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Irregular use of chemical fertilizers and lack of attention to the importance and positive effects of organic materials in improving the fertility of agricultural soils have been resulted in environmental pollution and ecological damage. Therefore, biological resources should be used to reduce these risks to increase the availability of nutritional elements to improve the physical and microbial conditions of the soil. One of the biological resources is marine algae which are rich in materials needed for plant growth. In this study, the effect of alga (Ulva fasciataL. ) extract has been investigated on some physiological parameters of Sesamum indicumL. The experiment was conducted using randomized complete block design with 4 replications by different concentrations of alga extracts (0, 10, 15, 20 %) in field condition in the city of Iranshahr. According to the results, morphological traits including radicle length, hypocotyl length, stem length stem diameter, and leaf area increased compared to the control significantly. Also, photosynthetic pigments increased compared to the control significantly, so that the highest content was observed by 20% alga extract. Highest content of prolin (16 mg/g F. W), soluble sugars (54 mg/g F. W) and phenol (3. 8 mg/g F. W) was observed by 20% alga extract. Generally, alga extract with having essential plant elements and growth hormones, without damage to nature as a biofertilizer can be a good alternative to chemical fertilizers and can have an important role in managing the supply of healthy food.

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Azarmi Rasoul

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Soil and water toxicity with copper (Cu) create serious problems on plant growth and production as well as human health. Exogenous application of salicylic acid (SA) can alleviate adverse effects of Cu stress. In this research, in order to investigate the effect of salicylic acid (SA) on the morphological and physiological properties of cucumber under cupper (Cu) stress, an experiment was carried out as factorial based on completely randomized block design with three levels of cupper of 23, 47 and 94 μ M and salicylic acid with two levels of 0 and 750 μ M with three replications under hydroponics conditions. The results showed that copper stress negatively affected root dry weight, root volume, leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight of cucumber plants. The greatest root fresh weight and Fv/Fm ratio was obtained with 23 μ M cu treatment in both SA and non-SA treatments. Cu accumulated more heavily in roots than in shoots. The ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in the leaves was increased by increasing copper concentration and the highest activity of APX was observed in plants fed with 94 μ M and was more pronounced in plants treated with SA, whereas, peroxidase (POX) activity showed reverse trend. The highest yield (530 g plant) was obtained in the concentration of 23 μ M Cu and treated with salicylic acid, but the lowest yield (282 g plant) was achieved in the concentration of 94 μ M Cu and without salicylic acid treatment. Based on the results of this experiment, application of 750 μ M SA can alleviate the negative effects of Cu stress at concentrations of 47 and 94 μ M on the growth and biochemical responses in cucumber.

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This study was conducted to evulate the effects of water stress on soluble carbohydrates, root and leaf proline, photosynthetic pigments, petal and seed yield of pot marigold genotypes. The experiment it was performed as split plots in randomized complete block design with three replications. Three irrigation regimes (35%, 60% and 85% of available soil water depletion) designed as main plot and nine pot marigold genotypes (Ahvaz, Tehran, Isfahan 1, Isfahan 2, Candy-man, Gitana, Zen-Gold, Isfahan 3, Isfahan 4) were evaluated as sub-plot in Ahvaz in 1394-95 growing seasen. The results showed the effect of irrigation regimes and genotype were significant on the studied traits, petal and seed yield. Due to drought stress, the content of carbohydrates, roots and leaf proline increased but RWC, carotenoid, chlorophyll a, b and a + b, petal and seed yield of genotypes decreased significantly. The results showed high correlation between soluble carbohydrates and leaf proline content with RWC and drought sensitivity index. Resistant genotypes had the highest content of soluble carbohydrates, leaf proline and carotenoid. Based on drought sensitivity index, "Ahvaz", "Isfahan 2" and "Isfahan 1" genotypes were divided in drought resistant group, "Tehran", "Candyman", "Gitana" in moderately resistant group and " Isfahan 4", "Zen-gold" and "Isfahan 3" in sensitive group. "Candyman" and "Ahwaz" genotype produced the highest petal and seed yield, respectively, at all drought levels.

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To evaluate the effects of endophyte symbiosis and spraying of spermidine on chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic pigments of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) medicinal plant under salt stress conditions, a factorial experiment was conducted based on completely randomized design with three replicates. The treatments consisted of salinity in three levels (0, 6 and 12 dS. m-1), fungal symbiosis treatments including four levels: non-inoculated (control), inoculation with Piriformospora indica (Pi), at Trichoderma virens (Trich) and co-inoculation of two fungi (Pi+Trich) and spraying of spermidine in three levels (0, 0. 75 and 1. 5 mM). Seedlings of stevia after inoculation with fungi were irrigated with tap water until the end of vegetative stage and then irrigated with saline water treatments containing mixture of distilled and Caspian Sea water. The spermidine was foliarly sprayed one week before salinity stress. The results showed that the inoculation of endophyte fungi had a positive effect on Fm, Fv and Fv/Fm. The most increase of these parameters recorded when two fungi (Pi+Trich) were coinoculated. Also, fungi inoculation increased Y(II) while decreased Y(NPQ) and Y(NO) at different salinity levels. Fungal inoculation particularly Pi+Trich and spermidine application with 0. 75 mM markedly increased Fm, Fv and Fv/Fm. Also, in all levels of salt stress inoculation with fungi as well as interaction of fungi and spermidine increased chlorophyll a content. In general, inoculation of endophytic fungi particularly co-inoculation of P. indica and T. virens, improved the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and adjusted adverse effects of salinity. Also, the spermidine (especially at the rate of 0. 75 mM) induced salt stress tolerance in stevia plant and showed synergetic effects with endophytic fungi in terms of the mentioned parameters.

