Background: The aim of our investigation is evaluation of sonography value in diagnosis of exudative pleural effusion from transudative and also diagnosis of malignant, infective and tuberculosis effusions. Beside we determine the sensitivity, specify, accuracy ,positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of sonography for diagnosis of these conditions.Methods and Materials: In this study we followed the sonographic findings of 106 patients in Imam Khomeini hospital in Tehran .The duration of this project was one year from Aug.2002 till Aug.2003. In the cases of echogenic fluid, septation, pleural Thickening >3mm, float echogenic density and fibrin strand the diagnosis was exudate, then in the basis of existed pleural nodules, pleural thickening, winding band and homogenecity of pleural fluid we differentiated the malignant, Para - pneumonic ,empyema and tuberculosis effusion. Consequently, sono graphic findings were compared with final diagnosis regarding to clinical findings ,smear ,culture and biopsy of pleura.Results: In our investigation 61 patients were men and 45 cases were women .The range of age was between 18 till 87. In diagnosis of exudate effusion from transudate results included: sensitivity %96, specificity %100 ,accuracy %98, P.P.V %100 and N.P.V of %96 .In the cases of malignant disease ,sensitivity was 80% specificity was %96 ,accuracy was %94 PPV and NPV were %80 and %96. For the T.B effusion :sensitivity and PPV were %85, specificity and NPV were %97 and accuracy was %96. For the parapneumonic and empyema sensitivity and PPV were %77.8, specificity and NPV were %95 and accuracy was %92.4. Conclusion: Sonography is very helpful in determining the nature of pleural effusion and its application because of simple, low in price, noninvasive and bedside availability is recommended specially for very ill patients.