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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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New Page 1 Introduction and objectives: smoking as the most common and the cheapest addiction has physical and psychological effects. There are clear evidences which smoking is related to persons mental health status. So this study was done to determine smoked and non- smokedyouths mental health status, the great, constructive and active group of the society and thefollowing objectives based on GHQ- 28 questionnaire. 1. To determine the frequency of smoked and non-smoked youths according to different demographicfactors and the relationship between them and smoking. 2 . To determine suspected rate of mental disorders on smoked and non- smoked and at the whole of samples. 3 . To determine difference of suspected rate of mental disorders on smoked and non- smoked youths. 4. To determine the mean of the scores GHQ-28 Questionnaire, scales determine (somatization, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression). And the differences of them on smoked and nonsmokedyouths. Methodology:This study is a survey which it has been doneas a cross-sectionaldescriptiveanalytic study. The samples are 356 people that have been selected as the randomic cluster sampling. Results: The result showed, 5.9 percent of thepeople were smoked. (mals: 12.9% andfemales: 7%) that smoking was more observed significant among males, the age group of25 to 30 and brothers and sisters of smoked youths. The results also indicated that 21percent of the samples were suspected to mental disorders that this rate was significant on smoked youths(47.1%) more than non-smoked ones. ( 19.3%) . The data also showed the mean of anxiety, social dysfunction and depression scales were significant on smoked ones. (4.63,9.10 and 7.45 respectively) more than non- smoked youths (3.76,6.53. and 2.19 respectively). Conclusion: The obtained results about mental condition of smoked and non- smoked youths are congruent with many researches (Sieber and Angest, 1990, Meltzer, 1995, patton and et ai, 1996 ; Kandel and et aI, 1997; Me Mahon, 1999; Whiteand et al . 2002 ; Kassel and et al , 2003) that all of them have been discussed and analyzed sufficiently at the text of the research. The results of G.H Q questionnaire scales also indicated that smoked ones have more problems such as social dysfunction, anxiety and depression that it is also congruent with many studies.

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Spinal anesthesia is a reversible blocking of spinal nerves followed by injection of local anesthesia. Specially lidocaine through lumbar vertebra spaces sub arachnoid. Anesthesia period is about 60 minutes using lidocaine. Since more analgesia is needed in some surgeries, in this research we used epinephrine and fentanyl and a complex of both drugs to diagnose the best and more effective drugs. Methodology: This is an applied and semi-exprimental that is to compare the effect of epinephrine, fentanyle and its complex on spinal anesthesia. The samples were 50 -60 year men reffering to khordad, 15 hospital in 1380-81, 120 cases were in three groups of 40 ( E, F and EF) .A check list and a questionaire used for data collection. Data were analyzed by computers and statistic tests (analysis and variance). The significant difference was showed by P<0.05. Results: The results shows that the average of analgesia period in group E was 82/1 minutes (sd. 15/7 mins), in group F was 98/00 (sd.20/8 mins) and in group EF it was 125/25 (sd. 16/5 mins). The difference among the three groups were statistically meaningful and anova-test showed significant difference (p<0.0005). conclusion: As the result shows a complex and combination of the two drugs (EF) is better and appropriate for analgesia period and it has few side effects in relatively.

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Introduction& objectives: Effective family planning and contraceptive methods and population control as well can save millions of children and keep lives. since keeping and using these methods are so important, using IUD as an effective method be seriously considered. Then, this research was done to certify IUD standing period and its removing causes in women referring to Gonabad health and treatment centers. Methodology: This is a descriptive - analytical and cross - sectional research being done on whole the pregnant women referring to Gonabad by a questionaire and then were analyzed by propper softwares such as spss and some other statistical tests. Results: The results showed that 69.6% were 30-39 years old. 60.8% had 1 to 3 children. 53.8% used other contraceptive methods and then IUD standing period in this group with those who used not other method was siginificantly different, (p<0.05). 40.3% of the women did IUD control and care completely. 31.2% used IUD continously for 37-48 months, 28.2% more than 4years and the other less than 3 years. The causes of IUD removing were as follows: Menostrution (23.1%) Term period (37.3%) , peregnancy intention in (12.5%) . was reported. Conclusion: Considering this research results such as impropper selection of this method, weak knowledge and cares, some side effects incidence or pregnancy intention were the reasons of not keeping IUD for a longer time and then its benefit was decreased. Then it is proposed to teach and encourage the family to use contraceptive methods for a longer time for efficacy increase and to reduce the costs.

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New Page 1 Introduction&Objectives : Coronary artery disease is one of the important reasons for involving of cardiovascular system and increasing mortality. Risk factors as hypertension, diabete ,... are important in the amount of involvement and intensity of complications. The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between quality involvement of coronary artery with number of risk factors in bed patients for operating CABG in open heart surgery unit of Ghaem hospital. Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytic study and 100 adult patients that were inbed for operating CABG, were selected. Data were gathered and then analized by spss software. Results: Data analysis indicated that Risk factors increase involvment chance of coronary artery with increasing number of Risk factors, the intensity of complications for example low EF, diffuse involvment and heart infarction also increases. Conclusion: The results indicated that risk factors increased intensity of complications, therefore diagnosis and early treatment of these risk factors are important in control and decrease of complications.