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Drought stress is one of the main threats in reducing plant performance. It has been reported that endophyte infection improve drought tolerance in host grass species, but the mechanism responsible for the effect is not clear. Proteomics analysis is a beneficial tool for understanding the molecular mechanisms of drought resistance. In this study, proteomics approach was used to study the expression of drought responsible proteins in leaves of two genotypes of Lolium perenne. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design with factorial test with two factors, the first factor was S10 (the endophyte-infected plants) and Speedy (non infected plants) genotypes and the second factor was two levels of water availability: control versus water stressed plants (about 80% moisture discharge). At first, according to TCA/acetone precipitation method total protein was extracted. The total dissolved protein was separated by SDSPAGE electrophoresis. Identification of extracted proteins was performed by mass spectrometry technology and with proteome analysis responsive proteins was classified in different categories. It seems that fungal endophyte infected genotype with development of its root network, has more power to provide more water so perception of consequences of drought stress was delayed. Maybe symbiosis with fungal endophyte changed biochemistry and morphology of host plant and leads to increased threshold level of plant. The most induced proteins in infected genotype were in carbon and energy metabolism category. This genotype regulated different proteins of this class so kept active various processes such as photosynthesis as well as used ability of protective proteins in order to keep the activity of enzymes.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal species and phosphorus on fenugreek in soils contaminated with heavy metals. The first factor was four levels of mycorrhiza (Glomus mosseae, G. intradices, G. versiform and non-application), the second factor was the three levels of arsenic (0, 15 and 30 mg kg-1 soil), and the third factor was two levels of phosphorus (0 and 200 mg kg-1 soil). In this study, arsenic toxicity was studied on vegetative growth, arsenic accumulation in shoots, leaf phosphorus, proline, carbohydrate, chlorophyll index, as well as root colonization percent. Arsenic addition significantly reduced vegetative traits, chlorophyll index and root colonization percent. The highest level of contamination resulted in an increase of 95, 99, 33 and 32% of arsenic in shoots, in roots, proline and carbohydrates compared to the control. Also, application of mycorrhiza and phosphorus also had a significant effect on the other traits except the percentage of colonization. The interaction between arsenic and mycorrhiza on fresh weight of shoots, colonization percentage and shoot arsenic accumulation and interaction of arsenic and phosphorus on shoot fresh and dry weight, fresh and dry weight of roots and arsenic accumulation in shoots were significant. In response to the destructive effects of arsenic G. intradices, with 18% reduction in arsenic accumulation, was better than other species. This experiment showed that mycorrhiza and phosphorus had a moderating effect on the negative effects of arsenic toxicity on traits and could be effective in reducing the negative effects of arsenic stress by improving vegetative growth.

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Basil (Ocimum basilicum L. ) is a highly used as an edible and medicinal plant. As in some places of Zanjan province basil plant is cultured and contaminated by heavy metals, such as toxic cadmium metal, a research for analyzing Cd accumulation and its effects on some physiological and biochemical traits of this plant was performed. Seeds were cultured in plastic pots containing perlite and Hoagland’ s culture medium in a hydroponic condition. After three weeks, plantlets with enough growth were treated by different concentrations of Cd including: 0 (control), 2, 4 and 8 mM for two weeks. Results showed that, root and shoot dry weight, root and shoot length as well as chlorophyll a and b and carotenoids contents and leaf area in all Cd treatments were decreased compared to the control plants. 8 mM Cd treatment showed the maximum decrease in all above traits. The content of soluble proteins, proline and soluble sugars of roots and shoots of treated plants increased at all Cd treatments compared to the control plants. The activity of catalase enzyme was decreased in roots and shoots of Cd treated plants. However; the activity of peroxidase was increased at all Cd treatments. The concentration of Cd in roots of treated plants was about three times higher than that of shoots at 8 mM Cd concentration. As a conclusion, basil plants showed a little tolerance against Cd heavy metal by increasing of their peroxidase activity, proline, soluble sugars and protein contents. However, they were not able to prevent Cd penetration to their roots and especially shoot contaminated them.

