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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Pundits of education believe that quality and effectiveness in education requires the existence of educational groups in all areas regarding teaching-learning processes. This needs especially acute when education undergoes fundamental changes, because educational groups play an essential role in guiding and enhancing teaching-learning processes and making desirable changes in educational systems. Hence, the performance of educational groups, active in the field of education, is considered as part of quality assurance programs and the effectiveness of education for the purpose of improvement and growth of teachers'' professions. The performance of educational groups in providing educational services to teachers is a way for their professional growth and improvement in order to achieve the basic benefits (vision, value, mission, goals, etc. ) of education, i. e. to enhance teachers’ performance quality and consequently the growth and development of the educational system. School educational groups, as a link related to educational factors, teachers and students have a sympathetic and special place in achieving educational goals. Wu & Short (1996) believe that education as one of the most significant social institutions plays a pivotal role in longevity and development of each society through teaching children and future-makers of that society. Among them, teachers as human resources and implementers of education and training programs are its essential elements, and their performance plays a major role in the success of this institution. Therefore, in trying to improve the quality of education, more focus should be placed on teachers and the organizational aspects that affect their work in schools. This is based on an assumption that understanding the factors affecting teacher performance increases our knowledge of how schools improve. The goal of present study is investigate the structural relationship of knowledge sharing with effectiveness of school educational groups by mediating in-group trust and intra-group collaboration of teachers of three educational levels of schools in Babol. Present study is a practical research on the basis of purpose and is a type of descriptive-correlative researches on the basis of data collection method. Methods: The statistical population of this study includes all primary and secondary first and second school teachers (n=3100, m=1426, f=1674) in the school year 2017-18. Given the assumed methods, 9 parameters should be estimated, including 3 parameters in gamma matrix, 2 parameters in beta matrix, 3 parameters in WiFi matrix and 1 parameter in Sai matrix. Accordingly, the sample size should be at least 5 to 50 times more than the desired parameters (Mü ller, 1996). Based on the number of parameters existing in the model, a sample of 200 people was selected using stratified random sampling. They included 200 primary and secondary first and second school teachers in Babol (m=82, 41%; f=118, 59%). In the study sample, the average effectiveness of school education groups (M = 3. 918) in a range of 5 points shows that the sample teachers evaluated the effectiveness of school educational groups above the average level. Also, the average knowledge sharing, intra-group trust and intra-group cooperation were estimated above average. All the teachers of study sample completed the questionnaires of knowledge sharing, in-group trust, intra-group collaboration and effectiveness of school educational groups. In order to test the reliability of these instruments, Cronbach’ s alpha was used. The data was analyzed through structural equation model and by SPSS and LISREL software. Results: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge sharing, in-group trust and intra-group collaboration with effectiveness of school educational groups. Knowledge sharing has a direct and significant effect on effectiveness of educational groups. Also, knowledge sharing with mediating the in-group trust has an indirect and significant effect on effectiveness of school educational groups. Knowledge sharing with mediating the intra-group collaboration has an indirect and significant effect on effectiveness of school educational groups. The results of this study indicated the importance of paying attention to the role of knowing sharing, in-group trust and intra-group collaboration of teachers in increasing the effectiveness of school educational groups. Discussion and conclusion: In general, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the sharing of knowledge, trust and cooperation within the group will increase the effectiveness of school educational groups and in turn results in improvement and enhancement of the education system. Knowledge sharing in educational groups along with close cooperation and trust among teachers in return for this knowledge sharing and cooperation in the exchanged information has increased the effectiveness and performance of teachers, which, in turn, leads to the growth and development of their professions and the results will be reflected in improving the empowerment of students. Finally, it is suggested that the educational groups and related meetings be equipped with the appropriate tools and technology to perform the assigned tasks so that teachers are able to participate in the groups in a real and virtual method to share their knowledge and information. In this way, they can pursue the acquisition of information and knowledge through other members of the group. Education officials are encouraged to use brochures, booklets and posters to inform teachers about the impact of collaboration, teamwork and the sharing of knowledge and trusting each other and its positive effects on improving the process of group work and training sessions. Also, by creating a friendly and informal atmosphere in education contributes to more communication among teachers and strengthens their cooperation. Furthermore, using the guidelines of experienced and knowledgeable educational groups, they can overcome the problems arising during the work. It is necessary to create a culture of trust, participation and cooperation and their goals in improving and enhancing nationwide educational centers and schools, and of course, the cooperation of the mass media will be fruitful in this regard. Incorporating internet for sharing knowledge in school educational groups and the free use of virtual chat rooms so that teachers can easily exchange information and knowledge and have shares in each other''s knowledge.

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Some models of confirmation of Knowledge management have used successfully in industrials, but as we know the features of educational organization such as a schools are different from industrials now, the question is that; is Possible to confirm the Knowledge management at schools? At last, solving this time by Deans of schools is an important issue in Education organ. This study is an applicable Survey, and is an analytical-descriptive in method to analysis the data used in the Data mining in this research. The related variants to predisposing factors of confirmation of Knowledge management are: the culture of organization and the process of Knowledge and information Technology the validity of process Control. The questions are presented to some faculty members after editing, then Some of them which are included the problem were reviewed after reform supposing till the deletion of unsatisfied questions after that they were replaced by new others, so the external validity of the questionnaire was-Detected. at the reliability of process Control. The studying of reliability of Test was held by Alfa Kron Batch methods and also by making halers. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire is 92% which is a great one and by making halves we received to 70%, also is accepted. Finally, the questionnaire was planned with 35 questions in 5 multiples form which is said included three variables (the system of Knowledge processing, The information technology system, and the cultural organization), then distributed between the managers. Population The population of this survey includes the Deans of schools in Dorud’ s education which are 116 people then selected 89 of them based on Morgan Table. Using the algorithm of data mining and assessing the algorithms The decision tree, Baye's theorem and artificial Neural network were used in this survey, then had continued by confusion matrix which is one of the most important assessing features of casting-algorithm. Decision tree Producing the rules using the decision tree. After Inserting the preprocessing data in weka Software, then the rules below were produced by using the decision tree algorithm. Rule1: if the union accelerates less or lesser The Knowledge sharing for employees and the managers assent with their proposal more or less, it will be confirmed by the knowledge management. Rule 2: if the union accelerated. Less or lesser the Knowledge sharing for employees and the manager’ s assent with their proposals more and much more, it will be confirmed the knowledge management. Rule 3: if the union accelerates more and more the knowledge sharing for employees and the managers would be less and lesser Sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers, then it will not be confirmed by the Knowledge management. Rule 4: if the union accelerates more and more the knowledge Sharing for employees and the managers would be more and more sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers, then it will be confirmed the knowledge management. The results were analyzed by using the efficiency features of the decision tree algorithm then to produce the below matrix by it. The Confusion matrix of decision Tree FP=1 TP=7 TN=10 FN=0 After executing the decision Tree, the concentration of casting would be 0. 94. The theory of Rough set function To extract the rules by this method using the Genetic, Johnson and Holts algorithms. Genetic algorithm other produced 4100 rules, Johnson algorithm will be produced 18 rules and Holts algorithm will be produced 191 rules, and finally the most efficient rules will be presented among them. Rule 1# if the managers are more Sensitive to reserve their Knowledge workers and the Union accelerates more or less the knowledge sharing for their employees then, it will be confirmed knowledge management. Rule#2: if the managers are almost sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers and the union accelerates more or less the Knowledge-sharing for their employees then, it will be confirmed knowledge management. Rule 3# if the managers are less sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers and the union accelerates lesser the Knowledge-sharingfor their employees then, it will not be confirmed knowledge management. The Confusion matrix of decision Tree FP=1 TP=8 TN=2 FN=7 After executing the Rough Set Model, the concentrate of this algorithm would be 0. 88. According to the extracted rules from Genetic, Johnson, and Holts algorithm in Rough set model and decision Tree to receive the General and Creditable rules from these four rules are Compound and finally made rules below. The final Rule 1: if the Union accelerates almost or more the knowledge-sharing for their employees and the managers are more and much more sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers, then it will be confirmed knowledge management. The final rule 2: if the union accelerates less Knowledge Sharing for their employees and the managers assent more and much more with their proposals, then it will be confirmed knowledge management. The final rules 3: if the managers are less sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers and the union accelerates much less Knowledge-sharing for their employees, then it will not be confirmed knowledge management. The final Rule 4: If the managers are almost sensitive to reserve their knowledge workers and the union accelerates much less Knowledge sharing for their employees Then, it will not be confirmed knowledge management. Final Rule 5: if the managers are more sensitive to reserve their Knowledge workers and the union-accelerates almost the knowledge Sharing for their employees then it will be confirmed knowledge management. Final Rule 6# if the managers are almost sensitive to reserve their Knowledge workers and the union accelerates much more knowledge sharing for their employees, and then it will be confirmed Knowledge management. Generally, according to the final findings in this survey which are held by data mining algorithm, the key features have an important role in conforming the knowledge a management are: Knowledge sharing, reserving the knowledge workers and using the employee's proposals.

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Upbringing is a wide and challenging concept in human life that always named as a basic principles in terms of individually and socially in living of healthy human The intent of upbringing is providing of agents to emergence of human talents in the desired direction. Though the upbringing, Human talents flourish. Based on the emergence of new media and with rely on media penetration in individually and socially living of people, gradually this argument has risen that media can influence on upbringing, and based on deep observation can itself play an important role as trainer. The schools and the management style that are dominate on the schools is a one of influential factors on students upbringing. Nowadays the schools are attempting to realize of the role of media in themselves functional puzzle and with rely on the kind of media, and media functions and digital instruments in order to best using for future generation upbringing. But with the rapid advancement of science and technology in among of students and with regarding to the digital media epidemic, it seems that the schools are confused in the field of upbringing, so that this issue in itself can bad effect on society. In fact, with the develop of new sciences in the field of media and based on day by day technology advancement and through the emergence of digital devices such as lap top, mobile and etc. that all of them has a huge role in educational system, the control level of school managers on student’ s findings are decreasing. In result we are witness the quality of education and upbringing of student are down. This study was aimed at investigating the notion of media upbringing and gaining operational strategies to take new school management styles. This qualitative study used a grounded theory approach. The data were collected from 33 participants using purposeful and snowball sampling, theoretical saturation, and in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The participants were experienced school teachers, university professors majoring in educational sciences, communication and media and experienced experts in media literacy and cyberspace. Using open, axial, and selective coding, the researcher studied the notion of media upbringing and extracted and categorized the causative and contextual factors, consequences and strategies. Including the conditions considered in this research can point to: The lack of stable in structure of upbringing in the student's personality, the problems are exist in life style and upbringing manners in different schools and families, conveying the educational role of family and peers to the media, intensive media addiction, intense media addiction among the students and subsequently severe mental changes in teenagers and students and finally school dropouts and lack of motivation among students can be bad effect of media addiction. In order to explain this issue from one side can point to the assumptions and constraints and concept of upbringing, the role and impact and the importance of school’ s management style, from other side we can follow the role of media in the future of educational methods. We have to consider the impact of environmental condition on media upbringing, as well as we cannot ignore from the important role of government in the field of media upbringing and the need for children and adolescents to receive proper instruction in the use of virtual media and mass media in the digital age. Some of factors that are interference in this research, can be pointed to the impact of Managers policies and educational centers and the importance of school’ s style in media upbringing student, and their importance on increasing the pace of media upbringing process in the community. On the other hand, the style of modern life, true and false social beliefs about media and educational among of instructors and school’ s managers are important in this investigation. meanwhile the lack of realizing in the field of cognitive domain by media and passive look from school’ s managers to the media. Eventually including the Strategies that gained by researcher in this investigation can be pointed to: Reduction of mental impression of media power in students and their parents. Definition, make a change, again Prioritizing from media function. Playing an active role by student on media and mass media. Considering the characteristics of the future human. Passing from the step of media literacy to the step of media upbringing by launching high quality educational method in schools. Explaining the solutions and education the communication skills among of students and their families. Surveying mental and behavioral changes among of students in order to the control of students mental and personality growing. Including the positive and negative Consequences from this investigation can be pointed to: Positive and negative major changes in student’ s cognitive domain and the manner of their learning and education. Preventing from mental and spiritual damage in Puberty age with the solving of conflicts in student mental by media. Declining mental concerns amount of student’ s families. The boost of quality and quantity level of learning among of student by media. Returning and reviving of upbringing role to the schools. Using the media as a positive thing not as an annoying thing in the upbringing process. The emergence of new schools with rely on new approach based on media upbringing. Manufacture of new products in the field of mass media. Reviewing in the meaning of media functions among of new generation of student. Preventing disruption in education system based on using the media. Creating an interaction-driven management style in new schools. To ensure the reliability and validity of the study, some of the interviews were conducted several times and the obtained results from coding were presented to a number of experienced experts and the participants. The obtained results suggest that due to the increasing power of media and technology in students' daily lives and the significant impact of media on their learning style, it seems necessary to make some changes in educational styles in schools. To do so, this study proposes some strategies.