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New Page 1 Introduction objectives: Mood disorders specially depirecssive disorders is one of the common disorders of psychiatry that effects the educational courses, familial and social functions very significantly. This study is to evaluate the prevalence of depression in medical students and its correlation with social and educational factors. " In Mashhad medical students college. Methodology: This is a descriptive - analytical and cross - sectional research. A Two - part questionaire was used for data collection. Part I: It involved demogarphic feathers of the samples. Part II: It involved a questionnaire called Beck depression inventory test (BDT). Results: The results showed that 140 (55.1 %)from 254persons were males 114 persons were females. (44.4%) were in the basic sciences section, 32.2% in the physiopatologyv section. 24.5% were extern and other students (22.8%) intern students. Frequency of depression in the different educalional sections were as follows: 29.1% in basic section and 40.7% in physiopatology section and 32% between the externs and 48.2% in the intern students. 1n general depression frquency had a significant statistical relitionshipe with educational degree, parents school degree, parent children relations, job expectancy, economical status and depression history in the close relatives and medicine course. Conclusion: Since there is freqeuency depression in the students differntly and more in female students and married ones more than males and single ones. Some factors can effect depression frequncy negatively as we said above then it is proposed to improve conclusion sections and support the students more at risk in the colleges.

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New Page 1 In recent years hypnotism phenomenon is a new and modern discussion spoken throughout the universities and colleges and even mostly in the public, so that every body says his or her own idea even though some of the ideas are based on unreality and traditions and these ones all together has made some unknown questions for researchers and those who are curious that it can be the treatment of all diseases and cure them. And they have made some money that it has changed the reality of this scientific phenomenon. Now we are going to define hypnotism as it really is and no more and how it works on medicine with it"s limitations as the other, by those who are familiar with the brain functions and mental mechanisms completely.

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Introduction & objectives: The survey of permeability processes in membrane on a molecular level is one of the central topics in biophysics and biochemistry. The antibiotic valinomycin is a carrier ionophore that is useful experimental tool in studying transport phenomena. It has a hydrophobic exterior that makes it soluble in the membrane, and a hydrophilic core to which a single K + ion binds. This research was done to survey the tendency of valinomycin for binding to dtfferent cations using molecular mechanics method. Methodology: In this survey a suitable computer was used. Hyperchem program, molecular mechanics method and AMBER force field were used to determine geometry optimized structures) ralative cation binding energies and selectivity ratios to explain preference of valinomycin for hosting Na+, K+, Mg++ or Ca++. Results: The results obtained of molecular mechanics calculations show that volume of the complexes are not identical. The folding of the host valinomycin is dependent on the choice of the guest cation. The theoretical binding energy obtained for the valinomycin-K + is lesser ralative to other complexes. Therefore it is more stable. Selectivity ratio of valinomycin for K + is much more than other ions. Therefore valinomycin has an extremely high selectivity of K + . Conclusion: These results were found to be in good agreement with earlier experimental studies. Relative ion-valinomycin binding energies extracted from the molecular mechanics data are able to qualitatively explain the experimentally observed preference of valinomycin for hosting K + over other ions.

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: The studies have indicated that brain dead is one of the most important factors of death in accidents. In our country more than 15000 brain dead occurs each year. About . 10% of them are donors group. The number of transplants is low compared to those in Europe and the United States. Methdology: This study was conducted to determine the attitude towards organ transplantation and signing donor cards with brain dead in adults. This research has been carried out by a cross sectional method. In this study the required data have been collected by a questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by interview. The study was performed on 730people 20 to 60years of age (384 women and 346 men) by multistage sampling methods. Results: The results of this study showed that about 64% of the population accepted that a brain stem dead person should be considered virtually dead. About 93% of those who accepted that a brain stem dead person is virtually dead were agreed with organ transplantation. About 88% of those who agreed with organ transplantation were satisfied with the sign of donor card. Conclusion: This article looks of some of the problems that may affect the attitude of people toward transplants and signing donor cards and the support required to overcome or minimize these problems.