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One of the important effects of salinity in plants can be noted in growth trend and the process of changes in the activity of the enzyme system and their antioxidant properties. In this research, the effects of salinity stress on the enzyme system and their antioxidant properties of almond (Shahrood 12) on some of the prunus rootstocks (Bitter Almond, Tetra, GF677, GN15) and under salt stress in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with two factors including 8 scion-rootstock compositions and five levels of irrigation water salinity were investigated in three replications. The results showed that different levels of salinity significantly reduced the number of leaves in the main branch, as well as the total number of leaf in rootstocks, the diameter and height of the scion, and the fresh weight of the aria parts. The highest total antioxidant activity was observed in Shahrood 12 on GF677, at a salinity level of 8dS m-1, with a rate of 30. 97%, which had a significant difference with other graft compounds and without graft rootstocks. The lowest total antioxidant activity was observed in the combination of Shahrood 12 on the Tetra rootstock at 10. 1%. The antioxidant capacity, activity of catalase enzymes, ascorbate peroxidase in all studied graft compounds and without graft rootstocks increased with increasing salt concentration, and then, with increasing salinity levels, their amounts were decreased. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that among the graft compounds and without graft rootstocks, Shahrood 12, which is grafted on the GF677 rootstock, is the most tolerant combination of salinity stresses with aerial fresh weight (163. 5 g) and the same cultivar grafted on the almond seedling, was the most sensitive compound with the fresh air weights (14. 77 g).

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Drought stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses that exerts harmful effects on productivity of crops, including oilseed crops. Salicylic acid is one of the plant growth regulators that plays a key role in plant resistance against environmental stresses, including drought. Therefore, a factorial randomized complete block pot experiment with three replications was designed to assess the effect of salicylic acid (two levels of 0 and 0. 6 mM) on three sesame genotypes (Yekta, Shiraz and Nazetakshakheh) in the presence of three levels of irrigation (irrigation after 60, 70 and 80% of available soil water depletion) in the greenhouses of Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran in 2016. Results showed that chlorophyll a, b and total concentrations, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and seed weight per plant decreased in stressed plants, whereas carotenoids concentration and activity of antioxidants enzymes including catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and peroxidase increased under stress conditions. Application of 0. 6 mM salicylic acid improved the measured traits under both control and stress conditions. Salicylic acid improved the tolerance of sesame against drought. With increasing drought levels (irrigation after 70 and 80% of available soil water depletion), Yekta and Shiraz genotypes showed less decrease in measured traits in pot experiment.

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Azadirachtin is an important secondary metabolite of neem which is used as a natural biopesticide. In this study the effect of different concentrations of sucrose (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%), calcium chloride, monopotassium phosphate, potassium nitrate, magnesium sulfate and ammonium nitrate (0. 5x, 1x, 1. 5x, 2x and 2. 5x concentrations of MS base medium) on neem cell suspension growth and azadirachtin production was investigated. Although there were no significant difference between some of the treatment in terms of studied indices, the highest amount of fresh and dry cells weight were obtained by using 3% sucrose, 1x calcium chloride, 1x magnesium sulfate and 1x ammonium nitrate (493. 02 and 77. 27 g/L), 2. 5x monopotassium phosphate (500. 97 and 80. 77 g/L) and 0. 5x potassium nitrate (495. 01 and 78. 41 g/L). The highest settled cell volume was obtained by application of 4% sucrose (59. 69%), 1x calcium chloride and 1x ammonium nitrate (94. 93%), 2. 5x monopotassium phosphate (97. 22%), 0. 5x potassium nitrate (94. 96%) and 2x magnesium sulfate (94. 96%). Maximum amount of azadirachtin accumulation observed by using 4% sucrose (3. 72 mg/g DW), 0. 5x calcium chloride (3. 80 mg/g DW), 0. 5x monopotassium phosphate (3. 73 mg/g DW), 1x and 1. 5x potassium nitrate (3. 69 mg/g DW), 1x magnesium sulfate (3. 69 mg/g DW) and 1. 5x ammonium nitrate (3. 71 mg/g DW). The highest amount of azadirachtin production was 286. 65 mg/L obtained in MS basal medium supplemented with 3% sucrose.

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In order to investigate the effects of drought stress, nitrogen chemical nutrition and sowing date on agrophysiological characteristics of millet cultivars, a split-split plot experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Farm of Isfahan University of Technology, in 2015. Two millet cultivars (Bastan and Pishahang) were planted in two sowing dates (June 22 and July 6) under two irrigation regimes (55% and 85% depletion levels of the available soil water) and two nitrogen fertilizer levels (available amount and 112. 5 kg ha-1, nitrogen from Urea fertilizer, N= 45%). The results showed that drought stress caused a significant reduction in grain and biological yield by decreasing chlorophyll content, leaf area index, relative water content, membrane stability index, spade, quantum efficiency of photosystem II, height, panicle length and 100-seed weight. Nitrogen application resulted in significant increase in grain and biological yield in normal irrigation, but did not have a significant effect on yield in drought stress. In normal irrigation, grain and biologic yield were more in June 22 than July 6, while in drought stress condition, delay in sowing date resulted in improved yield compared to June 22. Bastan had lower electrolyte leakage and more membrane stability in drought stress. The results showed that delay in sowing date by modulating the temperature conditions could be a suitable solution for yield loss compensating under drought stress conditions, also under stress conditions, nitrogen application should be applied at a higher level to find out optimum amount of nitrogen use.