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School principals are one of the most important components of educational systems whose performance in responding to environmental needs as a key component of organizations is of particular importance and because of the basic functions of the role of management, if there is to be a change in education should start from management. Obviously, the successful realization of this important issue will require a deep understanding and understanding of the elements that affect the performance of managers. Managers' performance is defined as the overall expected values of the organization from the separate pieces of behavior that an individual performs over a period of time and is influenced by environmental needs. Hence, the concept of performance of managers based on environmental needs has been expressed as a new concept. This structure consists of three dimensions: conceptual, structural and functional. The conceptual dimension refers to the necessity and benefits of responding to the conditions and requirements arising in the changing external environment and internal organizational challenges. Any orientation, arrangements and internal and environmental mechanisms that will lead to timely and appropriate response are related to the structural dimension. The functional dimension refers to the set of activities and actions that are taken to advance and achieve accountability. The performance of managers is influenced by various individual and organizational factors, including the cohesion of the organization. Cohesion as one of the most important organizational factors plays an important role in the success of organizations. Each school has its own culture, influenced by the thoughts and actions of managers, teachers and students, and influences new members. The school's culture reflects the personality and identity of the school, and it is this feature that distinguishes a school from another school. School culture influences how students learn the teaching process and how parents support their school education programs. The school's cultural context involves the attitudes, styles, values and patterns governing the school, and they form a particular school culture. Collective Effectivenessis defined as the group's shared beliefs about the collective capacity to organize and run periods of activities needed to produce a high level of achievement. These shared beliefs are about goals, resource management and plans, strategies, and efforts. And the persistence of group members is effective. Ethical commitment is defined as a set of internalized normative pressures to act in a way that achieves organizational goals and interests. According to Allen & Meyer (2011), commitment includes three dimensions of emotional commitment, normative and continuous. Emotional commitment involves the emotional connection of employees to the organization so that people introduce themselves to the organization. Continuous commitment is the commitment of the individual to the organization based on the individual's understanding of the costs associated with leaving the organization. Normative commitment is the feeling of moral compulsion to stay in the organization. The aime of This research was to investigate the the Relationship between School Culture and School Cohesion with Principal Performance Based on Response to Environmental Needs with the Mediating Role of Ethical Commitment and Collective Effectiveness. The research method is descriptive-correlation using the causal modeling method or structural equation model. statistical population of this study consists of all the managers of the first and second courses of high school in Urmia city which were about 1200 individuals. 300 individuals were selected by morgan table and stratified random sampling method. Data collection tools were standard questionnaires of environmental responsiveness of Taghizadeh (1391), Tros et al (2004) school cohesion questionnare, Denison’ s corporate (2000), Belief in collective effectiveness of teachers by Shaun Muran and Bar (2004) and ethical commitment of Hashemi and et al (1395). The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability of the questionnaire are obtained by using Cronbach's alpha for the research variables 0. 99 for School Culture, 0. 80 for school cohesion, 0. 81 for Collective Effectiveness, 0. 93 for ethical commitment and 0. 81 for function which is statistically acceptable. Structural equation modeling method was used to investigate the causal relationship between variables by the analyzing the way by using liseral and spss software. The research findings showed that fitting goodness indicators of model are well fitted and there is significant relationship between variables. Results show that there is a positive structural relationship between organizational factors in managers’ performance and the mediating role of ethical commitment and collective effectiveness and the organizational factors can predict managers’ performance directly and indirectly through ethical commitment and team efficiency. Regarding the findings of the research, Promotion of independent variables such as organizational factors such as culture and organizational cohesion by officials provides managers with efficiency and quality work processes because effective management depends on these underlying factors and they play an effective role in the performance of managers. They play. Therefore, the performance of managers as a behavioral system that is a better manifestation of the duties and tasks of managers in the organization can be predicted based on organizational factors. Among these, there are modifying factors such as moral commitment and group efficiency, each of which as an underlying factor enhances the existing impact and effects. Therefore, paying attention to predictable variables and modulating the performance of managers in the organization is inevitable. It is suggested that Managers at different levels of the education organization improve and enhance organizational and individual characteristics through a well-codified program that provides cohesion in the organization. It is suggested that; By involving individuals in administrative processes, agreeing on organizational goals and the values of the existing informal group, principals and school officials enhance cohesion in the organization so that they can improve the organization's performance in responding to environmental needs. It can create the necessary ground for more schools to remain in the environment. paying attention to predictable variables and modulating the performance of managers in the organization is inevitable. It is suggested that Managers at different levels of the education organization improve and enhance organizational and individual characteristics through a well-codified program that provides cohesion in the organization. It is suggested that; By involving individuals in administrative processes, agreeing on organizational goals and the values of the existing informal group, principals and school officials enhance cohesion in the organization so that they can improve the organization's performance in responding to environmental needs. It can create the necessary ground for more schools to remain in the environment.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of misbehavior between high school students in Sanandaj and to present its management strategies. Students’ misbehavior usually has a disruptive impact on learning and teaching activities in the classroom. It can take various forms, for example, talking to others without permission or even bullying. Yet, in each case, educators have to find ways of resolving these problems. Very often the origins of misbehavior are very difficult to trace back because it can be explained by a variety of factors such as family problems, school environment, peer pressure, or psychological problems of a student. Researchers point out that there are several internal motivators for the misbehavior; one of them is the need for attention. These students want teachers to look more attentively at their needs and goals. These students want to feel that they are valued by the teacher. Another factor that contributes to misbehavior is the desire to assert ones authority over others. Some students believe that the necessity to follow rules limits their freedom and ability to act independently. Such students often tend to bully others if they feel that their freedom is restricted by teachers or school administrators. Additionally, one should speak about assumed inadequacy. Some learners can assume that they do not belong to the class or that they cannot meet certain performance standards. Some teachers can often accuse children of being deviant or lazy. In some cases, such an accusation can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, a student can come to the belief that his/her actions cannot change a teacher’ s opinion about him or her. This is why teachers should avoid using such labels as “ deviant” or “ lazy” when talking to a child. The discussion of these internal factors can also be linked to the Choice Theory developed by William Glasser. In the opinion of this scholar, a student’ s behavior is driven by the need for belonging, willingness to acquire power or freedom, and the desire to have fun. Provided that these needs are not satisfied, a student is more likely to violate the rules that are set by the teachers. This theory can have profound implications for those people who design instruction models. Their task is to create such an environment in which a student can meet various psychological needs. Apart from that, scholars argue that there are some causes of misbehavior that can be attributed to school environment. In particular, they point to such factors as lack of meaningful interaction with teachers, unequal power relations, or inability to fulfill ones talents or skills. Therefore, educators should take into account that sometimes they can cause the misbehavior in the classroom. For instance, a student can act defiantly in those cases when teacher adopts a very authoritative attitude toward learners. Additionally, one can refer to the study carried out by Salee Supaporn. This scholar shows that misbehavior can be linked to the activities in which students are engaged. In particular, a student, who perceives a learning activity as interesting, is less likely to misbehave in the classroom. Overall, boredom is one of the main factors that contribute to misbehavior in the classroom. Moreover, many students can misbehave when a teacher does not accommodate the lesson to their learning style. For instance, auditory learners, who need to discuss ideas or topics with a teacher, may talk out of turn when a teacher does not encourage them to show their understanding of the material. This is why misbehavior should not be always explained by lack of self-control or discipline. There is another aspect of this problem, namely the way in which educators perceive misbehavior and its causes. For instance, some of them think that its causes are fully controllable by a stude. For instance, some teachers believe that poor performance or misbehavior during lessons can be attributed to chronic laziness or unwillingness to learn. Usually these people believe that punishment is the best response to such a behavior. They do not consider the possibility that such conduct could have been caused by lack of social skills or attention-deficit disorder. More importantly, they do not change their strategies in any way when dealing with such a child. As a result, such students continue to underperform. Overall, this discussion indicates that the misbehavior in the classroom cannot always be blamed only on students. Very often, this conduct can be attributed to poor methods of instruction or failure to involve students into learning. The task of educators is to create an environment in which students feel themselves a part of the class. They must see themselves as active participants of educational process. Finally, teachers should remember there are ways of influencing the behavior of students without the use of coercive power. Research on student misbehaviors in classroom have focused on the identification of most frequent misbehaviors and individual practices used by the teachers. However there is still a significant gap about the demographic and other factors that affect teachers’ perceptions of misbehaviors in classrooms. The research method of this study was qualitative and grounded theory was applied. The population of this study was the first-grade high school teachers who were selected through purposeful sampling and to reach the theoretical saturation level in order to summarize the experiences of 15 high school teachers. Qualitative data analysis was performed theoretical coding and Maxqda software version 10. By interviewing the participants through in-depth interview and content analyses, and comparing and matching the data, 144 indicators were obtained. By eliminating duplicates and integrating homogeneous and similar indicators, finally, categories related to causes of misbehavior were 43 Subcategories (open coding) and 22 axial categories and 5 inclusive categories (selective coding) were drawn. In addition to using research results, previous research results were used to provide management solutions. Cause and effects of misconduct included extracurricular factors such as environmental factors (family, community and media) and school factors (physical and psychological space, managers' communication weakness, inappropriate modeling). In-class factors such as teacher-related factors (teaching style, teacher approach, classroom management, teacher professional competence) and student-related factors (academic weakness, lack of motivation, behavioral disorders) were appropriate to each of the management strategies.

