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Drought is one of the most frequent abiotic stresses. Use of chemical fertilizers resultes in pollution of soil, water and air. Harmful effects of chemical fertilizers have shifted the interests towards organic amendments. Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer which has a potential influence on plant growth as well as stress tolerance. Olive (Olea europaea L. ) yield is strongly reduced under dry conditions. Thus, a greenhoude experiment was conducted in 2015 in horticultural greenhouses of Isfahan University of technology to study the effect of vermicompost on growth and drought tolerance of olive cuttings cultivar Zard. The experiment was set up as factorial experiment in completely randomized design with two factors, including vermicompost application at four levels (0, 12. 5%, 25% or 50%) and drought stress at two levels (full irrigation or non-irrigation) and 4 replications. The results showed that drought stress decreased plant height, relative leaf number, relative stem diameter and shoot and root fresh and dry weights, but addition of vermicompost increased vegetative growth parameters significantly compared to the plants cultivated in unamended soil. Water stress treatment decreased the total chlorophyll and increased ion leakage, ascorbat peroxidase (38 days after withholding irrigation) and catalase activity and proline content and application of vermicompost significantly decreased ion leakage. Although, all three vermicompost levels continued to be effective in increasing vegetative growth and drought tolerance indexes (such as root dry and fresh weight), 25% vermicompost treatment was numerically superior to others, increased chlorophyll and proline contents and antioxidant enzyme activity, but decreased ion leakage from leaves and improved morphological characteristics of plant.

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Selenium (Se) is known as an essential nutrient for human health. More than 15% of world population suffers Se deficiency mainly due to consumption of poor Se food crops. Bio fortification has been introduced as a sustainable and cost-effective approach to combat Se deficiency in the food chain. In this study, the effect of selenite (SeO4 2-), sulphate, and certain amino acids on yield and bulb selenium concentration with the aim of Bio fortification programs was investigated. Two onion cultivars (Allium cepa L., cvs. Dorrcheh and Cebolla Valenciana) were grown in nutrient solutions in which 20% of nitrate was replaced with arginine, histidine, or mixed amino acids extracted from blood powder and exposed to two levels of sulfate (1 and 3 mM) and two levels of selenate (0 and 25 uM). Application of different amino acid treatments in the presence of selenite and sulphate increased yield of onion bulb. This increase was greater in Valenciana compared with Dorrcheh. In both onion cultivars, the highest Se and sulfate concentration was observed at the mixed blood powder-extracted amino acid treatment. Selenium nutrition at the level of 1 mM sulfate and in the presence of amino acids mixture, created the highest concentration of Se in the Valenciana (55. 8 μ g g-1). Increasing Se level had no effect on the sulphate concentration of both onion cultivars while increasing of sulphate concentration in the nutrient solution caused a reduction in Se uptake. Increasing sulfate concentration increased pyrovic acid concentration of both onion cultivars but addition of Se, reduced concentration of pyrovic acid in Valensiana exposed to 1 mM sulfate treatment by 15%.

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Myrtle ) Myrtus communis L. ) is a diploid plant whichbelongs to the family of Myrtaceae and is considered as one of the important medicinal and ornamental plants. The present research was performed to investigate the effect of salinity stress on morphological and physiological traits in myrtle. This study was conducted in an experiment of split plot in time according to a randomized complete block design with four replicates and four salinity levels including control and 2, 4 and 6 dS and three harvest times (early spring, early summer and early fall). According to the results of morphological characteristics, during all three periods, vegetative growth except secondary branches and flowering time, was reduced under salinity stress. The highest leaf length mean was observed in control treatment in summer (1. 69 cm) and the lowest leaf length was obtained in high salinity in fall season (1. 28 cm). Chlorophyll and leaf relative water content (RWC) were decreased and proline and carotenoids (at the time of spring and summer) increased under salinity stress treatments. For proline, in the first, second and third harvest times 27. 96%, 40. 98% and 51. 74% elevation was observed in proline content at 6dS m− 1 as compared to the control treatment, respectively. The highest carotenoids content was observed in summer (6. 74 mg/g) and the lowest ones were obtained in fall (2. 50 mg/g). Finally, in order to achieve the highest yield, spring and summer harvest time and 4 dS m− 1 stress condition are introduced as the best conditions for myrtle growth.