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In order to investigate the effects of calcium lactate (CL) on growth, yield, water use efficiency (WUE) and quality of lettuce cv. New Red Fire under water deficit stress, a split plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at Research Farm of University of Zanjan, during 2017. Treatments consisted arrangement of three levels of CL (0, 0. 75 and 1. 5 g. l-1) and three levels of irrigation (starting irrigation at 100, 85 and 70% ETc (crop evapotranspiration)). The results showed that water deficit stress significantly reduced plant growth and yield. The lowest value of yield (9644. 2 Kg. ha-1), total chlorophyll (0. 51 mg g FW-1), vitamin C (44. 48 mg 100 gFW-1) and titratable acidity (19. 55 %), and the highest carotenoids (0. 251 mg gFW-1), anthocyanin contents (26. 56 μ mol. g-1) and WUE (15. 37 kg. m-3) were obtained at deficit irrigation of 70% ETc. However, irrigation treatment had no significant effects on total soluble solid content. Application of CL significantly increased total chlorophyll, carotenoid, vitamin C, titratable acidity, anthocyanin contents, plant yield and WUE. The highest plant yield (13710. 77 Kg. ha-1), vitamin C (48. 05 mg 100 gFW-1) and total chlorophyll contents (0. 64 mg gFW-1) were obtained with application of CL 1. 5 g. l-1 under irrigation of 100% ETc. Also, the interaction effects of treatments had no significant effects on titratable acidity and TSS. According to the results, application of CL 1. 5 g. l-1 is recommended to improve yield, WUE and quality of lettuce under normal irrigation and water deficit stress.

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Enhancement of in vitro micro corm production in Gladiolus as an alternative commercial method has been focus of attention. With respet to the position of Gladiolus in Iran's ornamental plants market and in order to provide the proper protocol for the proliferation of glycol corms by tissue culture method, the effect of different concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and benzyl aminopurine (BAP) in two explants and production of shoot and roots of two commercial gladiolus cultivars were investigated. In the next experiment the role of different concentrations of sucrose (in Murashige and Skoog plant growth liquid medium) in production of corms was studied and finally cold treatment in 3 times were used to break dormancy of propagated cormlets. All of the main experiments were conducted as factorial based on completely randomized design with 3 replications. The highest number of shoots (14) and roots (12) was observed in White cultivar with the treatments of 2mg/L BAP and 0. 5 mg/ml NAA. Application of 60 g/L sucrose in MS media produced the highest number of cormlets (14) and also the largest cormlets (14. 5 mm). Results of dormancy breaking experiment which performed at 4 ° C for three periods showed that three months chilling at 4 ° C was the best treatment to break dormancy in both cultivars.

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In order to investigate the effect of different levels of drought stress and spraying with stress modifiers, an experiment was conducted in a factorial layout based on completely randomized design in three replications from November to March 2018 at Agricultural greenhouse and laboratory of Payame Noor University of Urmia. The experimental factors included irrigation intervals with 4 levels (3, 6, 9 and 12 days) and drought stress modifiers at four levels (control (nospraying), spraying with salicylic acid (2 mM), glycine betaine (5 mM) and zinc sulfate (5 g L-1). The results indicated that the effect of different levels of drought stress and stress modifiers were significant on morphological traits, photosynthetic pigments, physiological, essential oil concentration and yield traits. The highest (0. 419 g per pot) and the lowest (0. 045 g per pot) root dry weight, were obtained from irrigation intervals of 3 days under zinc sulfate and 12 days irrigation without spraying conditions, respectively. With increasing irrigation interval from three days to 12 days, plant height, root length, root diameter, stem diameter, chlorophyll content a and b and relative water content decreased, whereas proline, electrolyte leakage, essential oil concentration and leaf temperature increased significantly. It seemed that at all levels of irrigation, spraying with glycine betaine in comparison with other modifiers was more effective in increasing the content of chlorophyll a and relative water content and decreasing electrolyte leakage at all irrigation levels. By application of zinc sulfate, the amount of proline was significantly increased. Spraying with salicylic acid reduced the internal leaf temperature. The highest internal leaf temperature (23. 93 ° C) and proline (180. 199 mmol/kg DW) and the lowest internal leaf temperature (21. 12 ° C) and proline (131. 02 mmol/kg DW) were obtained from irrigation intervals of 12 and 3 days, respectively. Although the highest essential oil concentration (0. 13%) was obtained from the irrigation interval of 9 days, however, due to the severe decline in plant growth, essential oil yield decreased significantly in this treatment. The lowest essential oil yield was obtained from irrigation interval of 12 days (0. 007 g per pot). Based on the results obtained in this experiment, it can be stated that although increasing the irrigation intervals and consequently the occurrence of drought stress, yield of marigold plant is reduced, by using drought stress modifiers we can reduce the effects of drought stress on this plant.