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The education system has always been closely linked to the development of societies, and in most countries, paying attention to the knowledge-based economy is a priority. Today, due to the increasing demand for education through rapid population growth, families tend to provide their children with a relatively higher education and income than those who are educated than other members of society, as well as enjoying increased social rights and growth. Information and communication technology and its use in everyday life, and most importantly the financial constraints and structural budget deficits in education systems, discuss how to finance education as one of the most serious educational crises worldwide. However, today schools are increasingly turning to funding to address the problem of budget shortages and pressures from the community to provide quality services. As a result, schools are employing different ways and mechanisms to offset this scarcity of financial resources and developing a wide range of innovative and innovative approaches. However, the application of these mechanisms to finance in terms of the quantitative and qualitative status of the educational system, educational levels, economic and social status and many other components can be similarities and differences. In our country, especially in the elementary and secondary levels of government, it is considered to be the most important provider of financial resources. But over the last few years, given the high demand for education, the share of non-governmental resources in this sector has gradually increased, and now a significant share of educational spending is directed at individuals and their families. Since education is one of the most important issues in the lives of many individuals and families, how to finance education is one of the major challenges for applicants (individuals and families). And suppliers (public and non-governmental institutions). Therefore, education needs specific tools and solutions to develop and respond to problems and challenges. Since it has used many solutions in the field of education throughout the history, but the solutions adopted do not have the required efficiency and effectiveness, therefore, solutions should be sought to solve this problem. It was an alternative. Therefore, identifying and resolving school problems in order to achieve educational goals should be addressed by the authorities and researchers, one of which is the lack of financial resources that make them difficult to carry out activities and achieve their desired goals. It has. Since the government funding is not responsive to educational needs and costs and the need to improve the quality of educational services provided by schools has increased, the importance of resolving this problem has doubled. Attracting funds from their schools causes some issues such as parental dissatisfaction, lack of transparency in the use of funds received, as well as the difficulty of deciding on a suitable way to attract funds among other ways, which in turn increases the burden. It is the responsibility of school administrators to increase the likelihood of abuse by some. However, attracting funds from their own schools is one way to supplement the government's funding to provide better quality education for schools. Schools have serious responsibilities in education. They play an important role in the overall development of the country's human capital. Therefore, solving the problems of schools, especially in the field of financing, is one of the goals that should be considered by the authorities and researchers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to prioritize the factors affecting the financing of schools in Kurdistan province. This research is applied in terms of purpose and is a survey based on the research method. The required data for this study were collected by questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 85. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 30 variables related to school financing are considered and divided into 3 components. The statistical population of this study consisted of principals and deputy heads of schools in Kurdistan province. The sampling method was random. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis of the data. And by using factor analysis method the research questions have been tested. The results of the research findings show that in the privatization of schools variable use of serious supervision and legal regulation with 0. 791 factor loadings had the most impact and the variable of private school management performance with 0. 497 factor loadings had the least impact. On school funding. Also, in the discussion of the budget allocated to schools by the government, the amount of privatization proceeds with a factor of 0. 817 had the greatest impact on school financing and the variable of the country's trade surplus with a factor of 0. 621 had the least effect. It finances the schools. Also in the discussion of parent financial participation, the variable of parental satisfaction with school performance with a factor of 0. 763 had the highest impact on school financing and involving families in managing financial problems with a factor of 0. 155 had the least effect on school Finance has schools. Consequently, according to the findings of the study, it can be generally stated that the privatization variable of the schools with total variance of 50/183 has the greatest impact on the financing of the schools, then the variable of the budget allocation to the schools by the variance. The total 3636/07 has an impact on school funding, as well as the parents' financial participation with 18/453 has the least impact on school funding. As a result, it is suggested that the Ministry of Education and relevant institutions should prioritize among the factors influencing financing of school privatization to facilitate and improve the school financing process. Future researchers are also suggested to consider these and other factors affecting school financing in other provinces of the country and compare the results with the results of this study. Also, as every research has its limitations, this research has limitations like other researches, including its limitations to the inaccessibility of all schools in Kurdistan province. Lack of receiving all questionnaires indicated that this was a limitation because the results of the survey could not be generalized to all schools in Kurdistan province. Finally, it can be stated that since the statistical population of this study was the only one in the schools in Kurdistan province, the results cannot be generalized to schools in the whole country.

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Education is a very complex and sensitive issue that the sustainability of a community is largely dependent on the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational system. As the educational system can properly carry out its mission and mission of individual and social development, it is also a prerequisite for cultural, economic, political and social development in society. It goes without saying that a huge part of the complexity and sensitivity of the educational system goes back to the verb or behavior of school administrators and school administrators. One of the challenges of HRM in organizations, especially in education and training, is the way of selecting and enhancing managers. In this regard, the evaluation center process is used as a guide for evaluating and developing competencies in a work-like environment. Therefore, the present study was designed with the aim of developing a model of competency of education managers for use in the center of evaluation and development. Qualitative approach was used for research. The research community was all experts, professors and senior managers of human resources in education, interviewed with 17 experts using a targeted snowball sampling. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. In the current study, the re-test reliability and the intra-subject agreement method were used to calculate the reliability of the interviews. In the current study, for the purpose of calculating the reliability of the retest, three interviews were selected from among the interviews, each of which was coded by the researcher twice in a 15-day interval. In order to calculate the reliability of the interview with the interdisciplinary agreement of two coders, one of the experts in the field of research was asked to participate as a secondary coder in the research. The researcher together with the research fellow encoded three interrogations and the percentage of agreement Inside the subject, the calculation and reliability were confirmed. For data analysis, open and axial coding was used. The results of this study showed that the main components of the model of competency model of education managers for use in the assessment center are: knowledge competence, professional competence, personality competency, executive competence, leadership competence and guidance, communication competence and perceptional competence. Each of these components includes sub-components and indicators that are common to most school administrators, mid-level and higher education, and are also distinct in some of the indicators: School administrators: Knowledge (general knowledge of management, knowledge in the field of educational management, knowledge in the field of education and teaching, environmental knowledge, knowledge of relevant executive laws and knowledge of information technology); professionalism (good ethics, commitment to community values, honesty and truthfulness); , Flexibility, courtesy, customer orientation and conflict management); personality (responsibility, commitment, partnership, learning, perfection, self-improvement, self-management and self-esteem); executive (information management, risk management, resource management, Timely feedback, operational planning and decision-making skills); leadership and guidance (motivation, successor), Talent management, influence and influence, teamwork and team building, individual development and empowerment, inspiration, pattern); communication (listening skills, ability to express sympathy and express feelings, ability to communicate with staff, understanding and understanding perspectives Others, the ability to communicate clearly and clearly, the ability to communicate with school principals and the ability to interact with the parents of students; perceptual (creativity, innovation, rational thinking, insight). Intermediate managers: Knowledge (general knowledge of management, knowledge in the field of educational management, knowledge in the field of learning, teaching and learning, recognition of upstream documents, recognition of relevant laws related to political awareness); professional (commitment to community values, honesty and truthfulness, flexibility Capability, global thinking and native action, management of diversity, respect for differences and cultural values, financial health and political awareness); personality (responsibility, commitment, partnership, learning, perfectionism, self-improvement, self-management and self-confidence ); Executive (Operational Control, Risk Management, Project Management, Resource Management, Crisis Management, and Problem Solving); Leadership and leadership (motivation, succession, talent management, influence and influence, teamwork and team building, individual development and empowerment, inspiration, pattern), communication (ethics and good behavior, ability to communicate with employees, understanding and Understanding the views of others, the ability to communicate clearly, negotiating skills, the ability to communicate with school administrators, the knowledge and ability to interact and communicate with the external organization; perceptual (creativity, innovation, system thinking, conceptual thinking, comprehension). Senior Managers: Knowledge (General Management Knowledge, Understanding the Philosophy of Education, Legal Knowledge and Understanding Related Laws and Upstream Documents, Specialized Knowledge in Education and Training Management, Political Consciousness, Economic Knowledge); Professional (Commitment to the Value of Society, Honesty and truthfulness, decisiveness, universal thinking and native action, ideal goal, respect for differences and cultural values, global thinking and native action, financial health, transnational mentality, change management); personality (pattern, accountability, Commitment, partnership, learning, perfectionism, self-improvement, self-management, self-esteem); executive (manager Change, Risk, Strategic Management, Strategic Supervision, Crisis Management, Complexity Management); Leadership and Leadership (motivation, succession, talent management, penetration and impact, teamwork and team building, individuals development and empowerment, inspiration, Modeling); communication (ethics and good behavior, ability to communicate with employees, understanding and understanding of others' perspectives, ability to create a coalition, bargaining power for elimination of conflicts, negotiation skills, ability to interact and communicate with the external organization; Creativity, Innovation, System Thinking, Strategic Decision Making, Strategic Thinking). Applying the model of competence of the education managers to use in the center of evaluation with its dimensions, its components and indicators in appointing and selecting managers, education and schools enable the country to assess its scientific fever in terms of selecting and appointing appropriate managers. And as a compass, they clarify their scientific movement from day to day planning to change their direction and move toward quality improvement. This research could provide the basis for future research to develop a deeper and more accurate assessment center and improve meritocracy and excellence in education. It is also necessary to discuss the difference in talent management practices and human resource management practices more precisely and comprehensively. The establishment of assessment centers in the education organization, which are selected, appointed, and promoted by the principals' merits of managers, are among the requirements of the educational system of the country. Management, change and modification in educational systems should be made according to the changes and such a change is made using the assessment center that helps the education and training to meet the needs of the community.

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School excellence" is derived from organizational excellence and a new subject. Because this issue is older outside Iran, various researches have been done in this field, but in Iran, due to its infancy, not much research is observed, and it does not have the necessary support for field studies and is a model for quality. Implementation has not been presented, and the results of research emphasize the need for field-based research One of the issues that is felt in the implementation of the school excellence program in Iran is that; Stakeholder participation in the implementation of the school excellence program does not exceed the level of student participation in the implementation of extracurricular activities and cooperation with educators in educational matters. The role of parents is especially marginalized in the quality of teaching and learning of students. Therefore, in the current situation, the realization of the idea of a school-centered approach with a bottom-up approach has no place in the school management excellence program. In recent years, many speculations have been made about this program and based on it, amendments have been made to the way of implementing and changing the evaluation indicators. These actions are often aimed at redefining and shifting the criteria and indicators rather than reflecting on its intellectual and theoretical foundations. This is while the effective school literature of regular and accurate efforts, especially problem-oriented and context-oriented, as well as the joint cooperation of policy makers and educational researchers in providing different models of effectiveness and their effective role in forming new intellectual waves in this The constituency tells. The effective and transcendent school is a context-dependent phenomenon. The characteristics of the situation in which the school is culturally, socially, politically, economically, and demographically located essentially overshadow its inputs, processes, and outputs, and this is at odds with the effectiveness of the excellence program. It seems that the necessary groundwork has not been done in terms of manpower training, space, facilities and equipment, all-round efforts of the trustees in planning and proper implementation of the process-oriented program. Therefore, considering this importance, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the process of implementing the school management excellence program, in order to identify the prerequisites and underlying factors and to provide practical solutions to improve the quality of the excellence program implementation. The main purpose of this study was to identify the effective factors and provide operational model on the performance of school management excellence program. In this research qualitative approach was used by using grounded theory method. Also, 20 supervisors and executives of excellence program were selected by purposeful sampling based on saturation principle. In the data collection, semi-structured interview tools were employed. In order to analyze the data, a systematic coding method has been used in three steps (open coding, axial and selective coding) and the categories that form different parts of the model were grouped into six dimensions. In this study, the coding results show that 550 propositions in describing the perception of observers and implementers are effective factors and requirements of the excellence program. By abstracting concepts and categories from data and classifying similarities based on conceptual relevance and theoretical studies, the reports were summarized into 90 conceptual spectra, 36 sub-categories, and 11 main categories. During the three codings: open coding (OC), axial coding (AC) and selective coding (SC), "quality of program execution" was identified as the central phenomenon of the research. Finally, all categories related to the central phenomenon were organized in five axes (causal, contextual, intervening, strategic and consequential factors). The results of data analysis showed that the quality of implementation of excellence program is influenced by causal factors such as the status of financial and human resources of schools and the amount of effort by the authorities in planning and implementing excellence program. It can also be facilitated by devising desirable strategies such as human resources training, organizational health, and teacher effectiveness, which include contextual factors such as organizational culture, parenting role and environmental factors, and intervening conditions such as; The management and leadership style and characteristics of the principal are influenced, and ultimately, the implementation of the excellence program leads to outcomes such as program-based, self-assessment, school-based and comprehensive quality at school. Considering the emphasis of the Fundamental Transformation Document on improving school management and achieving the appearance of the school in the horizon of Vision 1404, it is suggested that further study be done on the underlying factors affecting the quality of the excellence program and using the findings of this study. In order to be more effective, trustees should evaluate the school's contextual factors for implementing the program and, if the necessary contexts are not available, focus their actions on providing the prerequisites. Because implementation without bedding does not lead to a significant increase in school performance and, except for wasting resources, the goals of the excellence program will not be achieved. Considering the effective role of school principals in the implementation of the program, it is suggested that the appointment of qualified principals be done in accordance with the identified personality traits and managerial knowledge and skills, and that the training of principals be given priority. Also, education stakeholders should improve the method of implementing the program and evaluate the performance of schools in accordance with the type and conditions of the school, and also use the research findings as facilitators to educate and justify the executive agents of the excellence program in special sessions and workshops. Finally, with proper training and explanation, trustees and agents should have a process-oriented approach to the program to monitor the effectiveness of the program during the academic year during the implementation and to remove obstacles to implementation.

