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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Ego-s trength and defense mechanisms are key concepts in the psychoanalytic approaches, which are important in the etiology of borderline personality disorder. Therefore, the present s tudy was conducted with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of mentalization based therapy (MBT) on ego-s trength and defense mechanisms of people with borderline personality disorder. Materials and Methods: This was an experimental s tudy using pretes t-pos ttes t design with a control group and follow up s tage. The research sample consis ted of 30 men with borderline personality disorder selected by purposive sampling and were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. MBT was performed for the experimental group. Three s tages (pretes t, pos ttes t and follow up) were used to collect data from psychological inventory ego s trength designed by Marks trom et al. and defense s tyles purposed by Andrews and colleagues. Results: The results showed that MBT was markedly effective in improving the ego s trength and defense mechanisms of people with borderline personality disorder. Conclusion: MBT is a suitable s trategy for improving the ego-s trength and reducing neurotic and immature defense mechanisms of people with borderline personality disorder and can be used as an effective intervention method.

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Introduction: Mental retarded children who receive a wide range of health services, representing more than two percent of the population. Mental retardation is associated with significant cons traints on mental performance and adaptive behavior as well as perceptual and practical skills. According to the s tudies, one of the important tools that can affect cognitive abilities, such as memory, is physical activity. Due to the memory problems in children with mental retardation, this s tudy aimed to inves tigate the effects of spark training on visual-spatial working memory operation in children suffering from mental retardation. Materials and Methods: The Study population included educable mentally retarded s tudents in Urmia. 20 mentally retarded boys of age 9 to 12 years were selected and divided into two groups; experimental and control. Spark programs that includes s trengthening activities as well as games and sports for children were performed for 18 sessions on the experimental group. Corsi Blocks tes t was used to collect the visual-spatial memory data. Results: The results showed a significant difference in the visual-spatial work memory score between the experimental and control groups. Conclusion: Spark exercises can improve the performance of the visual-spatial work memory of trained mentally retarded children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a serious childhood disorder that causes social, emotional, cognitive, and motor difficulties for children. Accordingly, the current s tudy aimed to examine the effect of perceptual-motor training on the improvement of neurocognitive functions in children with DCD. Materials and Methods: Twenty children were selected through simple random sampling from the children with DCD. The participants were classified into the experimental (10 children) and control (10 children) groups. The children in the experimental group underwent perceptual-motor training for 8 weeks (24 sessions). The neurocognitive functions of attention were assessed in the pretes t and pos ttes t using Conners’ Neuropsychological Scale (the Conners 3). Results: The results showed a significant difference between the mean neurocognitive functions of attention in the experimental and control groups. These functions improved considerably in the children of the experimental group. Conclusion: The results indicated that perceptual-motor training can be considered as a useful intervention technique to improve the neurocognitive functions of attention in children with DCD.

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Introduction: The s tudy of individual differences in information processing in order to predict the academic achievement of s tudents with math disability is of great importance. The purpose of this s tudy was to s tudy automatic and controlled data processing speed based on the Stroop tes t in s tudents with math learning disability. Materials and Methods: This descriptive s tudy was causal-comparative. The s tudy population consis ted of s tudents in dis trict 6 education in Tehran city. The sample consis ted of 36 s tudents with and without learning disability in mathematics (18 s tudents with Math Learning Disability and 18 normal s tudents), selected by sys tematic random sampling from the lis t of s tatis tical populations (specific learning problems center) and matching method (normal group). The data were collected by demographic ques tionnaire, Raven’ s Progressive Matrices, Keymaths math tes t and Stroop tes t and analyzed by multivariate analysis of co-variance, Shapiro-Wilk tes t, Box and Levin tes ts. Results: The findings showed that automatic and controlled information processing in s tudents with and without a math learning disability are significantly different. The mean of reaction time and number of errors in s tudents with math learning disability is significantly higher than s tudents without learning disability is math. Conclusion: According to the results of this s tudy the speed of automatic and controlled information processing in s tudents with math learning disability is weak (low) and educators should pay attention to this problem.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The purpose of this s tudy was to inves tigate the neural effects of brand social responsibility (BSR) on consumer behavior. In the version of third marketing, consideration of the human spirit and its responsibility as a competitive s trategy has been proposed. Materials and Methods: The inves tigation method was an exploratory-laboratory. Electroencephalography ins truments were used to record brain signals through the EEG EPOC + 14 Electrode wireless device (emotive. co). After cleaning of signals by independent component analysis with EEGLAB software through the LORETA algorithm, the brain activity was localized. The s tudy was performed on a population of a scent consumers. An advertise with the nature of the social responsibility of the brand was shown to the experimental group. Brand consumers were selected as the control group. This group was not aware of the social responsibility. Results: The results showed that the left hemisphere was mos tly activated in the experimental group, whereas different regions in right hemisphere was activated in the control group. Conclusion: This s tudy sugges ted that the behavior triggered by sensory s timuli is due to the activation of both left-orientation and right-orientation of the brain. The localization of the brain activity (left or right) can be regulated in favor of a brand with respect to social responsibility.