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In order to study some physiological traits and the changes of nutrient uptake in potato plantlets under in vitro conditions in response to osmotic and temperature stresses, this research was conducted as a factorial experiment in a block design. The first factor was osmotic stress induced by PEG-6000 in four levels (0,-0. 5,-1 and-1. 5 MPa), and the second factor was temperature at three levels (15, 25 and 35 ° C). The third factor was potato plantlets consist three promising clones (143, 301 and 306) and two commercial cultivars (Marfona and Picasso), which were planted in MS medium. Eight weeks later, plantlet’ s fresh and dry weights, number of developed leaves, the content of P, K, Ca and Na in above parts of plantlet were measured. The results showed that the simple effects of factors as well as their interactions at 1% level were significant. Mean comparison of treatments showed that the simultaneous effects of stresses reduced fresh and dry weights, leaf number as well as the uptake of P, K, Ca but Na uptake increased. According to the results, the highest fresh, dry weights were observed in non-heat stress conditions (25 ° C). On the other hand, increasing of temperature from 15 to 35 ° C, increased the absorption of P and Na, but the amount of K and Ca were greatest at 25 ° C (no temperature stress).

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Methyl jasmonate is a new plant growth regulator that plays an important role in increasing plant resistance to environmental stresses, including drought stress. To investigate the effect of methyl jasmonate on strawberry cv. Paros under drought stress in greenhouse of Maragheh agricultural college was conducted in 2016. This experiment was conducted in a factorial randomized complete block design. The parameters included fruit set percentage, number of flowers and fruits, relative water content, chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids, soluble carbohydrates, proline, anthocyanins and catalase enzyme. The results showed that irrigation and methyl jasmonate treatments alone and had a significant effect on all parameters at 5% level. The highest percentage of fruit set (95. 2%), number of flowers (31. 25%) and fruits (20. 13%), yield (125. 2 g), relative water content (90. 64%), chlorophyll a (1. 32 mg. g-1), b (0. 77 mg. g-1) and carotenoids (2. 02 mg. g-1), and the lowest amount of soluble carbohydrates (18. 7 mg. g-1), proline (1. 4 μ M. g-1), anthocyanins (0. 65 ABS at 530 nm), catalase enzyme (0. 1 mmol. g-1), and superoxide dismutase (0. 28 mmol. g-1) were observed under conditions without drought stress. Also, the use of methyl jasmonate improved all characters under drought stress conditions, which had a greater effect at 100 μ M concentration. According to the results, application of methyl jasmonate can be proposed to improve plant growth under drought conditions.

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Drought is one of the abiotic stresses that limits plant growth and crop production. Salicylic acid is one of growth regulators which plays an important role in biotic and abiotic stresses. In this study, the effect of salicylic acid on reduction of drought stress in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. ) was studied. Also, the effect of the concentrations of SA (0, 0. 25 mM) and water stress (levels 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% FC) on antioxidant enzymes activities and expression of the SOD gene were studied. When plants had three expanded leaves, they were sprayed with SA and after 2 days, and then they were exposed to drought. After seven days, plants again were sprayed by SA. After two weeks plants were harvested for studying of physiological and molecular parameters. The results showed that drought stress 25%FC increased leaves and roots antioxidant enzyme activity, H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents, leaf Mn-SOD and leaf and root Fe-SOD. Interaction of SA and drought increased root antioxidant enzyme activity and reduced leaf antioxidant enzyme activity, root and leaf gene expression of Fe-SOD and Mn-SOD, leaf and root H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents. As a result, salicylic acid had a significant role in the reduction of damage of drought stress in safflower plants.

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Lead and Cadmium are toxic and common pollutants of the soil that affect plant processes, functions and sustainable production of plants. In this research, the effect of Lead and Cadmium stress on some growth parameters of water mint aromatic plant (Mentha aquatica L. ) in two separate completely randomized design experiments at Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University was studied. Experimental treatments were different concentrations of Lead (0, 125, 250, 375 and 500 mg/kg) and Cadmium (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg/kg). Plant height, number of leaf, leaf area, greenness index, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll (a+b), chlorophyll ratio (a/b) and fresh and dry weight of shoot were measured. Lead and Cadmium stress reduced plant traits except chlorophyll ratio in treatment of Lead. The minimum amount of plant traits was related to the highest concentration of lead and cadmium. The reduction of chlorophyll b was heigher than chlorophyll a with increase in level of lead, which increased chlorophyll ratio in the lead stress. Lead and Cadmium with influence on morphological traits can lead to a series of physiological changes in water mint that reduced fresh and dry weight of shoots. The results gained from the experiments showed that due to the lack of blight, chlorosis and abscission of leaves, water mint can be considered as a resistant plant to Lead and Cadmium.

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Field dodder is a holostemparasitic plant without leaves and roots that obtains its resources entirely from its host plants. Control of dodder is extremely difficult. Biological control of field dodder seems to be useful. Carrageenans can act as elicitors and activates plant defense responses. In this work, relationship between dodder and its host, sweet basil, and effects of κ-carrageenan on protection against dodder and suppression of its invasion was studied. In the present study, we observed that carrageenan treatment significantly increased the growth parameters. The lignin and cellulose content of the carrageenan treated-basil did not show significant change but the carrageenan treatment significantly increased the lignin and cellulose content of basil plant that parasitized by dodder. The present results indicated that the foliar spray of basil plants by carrageenan stimulated basil resistance against field dodder invasion, thus it is recommended as natural biostimulator for protection of plants against field dodder plants.