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The purpose of this study was "Designing the Self-Leadership Model of Education Managers in Guilan Province". The method of the research in terms of the nature of the data was of a qualitative-quantitative type, in terms of the purpose of the applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all heads and deputies (educational centers in the counties) and school principals of 2300 people. The sample was obtained using the Cochran formula (329). Data were random cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire from the qualitative section, whose content validity was determined by experts and its construct validity was obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha test was more than 70%. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods including mean, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics for data analysis using structural equation technique using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that self-leadership of education managers was categorized into 8 indicators (self-awareness, self-guidance, self-monitoring, self-control, effectiveness, targeting, self-motivation and self-reflection) with the removal of some questions and markers; the model was ultimately verified statistically. The purpose of this study was "Designing the Self-Leadership Model of Education Managers in Guilan Province". The method of the research in terms of the nature of the data was of a qualitative-quantitative type, in terms of the purpose of the applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all heads and deputies (educational centers in the counties) and school principals of 2300 people. The sample was obtained using the Cochran formula (329). Data were random cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire from the qualitative section, whose content validity was determined by experts and its construct validity was obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha test was more than 70%. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods including mean, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics for data analysis using structural equation technique using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that self-leadership of education managers was categorized into 8 indicators (self-awareness, self-guidance, self-monitoring, self-control, effectiveness, targeting, self-motivation and self-reflection) with the removal of some questions and markers; the model was ultimately verified statistically. The purpose of this study was "Designing the Self-Leadership Model of Education Managers in Guilan Province". The method of the research in terms of the nature of the data was of a qualitative-quantitative type, in terms of the purpose of the applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all heads and deputies (educational centers in the counties) and school principals of 2300 people. The sample was obtained using the Cochran formula (329). Data were random cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire from the qualitative section, whose content validity was determined by experts and its construct validity was obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha test was more than 70%. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods including mean, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics for data analysis using structural equation technique using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that self-leadership of education managers was categorized into 8 indicators (self-awareness, self-guidance, self-monitoring, self-control, effectiveness, targeting, self-motivation and self-reflection) with the removal of some questions and markers; the model was ultimately verified statistically. The purpose of this study was "Designing the Self-Leadership Model of Education Managers in Guilan Province". The method of the research in terms of the nature of the data was of a qualitative-quantitative type, in terms of the purpose of the applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all heads and deputies (educational centers in the counties) and school principals of 2300 people. The sample was obtained using the Cochran formula (329). Data were random cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire from the qualitative section, whose content validity was determined by experts and its construct validity was obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha test was more than 70%. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods including mean, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics for data analysis using structural equation technique using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that self-leadership of education managers was categorized into 8 indicators (self-awareness, self-guidance, self-monitoring, self-control, effectiveness, targeting, self-motivation and self-reflection) with the removal of some questions and markers; the model was ultimately verified statistically. The purpose of this study was "Designing the Self-Leadership Model of Education Managers in Guilan Province". The method of the research in terms of the nature of the data was of a qualitative-quantitative type, in terms of the purpose of the applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all heads and deputies (educational centers in the counties) and school principals of 2300 people. The sample was obtained using the Cochran formula (329). Data were random cluster sampling. Data collection tool was a questionnaire from the qualitative section, whose content validity was determined by experts and its construct validity was obtained through confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha test was more than 70%. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods including mean, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics for data analysis using structural equation technique using SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that self-leadership of education managers was categorized into 8 indicators (self-awareness, self-guidance, self-monitoring, self-control, effectiveness, targeting, self-motivation and self-reflection) with the removal of some questions and markers; the model was ultimately verified statistically. The purpose of this study was "Designing the Self-Leadership Model of Education Managers in Guilan Province". The method of the research in terms of the nature of the data was of a qualitative-quantitative type, in terms of the purpose of the applied type and in terms of descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study consisted of all heads and deputies (educational centers in the counties) and school principals of 2300 people. The sample was obtained using the Cochran formula (329).

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Studies on the effectiveness of schools have confirmed the role of principals in the success of schools (Louis et al. (2010); Schmidt Davis and Bottoms (2011); Prasertcharoensuk & Tang (2017). The study of Sammons & Bakkum (2011) showed that leadership leads to creating a constructive behavioral climate, positive motivation in the learners, and learning culture whose result can be positive changes in the students and school improvement in general. Specifically, strategies of school teachers inevitably lead to the schools′ effectiveness. According to the study of Prasertcharoensuk & Tang (2017), the term “ school effectiveness” refers to the multidimensional effectiveness of the leaders, teachers, and students of the school in reaching educational goals (Creemers & Kyriakides (2010); Lee & Choi (2003); Scheerens (2013); Wen-Ling Shih and Chun-Yen Tsai (2016). In terms of school leadership, effectiveness is defined as reaching goals. In the present study, the relationship of development and self-efficacy of principals with the school effectiveness of first and second grades of high school was examined. The lack of development and self-efficacy of principals can yield problems. According to the above-mentioned points, this study aims to find if there is any correlation between development and self-efficacy of principals and school effectiveness. This study had survey approach. It used descriptive methods for applied goals. Statistical population included all principals of first and second grades of high school in Khoramabad City (n=175). Based on Morgan Table, the sample size of 150 school principals was obtained. To select the representative sample of the principals, relative stratified random sampling method was used and finally, 103 men and 47 women were selected as the sample. In order to gather data, the standard questionnaire of content development of principals adopted from Farahi Bozanjani (2003) with 30 elements was used. This questionnaire measures three elements including knowledge (10 elements), ability (10 elements), and skill (10 elements) using a 5-point Likert scale. Content and predictive validity of this tool have been confirmed in prior studies (Farahi Bozanjani, 2002). In this study, correlation coefficients for three elements of knowledge, ability, and skill were obtained to be 0. 90, 0. 92, and 0. 91, respectively. In order to measure self-efficacy variable, the questionnaire of Petrido et al. (2014, cited in Foladvand, (2015) was used. The questionnaire included 31 elements, measuring self-efficacy of school principals. It also used a 5-point Likert scale (1=quite disagreed and 5= quite agreed) with the minimum score of 31 and the maximum score of 155 (Foladvand, 2015). In order to determine the consistency of this measure, Cronbach's alpha was used whose value in this study was obtained to be 0. 95. In order to measure the variable of school effectiveness, the standard questionnaire of school effectiveness of Hoy & Miskel (2013) was used; it included 8 elements scored by a 5-point Likert scale. Minimum and maximum likely score in this tool was 8-40. To determine consistency of this measure, Cronbach's alpha was used whose value in this study was obtained to be 0. 90. Validity and consistency of this tool were confirmed in prior studies (Hoy & Miskel, 2013). Consistency of all questionnaires was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha and their content validity was also verified by the ideas of experts. In order to analyze data, descriptive and referential statistics were used. Obtained results showed that the development of the principals and its elements (including skill, ability, knowledge) were positively and significantly correlated with the school effectiveness (r=0. 26, 0. 28, and 0. 26). Results also showed a positive and significant correlation of self-efficacy of the principals and its elements (r=0. 45). Finally, in the model of regression prediction, just ability (B =0. 28) and leadership (B =0. 50) showed to have predictability power. The finding of this study is indirectly correlated with prior studies of Lee and Choi (2003), Lee and Lee (2007); Soon & Zainol (2011), Wen Ling Shih and Chun Yen Tsai (2016). This result is also consistent with the findings of the studies of Zembat & et al. (2010), Ali Al-Harthi and Hendawy Al-Mahdy (2017), Bird et al. (2013), and Boonla & Treputtharat (2014). The study of Zembat & et al. (2010) also confirmed the role of leadership styles in the effectiveness of schools. In a similar study, Bird et al. (2013) concluded that the activities of the principals lead to improving school processes. Regarding other finding of this study, a positive and significant correlation was found between managerial skills and school effectiveness. Studies have shown that successful schools have principals who have created professional culture and effectiveness (Afkhami Kheirabadi & et al., 2006). Based on the findings of this study, a significant correlation was found between developing the competencies of the principals in terms of skills, ability, and knowledge dimensions. Thus, it can be suggested that various dimensions of principals′ competencies are concerned by the authorities of Education Department. Principals of Education Departments are also suggested to prioritize consistent development of school teachers for preserving school effectiveness in the policies of training and developing human resources. In the present study, empirical evidences imply principals ‘ perceptions about gaining school effectiveness by means of developing principals′ competencies. Results also suggest that principals are very important in achieving educational as well as organizational goals and school effectiveness. This study had limitations as well. These limitations included the lack of control over all unwanted variables which may have affected the results of this study. Newness of the studied variables and the lack of access to the broad and growing theories were our other limitations. Despite above-mentioned limitations in the present study, a new, growing, and excellent study area has been opened. On this basis, it can be suggested that this study is replicated in other schools and at different educational levels in order to gain more certainty by replicating the results. Also, by looking at the results and their comparisons with scrutiny, differences and similarities between the schools in terms of development and self-efficacy of their principals and school effectiveness can be identified. As a result, by developing competencies and improving self-efficacy of the principals, the effectiveness of the schools can be increased.

