Education is a very complex and sensitive issue that the sustainability of a community is largely dependent on the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational system. As the educational system can properly carry out its mission and mission of individual and social development, it is also a prerequisite for cultural, economic, political and social development in society. It goes without saying that a huge part of the complexity and sensitivity of the educational system goes back to the verb or behavior of school administrators and school administrators. One of the challenges of HRM in organizations, especially in education and training, is the way of selecting and enhancing managers. In this regard, the evaluation center process is used as a guide for evaluating and developing competencies in a work-like environment. Therefore, the present study was designed with the aim of developing a model of competency of education managers for use in the center of evaluation and development. Qualitative approach was used for research. The research community was all experts, professors and senior managers of human resources in education, interviewed with 17 experts using a targeted snowball sampling. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. In the current study, the re-test reliability and the intra-subject agreement method were used to calculate the reliability of the interviews. In the current study, for the purpose of calculating the reliability of the retest, three interviews were selected from among the interviews, each of which was coded by the researcher twice in a 15-day interval. In order to calculate the reliability of the interview with the interdisciplinary agreement of two coders, one of the experts in the field of research was asked to participate as a secondary coder in the research. The researcher together with the research fellow encoded three interrogations and the percentage of agreement Inside the subject, the calculation and reliability were confirmed. For data analysis, open and axial coding was used. The results of this study showed that the main components of the model of competency model of education managers for use in the assessment center are: knowledge competence, professional competence, personality competency, executive competence, leadership competence and guidance, communication competence and perceptional competence. Each of these components includes sub-components and indicators that are common to most school administrators, mid-level and higher education, and are also distinct in some of the indicators: School administrators: Knowledge (general knowledge of management, knowledge in the field of educational management, knowledge in the field of education and teaching, environmental knowledge, knowledge of relevant executive laws and knowledge of information technology); professionalism (good ethics, commitment to community values, honesty and truthfulness); , Flexibility, courtesy, customer orientation and conflict management); personality (responsibility, commitment, partnership, learning, perfection, self-improvement, self-management and self-esteem); executive (information management, risk management, resource management, Timely feedback, operational planning and decision-making skills); leadership and guidance (motivation, successor), Talent management, influence and influence, teamwork and team building, individual development and empowerment, inspiration, pattern); communication (listening skills, ability to express sympathy and express feelings, ability to communicate with staff, understanding and understanding perspectives Others, the ability to communicate clearly and clearly, the ability to communicate with school principals and the ability to interact with the parents of students; perceptual (creativity, innovation, rational thinking, insight). Intermediate managers: Knowledge (general knowledge of management, knowledge in the field of educational management, knowledge in the field of learning, teaching and learning, recognition of upstream documents, recognition of relevant laws related to political awareness); professional (commitment to community values, honesty and truthfulness, flexibility Capability, global thinking and native action, management of diversity, respect for differences and cultural values, financial health and political awareness); personality (responsibility, commitment, partnership, learning, perfectionism, self-improvement, self-management and self-confidence ); Executive (Operational Control, Risk Management, Project Management, Resource Management, Crisis Management, and Problem Solving); Leadership and leadership (motivation, succession, talent management, influence and influence, teamwork and team building, individual development and empowerment, inspiration, pattern), communication (ethics and good behavior, ability to communicate with employees, understanding and Understanding the views of others, the ability to communicate clearly, negotiating skills, the ability to communicate with school administrators, the knowledge and ability to interact and communicate with the external organization; perceptual (creativity, innovation, system thinking, conceptual thinking, comprehension). Senior Managers: Knowledge (General Management Knowledge, Understanding the Philosophy of Education, Legal Knowledge and Understanding Related Laws and Upstream Documents, Specialized Knowledge in Education and Training Management, Political Consciousness, Economic Knowledge); Professional (Commitment to the Value of Society, Honesty and truthfulness, decisiveness, universal thinking and native action, ideal goal, respect for differences and cultural values, global thinking and native action, financial health, transnational mentality, change management); personality (pattern, accountability, Commitment, partnership, learning, perfectionism, self-improvement, self-management, self-esteem); executive (manager Change, Risk, Strategic Management, Strategic Supervision, Crisis Management, Complexity Management); Leadership and Leadership (motivation, succession, talent management, penetration and impact, teamwork and team building, individuals development and empowerment, inspiration, Modeling); communication (ethics and good behavior, ability to communicate with employees, understanding and understanding of others' perspectives, ability to create a coalition, bargaining power for elimination of conflicts, negotiation skills, ability to interact and communicate with the external organization; Creativity, Innovation, System Thinking, Strategic Decision Making, Strategic Thinking). Applying the model of competence of the education managers to use in the center of evaluation with its dimensions, its components and indicators in appointing and selecting managers, education and schools enable the country to assess its scientific fever in terms of selecting and appointing appropriate managers. And as a compass, they clarify their scientific movement from day to day planning to change their direction and move toward quality improvement. This research could provide the basis for future research to develop a deeper and more accurate assessment center and improve meritocracy and excellence in education. It is also necessary to discuss the difference in talent management practices and human resource management practices more precisely and comprehensively. The establishment of assessment centers in the education organization, which are selected, appointed, and promoted by the principals' merits of managers, are among the requirements of the educational system of the country. Management, change and modification in educational systems should be made according to the changes and such a change is made using the assessment center that helps the education and training to meet the needs of the community.