Defining intertextual strategies as textual strategies linking the host-text (henceforth: H-text) to the semantic realms of other texts/discourses, and believing that any variations in the textual strategies are discoursally motivated, the present study would investigate variations in textualization of intertextual elements and their discoursal value in widening the meaning potential of the H-texts across different genres. The dimensions of textual variations, under investigation in this paper, were variations in rank dimension, semantic distance, depth of embeddedness of textual elements, degree of physical integration as well as the degree of necessity of the elements for the further unfolding of the H-discourse across various text types. Sample texts from three different genres of scientific, journalistic articles, and advertisements were selected to be analysed in terms of variations of their guest (henceforth G) elements considering these various dimensions of textualization and their discoursal values. The study would reveal that the same mode of intertextual strategy has different functions across different genres. It has also been revealed through this study that there are no generic conventions determining and governing the way of textualization of G-elements. Rather, it is the communicative intention and attitude of the discourse producer vis-a-vis the topic which determine the mode of manifestation of the G-elements.