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In the last decade, the mass production approach, which has been the dominant organizational model in most of the world, has affected not only production and industry but also education; As this approach has provided the basis of most of the current training methods. But today, on the one hand, changes in information technology and education, globalization and instability, diversity of needs and expectations of learners, rapid change, the need for schools to respond and the social-moral responsibility of schools to society have created conditions that mass production approach over decades Used in the past in education, they are not suitable to meet the economic, political and social expectations of the current education system (Ground and Abbaspour, 2012). Hence, the increase in change and expansion of international relations has created challenges for human beings that warn of the need for continuous updating of knowledge and knowledge, especially in the education system. In a knowledge-based society, the main pillar of development, It is a cultured and wise manpower headed by a teacher (Niaz Azari, Ismailishad and Rabii, 2011). Hargreaves and Fullen argue that there must be professional capital to invest in transformational education and training. Countries and societies that value professional capital know that the cost of education is a long-term investment in human capital development from childhood to adulthood. And it rewards economic productivity and social cohesion in the next generation. A significant part of this investment depends on the quality of teachers and how they teach. In this view, the professional capitalist view of teaching assumes that: Good teaching is technically complex and difficult, good teaching requires a high level of training and long courses, good teaching is complemented by continuous progress, good teaching includes است is a wise judgment based on evidence and experience. Good teaching is a collective achievement and responsibility (Hargreaves, 2012). Developments in the world's educational systems, especially in the field of teacher education, require participation in professional development (human capital), group support (social capital), and provide an opportunity for judgment (decision capital). Kritz et al, 2014). Creating an environment in which these elements are present and correlated can promote a positive response to these reforms with teachers, resulting in teacher job satisfaction (Critz & co-worker, 2014). Proper implementation of professional capital in schools also leads to social justice in the education system, so that the link between research shows that supportive work environments are associated with the growth of students' academic achievement (Johnson & co-worker, 2012). Principals influence student achievement by creating environments that support teachers and are effective for student learning (Johnson & co-worker, 2012). according to imprtance of subject The aim of this study is for primary school teachers to understand the concept of professional capital. Despite many backgrounds on the constituent elements of professional capital (human, social, decision-making capital) and its importance in the education system, especially education, but the number of quality work in this field is very small and no research has been conducted in the country as teachers' professional capital. . Therefore, there is a double need to seek the level of teachers' understanding due to the importance of teachers' professional capital and the positive impact on students' academic achievement, and necessary measures should be taken to improve it. Therefore, in this study, we try to answer these questions: 1. What is the teachers' perception of the concept of professional capital? 2-What are the benefits of having professional capital in teaching and education from the teachers' point of view? 3. What are the challenges or obstacles teachers face in applying professional capital in school? The research approach is qualitative and interpretive phenomenology. Semi-structured interviews have been used to collect data. Our research population was all primary school teachers in Sanandaj who had more than 5 years of teaching experience. The approach of this qualitative research is of interpretive phenomenology. This research is in an interpretive direction. The researcher's goal of interpretive phenomenology is to gain an understanding of complex situations. The field of research in this study is all primary school teachers in Sanandaj, which was interviewed using 13 teachers using purposeful sampling method. Of these, 8 were women and 5 were men with 5 to 29 years of teaching experience. The criterion for continuing the research was to achieve theoretical saturation. Semi-structured interview method was used to collect the required data. During the interview, the interview begins with questions that are relatively neutral and is followed by more important questions. The duration of each interview was between 60 and 75 minutes. Data analysis was performed using open, axial and selective coding. In this research, nvivo qualitative data analysis software has been used to determine the codes. Our findings show that this knowledge sharing does not exist among colleagues, especially experienced teachers. Reasons for not sharing knowledge among colleagues can be structural and normative barriers. Structurally, teachers spend little time sharing knowledge and ideas, as well as reviewing their teaching. It has been mentioned in the discouraging culture of some schools. Based on the results of the research, the participants were well acquainted with its components, namely human capital, social capital and decision-making capital. In general, the findings indicated the fact that in terms of participants, professional capital and its presence among teachers can lead to students 'academic achievement and empowerment among teachers and their job satisfaction, but there were obstacles to professional capital that led to problems in the development of teachers' professions. It becomes. From the participants' point of view, there is no knowledge sharing between teachers, especially the sharing of knowledge between experienced teachers and inexperienced teachers, and this may be due to the culture of schools and teachers. Another reason that could be raised, and participants pointed out, was that school principals create unhealthy competition for teachers, which can be a major barrier to engagement and professional capital. Reasons for not sharing knowledge among colleagues include structural and normative barriers. Structurally, teachers spend little time sharing knowledge and ideas, as well as reviewing their teaching, and normatively, our findings point to that.

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Aim Education is the most important trustee of formal and public education and the consolidation of public culture and the excellence of Islamic society. One of the major missions of education is to strengthen social capital and train capable, promising, hopeful and rational human resources. In this regard, the efficiency of the education system in the optimal performance of its missions depends primarily on the availability of motivated, thoughtful, creative, capable and responsible human resources, especially at the level of managers. It is obvious that the more qualified, skilled and capable managers are in education, the more and more effective they will be in promoting and achieving the goals of the education system. From this perspective, care and attention in selecting and appointing principals at different levels, especially school principals, is very important because the influence of principals in guiding and motivating forces is much higher than other employees. Given the key importance of the issue of competency in the selection of principals and the role of competency models in this important issue, this issue has been considered by policymakers and education managers for several years. These include the 20-year vision document of the Islamic Republic, the five-year economic, social and cultural development plans of the country, the Civil Service Management Law and the general policies of the administrative system, etc., and the upstream documents of the education system in particular (e. g. The comprehensive scientific map of the country, the document of fundamental change in education, the executive program under the leadership and management system, the national curriculum, the school management excellence program, etc. ), have been emphasized on considering this important issue for selecting and appointing education managers. Is. In the meantime, and in the first place, determining and defining the necessary competencies for the principals of the educational system, and especially the principals of the schools, as the most important element that is at the forefront of the management and educational leadership of students, is of special importance. Research results generally suggest that principals' ability to play effective leadership roles is one of the key components of effective schools. School principals have a significant impact on school outcomes, to the extent that their role has been cited as the second factor influencing students' academic achievement. In many studies over the past few years, researchers have found that the manager also influences students' learning. The results also show that although teachers are the key to students' progress, it is school principals who guide and guide them. Therefore, in the document of fundamental change in education, the school principal is effective as a leader and one of the main elements of the realization of the mission of education and training has an extraordinary role and position in the horizon of 1404; Consequently, selecting school principals based on their meritocracy and pioneering in divine and human values and scientific criteria and believing in the goals of the country's formal education system is an undeniable necessity. So that in paragraph 7-4 of the document of fundamental change; The principal, teacher, faithful, creative, committed, flexible, thoughtful, forward-looking, participatory, educational leader, resourceful, knowledgeable, and professional is described as responsible for providing and developing the learning environment for the flourishing of educational instincts and students' instinctual attitudes., Adapts or compiles, implements and evaluates curricula at the school level The concept of competence has also been considered by policymakers and designers of the Fundamental Transformation Document. For example, in the training objectives section, it is stated: “ In order to play a role in the realization of a good life, it is necessary for the first instructors to acquire a set of necessary competencies. Necessary competencies include a set of individual and collective traits, abilities, and skills (such as reason, knowledge, faith, will, and piety) that coaches use to understand their own and others' situations and to continually improve them in order to prepare for fulfillment. They have to earn their living. . . ” Since it is up to teachers and principals to train qualified students, school principals in the role of instructor and principal need to have the expected competencies for students in addition to their professional competencies. In the document of fundamental change in education (DFCD), under provision 6-22, competency based appointment of principals is underscored. Employing qualitative approach, the present paper, hence, aims to identify the components and indices of school principals’ competency. Finally, leaders differ from non-leaders. Therefore, what makes a manager worthy is not a specific factor, but a variety of components that in different situations different combinations of factors and elements that cause successful flame performance, achieve goals. And organizational priorities Methods In so doing, semi-structured interviews were implemented with such 22 informants as designers of DFCD, agents responsible for implementing the article “ guidance and Management” , and university teachers with a degree in educational administration. To analyze data, thematic analysis was used. Member checking, and triangulation were used to confirm the validity of the findings. Results To calculate the coding reliability, inter-raters agreement was deployed. Line by line coding resulted in 80 indices which were then grouped into 17 sub-categories. Conclusion These sub-categories were later fallen into 6 themes: values and beliefs; skills and abilities; personality; knowledge; educational management; and control and supervision. Next, these themes were categorized into two main concepts, that is, general and specialized competency.

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Organizations inherently need people to identify them and carry out activities through them. The most important element in achieving organizational goals is management. The role of competent and capable managers in the performance of organizations has expanded to the point that they have considered management science as one of the most important and complex fields of humanities and have called the twentieth century the era of management and today's world the world of knowledgeable managers. One of the most important steps to realize the potential capabilities of human resources is to put people in the right position with their abilities, experiences and capabilities. Such a view of manpower as the most deserving person in the most appropriate job position. Managers, as the main decision-makers in the face of organizational problems, play a decisive role in the success or even failure of the organization. The purpose of this study was to design a competency model for secondary school principals. The method of this study was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of exploratory mixed data collection. The qualitative method was used to extract the components of the model and the quantitative method was used to validate the model. The statistical population in the qualitative section consisted of experts in the field of education and experienced principals and teachers of secondary schools in Tehran. The data collection tool in the qualitative section was semi-structured interviews that the interviewees were selected through purposeful sampling. The data from the interviews were refined and coded using the data theory theory. Finally, according to the identified themes, the components and indicators of the initial model of the research were drawn. At the quantitative stage, using the model depicted, the status of secondary school principals' competence was assessed. The research method at this stage was quantitative survey. The statistical population included all the principals of Tehran Secondary Secondary School in 1398 (868). 250 questionnaires were distributed among school principals. Based on qualitative interviews, twenty themes of competency of school principals were extracted and classified into 6 main components. The first dimension-individual competences, includes personality and value components. The second dimension-managerial competencies, has two components, namely human resources and insight and attitude. The Third Dimension: Scientific and Occupational Competence The two components of this dimension are expertise and occupation. Based on the results of the study, it was suggested that in order to achieve an effective education system, the conditions for selecting school principals should be redefined. Senior education managers consider the selection of managers for components such as managerial competencies, scientific and professional competencies, and individual competencies. The purpose of this study was to design a competency model for secondary school principals. In the qualitative stage, by conducting semi-structured interviews with experts, twenty themes (indicators) were extracted for the competency model of school principals, which were categorized into 6 components. Finally, the components were placed in a more general classification consisting of three dimensions. The components are as follows: First dimension; Individual competencies include personality and value components. The personality component is manifested in three codes: the power to influence teachers and students, acceptance among co-workers, and beauty. Second dimension; Managerial competencies have two components called human resource letters and insight and attitude. Their characteristics are: forming working groups, establishing effective communication with students and teachers, and motivating the human resources component; Purposefulness, positive thinking and creative thinking for the component of insight and attitude. Third dimension; Scientific and professional competencies are the two components of this dimension, specialization and professionalism. Having knowledge of educational management, management of equipment and physical resources, passing management training courses; There are specialized indicators. Having problem-solving and decision-making skills, gaining the support and assistance of key stakeholders, ongoing communication with parents and identifying their expectations, teacher experience and managerial experience at school; Are job indicators. T-test was used to assess the current status of school principals. The results of one-sample t-test for the third question showed that only the dimension of managerial competencies is higher than the value (average) and in a favorable condition; In the current situation, the competency model of school principals, academic competencies and then individual competencies are weaker than other dimensions. Prioritization of the components of the competency model of secondary school principals in the second year of Tehran is as follows, the first component is insight and attitude. Insight is an important aspect of being creative and forward-looking, and attitude is a relatively fixed way of thinking, feeling, and behaving toward individuals, groups, and social issues, or more broadly, any incident in the individual environment. Inferring from the results of this study, the following strategies are presented to move towards meritocracy in the selection of secondary school principals. Findings show that the conditions of appointment of school principals do not reflect the importance and complexity of schools as a unit of analysis, and the job description defines school principals as supervisors of the activities of school members, not agents. Therefore, it is necessary to redefine the school principal and the conditions for selecting school principals in order to achieve an effective educational system. Senior managers of the Ministry of Education can use the results of this study to change the pattern of selection of secondary school principals and use the concepts and components of the final model of this study. According to the results of the present study, officials, planners and those who select school principals and deputies should select the most talented people as principals and deputies, and in their selection, components such as managerial competencies, scientific and professional competencies, competencies Consider individual. In order to improve the competencies of managers, the officials of the educational system should continuously hold specialized training workshops for them to improve various competencies in order to improve the professional and organizational performance of managers while increasing their competencies. Of course, in order to design codified and comprehensive programs to improve the competencies of school principals, they should use the results of the present study along with other researches.