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Tea is one of the oldest drinks in the world and due to weather condition, season, age and genetic diversity, the compounds of tea are different. In this study, fresh tea shoots, consisting of one apical bud and two adjoining leaves of clones 100, 278, 451 and DN, in three harvest seasons (spring, summer and autumn) were collected from Tea Research Institute of Iran (Lahijan). Seasonal variation of neutralizing the free radicals (DPPH), caffeine, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, catechin and epigallocatechin were assayed using HPLC. The results indicated that antioxidant activity increased from 1st harvest (spring) to 3rd harvest (autumn) in 100 and 451 clones, while the activity decreased in 278 and DN clones. Total protein in 100 and DN clones was not significantly different during three harvesting season. These results suggest that the ecological variations in different season are determining factor for the biochemical compounds of tea clones.

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Symbiotic fungus Piriformospora indica has useful and unique features to enhance growth and resistance of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. In the present study the effects of this endophyte fungus on the growth and activities of antioxidant enzymes in medicinal plant Atropa belladonna were studied. After co-existence, the effect of fungus on plant growth, total protein content and the activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX, EC 1, 11, 1, 11), catalase (CAT, EC 1, 11, 1, 6) and peroxidase (POX, EC 1, 11, 1, 7) enzymes were determined using a spectrophotometer. The results showed an increase on the growth parameters, and total protein content in root, stem and leaf of inoculated plants in comparation to the control. Inoculation by endophte fungus increased the total fresh weight of plantlets by 1. 87-fold and shoot height by 2. 11-fold. The presence of P. indica decreased all three enzyme activities in the stems and leaves, whereas it increased enzyme activities of CAT, APX and POX in roots by 2. 2-, 2. 3-and 2. 5-fold, respectively, in comparison with control plants. We concluded that this fungus could be used to increase plant growth and as biomaterial protection tool via increasing root antioxidant enzyme activities in important medicinal plant Atropa belladonna.

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In order to evaluate the effects of mycorrhiza, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and nano zinc oxide foliar application on effective traits at grain filing of triticale under soil salinity condition, a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in research greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili in 2014. Factoral experiment included soil salinity in four levels (non-salinity, salinity 20, 40 and 60 mM NaCl), biofertilizers in four levels (no application of biofertilizers, application of mycorrhiza, Azotobacter chrocoocoum strain 5 + Psedomunas putida strain 186, both application PGPR + mycorrhiza) and nano zinc oxide in three levels (without nano zinc oxide, application of 0. 4 and 0. 8 g lit-1). Results showed that grain yield per plant, yield components, grain filling rate, grain filling period and effective grain filling period decreased with increasing of soil salinity. Whereas proline and soluble sugars content increased. Means comparison showed that the highest of yield per plant (3. 64 g. plant-1), grain filling rate (0. 00196 g day-1), grain filling period (52. 75 days) and effective grain filling period (36. 62 days) were obtained at both applications of PGPR and mycorrhiza, foliar application 0. 8 g lit-1 nano zinc oxide and no-salinity. The highest content of soluble sugars (99. 48 mg g-1 FW) was obtained at both applications of PGPR and mycorrhiza, foliar application 0. 8 g. lit-1 nano zinc oxide and salinity of 60 mM. Salinity of 20, 40 and 60 mM NaCl decreased 8. 9%, 22. 11% and 32. 34% respectively from grain yield and application of biofertilizers and nano zinc oxide compensated 40. 17%, 49. 74% and 40% respectively from yield reduction. Based on the results, it seems that application of biofertilizers and nano zinc oxide can be recommended for profitable triticale production under soil salinity condition.

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Since gibberellic acid has a critical role in plant tolerance to abiotic stress, therefore in present research, the impact of salt water and gibberellic acid treatment on guava seedlings physiological responces were investigated. The factorial experiment was carried out as a complete randomized design with four replications. Treatments included sodium chloride (0, 50 and 100 mM) and gibberellic acid (0, 250 and 500 ppm). Based on the results, salinity reduced chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity, whereas it increased catalase activity. Even low salt treatment (50 mM), caused negative effects on physiological and biochemical characteristics. Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) improved physiological properties of the seedlings. So, gibberellic acid application in the nurseries can be used as an effective treatment for the consequent exposure of the guava seedlings to saline soil and water.