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Salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in plant response to adverse environmental conditions. So in this study the effect of SA treatment in three concentrations of 0 (Control), 0. 1 and 1mM sprayed on the leaves and fruits of two grape cultivars "Shahani" (with black berries) and " Fakhri" (with green berries) at two growth stages; unripe and ripe stages was investigated. Experiment was carried out based on completely randomized design (CRD) with seven treatments and three replications. The results of comparing of two growth stages showed, SA treatment at 0. 1mM concentration cause the effectively increase of flesh weight content of berries, chlorophyll a and b (Except the chlorophyll b content of the berries skin of both cultivars at the ripe stage of fruit) of leaves and berries skin of both two "Shahani" and " Fakhri" cultivars at both two unripe and ripe stages of fruit compared to control was. The results showed, at unripe stages SA treatment at 1and 0. 1 mM concentrations respectively at leaves and berries skin of "Shahani" and " Fakhri" cultivars cause the effectively increase of soluble and insoluble sugars content compared to control was. At ripe stages as SA treatment in 0. 1 mM concentrations soluble sugars content and in 1 mM concentrations insoluble sugars content effectively increased. The highest amount of soluble sugar, in the fruit ripe stage in the berries skin of both cultivars treated with a SA 0. 1 mM concentration was, that The amounts of these in the cultivars "Shahani" and "Fakhri" were respectively 2. 162 and 2. 0 mg/gDw. So results of comparing of two stages showed, at unripe stage proline content of most organs of both "Shahani" and " Fakhri" cultivars by SA treatment at 1mM concentration increased. But at ripe stage of fruit SA treatment at 0. 1mM concentration cause the effectively increase of proline content organs of leaves and flesh of both cultivar compared to control was and at organs of seed and berries skin of both cultivar cause the effectively decrease of proline content of both cultivar compared to control was. The highest amount of proline content, in the fruit ripe stage in the berries skin of both cultivars treated with a SA 1 mM concentration was showed, that The amounts of these in the cultivars "Shahani" and "Fakhri" were respectively 1. 03 and 0. 95 Mmol/g. Determination of content some of elements organs of leaves both cultivar at ripe stage showed that, SA treatment in leaves "Shahani" and " Fakhri" cultivars respectively at 1 and 0. 1 mM concentrations cause the effectively increase of K and Zn content was. SA treatment at 0. 1mM concentration cause the effectively increase elements of Fe to amount12. 89 mg/l and Ca to amount 0. 38 mg/l of leaves " Fakhri" cultivars was, but in leaves "Shahani" cultivars effect decreased. As content Mg and Na elements of leaves both cultivars as by SA treatment decreased. These results indicated in the majority of tissues, uses of SA treatment especially at 0. 1mM concentrations can be the source of stimulating the synthesis of some photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates, proline and also some elements such as iron, calcium, potassium and zinc.

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To study the effect of salinity on physiological, biochemical and anatomical characteristics as well as the growth and yield of different varieties of melon, a split plot experiment was designed based on RCBD with 3 replication on 3 varieties, resistant (annanasi), semi tolerant (Sabz Isfahan) and sensitive (Gongi) and two salinity levels (0 and 8ds/m according to salinity of wells) in the field of Isfahan Research Station in 2016-2017. Results showed that the fresh and dry weight of shoots decreased with salinity in all varieties. Fresh and dry weight of pulp, skin and seeds, number and fruit weight decreased in sensitive and semi tolerant. Yield decrease in all varieties. fruit firmness in all varieties and fruit acidity decreased in semi tolerant and sensitive and TSS increased. The greatest decrease of photosynthesis, stomata conductance, and CO2 of stomata was in sensitive variety. Transpiration and leaf water potential was more minus. The highest amount of proline, phenol and antioxidant activity was observed in resistant variety. Upper epidermis thickness increased in sensitive variety with salinity and did not change in lower epiderm of leaves. the aim of this research was introducing the tolerate variety to salinity result in introducing Ananasi.