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Development has different dimensions compared to growth and is comprehensive. A developed society is a society that is developed in all fields, although societies may be in the process of development from different dimensions such as economic, scientific and educational, political, cultural, etc. Prioritize some dimension. Naturally, one of the important dimensions of development is the category of education. Physical Education is one of the educational courses in schools. In fact, one of the classrooms that students attend with motivation is the physical education classrooms. The role of physical education as one of the factors providing the physical and mental health of the student community It is obvious. Thus, a basic physical education program is able, while ensuring the physical and mental health of students, by creating favorable conditions for cultivating their potential talents, to lead to the development and dynamism of the country. Lack of development of primary school sports has closed the way for the development of public and championship sports, and by examining the obstacles, all officials and policy makers should try to remove them. However, so far no research has been conducted to identify the indicators of the development of sports education in schools. Therefore, the present study intends to identify the indicators of the development of sports education in Iranian schools. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the indicators of the development of sports education in Iranian schools. This was done by conducting qualitative research of the grand theory type, the method of which is exploratory. In this study, through literature review and exploratory interviews to identify the indicators of development of sports education in Iranian schools from the method derived from data and in the method of grand theory (coding of analysis unit, categories and registration unit) analyzed. it placed. To conduct the field interview, the research participants include prominent professors in the field of sports management specializing in the field of school sports, as well as managers of the Physical Education Organization of the Ministry of Education. Was selected (12 interviews with 11 people and continued until theoretical saturation). The criterion for selecting the research samples was the level of expertise in school sports and the level of involvement in school sports decision-making. After analyzing the literature and to complete the indicators of development of sports education in Iranian schools, 11 participants were interviewed to complete the list of indicators of development of sports education in Iranian schools. One of the interviewees (first person interviewee) was interviewed twice because in the first interview, there were some issues from the interviewee's point of view that were tried to be corrected in the re-interview. Also, no new data was obtained from the eighth interview, but to be sure, it continued until the interview with the eleventh person. Before conducting the interview, along with the interview questions, a letter was sent signed by the researcher stating that he / she has a moral obligation to maintain the contents of the interview and the details of the participants and not to publish it. Also, with the knowledge of the participants, all interviews were recorded and reviewed to extract key points. After announcing the agreement, interviews were held with the focus on perception, perception and indicators to identify the indicators of the development of sports education in Iranian schools and the most important indicators. In the interviews, the respondents commented on the question of presenting a new component or index or approving the collected components and indicators. The validity of this study was reviewed and confirmed by the interviewees and then expert professors. Reliability was obtained by using the process study audit method of 70. 3% results. For data analysis, continuous comparison method was used during the three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The results of the descriptive part related to the demographic characteristics of the study showed that 9. 1% had less than 5 years, 36. 4% had 6 to 10 years and 54. 5% had more than 10 years. It was also found that 54. 5% were university professors and 45. 5% were the directors of physical education departments in the country. Finally, it was found that 18. 2% were female and 81. 8% were male. Data analysis showed that 27 concept codes and 5 main categories (sports facilities, sports teacher, finance, championship, sports centers), are the most important indicators of the development of sports education in Iranian schools. According to the results of the present study, it is suggested that schools use the indicators derived from this study in order to measure the development of their sports education so that they can have a correct evaluation of their performance. Modares Iran's sports facilities should be uniformly distributed in all regions of the country and the new places that are being built should have all the existing criteria and standards to ensure the safety and health of students in sports. In the cold regions of the country, indoor sports facilities should be built in schools. Use up-to-date, professional and ready sports teachers to teach physical education. New teachers entering education should have appropriate qualifications and up-to-date teachers who have already been employed in education, using their in-service training, skills and knowledge. To be. Ongoing evaluations of physical education teachers should be conducted throughout the year, and education directors should give special privileges to teachers who achieve the highest scores in this evaluation.

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This study aimed to identify the social and cultural motivations affecting the return of married women to school by consecutive exploratory mixed method (qualitative by thematic analysis and quantitative by causal-comparative method). Education and employment, as the most important areas of the new identity experience, provide the ground for cultural and identity changes, and women choose new identities to adapt and define a different identity from others to adapt to the social environment. . At the same time, the individual, family and traditional expectations of society from women have defined them more in maternal and marital plans, and new contexts have added different expectations to the new plans. This study focuses on a specific group of women. Women who for any reason have dropped out of school (dropped out) and entered a new phase of their lives (marriage), but after marriage and experience different conditions for each (continuation of cohabitation / divorce / death of spouse / divorce) / Suspension), have chosen the path to return to school. This group of women is known in the conventional educational management literature as Non-Traditional students. This group of women, especially in Iran, is unknown in many ways, even in educational management circles; they are considered as adults only and are judged under the influence of common stereotypes. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of type with an exploratory approach. The present study is an adaptation of the typology presented by Creswell (2004) of the type of consecutive mixed exploratory research in which first qualitative research with thematic analysis technique and then based on its results, quantitative method causal-post-event comparisons with the criterion group. The paradigmatic approach of the present study (in the qualitative part) is the interpretive constructivism approach. Interpretiveism in general is the systematic analysis of socially meaningful action through the direct detailed observation of people in natural contexts. In the qualitative section with 36 women returning to education, data were collected by purposeful sampling with theoretical saturation criterion and semi-structured interview and were analyzed with Walcott approach. Based on the results of qualitative interviews conducted with 36 married / returned women and considering the nature and objectives of research in the quantitative sector, the theoretical framework supporting the research hypotheses in the quantitative sector is a combination of Giddens' rethinking theory, field and space theory of Bourdieu, social theories of inequality (especially Max Weber), feminist theories, and the theory of resilience. In the quantitative part of the base statistical population, all married women returned to education in Tehran, 426 of whom were selected using multistage cluster sampling. An equal number (426) were selected using a matched cohort of non-returning educated women. To determine the validity of structural validity using confirmatory factor analysis test (in Amos software) and to determine the reliability of internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) in SPSS software was used which based on the results, validity and reliability of the tool for all The main variables of the research were within the acceptable range. For quantitative analysis, ordinary and conditional dual logistic regression tests were used. A qualitative analysis of the main themes of the "strategy of searching for possible selves to balance different aspects of life" is presented. This basic theme is the result of the interaction of its two main and self-contained categories, which comprise nine subcategories. It can be said that positive and negative motivational mechanisms in their core category of self can lead women to choose a new career path. At the same time, the beginning and the continuation of this path in the lives of women is also based on other axes called ex-self, which has its own complexities and always puts women in a series of social interactions. Finally, these results are presented as social, cultural and economic factors and have been used in a small part of research. According to the final thematic map, women create the context for returning to school as a possible self-search through an interactive and fluid process over time, and to reduce imbalances due to the failure to meet needs, expectations and goals. They choose the two-way path of education / employment as ways of self-realization. In completing and theoretically comparing this thematic map with others, the views on the formation of social identity and individual identity can be reflected; Content perspectives and personality processes to reduce internal tensions; and pondered biological theories for growth and prosperity. The results of the investigation of the main hypothesis of the study showed that all the independent variables included in the model were able to predict the probability of the dependent variable returning to education of married women and their ability to predict the error was less than 0. 01. On the other hand, among the variables, the variable of awareness with the parent statistic value (78. 56) is the most capable of predicting the dependent variable of return to education in married women, and the variables of resilience and social status in the next important categories. They are the best predictors. What we call the main theme of this study, the strategy of searching for possible selves to balance different areas of life, is the result of achieving analytical results from interviews with the women studied. A strategy through which women are experiencing multiple identity spaces and consequently finding desirable selves / unfulfilled selves and possible selves. This modernist strategy has found meaning for women, which has led to their multifaceted presence and social participation in various fields. This strategy shapes women's actions not only in the individual space, but also in the larger social and cultural contexts. Women, as creative activists, reflect on their thoughts through processes of mental dynamics in line with the rapid changes in the world of modernity, and reflect their attitudes by renewing the powers of knowledge and insight. Society, on the other hand, presents the image of education as a regulated social reality that can be considered as part of one's individual identity. Therefore, choosing education as a way to define individual and social identity will not be unexpected. Women use social experiences to build their own self-organization and return to the social sphere by inventing ways to achieve themselves. This innovation and rethinking of education paves the way for women to enter the field of employment by continuing their education.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the the impact narcissism on teachers' organizational silencerelationship between manager’ s narcissism and The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between manager’ s narcissism and teachers' organizational silence with mediating role of organizational hypocrisy. This study is an applied and correlation research method based on structural equation modeling. 255 teachers of Zahedan city were studied by stratified random sampling method. To collect information, three questionnaires were used: Narcissism (Ghoreyshi Rad, 2015), organizational hypocrisy (Adapted from Hadavinejad, Danaeifard, Azar, & Khaefelahi, 2010) and organizational silence (Van Dyne, Ang, & Botero, 2003). For data analysis the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used by SPSS and Lisrel software. Based on results the the amount of correlation coefficient of manager’ s narcissism and teachers' organizational hypocrisy (r=0. 407, p < 0. 001), manager’ s narcissism and teachers' organizational silence (r=0. 398, p < 0. 001), organizational hypocrisy with teachers' organizational silence (r=0. 331, p < 0. 01) was positive and significant. The direct effect of manager’ s narcissis on organizational silence (β =0. 36, t=4. 54), the direct effect of manager’ s narcissism on teachers' organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 45, t=6. 59) and the direct effect organizational hypocrisy on teachers' organizational silence (β =0. 2, t=2. 54) was significant. The indirect effect of manager’ s narcissism and teachers' organizational silence was also significant with the mediator role of organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 09). Thus can conclude that manager’ s narcissism either directly or indirectly, through the mediating variable of organizational hypocrisy has a positive and significant relationship with the teachers' organizational silence. Torganizational silence with mediating role of organizational hypocrisy. This study is an applied and correlation research method based on structural equation modeling. 255 teachers of Zahedan city were studied by stratified random sampling method. To collect information, three questionnaires were used: Narcissism (Ghoreyshi Rad, 2015), organizational hypocrisy (Adapted from Hadavinejad, Danaeifard, Azar, & Khaefelahi, 2010) and organizational silence (Van Dyne, Ang, & Botero, 2003). For data analysis the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used by SPSS and Lisrel software. Based on results the the amount of correlation coefficient of manager’ s narcissism and organizational hypocrisy (r=0. 407, p < 0. 001), manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence (r=0. 398, p < 0. 001), organizational hypocrisy with organizational silence (r=0. 331, p < 0. 01) was significant. The direct effect of manager’ s narcissis on organizational silence (β =0. 36, t=4. 54), the direct effect of manager’ s narcissism on organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 45, t=6. 59) and the direct effect organizational hypocrisy on organizational silence (β =0. 2, t=2. 54) was significant. The indirect effect of manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence was also significant with the mediator role of organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 09). Thus can conclude that manager’ s narcissism either directly or indirectly, through the mediating variable of organizational hypocrisy has a positive and significant relationship with the organizational silence of employees. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence with mediating role of organizational hypocrisy. This study is an applied and correlation research method based on structural equation modeling. 255 teachers of Zahedan city were studied by stratified random sampling method. To collect information, three questionnaires were used: Narcissism (Ghoreyshi Rad, 2015), organizational hypocrisy (Adapted from Hadavinejad, Danaeifard, Azar, & Khaefelahi, 2010) and organizational silence (Van Dyne, Ang, & Botero, 2003). For data analysis the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used by SPSS and Lisrel software. Based on results the the amount of correlation coefficient of manager’ s narcissism and organizational hypocrisy (r=0. 407, p < 0. 001), manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence (r=0. 398, p < 0. 001), organizational hypocrisy with organizational silence (r=0. 331, p < 0. 01) was significant. The direct effect of manager’ s narcissis on organizational silence (β =0. 36, t=4. 54), the direct effect of manager’ s narcissism on organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 45, t=6. 59) and the direct effect organizational hypocrisy on organizational silence (β =0. 2, t=2. 54) was significant. The indirect effect of manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence was also significant with the mediator role of organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 09). Thus can conclude that manager’ s narcissism either directly or indirectly, through the mediating variable of organizational hypocrisy has a positive and significant relationship with the organizational silence of employees. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence with mediating role of organizational hypocrisy. This study is an applied and correlation research method based on structural equation modeling. 255 teachers of Zahedan city were studied by stratified random sampling method. To collect information, three questionnaires were used: Narcissism (Ghoreyshi Rad, 2015), organizational hypocrisy (Adapted from Hadavinejad, Danaeifard, Azar, & Khaefelahi, 2010) and organizational silence (Van Dyne, Ang, & Botero, 2003). For data analysis the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used by SPSS and Lisrel software. Based on results the the amount of correlation coefficient of manager’ s narcissism and organizational hypocrisy (r=0. 407, p < 0. 001), manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence (r=0. 398, p < 0. 001), organizational hypocrisy with organizational silence (r=0. 331, p < 0. 01) was significant. The direct effect of manager’ s narcissis on organizational silence (β =0. 36, t=4. 54), the direct effect of manager’ s narcissism on organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 45, t=6. 59) and the direct effect organizational hypocrisy on organizational silence (β =0. 2, t=2. 54) was significant. The indirect effect of manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence was also significant with the mediator role of organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 09). Thus can conclude that manager’ s narcissism either directly or indirectly, through the mediating variable of organizational hypocrisy has a positive and significant relationship with the organizational silence of employees. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence with mediating role of organizational hypocrisy. This study is an applied and correlation research method based on structural equation modeling. 255 teachers of Zahedan city were studied by stratified random sampling method. To collect information, three questionnaires were used: Narcissism (Ghoreyshi Rad, 2015), organizational hypocrisy (Adapted from Hadavinejad, Danaeifard, Azar, & Khaefelahi, 2010) and organizational silence (Van Dyne, Ang, & Botero, 2003). For data analysis the Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used by SPSS and Lisrel software. Based on results the the amount of correlation coefficient of manager’ s narcissism and organizational hypocrisy (r=0. 407, p < 0. 001), manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence (r=0. 398, p < 0. 001), organizational hypocrisy with organizational silence (r=0. 331, p < 0. 01) was significant. The direct effect of manager’ s narcissis on organizational silence (β =0. 36, t=4. 54), the direct effect of manager’ s narcissism on organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 45, t=6. 59) and the direct effect organizational hypocrisy on organizational silence (β =0. 2, t=2. 54) was significant. The indirect effect of manager’ s narcissism and organizational silence was also significant with the mediator role of organizational hypocrisy (β =0. 09)