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In order to evaluate the effects of salicylic acid on some physiological characteristics of common purslane (Portulacea oleracea L. ) under NaCl stress, a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications was conducted in 2013 in research greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Yasouj, Iran. Treatments were included six levels of NaCl salinity (0, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 mM) and 3 levels of salicylic acid foliar application (0, 0. 5 and 1 mM). In this experiment leaf proline, protein, chlorophyll, glycine betaine and total soluble sugars content, Fv/Fm and root to shoot weight were measured. Simple and interaction effects of salinity and salicylic acid were statistically significant for Fv/Fm, leaf protein, proline, soluble sugars, glycinebetaine and root and shoot dry weights. Salinity stress to 300 Mm, increased leaf proline (1. 7 times) and glycine betaine (4. 46 times). The use of salicylic acid decreased soluble sugars, proline whereas increased glycine betaine in most of the salinity levels. Salinity and salicylic acid in salinity levels decreased leaf protein. Salinity decreased root (75%) and shoot (72%) dry weights and also root to shoot ratio in higher salinity levels. Salicylic acid in lower salinity levels decreased root dry weight, but increased in higher salinity levels. Shoot dry weight was not affected by salicylic acid. Generally, regarding to halophyte behavior of purslane, salicylic acid could positively effect on glycine betaine and root dry weight only in higher salinity levels.

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As salinity is becoming a major threat to the agricultural production in the arid and semi-arid parts of the world, exploring salt resistant genotypes for different crop plants, including chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. ), is a very important task. Thus, in a 3-replicate completely randomized factorial pot experiment, six chickpea genotypes (i. e. Arman, Khorram-Abad, Nour-Abad, Hashem, Azad and ILC-482) were subjected to four levels of NaCl salt (i. e. 0, 25, 50 and 75 mM) in Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. Results indicated that the increased salinity led to increases in shoot Na+ and K+ concentrations, increases in days of flowering and physiological maturity, Ca+2 concentration, plant height, capsules/plant, seeds/capsule, seed weight/plant, dry mass/plant and harvest indices of all genotypes, though in different extents. Genotype ILC-482 was found to indicate smaller increases in shoot Na+ concentration and Na+/K+ ratio and smaller decreases in plant height, capsules/plant, seeds/capsule, seed weight/plant, dry mass/plant and harvest index, when grown at the presence of salt. Our findings suggested that even moderate levels of salt (e. g. 50 and 75 mM) were effective to impose notable depressions in growth and grain yield attributes of chickpea. Though, genotype ILC-482 seemed to be more salt tolerant at least relative to the remaining of examined genotypes.

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In order to evaluate the effect of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in reducing oxidative stress in purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) seedlings under saline condition, a factorial experiment with arrange of completely randomized design with four replications was conducted in research greenhouse at Sana Institute of Higher Education in 2015. In this study, the effect of the SNP as doner of nitric oxide (NO) at 4 levels (0, 0. 1, 0. 2 and 0. 4 mM) and 3 levels of salinity stress (0, 75 and 150 mM of NaCl) were evaluated. The results showed that the interaction between SNP and salinity on fresh and dry weight of root and leaf, carotenoid and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were significant. With increasing of salinity concentration, root fresh and dry weights were decreased, whereas the traits were increased by 0. 2 mM of SNP under salinity. The chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll contents were decreased with increasing of salinity, whereas the highest amount of carotenoid were measured in 0. 4 mM SNP under salinity conditions. The maximum level of MDA (33 nm g-1 FW) was related to 0 mM SNP and 150 mM of NaCl. The highest activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD, POD and APX were measured in 0. 2 mM SNP and 75 mM of NaCl. The highest CAT activity (6. 50 μ M g-1 FW. Min. ) was measured in 0. 2 mM SNP that showed 90 % increasing compared with the control treatment. Total protein content was decreased 5. 4 % under salinity stress. The highest content of total phenol (8. 68 mg gallic acid g-1FW) was also observed in the highest level of salinity. Overall, it seemed that SNP pre-treatment increased resistance of Echinacea seedlings under salinity stress by increasing of antioxidant enzymes activity caused.

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Serpentine soils are dry and contain rather high levels of nickel (Ni). To obtain a better understanding of drought tolerance by Ni in serpentine plants, a hydroponic expriment was designed to compare the effects of Ni on growth factors, Ni uptake or translocation and some physiological parameters in the serpentine plant, Fortuynia garcinii (Burm. f. ), under PEG simulated drought stress (3 levels). After 45 days, half number of vessels received 10 μ M Ni for 8 days, and then plants ± Ni were exposed to drought stress for 8 days. The result indicated that Ni treatment improved RWC only slightly, and Ni accumulation of root was consistently higher than shoot. The main reason for this action was related to low translocation factors for this metal proving this plant was more tolerant to plant-internal Ni. Photosynthetic pigments increased under drought stress treatments, but the treatments with Ni were consistently lower in comparision to same treatments without Ni in this serpentine plant. Phenolic compounds, water soluble carbohydrate, Glycine betaine and proline were also increased by Ni application under PEG simulated drought stress indicating that Ni improved the osmotic adjustment ability and enhanced the antioxidant capacity. It is hypothesized that Ni could improve the drought tolerance of the serpentine plant by enhancing water utilization capability, osmotic adjustment and the abilities of antioxidative defense.