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Zinc and copper are essential elements for plant growth and development. These two elements act as heavy metal in high concentrations and cause oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of these elements on (Ocimum basilicum). This plant is an important herb of medicine and nutrition. In this study, seeds were planted in pots containing cocopeat and perlite and the four-leaf seedlings were treated with zinc sulfate at of 0, 350 and 550 micromolar concentrations and 0, 20 and 40 micro-molar copper sulfate in three replications. After a month, accumulation of the elements including, proline, soluble sugars, total proteins, photosynthetic pigment and malon dialdehyde contents, leaf area, number of leaves were investigated. The results showed that different concentrations of copper and zinc effects were not significant on germination percentage, number of leaves and stem length. However with increasing zinc and copper, the fresh and dry weight of the root, stems were up to 0. 540, 0. 120, 0. 182 and 0. 160 grams and the leaf area of the plant was up to 172. 6 square centimeters in 40 micromolar of copper sulfate without zinc. Also, the content of malon dialdehyde (0. 187 μ Mol/g) and Proline at a concentration of 550 micromolar of zinc with both concentrations of copper, the amount of soluble sugar, total protein at a concentration of 550 micromolar of zinc and 40 micromolar of copper increased. Antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase) did not activate these concentrations. The amount of photosynthetic pigments decreased at high concentrations of zinc and copper so that the total chlorophyll content turned to 79. 9 mg/g. With increased concentrations of copper and zinc in the medium, copper and zinc accumulation increased in the root and shoot. Of course, the accumulation in the roots was more than the shoot. Increasing the high levels of zinc and copper in the medium reduced the amount of copper accumulation in the stem, root and zinc in the stem which confirms the existence of interaction between two elements. Increasing each of these two elements within the range of mentioned concentrations did not have an adverse effect on this plant. But their interactions had physiological and biochemical changes in the plant. Accordingly, the optimal concentration of these two elements in a basil was zinc at 350 μ m with two concentrations of copper.

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In order to investigate the effect of foliar application of salicylic acid, glycine betaine and gamma amino butyric acid on the physiological characteristics of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L. ) under water deficit stress, a split plot experiment was conducted as randomized complete block design with three replications at Zanjan University in 2017. The treatments consisted of three levels of irrigation (50, 75 and 100% field capacity) as the main factor and two levels of salicylic acid (2 and 4 mM), glycine betaine (50 and 100 mM) and gamma amino butyric acid (10 and 20 mM) with control, as sub factor. The results showed that increased water deficit decreased total chlorophyll content and vitamin C content. While increasing in water deficit increased the amount of anthocyanin, carotenoids, total phenol, flavonoids and soluble solids. The highest total chlorophyll )1. 62 mg/g) content was obtained in irrigation level of 100% field capacity with 50 mM glycine betain. Application of 50 mM glycine betaine in 50% of field capacity irrigation produced the highest levels of carotenoids (0. 79 mg/g) and anthocyanins (5. 51 μ M/g). The maximum amount of phenol (20. 11 mg/g) and flavonoid (4. 41 mg/g) was obtained in 50% field capacity and 100% glycine betaine, respectively. Application of 4 mM salicylic acid at irrigation level of 100% of field capacity increased significantly in vitamin C (65. 45 mg/g) content. The highest amount of soluble solids (7. 18%) was obtained in100 mM glycine betaine in 50% field capacity water deficit. According to the results, application of different levels of glycine betaine in stress conditions is recommended to redress water deficit stress and improve the physiological properties of bitter melon.

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In order to investigate the effects of dual phosphorus and Azospirilum solubilizing bacteria on hormonal condition and barley grain yield under different levels of nitrogen, an experiment was conducted in Agricultural Research Station of Islamic Azad University of Karaj, in 2014. The experiment was carried out as a factorial split-plot design based on randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments included the main factor of the nitrogen fertilizer in four levels (0, 50, 75 and 100%, equivalent to zero, 150, 225 and 300 kg per Hectares respectively) and sub factors including Azospirilum lipophorm bacteria in two levels (application and non-application of bacteria) and also Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterium in two levels (application and non-application of bacteria). The results showed that application of 75% nitrogen and A. lipophorum and the application of the main treatment of P. fluorescens produced the highest amount of auxin hormone. The interactions of urea and A. lipophorum and the dual interactions of A. lipophorum and P. fluorescens produced the highest levels of cytokinin hormone. The levels of hormones showed in the triple treatments of 100% nitrogen, A. lipophorum and P. fluorescens bacteria compared to the control treatment (not treatments) had 261. 1% difference. The highest grain yield was observed in p. fluorescens (4700 kg ha-1) treatment and using 100% application of urea and A. lipophorum (5500 kg ha-1). As a result, the application of nitrogen fertilizer and the use of both types of biological fertilizers led to an increase in the production of hormones that ultimately increased root growth, ultimately, increased water absorption and nutrients from the soil and increased grain yield.

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The use of plant growth regulators to improve the quality of the fruit has long been the focus of attention. In order to evaluate the effect of salicylic acid (0, 1 and 2 mM/ L) and gibberellic acid (0, 50, 100 mg / L) and their interaction on some of the characteristics of mandarin Kinnow fruit, on experiment with 9 treatments and 3 replications was carried out as a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design in Minab city in 1396. Foliar application was carried out in two stages (mature green and changing color). The fruits were harvested and evaluated at the commercial maturity stage. Based on the results, gibberellic acid at concentration of 50 mg/L significantly increased the diameter and length of the fruits. Salicylic acid at a concentration of 2 mM /L caused a significant increase in pulp of fruits. Controlled fruits showed higher soluble solids than other treatments. The highest ratio of sugar to acid was obtained at a concentration of 50 mg/ L gibberellic acid with 2 mM/L salicylic acid. The highest amount of phenol content was observed at a concentration of 2 mM/L salicylic acid (7. 14 mg/ g) and the highest amount of flavonoid in concentrations of 50 mg/ L gibberellic acid plus 2 mM/L of salicylic acid (0. 420 mg /g FW) was observed. The highest amount of a* (2. 35)(redness) was observed at the highest concentration of treatments and the control fruits showed the highest L* (whiteness) value.