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This study has been conducted aimed at presentation of a model for promotion of the motivation of the professors of Farhangian University. To this end, we have taken advantage of the mixed research methods. In the qualitative stage, the statistical population composed of 25 scientific and executive experts of the university who were selected using purposive sampling method. In the quantitative stage, the research method was descriptive and the statistical population included all professors of Farhangian Universities across the country equal to 784 subjects that among them, 278 professors were selected based on the cluster sampling method. Analysis of qualitative data was conducted through t-test, MAXQDA software and exploratory factor analysis. Also for the validation of the proposed models, structural equations and PLS approach were used. For data collection in qualitative stage, we have used the structured interview and in quantitative stage, we provided a researcher-made questionnaire. In qualitative stage, the results showed that the aspects and factors of motivation including nature of the job with three constituents of autonomy, significance of the job and Job attractiveness; professional progress with 2 constituents of interest in development and tendency towards research; need for success with 2 constituents of organizational commitment and self-efficacy; and social status with 2 constituents of knowledge and gratitude and finally social respect and effective factors in the form of economic factors including constituents of payment and reward system; cultural factors including constituents of communications, participation and team work; environmental factors including constituents of technology, work conditions and organizational health; management factors including spiritual and evolutionary leadership and legal factors including the policies of Education Office and ministry of Sciences were identified. The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed 4 dimensions of motivation explain almost 82. 87 percent and 5 factors account for 78. 96 percent of variance of motivation of the professors. The confirmatory factor analysis results showed that all factor loads of dimensions, factors and effective constituents are higher than 0. 70. Then, the elements of the model are appropriate and have evaluated the indices and structures well. Moreover, the values of indices of fit of AGFI and CFI models are higher than 0. 80 and this is an expression of good fit of the model. The results of the role of each dimension of motivation showed that the interest in acquisition of success with the highest share of %82, nature of job with %81, professional progress %77 and social status %60 account for the motivation of the professors. As to the factors of the value of R2 (0. 55) we know that there is a strong explanation of the motivation by the factors. Likewise, the evaluation of t shows the strong relationship between management, cultural and environmental factors. In our evaluation of the status quo other factors except for social respect stand in higher positions than the mean. However the gap between the status quo and desirable status in all four dimensions is significant. In the section of factors, other factors but economic and legal factors and evolutionary leadership have been assessed to be in desirable a situation. Nevertheless, the gap between the status quo and desirable situation in all factors is significant. Degree of fit of model in 8 domains of philosophy, goals, theoretical foundations, dimensions and constituents, effective factors, executive mechanisms, promotion mechanisms and feedback and revision system and renewed engineering has been evaluated by the experts. The results showed that all criteria of assessment of fit are of an average higher than the mean, i. e. 3, and this is an expression of the high validity of the model from the perspective of the fit criteria. In general, the results of the research showed that professors are interested in their profession, and teaching is attractive to them and is of great importance and they are proud of it. Therefore, it can be argued that if professors have the necessary power to make decisions in the work process, they will feel responsible for the results of their work, and this will motivate them. Therefore, accordingly the researcher believes, autonomy in the university is a very important and key component because the originality and dynamism of the university activities require a flexible, free and democratic atmosphere and is one of the supporting principles of faculty members. Academic freedom is one of the principles of support according to which faculty members in a healthy society should have the natural right to freely exchange ideas and express theories in the classroom, to conduct research freely and to publish its results, and to make specialized comments on scientific topics. And the university must respect these rights. Due to the nature of the university's educational and research activities in creating new scientific ideas, especially Farhangian University, which is supposed to train thoughtful teachers, scientific freedom is absolutely necessary. But as we have seen in the results of research, sometimes the political demands and restrictions prevailing in the scientific fields as a deterrent to academic activities overshadow and the rule of political thoughts and specific groups and factional prejudices prevent freedom of thought and free criticism and analysis of ideas and views. The results also indicate the greater importance of professors to cultural, environmental and managerial factors. When professors actively participate in the decisions making and have good relationships with colleagues and superiors and students, and there is a culture of partnership and teamwork at the university, professors feel committed to what they are doing, and these factors influence their motivation. The results of this study also show that there is a relationship between environmental factors such as physical and supportive environment, career and educational promotion, justice and equality and the existence of technology and educational facilities and motivation. This study has shown that the type of university leadership also plays a key role in motivating faculty members. Because, the university is faced with grown-up faculty who are not motivated by meeting basic needs. Rather, they want to work meaningfully, purposefully, and create a work environment to nurture their creativity and talents. Therefore, in order to motivate them, one must seek to meet the transcendent needs.

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The Effect of Teaching Method on Identification and improvement of Students' Learning Disorders in Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The overall purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of teacher teaching methods on identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia in the academic year 97-98. For this purpose, teachers 'teaching method is defined based on Heiberman and Boehman (2005) and evaluation of students' learning disorder based on Manis et al. (2000) indices. The purpose of the present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, descriptive and survey. The statistical population of the present study was 200 teachers of learning disorder centers in Urmia city, all of whom were selected as sample because. Data gathering tool was two researcher-made questionnaires which after validity and reliability were measured, statistical sample was provided. Symbolic validity was used to determine the validity of data collection tools. Cronbakh's alpha test was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The value of these statistics for teacher teaching questions and identifying students with learning disabilities is 0. 922 and 0. 946. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the statistical data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to classify, summarize, and describe statistical data. of their low number. The results show that teachers' teaching method and its dimensions (teachers' knowledge and use of professional teaching skills, teachers' awareness and use of new teaching methods, teachers' awareness and use of educational technologies, teachers' awareness and use of design) Educational, Teacher Awareness and Use of Educational Evaluation Methods) are effective in identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia. Keywords: Teaching Method, Learning disorder, Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The Effect of Teaching Method on Identification and improvement of Students' Learning Disorders in Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The overall purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of teacher teaching methods on identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia in the academic year 97-98. For this purpose, teachers 'teaching method is defined based on Heiberman and Boehman (2005) and evaluation of students' learning disorder based on Manis et al. (2000) indices. The purpose of the present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, descriptive and survey. The statistical population of the present study was 200 teachers of learning disorder centers in Urmia city, all of whom were selected as sample because. Data gathering tool was two researcher-made questionnaires which after validity and reliability were measured, statistical sample was provided. Symbolic validity was used to determine the validity of data collection tools. Cronbakh's alpha test was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The value of these statistics for teacher teaching questions and identifying students with learning disabilities is 0. 922 and 0. 946. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the statistical data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to classify, summarize, and describe statistical data. of their low number. The results show that teachers' teaching method and its dimensions (teachers' knowledge and use of professional teaching skills, teachers' awareness and use of new teaching methods, teachers' awareness and use of educational technologies, teachers' awareness and use of design) Educational, Teacher Awareness and Use of Educational Evaluation Methods) are effective in identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia. Keywords: Teaching Method, Learning disorder, Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The Effect of Teaching Method on Identification and improvement of Students' Learning Disorders in Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The overall purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of teacher teaching methods on identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia in the academic year 97-98. For this purpose, teachers 'teaching method is defined based on Heiberman and Boehman (2005) and evaluation of students' learning disorder based on Manis et al. (2000) indices. The purpose of the present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, descriptive and survey. The statistical population of the present study was 200 teachers of learning disorder centers in Urmia city, all of whom were selected as sample because. Data gathering tool was two researcher-made questionnaires which after validity and reliability were measured, statistical sample was provided. Symbolic validity was used to determine the validity of data collection tools. Cronbakh's alpha test was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. The value of these statistics for teacher teaching questions and identifying students with learning disabilities is 0. 922 and 0. 946. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the statistical data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to classify, summarize, and describe statistical data. of their low number. The results show that teachers' teaching method and its dimensions (teachers' knowledge and use of professional teaching skills, teachers' awareness and use of new teaching methods, teachers' awareness and use of educational technologies, teachers' awareness and use of design) Educational, Teacher Awareness and Use of Educational Evaluation Methods) are effective in identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia. Keywords: Teaching Method, Learning disorder, Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The Effect of Teaching Method on Identification and improvement of Students' Learning Disorders in Learning Disabilities Centers of Urmia The overall purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of teacher teaching methods on identifying and improvement students with learning disabilities in learning disabilities centers in Urmia in the academic year 97-98. For this purpose, teachers 'teaching method is defined based on Heiberman and Boehman (2005) and evaluation of students' learning disorder based on Manis et al. (2000) indices. The purpose of the present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of method, descriptive and survey. The statistical population of the present study was 200 teachers of learning disorder centers in Urmia city, all of whom were selected as sample because. Data gathering tool was two researcher-made questionnaires which after validity and reliability were measured, statistical sample was provided. Symbolic validity was used to determine the validity of data collection tools. Cronbakh's alpha test was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire.

