The present study aims to design and implement training outcome evaluation program using ROE logic in Tehran Regional Electric Company. The study is applieddevelopmental in nature and a mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) approach was used with regard to data collection procedure. The study adopted an evaluative approach based on the Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model (2016) using ROE logic. In order to analyze the organizational results of selected training courses (namely principle of maneuvering in electricity grid, counterpoise (ground system), power station equipments, and Sheykh Bahaee power station), the researchers conducted group and individual interviews with participants and supervisors of the courses besides assessing the course syllabuses. After drawing assessment indicators pertaining to the expected organizational outcomes, the researchers asked supervisors to comment on and assess the efficiency of the courses. Therefore, effectiveness of courses was premised on the opinions of the supervisors. The results of the study (organizational results obtained from training courses using ROE) indicated that the training courses had a positive effect on improving organizational results. Accordingly, Training courses held at Tehran Regional Electric Company improved organizational results in terms of indicators of creativity and innovation (0/42), working atmosphere(0/38), attitudes and emotions (0/46), work habits(0/43), as soft indicators, and reducing work duplication(0/38), detecting vulnerable points(0/46), declining error rates of employees (0/47), enhancing time management skills (0/46), decreasing reports of delays in carrying out assigned tasks(0/37), reducing the idle time of employees and machineries and (0/39)averting power outage in the electricity grid (0/47) as hard indicators.