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Chiko is an important tree fruit crop growing under semi-arid conditions. Kherol is mainly used as a rootstock for sapota which has seed germination problem. The shortage of irrigation water is one of the most important factors limiting agricultural production in arid and semi-arid areas. Irrigation with several dilutions of seawater can act as replacement fresh water resource. Extensive studies have been conducted over the decades to evaluate the possibility of using diluted seawater for irrigation of sapota rootstock. A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using different concentrations of seawater (3, 6, 9, 12 ds/m) on the one-old age seedling and fresh water was used as control. Vegetative growth, physiological and biochemical changes of kherol (Manilkara hexandra) seedling as the rootstock of Chiko were studied. Results showed that no significant differences were found in different length of root and stem. The number of leaf, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight of leaf to root ratio, water in leaf, stem and root, decreased by increasing salinity. Photosynthetic pigments of seedling decreased significantly by increasing seawater concentration. Malondialdehyde increased significantly by increasing salinity. Generally, growth factors of one year seedling of kherol decreased at stability higher of 3 ds/m.

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In order to investigate the effect of using beeswax waste in combination with other organic matter as a substrate on some growth, physiological and biochemical parameters of borage in different irrigation regimes, an experiment was conducted in a factorial arrangement based on completely randomized design with three replications in 2017. The experimental treatments were irrigation interval in three levels (2, 4 and 6 day) and substrate in 8 levels (soil + wax in ratio of 3-1, soil + wax 4-1, soil + leaf-soil 3-1, soil + leaf-soil 4-1, soil + cow manure 3-1, soil + cow manure + wax 3-0. 5-0. 5, soil + leaf-soil + wax 3-0. 5-0. 5 and soil). The results showed that plant dry matter and height, carotenoid and proline contents, catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and lipids peroxidation (MDA) were affected by simple and interaction effects of irrigation regimes and planting substrates (P≤ 0. 05). The membrane permeability and photochemical efficiency of photosystem II were influenced by the simple effects of both treatments. The content of chlorophyll a was only affected by irrigation regime and all studied treatments had no significant effect on chlorophyll b contents. The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, chlorophyll a and carotenoid contents were significantly decreased with increasing irrigation intervals. All of the organic substrates could mitigate the drought stress related to increasing the irrigation interval from 2 to 4 days. Under both stress and non stress conditions, wax substrate in ratio of 3-1 had the highest dry matter, height, carotenoid contents and photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, with the lowest proline and MDA contents. Other wax containing substrates also showed satisfactory conditions in terms of plant growth indices and stress resistance for irrigation intervals of 4 and 6 days. The activity rate of CAT and APX enzymes were elevated with increasing irrigation interval in the soil + wax substrate with the ratio of 3-1, 4-1, wax + soil + peat, soil + leaf-soil 3-1 and 1-4. In another words, the two Enzymes payed an effective role for improving drought stress resistance in the mentioned substrates. Therefore, it seemed that the wax containing substrates are recommendable under drought stress conditions, and it is more efficient by enhancing the wax ratio in the planting substrate composition.

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To study the effects of foliar application of zinc and calcium on physiological and agronomical characteristics of safflower in lead stress, an experiment was laid out in a factorial based on randomized complete block with three replications at the greenhouse of Agricultural Research center of Kerman. Treatments included four methods of application of lead (control, soil application of lead, foliar application of lead and combined soil and foliar application of lead), zinc foliar in three concentrations (0, 10, 20 mM) and calcium foliar in two levels (0 and 10 mM). The results showed that under lead stress, relative water contents, seed yield and oil yield were decreased and the activity of peroxidase, soluble sugars content, percent of seed protein and lead accumulation in leaf and root showed significant increase. The combined soil and foliar application of lead had more adverse effects on leaves and soil absorption of lead only. In lead stress, zinc foliar significantly increased the activity of peroxidase, relative water contents, soluble sugars content, percent of seed protein, seed yield and oil yield, whereas reduced lead accumulation in leaf and root. In lead stress, calcium application increased oil yield and decreased lead accumulation in leaf. So it seemed that application of calcium and zinc was effective against the toxicity of lead by improvement in physiological processes leading to the tolerance of the plant to lead stress.

