Background In spite of significant role of professors in education process at universities and the importance of professors ethics, there are not so many researches to develop conceptual models of professors ethics. This paper has investigated faculty members professional ethics in view of students. Method The research method for identifying the indicators is text logical analysis and for verification and re-conceptualization is a survey. The research population includes all students of public non-medical universities, that among them, 373 subjects were selected. Sampling method was stratified and research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire. Alpha-Chronbach, exploratory factor analysis, t-test and Friedman ranking test were implied for data analysis. Results The concept of professors professional ethics was designed through factor analysis including three dimensions and eight indicators as justice, regulation-orientation, moderation, tolerance, generosity, motivation, effective teaching and scientific guiding. Extracted factor explains 62% of the variable variance. All points are more than average level and professors tolerance at the highest level in view of students. Conclusion This investigation indicated that in view of students, professors have some gaps in following eight indicators of professional ethics with desired level. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that universities and the supreme organizations need to adopt more effective actions to improve professors professional ethics.