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EBRAHIMI SEYED ABBAS | Bagheri Garabollagh Hooshmand | Eynali Mohsen | Baki Hashemi Seyed Mohammad Mehdi

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Introduction: Organizational Trauma Theory is one of the lates t theories in the field of organizational behavior and management, which aims to examine the psychological and physical side effects of organizational trauma on an individual and a group of people within an organization. The purpose of this s tudy was to s tudy the role of organizational trauma on silence and organizational cynicism in a health service provider Center. Materials and Methods: This is an applied and descriptive s tudy and has been performed by survey method. A ques tionnaire with 25 items was dis tributed among 150 employee of a health service provider center to examine the impact of the organizational trauma on cynicism and organizational silence. The ques tionnaire was designed based on Likert spectrum. Structural equations’ modeling was used to analyze research data. Results: The findings show that organizational trauma affected the s taffs in dimension of exis tence, depression, fear and anger and the organization in dimension of s tress, anxiety, and intra-organizational relationships. Furthermore, the results indicate that organizational trauma has a positive and significant effect on organizational silence and cynicism. In addition, there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational cynicism and organizational silence. Conclusion: Considering the significant and positive relation between organizational trauma and organizational cynicism, organizational trauma can be considered as an important factor in the mental health of an organization. Organizational trauma increases organizational pessimism; possibly via the creation of a sense of inequality and jus tice among employees.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Melatonin is a hormone secreted from the pineal gland and plays an important role in regulating the brain functions. This hormone with antioxidant activity supports the body agains t internal and external damaging factors. Melatonin reduces the production of free radicals by preserving mitochondrial homeos tasis, and contributes to ATP synthesis in mitochondria. Reduction of melatonin by aging is one of the hypotheses sugges ted to be implicated in increase of the incidence of neurological disorders. Various factors play a role in the regulation and production of the melatonin. This hormone can act as a neuroprotective agent for some neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’ s disease, Parkinson’ s disease, depression, and migraine. Conclusion: According to the positive effects on the nervous sys tem, non-toxic properties following long-term application, and the absence of side effects, melatonin can be a suitable compound for treatment of some neurological disease.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: A subset of neurons has been recently identified in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus that co-localize three neuropeptides; kisspeptin, neurokinin B, and dynorphin (KNDy). These neuropeptides have been shown to play a critical role in the central control of reproduction and the modulation of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion by endocrine, metabolic and environmental inputs. KNDy also acts as a novel potential therapeutic target in the treatment of fertility disorders. Infertility following chemotherapy is particularly common in male survivors of childhood cancer and for tes ticular cancer survivors. Early human s tudies have sugges ted that peripheral exogenous Kisspeptin adminis tration s timulates GnRH secretion in healthy adults and in patients with some forms of infertility. In this review, we describe our current unders tanding of the neural sys tems mediating the actions of KNDy neurons on GnRH pulse generation and male fertility. In addition, the effect of melatonin treatment on the GnRH neuronal sys tem and its effect on kisspeptin and gonadotropin-inhibitory neurons are discussed. Conclusion: Further researches about functional and molecular mechanisms of KNDy pathway, endogenous opioid peptide, and antioxidant agents, such as melatonin, may develop novel approaches to treat chemotherapy induced-infertility in males.

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Introduction: Molecular interactions play an important role in the phenomenon and biological processes. In fact, any cellular biological process ranged from genetic replication to the production of various proteins to the transmission of neurological, hormonal, membrane involves collections of molecular interactions that occur continuously. Interference in each of these processes at every s tage of molecular interaction may be caused by various diseases. Therefore, their careful s tudy can improve our unders tand of biological phenomena and lead to the emergence of new methods for the treatment of many diseases, in particular, the diseases of the nervous sys tem. For this purpose, various biophysical and biochemical methods have been developed. Among them, infrared laser-based methods are very useful and important. Thermophoresis is one of these methods, which has been considered in recent years by medical, pharmaceutical, neuroscience, regeneration and biology scientis ts. This method is based on the direct movement of molecules in a temperature slope. This type of movement greatly depends on the biophysical properties of the molecule, including size, load, and solvent layer. Micro-scale modifications in this specification can affect the properties of the molecule under the influence of temperature. Conclusion: Thermophoresis is an easy, accurate, and fas t method for analyzing the behavior of molecules. For this purpose, in the present s tudy, we discussed the various theoretical and practical details as well as the various advantages and disadvantages of measuring the tendency of small molecules, such as ions and biochemical molecules.

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Introduction: Over the las t centuries, scientis ts have been trying to figure out how the brain is learning the language. By 1980, the s tudy of brain-language relationships was based on the s tudy of human brain damage. But since 1980, neuroscience methods have greatly improved. There is controversy about where music, composition, or the perception of language and music are in the brain, or whether each of the cerebral hemispheres plays a role in language and music processes and despite the many discoveries and findings, there is s till no definite answer. From the very beginning, the child is able to hear the sounds. These sounds are initially raw and pointless and gradually begin with the child’ s interaction with the language learning environment. Language like music has powerful rhythm patterns. The syllable timing helps the lis tener to recognize a sound from another and to unders tand what the other says. The ability to recognize the difference in sounds helps babies to speak. Many s tudies have sugges ted that the processing and perceptual regions of music overlap with the areas involved in comprehension and linguis tic comprehension. Furthermore, there is a positive relationship between the practice and skill in musical and cognitive abilities, such as language. Longterm reinforcement of this relationship creates new cognitive abilities other than music. Conclusion: Music s timulates many areas in the brain in addition to the cerebral cortex, which overlap with many linguis tic processing areas, such as the left temporal region. The syntax of musical sentences is processed in the same regions where the syntax of linguis tic sentences is processed.

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Introduction: Neuroinflammation congress was the third in a series of annual events aimed to facilitate the inves tigative and analytical discussions on a range of neuroinflammatory diseases. The neuroinflammation congress focused on various neuroinflammatory disorders, including multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative diseases. The conference was held in June 11-13, 2019 and organized by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences and Muns ter University, which aimed to shed light on the causes of neuroinflammatory diseases and uncover new treatment pathways. Conclusion: Through a comprehensive scientific program with a broad basic and clinical aspects, we discussed the basic aspects of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration up to the s tate-of-the-art treatments. In this congress, 334 scientific topics were presented and discussed.

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