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In order to evaluate the effect of different iron compounds on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and compounds an experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications on Melissa officinalis in four groups with different types of iron (iron chloride, iron chelate, and nano iron) and aluminum chloride (0 and 50 μ M) was conducted in a hydroponic system. Results showed that protein contents were increased via pre-treatment of iron, and this increase was higher with an augmentation in application of nano iron compared to other treatments. Therefore, this increase could probablybe related to diagonal of nanoparticles. Under aluminum-iron stress conditions, activities of catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, phenolic compounds, and their derivatives were reduced compared to various forms of iron, particularly in combined treatments of aluminum with iron chelate and nano iron. There was, however an increase in activity of the superoxide dismutase under these conditions. So we can conclude from these experiments that iron has affected the antioxidant activity of this plant and thus the resistance of plants to aluminum stress. The use of nano iron and iron chelate effective in hydroponic culture it is best done in less concentration against iron chloride.

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In order to investigate the effect of deterioration on germination indices and enzymes activity of flax oil seed (Linum usitatissimum L. ) Red Bazrak genotype, a factorial experiment was conducted base on completely randomized design with four replications in laboratory of seed technology at Yasouj University, in 2015. The factors included the temperature at 4 levels (15, 25, 35 and 45oC) and moisture content in 4 levels (5, 9, 13 and 17%). After the seed moisture content achieved to 5, 9, 13 and 17 percent then they were kept for 6 months in storage conditions at 15, 25, 35 and 45oC. The results showed that with increasing temperature and moisture content, all the physiological and biochemical traits except electrical conductivity decreased. The decrease in germination was also associated with a decrease in antioxidant enzymes activity like catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase which decreased the antioxidant system performance to seed protection against reactive oxygen species. With the increase in reactive oxygen species, lipids peroxidation increased, probably due to the destruction of cell membranes, increased seed electrical conductivity that indicated negative correlation between the electrical conductivity and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. In general, the best flax seed storage condition is 15° C and 5-9 percent moisture content.

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Ultraviolet radiation divides to three bands UV-A (320-390 nm), UV-B (280-320 nm) and UV-C (254-280 nm). Different bands of ultraviolet radiation have different effects on growth, physiological and biochemical plants. In this research, the effect of different bands of UV radiation on the shoot and root length, quantity of flavonoids, anthocyanine, protein, ethylene, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities and the concentration of Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ in seedlings of the pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ) were studied. After 10 days, seedlings were exposed to treatment of UV-A, UV-B and UV-C for 3 days. To assess the effect of ultraviolet treatments on electrophoretic polypeptide patterns, shoot proteins were separated on SDS-PAGE gels. The results showed that under the experimental conditions, UV-B and UV-C radiation reduced the length of shoot and root. This study showed that irradiation of the plant with UV-B and UV-C caused significant increase in quantity of protein, anthocyanine, flavonoids, ethylene, the concentration of Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, activity of enzymes peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase, while in those plants which were treated with UV-A, the activity of enzymes were not significantly different in comparison to the control. These pigments have high absorption in UV spectrum of light and therefore could be used as UV absorption compounds by plants to prevent penetration of UV to the more sensitive tissues. The role of flavonoids in quenching of hydrogene peroxide against UV radiation can de considered as a defensive mechanism.

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The present study was aimed to evaluate a biological solution to improve peppermint plant growth and production in the salt-affected soil. The experiment was arranged in a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications in the greenhouse under controlled conditions (28/15 oC in day/night). Three levels of methyl jasmonate (0, 75 and 150 μ M) and four levels of sea water (0, 3, 6, 9 dS/m) were the treatments. After nine weeks, ETR, Fv/ Fm, Fm, transpiration, RWC, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, stomatal conductance and leaf dry weight were measured. The results showed that salinity decreased ETR, Fv/ Fm, Fm, transpiration, RWC, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, stomatal conductance and leaf dry weight while increased anthocyanins, Fo and NPQ. The measured traits were influenced by the different levels of methyl jasmonate. Where plants grown at salinity of 9 dS/m and sprayed with 75 μ M of methyl jasmonate, anthocyanin increased up to 8% while the membrane electrolyte leakage decreased by 35%. Methyl jasmonate also ameliorate the negative effects of salinity on stomatal conductance (54%), ETR (10%) and leaf relative water content (6%). Higher levels of methyl jasmonate (150 μ M), however, had an inhibitory effect on stomatal conductance, chlorophyll a and ETR. Overall, it seems that methyl jasmonat had a positive role under salt conditions due in particular to improving plant water relations, stomatal conductance and therfore, increasing electron transfer rate and the photosystem II efficiency. In conclusion, spraying of methyl jasmonate at the rate of 75 μ M improved growth parameters of peppermint medicinal plant under salt cnditions.