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In order to investigate the effect of foliar application of the putrescine on some growth characteristics and mineral element content of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Genove) under salinity stress, a pot factorial experiment was performed based on completely randomize design. The treatments included four levels of salinity with irrigation water (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM NaCl) and three levels of putrescine (0, 1 and 2 mM) in three replications. The results of this study showed that the interaction of the salinity and putrescine was significant on all of the studied traits. The mean comparison indicated that the highest dry weight (4. 03 g/plant) of aerial parts, RWC content (72. 7%), P (1. 5%), K (1. 7%), Zn (22. 3 mg/kg), Ca (1. 31%), Mg (0. 53 %) and Mn (89. 05 mg/kg) was observed at the treatment with 2 mM putrescine foliar application without salinity stress. Whereas, the highest Na (0. 9%) were observed at 120 mM salinity stress without putrescine application but application of 2 mM putrescine decreased it. Under salinity stress, putrescine improved the mineral elements content and caused to increase fresh and dry weight of aerial parts and RWC of basil; but in the most studied traits there was no significant difference between two concentrations of putrescine.

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With respect to arid and semi-arid climatic conditions of the country, it is important to apply appropriate management methods in order to increase yield and water use efficiency. For this purpose, the effect of kaolin with three levels (0, 5 and 7 percent) and with three levels of moisture condition (100, 75 and 50 percent of field capacity) on page mandarin as a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications was evaluated in 2017 at the Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Center of Ramsar. The results showed that under moisture stress, fruit yield, water use efficiency, chlorophyll a and total contents, the relative water content of leaves, leaf water potential, and stomatal conductance were decreased significantly. While kaolin application increased the total soluble solids, fruit yield, and water use efficiency it decreased the proline content, carbohydrates, leaf surface temperature, stomatal conductance, superoxide dismutase activity, and fruit sunburn significantly. Also, in the treatment of 50% of field capacity, 5% Kaolin application, increased fruit yield (91%), chlorophyll a (70), total chlorophyll (52%), leaf relative water content (76%), stomatal conductivity (87%) and leaf water potential (19%) compared to the treatment without applying kaolin. Therefore, kaolin application in summer with severe moisture stress conditions (50% field capacity), are recommended to create a positive effect on the reduction of production of reactive oxygen species resulting from of oxidative stress, reduction of fruit sunburn, the increase of fruit yield and water use efficiency.

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In order to investigate the effects of foliar application of micronutrients, zinc, boron and copper both individually and in combination on growth indicators and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. Samyra), this experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with three replications in research farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan Iran in Spring 2015. Foliar treatments included: control, zinc (concentration 2 parts per thousand from zinc sulphate), boron(concentration 2 parts per thousand from boric acid), copper(concentration 1 parts per thousand from copper sulphate), zinc + born, zinc + copper, boron + copper, and zinc + boron + copper. The results showed that foliar application of micronutrients was effective in increasing crop growth rate, leaf area index and total dry weight and in all of traits combined three elements foliar micronutrient treatment was superior compared to the other treatments, Such that it increased the maximum crop growth rate, leaf area index and total dry weight in this treatment by 49. 2, 48. 5 and 43. 7%, respectively. In this study, the highest dry forage yield and grain yield were 2286 and 2194kg ha-1 respectively, also maximum grain yield canned was obtained 6454 kg ha-1 from three treatments of foliar micronutrient. According to the results of this experiment it seemed that foliar application of micronutrients, zinc, boron and copper was a useful approach for increasing sweet corn seed yield in conditions similar to this experiment.

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In order to study the effects of cold stress on some physiological characteristics of three pre-selected of linseeds, a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with two factors and three replications was carried out in growth chamber of Faculty of Agriculture, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, IRAN. The first factor was cold treatment at three levels (25, 0 and-2. 5 O C) and the second factor was genotype including three accessions named MAR778b, CYP706 and IND1257 selected based on preliminary test as tolerant, semi tolerant and sensitive to cold, respectively. The results showed that temperature decrease from 25 to 0 O C did not induce any significant change in any traits. On the contrary,-2. 5 O C treatment significantly increased content of total soluble sugars, proline and malondialdehyde IND1257 (susceptible) much more, and chlorophyll content, much less than two other genotypes. Also, total leaf carotenoids content of tolerant genotype (MAR778b) at-2. 5 O C was significantly lower companed to the control (25 O C), though those of two other genotypes were not different. Finally, poly phenol oxidase activity decreased by 0 and-2. 5 O C in all three genotypes but phenyl alanine amonialyase increased at-2. 5 O C compared to 0 and 25 O C only in tolerant cultivar (MAR778b). Correlation analysis revealed a significant reverse association of PAL activity with stress susceptibility index.

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