In the holy Quran, there are some words that translators for their translation to other languages need to have special precision and contemplation. One example of such words is reduction and amplification devices that the presence of these words in the text sometimes causes inconsistency or error in the translation. Additionally, it is sometimes seen that the translators ignore them. Such disorganization in the translation is probably attributable to various meanings of these words, such as the implication of the word "قَد" [Indicates emphasis or diminution] for emphasis, inquiry, approximation, reduction, and amplification. In addition, it sometimes bears similarity to other words, such as exclamatory “کَم” [How many, How much, many a] to interrogatory “کَم”. It could occur due to opposite concepts, such as the word «رُبَّ» [Indicates preponderance or diminution] that sometimes indicates the increase and other times it means shortcoming. These has caused the translators to commit errors in determining the type of these devises, their correct implication, and their part of speech. We decided to find out what are the methods of the translation of these devices and what solution can keep the translators safe from making errors? Initially, this study primarily demonstrates the disconformity between some translators and ccommentators and grammarians. Then it attempts to introduce the correct words to rectify the translation of the texts, and it scrutinizes the principles of determining the type of devices, such as «رُبّ» or «قد» that are used for reduction or amplification or other meanings and «کم» and «کأیّن» [Indicates preponderance or diminution] that are used for detection of binding element of the sentence. Therefore, a translator needs to be well aware of the rules of grammar and etymology.