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In order to study the morpho-physiological traits of cotton cultivars under the Influence of humic acid in saline conditions, a factorial field experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Kashan in the growing seasons of 2014. The first factors included three cotton cultivars: Varamin, line 43200 and khordad, and the second factor consisted six foliar treatment included without humic acid and inadequate soil nitrogen (T1), without humic acid under adequate soil nitrogen (T2), 3 liter per hectare humic acid under adequate soil nitrogen (T3), 1 liter humic acid per hectare under adequate soil nitrogen (T4), 3 liter humic acid per hectare under adequate soil nitrogen (T5), and 6 liter humic acid per hectare under adequate soil nitrogen (T6). The results showed that foliar application of humic acid significantly affected number of leaf , NAR, LAD, RGR, seed number per fruit, seed index, lint index and cotton yield. So that, the highest LAD, seed index, lint index and cotton yield were achived in application of 3 liters per hectare humic acid under adequate soil nitrogen in all cultivars and the highest leaf number, NAR, and RGR were obtained under 6 liters per hectare. finally the application of 3 liters per hectare humic acid under adequate soil nitrogen improved the morphophysiological parameters of cotton plant and increased yield.

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This experiment was conducted to investigate the positive effects of foliar and soil application of humic acid on chlorophyll content, flower longevity, antioxidant enzymes activity, proline, malondialdehyde and protein content in a completely randomized design with two factors: humic acid at 4 concentrations (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm) and 2 application methods of humic acid (foliar spray and drench) with 3 replications and 2 observations in Rosa chinensis ‘ Baby Masqurade’ . The results showed that both soil and foliar applications of humic acid increased chlorophyll and protein content, antioxidant enzymes activities and flower longevity respectively about to 2, 5, 3 and 1. 75 fold compared to the control. MDA levels were increased in soil treatments with increasing concentrations of humic acid but inversely were decreased in foliar treatments. This process was repeated in the activity of APX enzyme. Catalase activity was increased in low concentrations of humic acid but with increasing concentration, its activity was declined. The total protein was increased in all of the humic acid concentrations (except in 500mg/l HA as soil application) compared to the control. The results of this experiment showed that foliar and soil application of humic acid with increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes and chlorophyll and protein content of plant increased the longevity of flowers.

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In order to study of marmarine spraying effects on some physiological and antioxidant parameteres of tomato Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Teena, an experiment was conducted in complete randomized block design with 3 replications in field. Experiment treatments were three ascophyllum extract concentrations as (0, 1. 5 and 3 ml/L) and four spraying stages of plant growth including (exactly after transplanting, exactly after primary flower production, exactly after primary fruit set and in all three phases of growth). Obtained results demonstrate that ascophyllum spraying has mean effect on total yield, chlorophyll a and b, relative water content, plant dry weight, fresh root weight. Marmarine treatment cause to increase of these parameters and most increasing was obtained in sparying of 3 ml/L ascophyllum concentration in all three phases of growth and after that in 3 ml/L at exactly after primary flowering stage. The most value of fruit ascorbic acid and phenolic content were obtained at treatment of marmarine extract 3 ml/L concentration when foliar spraying was set in all three phases of growth, simultaneously. Also, the most value of fruit anthocyanin content was obtained at marmarine 3 ml/L as foliar spraying was set exactly after primary fruit set.

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Drought stress is one of the most important and most common environmental stresses limiting agricultural production. To evaluate the effect of different levels of irrigation deficit on some properties of three varieties of petunia, a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with four replications was conducted in research greenhouse of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Treatments were irrigation deficit in four levels (100, 80, 60 and 40% of field capacity) and three varieties of petunia (Supercascade, Tango blue and Tango white). Traits included fresh weight of plant components, total dry weight, stem diameter, spad, antioxidant activity, leaf weight ratio (LWR), leaf area ratio (LAR), Relative Water Loss (RWL), Water Saturation Defficient (WSD) and Leaf Water Content per unit leaf Area (LWCA). The results showed that with increasing drought from control to severe stress (40% FC) Spad increased from 35. 4 to 42. 6. Percentage of antioxidant activity in Tango White and Tango Blue was more than Supercascade. the most leaf fresh weight was in Tango White and in control stress levels (6. 08 g) and 80% of field capacity (5. 9 g) and the maximum stems fresh weight (9. 7g/plant) and flower fresh weight (15. 1 g/plant) were observed in Tango White varity and control stress. the highest dry weight was observed in Tango White and 100% FC. LWR value in Supercascad, Tango Blue and Tango White were 0. 283, 0. 538 and 0. 496 respectively. WSD (72) and RWL (65%) in Supercascade varity and under severe stress (40% FC) with a significant effect was higher than other treatments. Generally, the results showed Tango White and Tango Blue varities, in control and also under water stress conditions had more fresh weight, dry weight and antioxidant activity and had WSD and RWL less than Supercascad and therefore, they are more resistant.