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Training transfer in school: integrating the theory of organizational support into the theory of planned There has been growing trend all around the world that more and more organizations are investing a remarkable amount of resources in organizational training, making it prudent to focus on training transfer. training transfer is of great significant for education system since teaching as a profession confronted with uncertainty demands that teachers apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to classroom. As demonstrated by studies, however, employees have trouble transferring their knowledge into the workplace. Therefore, calls have been made by scholars to dissect transfer of training on the job. The present paper is a response to this call. As the underlying theoretical model, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is used to explain and predict teachers’ intention to use educational technologies in teaching. The TPB posits that intention is the primary antecedent of actual behavior which is determined by three major determinants, that is, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. As empirical studies, however, demonstrate the relationship between the three determinants and intention isn’ t perfect, leaving a proportion of variance in intention unexplained. One possible explanation for this imperfect relationship is that other variable may be involved. Hence, we incorporated supervisory support, as a possible organization-level factor, into the TPB to improve the variance of intention. Supervisory support has been found to account for other behaviors in organization such as OCB and it can be assumed to impact intention to use educational technology in teaching. Based on the above argument, the research hypotheses are as follow: Teachers’ Attitude predicts teachers’ intention to use educational technology in teaching, Teachers’ subjective norm predicts teachers’ intention to use educational technology in teaching, Teachers’ perceived behavioral control predicts teachers’ intention to use educational technology in teaching, Teachers’ perceived behavioral control predicts teachers’ actual behavior of educational technology use in teaching, Teachers’ intention to use educational technology in teaching predicts their actual behavior of educational technology use in teaching, Supervisory support predicts teachers’ intention to use educational technology in teaching. to examine the hypotheses, correlational-predictive research design was employed. The target population consisted of all Kermanshah junior high school teachers, of whom a random sample of 183 was selected. To gather data, two researcher made surveys were administered: TPB survey: pre-validated items were adopted and customized to develop this questionnaire. Eventually, a 20 item survey was designed. Supervisory survey: pre-validated questionnaires were used and customized to develop this scale. Eventually, a 4 item survey was designed. To rate that responses, 5 point Likert type scale was used. Before being administered, the surveys was presented to a panel of experts to comment on the items relevance, readability and comprehensibility. Some adjustments were made to the surveys based on the feedbacks and comments. The criterion validity of the scales was also confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. Afterwards, the surveys were administered to a sample of 35 teachers in order to determine their reliability. By means of Chronbach’ s alpha, the reliability of the scales was established. By means of Smart PLS2, structural equation modelling was used to test the proposed model as well as the proposed hypotheses. SEM is a two stem process. In the first step, the measurement model is validated. In so doing, three criteria are used: 1) Cronbach’ s reliability and composite reliability to assess the internal consistency, which their values should be greater than 0. 6, 2) loading factors and AVE are used to assess the convergent validity, which their value should be greater than 0. 7 and 0. 5 respectively, and 3) Fornell-Larcker metric is used to assess the divergent validity. According to this criterion, the correlation of a variable should be greater than its correlation with other variables in the model. After the measurement model is validated, the researcher is allowed to move on to the second stem, which is the assessment of the structural model. In so doing, three measures are used: 1) R2 to determine the amount of variance of the criterion variable estimated by the predicted, 2) path coefficient to establish the significance of the relationship, and 3) Q2 to determine the predictive relevance of the model. According to the outputs of the software application, the measurement models were all proven to be valid and reliable. The results also indicated that the TPB alone explained 65% of intention variance. Adding supervisory support into the model improved R2 value of intention by 8%. The present paper has theoretical as well as practical implications. From a theoretical standpoint, the present study is the first study of its own to integrate the theory of organizational support into the TPB. The findings revealed that among the determinants of intention to use educational technology in teaching, attitude is the strongest predicted followed by supervisory support and perceived behavioral control. The findings revealed that subjective norm isn’ t able to predict intention to use educational technology in teaching, perceived behavioral control and intention were proven to jointly explain and predict teachers’ actual behavior of educational technology use in classroom. Since attitude turned out to be the strongest predictor of intention to use educational technology in teaching, we suggest principles shift their focus onto teachers’ attitude. As Lowe, Eves & Carrol (2002) argued, if you wish to impact individuals’ behavior and performance, you should work on their positive and negative attitudes and perceptions. Along this endeavor, principles may set goals and talk teachers through the advantages of educational technology. Principles can also be supportive by providing teachers with educational technology means like computer and projectors. In addition, school principles may design and execute training courses to upgrade teachers’ ability to use educational technology in teaching. Like other scientific studies, the present study is confronted with limitations. Self-report survey was the means of choice to collect data which might have biased the results. Another limitation is concerned with the research design. The cross-sectional design was employed for investigation which is unable to track changes across time. Finally, the population was restricted to Kermanshah junior high school teacher, making it hard to generalize the results to other groups. Therefore, it is recommended that future studies employ longitudinal or qualitative research deign to explore training transfer among teacher at different level of education system. behavior

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The characteristic of adolescence is puberty. Adolescence is a process and physical change that is different from adolescence, which is a process and psychological change. In optimal conditions, these two processes occur simultaneously, but when adolescence and adolescence do not occur (which is often the case), the adolescent has to tolerate this imbalance, which is an additional stress. The important point is that many of the traumas of adulthood are the continuation of childhood and adolescence problems. If there are any difficulties in this passage and the adolescent's mental health deviates from the main road, it will be in jeopardy. Anxiety and depression, along with adaptive disorder, are major mental health issues that occur during adolescence. How many people who dropped out of high school because of mental stress and subsequent mental illness or who have dropped out of college after years of mental illness Intellectual and practical returns or after graduation from school, their mental health is at risk. The importance of addressing aspects of mental health is clear, the WHO and many countries have come to the conclusion that forgetting and neglecting mental health is one of the major failings of health systems and any health plan regardless of mental well-being Society will fail. Achieving accurate information based on scientific research is one of the most important aspects of success in the field of mental health. Particular attention to the adolescent population, especially students as the future of society, is one of the key factors for sustainable and comprehensive development. In addition, addressing the many issues and problems facing adolescents and finding solutions to them is one of the essential tasks of the education system. Education must also educate students and prepare them for accepting future responsibilities, fostering emotional health and A society in harmony with cultural, social, familial, religious, and historical beliefs and values, to guide the achievement of perfection through the realization of individual independence in the present period. Cognitive development of the adolescent also depends on the sex, self-esteem, communication needs, parental separation and psychological well-being of each individual. Very importantly, many of the traumas of adulthood are actually the continuation of childhood and adolescence problems. Depression and other mental disorders lead to disruptions in educational, occupational, social and interpersonal functioning. These people often have problems such as poor self-esteem, academic failure, social exclusion, and inability to communicate with peers and lack of adherence to social rules; these psychosocial problems have a direct impact on their learning process. The purpose of this article is to Identification of Mental Health Components in Mental Health curriculum in Primary Secondary School. The current research is applied in terms of its purpose, according to the type of data is a qualitative research and in terms of data collection method, it is descriptive and exploratory. TThe study population consisted of school principals, curriculum specialists and mental health professionals in Hamadan province. Sample size was determined using saturation principle and purposeful non-random sampling method 30 people were selected. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews in the form of open questionnaires. According to the research questions, qualitative analysis based on component identification was used. In this way, the fuzzy Delphi process and the consensus of experts around the components were used to identify the mental health components in mental health curriculum in the first secondary school. Conclusion Of the 40 components identified, 31 were found in four dimensions of physical and behavioral health, anxiety and personal mood, social activity, and depression and hopelessness to be effective on the mental health of first grade high school students. Therefore, the development of a curriculum based on 31 identified effective factors can greatly improve the mental health of secondary school students. Understanding the factors contributing to the onset of mental illness and observing mental health can prevent some anomalies. If parents and educators are able to solve adolescents' problems with their awareness and understanding, they will lead a useful and adaptable life. Under such circumstances, educational problems will be reduced and adolescents will increase their learning, thinking and adjustment ability and their tilt will decrease. Mental health requires a peer-to-peer education and training program that every person, especially the adolescent, should be aware of in their mental health. Adolescent mental health education can control many of the anomalies of this age. But, in fact, what is seen in the curriculum of high school and even university, is no less effective than mental health education, but by providing regular education and in the proper context, the abnormalities of these ages can be reduced. The results showed that the factors of emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, self-esteem and stress management and emotion control, beliefs, certainty, knowing about God, knowing about the environment, knowing about oneself, accepting death and resurrection, acting on Religious beliefs and attitudes, compassion, alertness, self-control, patience, thankfulness, acceptance of self-esteem, identifying areas of vulnerability, nurturing one's talents and interests, critical thinking, social responsibility, open mind Expertise creativity has a huge impact on the mental health of first grade students, experts say. According to experts, factors such as flexibility, happiness, self-esteem, hope and hopefulness, meaning-making factors in life, creativity hope, life satisfaction and self-esteem, expert responsibility have less impact on mental health. First-year students have secondary education. In addition to what has been stated, other results of this study indicate that some factors such as honesty, generating forgiveness, affectivity, intimate relationships with others, timely asking for help, skill Experts' decision-making and problem-solving skills have a moderate impact on first-year students' mental health, so ultimately, 31 factors influence first-year students' mental health that should be targeted in curriculum design. . The findings of this study are in line with the results of Taher's 2012 research; the results of this study have listed mental health indicators; truthfulness, blasphemy and avoidance of sin, faith, remembrance of God, moral goodness, thought, reason, contentment, Lying in the world, respecting rights and resisting adversity, expectation, avoidance of doubt, lack of greed, expectation of openness, satisfaction and certainty, health, security, a great day, with companionship, prosperity and comfort.

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