulation technique. The study method was qualitative case study. For this purpose, in the first stage, we examined and studied the research background on the quality of research outcomes and in the second phase we conducted in-depth interviews with faculty members of Shiraz University. Statistical population were 610 faculty members of Shiraz University. We selected 24 members in four groups of humanities, engineering, agriculture and veterinary sciences and basic sciences that have at least a degree of associated professor and have been selected as the top researcher in the last five years with criteria sampling method. The results of this research explored the quality of academic research in two components of "quality of publications" and "quality of presentation and maturity of research" and, respectively, in five indicators of "quality of the publication", "alignment with the indicators of scientometrics", "Research credibility ", " Innovation and efficiency "and" Applicability "were identified in a total of 32 indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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