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Salinity is one of the most important non-biological stresses which limits the production of agricultural yields in dry and semi arid regions. Humic acid, as an organic acid and ascorbate, as a powerful antioxidant can improve yield of plants under salt stress. In order to investigate effects of salinity and its interaction with ascorbate and humic acid on growth, photosynthetic pigments content, antioxidant enzymes activity and soluble protein in Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L. ), a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete design with three replications. Treatments included four levels of salinity (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM) and, three levels of ascorbate and humic acid (0, 100 and 200 mgL-1). Vegetative traits such as plant height and fresh and dry weight of stems and leaves with increasing salinity concentration showed a significant decrease compared to the control. Humic acid application, especially 200 mg. L-1 improved traits companed to the control plants in high levels of salinity stress. Photosynthetic pigments were strongly decreased by salinity and application of 200 mgL-1 humic acid and ascorbic acid (partly) could compensate effects of salinity. The highest activity of antioxidant enzymes was observed in 50 mM salinity stress. Application of humic acid (especially 200 mgL-1) for catalase and ascorbate peroxidase and 200 mgL-1 ascorbic acid for guaiacol peroxidase increased enzymes activity compared to the control treatment.

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In cold regions, potatoes are planted in spring. in this study Challenges with respect to potato cultivation in these areas including spring frost, early fall cold and summer heat were investigated. In this research, a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design was conducted with three replications in 2015 and 2016 in Gandoman regian, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari Province. The first factor was three cultivars: Jelly, Fontaine and Bouren And the second factor, was combination of different treatments in six levels of calcium and jasmonic acid (at a concentration of 5 mM) incuding: 1-calcium + jasmonic acid before the stage of rhizome production (T1); 2-calcium + jasmonic acid after the stage of rhizome (T2); 3-jasmonic acid before the stage of rhizome production (T3); 4-jasmonic acid in after the stage of rhizome production (T4); 5-calcium from calcium nitrate source (T5); 6-control (no application of both factors (T6) ) were used. According to the results, both factors jasmonic acid and calcium had a positive impact on the examined cultivars, so that the Jelly had a better response rate than the other varieties. Amongst treatments, T1 in all traits except non-photochemical quenching had the highest average in all three cultivars. According to the results, it can be concluded that Jasmonic acid and calcium, reduced the adverse effects of thermal stress and nutrient deficiencies in both before and after stage of the rhizome production. In addition, higher positive effects were obsorved when jasmonic acid and calcium compounds, were applied before the stage of the rhizome production.

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MOSLEH ARANI ASGHAR | Jafari Esmat | Mirmohamadi Meibodi seyed ali mohammad | SOVDAEIZADEH HAMID

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This study was conducted to evaluate the response of Nitraria schoberi under sand burial. Experiment conducted with two years old saplings with four treatments ( control, 33%, 50%, 66% burial and complete burial). Results showed that the highest concentration of proline (29 mg/gfw) observed in 50% and 66% burial treatment. The lowest concentration of proline (16 mg/gfw) was observed in the control. The highest concentration of Oxine (0. 91 mg/gfw) was measured in 50% burial treatment and the lowest concentration of proline (0. 43 mg/gfw) was observed in the control. The heighest concentration of stem sugar (20 mg/gdw) was measured in complete burial and the heighest concentration of root sugar (40 mg/gdw) was measured in 33% burial treatment. Stem sodium content in all burial treatment was higher than control. There was not significant differences in root potassium between treatments but leaves potassium (0. 83 Meq/L) significantly increased in 75% burial treatment compared to the control. Increasing burial depth decreased potassium in root and leaves. The heighest concentration of leaves and root phosphorus content were measured in 33% burial treatment equal to 0. 75 and 0. 68 Meq/L respectively. Adventitious roots was obsedved in all burial treatment but no adventitious root observed in control. Stem wet weight were 1. 5 times more than ontrol in 33% burial treatment. Root fresh weight significantly increased in 33%, 50% and 75% burial treatments compared to the control and complete burial treatments. It is concluded that Nitraria schoberi had vegetative and physiological adaptive responses to different burial treatments.

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Box tree (Buxus sempervirens L. or Buxus hyrcana Pojark. ), is an ornamental shrub species that has applications in various industries such as handmade and ornamental industeries. This species is in danger of extinction. Conservation of plants germplasm especially the plants in danger of extinction is one of the purposes of researchers and parlements members all of the worlds. Thus, the aim of this research was long-term conservation of germplasm in liquid nitrogen with sucrose and encapsulation-dehydration pre-treatments. Used germplasms or explants were seed and apical buds which were prepared from mother plants grown in greenhouse. This research presents a suitable method for sterilization of explants especially apical buds. Concentrations of 0, 0. 5, 1, 1. 5 and 2 mg l-1 of three plant growth regulators BAP, IBA and NAA were used in germplasm regeneration medium after conservation in liquid nitrogen. The experiment was carried out as factorial based on a randomized complete block design in four replications. The results of the research showed that encapsulation as a pre-treatment had effective role on the survival and germination of apical buds. Around 50% of encapsulated apical buds were attained their germination capacity. The highest germination percentage of encapsulated apical buds (60%) was obtained in culture medium containing 0. 5 mg l-1 BAP along with 1. 5 mg l-1 NAA. Medium containing 0. 5 mg l-1 BAP without NAA with the content of 48% germination induction of apical buds was a suitable medium, too. None of non-encapsulated apical buds and encapsulated and non-encapsulated seeds had survival after conservation in liquid nitrogen and cultivation in regeneration medium.

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Salvia reuterana Boiss. is a herbaceous permanent plant that belongs to the family of Lamiaceae and is an endemic plant of Iran. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the essential oil content and comparison of this species, under field conditions (Karaj and Abhar) with wild condition (Aradan). The aerial parts of the plants were collected at the flowering stage and essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger-type apparatus. The identification of essential oils composition was performed by GC and GC-MS. Bringing this plant from natural habitat into the cultivation led to increase of plant height, plant dry weight, oil content and variation of quality and quantity of the essential oils. It seemed, these changes occured due to altitude increasing, improvement of soil condition such as lowering soil pH/EC and increasing availability of nutrients owning to bringing this species to new conditions. The results showed that essential oil yield in wild condition and cultivated plants in Karaj and Abhar were 0. 14 %, 0. 18 % and 0. 2 % (w/w), respectively. Forty-seven constituents were identified in the essential oil of S. reuterana which 57. 5% (twenty-seven components) of them were shared between all the studied localities. Two main constituents of the essential oil of wild population were Germacrene– D (23. 15%) and Spathulenol (10. 18%). The composition of the essential oil of cultivated plants in Karaj and Abhar show Linalool (21. 1% and 17. 41%, respectively) and Germacrene– D (19. 4% and 16. 8%, respectively) as the two major components. The essential oil of cultivated plants in Abhar represented highest amount of monoterpene hydrocarbons, while this fraction was found to be lowest amount in the essential oil of plant growing in Aradan. On the other hand, the lowest and highest amount of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and total sesquiterpenes in Abhar and Aradan, respectively. It seems that higher average annual temperatures and other ecological condition in Aradan led to actuate the essential oil synthesis processes toward sesquiterpenes production in this plant.

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Today, due to positive effect of nitrogenous fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of agricultural crops, irregular use of fertilizers has been increased. In order to evaluate the effects of different sources and quantities of nitrogen fertilizers on some of physiological properties of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L. ) medicinal plant, an experiment was carried out as a randomized block design with four replications at research farm, department of horticulture, Ilam University during summer 2015. Treatments included different levels of Urea (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg/h) and Calcium Nitrate fertilizer sources and Amino Acid with four concentrations: 0, 1, 2 and 4 g/l. Study traits included photosynthetic pigments content (Chlorophyll a &b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids) fiber percentage, Carbohydrates content, proteins percentage and essential oil yield of leaves. Results showed that sources and quantities of nitrogen significantly affected all studied parameters. The highest pigments’ content, protein and essential oil yield of leaves were obtained from 4 g/l amino acid treatment; the highest leaf fiber from 100 kg/h calcium nitrate and the highest leaf carbohydrate content obtained from control plants and increasing in nitrogen from all three sources led to decrease in carbohydrates content. The research revealed that using different sources and quantities of nitrogen fertilizers (especially amino acids) have positive effects on improvement of physiological traits of fenugreek and application of nitrogen can be recomended for increasing quality of the leafy vegetable and medicinal plant.

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