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New Page 1 Introduction and objectives: Nowadays orgnizations are confronted with reforms and changes and they are to be adapted for these factors. The origin of these are the nature of human resources, technology, economical socilization and world policies. Continious quality promotion is a completed and philosophic - management point of view that has three basic elements: customer"s needs and expectations, concentration on services and continious quality promotion. Finally this philosophy of management refrorms organizations. The main objective of this research is to determine total quality management of student and eductional services of Gonabad medical university and its coincidence with satisfaction of the students as its customers in 1380. Methodology :The samples of this cross - sectional descriptive study were students of Gonabad medical university that were chosen randomly at the time of data collection. The total quality questionarie of qualitative American institutions was used for evaluating students satisfaction. Results: There is a relationship between students satisfaction from educational services and central library and medical information sciences center, having the highest T.Q.M score 138 and 122 respectivy and there is a direct and significant relationship between thier satisfaction from Audio visul section, physical training center, cultural, self-service and dormitory affairs, having T.Q.M score of 111, 105, 101 ,96 and 85 respectively. Conclusion: The results showed that educational department recieved .the highest point (138) and medical 1riformation Science center and central library got the second step with 122points. serf service affairs with 96 and dormitory affairs with 89points got the lowest. Then, the students satisfaction of educational department and central library was high and it was low for serf-service and dormitory affairs. So there is a direct relationship between TQ.M score of departments that provide services and students satisfaction. Therefore it is necessary to promote quality of services continously in order to achieve students satisfaction as the customer of student and educational services.

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Diabetes Melitus is a hectic metabolic disease which is characterized by hyperglycemia in connection with insulin resistance, insulin inefficiency, or both. This disease is accompanied by numerous hectic complications. The mortality rate due to cardiovascular and renal complications is increasing. The most cost treatment diabetes is due to its complications and this research is intended to recognize these complications. Methodology: In the present research, 162 cases histories out of 180 cases histories of the clinical diabetics of Gonabad were studied through statistical analysis. 18 cases were omitted due to lacking of enough data. Results: The results indicated that %37.3 of the diabetics are males, and %62.7o.fthem are females. %14.8 of the diabetics suffer from type I, and %84 of them, from type 11 The ratio of the females in type II diabetes is 1.68. In the case of %65.4 of the diabetics cases ,tablets are prescribed. To control the disease. %10 of the diabetics have suffered from the complications of hypoglycemia, %5.5 , from that of ketoacidosis, and %1.2 ,from hyperosmolar coma. %34 of type II diabetics and %12.5 of type I diabetics Suffer from hyrerlipidiemia. The complications of retinopathy can be seen in %27.7 of the diseased, and kendall Test indicates no significant difference as far as the existence or nonexistence of retinopathy in either type of diabetes is concerned (P>0/05). %9.26 of the diseased suffer from nephropathy, which is more frequent among the type I diabetics. %6.8 of the diseased suffer from pedal damages and dermatoses. %37.7 of the diseased complain of the paresthesia of the organs. Conclusion: from The totality of the complications, neuropathy, hyperlipidiemia, and retinopathy are more prevalent among the diabetics of Gonabad respectively %40.7, %30,9 and %27.7. The results of the research indicate that the risk of neuropathy and retinopathy development increases with the elongation of diabetes. Drug and non - drug prescribtion can decrease or delay its compilcation incidence.

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Supracondylar Fractures of the distal humerus often instill a sense of apprehension in the surgeons and the patients due to post treatment complications and limitation of motion in elbow joint and deformity . There are two operation approaches as anterior and posterior, however the anterior (Anteromedial) approach is probably the one most commonly used. More to survey the approaches. Then this reseach is being done to survey and compare the results of superacondylar fractures surgery of distal humerus by this two approaches. Methodology: This research is a descriptive - analytical one and prospective being, done on 82 patients with having supracondylar fracture of the humerus has operated (36 cases anterior approach, 46 cases posterior approach) in 1379-81years. Results: These results were obtained: Anterior approach: - Deformity: 4 cases (11/1%) - Range of motion (Gruber &Healy score) : 16 cases (44/6%) excelent, 11 cases ( 30/5%) good, 6 cases (16/6%) intermediate, 3 cases ( 8/3%) bad Posterior approach: - Deformity: 1 case (2/2%) - Range of motion (Gruber & Healy score) 23 cases (50%) excelent, 14 cases ( 30/4%) good, 7 cases (15/2%) intermediate, 2 cases ( 4/4%) bad Infection, myositis ossificant and neurovascular complications were not seen in both Surgical approaches. Conclusion: The posterior approach is advocated because: - It is a simple method. - Exposure of fracture site is easy. - It does not tranverse in proximity to any vital structures. In the supracondylar fractures with neurovascular injury the anterior approach isprefered .

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New Page 1 Introduction and objectives: Since the disease of today are different and changed with those of yesterday from contagious and infectious ones to non- infections, chronic and psychopathies in recent decades and socially depression prevalence as the most common disorder and its effect on social and economical functions of the patients and considering religious and faith role in preventing and treatment of disease and psychosis and the role and effect of the pray as one of the Islam rituals and one of the most priniciples, this survey was done to certify depression rate in those students who do not care about the pray, are do not do it and those who care the most. Methodology: This is a descriptive- analytical study. The samples were 300 from moslem students of paramedical and health students of Mashad university that were selected randomly. To collect the data a questionaire was used that contained demographic information. The students attitudes toward the pray and religious behavior and Bec test was used too. The data was analyzed by spss and other statistical tests. Results: The results showed that depression average ranking is significantly lower in those students who do pray to God and care about them. (p<0/05) . The ladies meaningfully cared more toward the pray than men. Conclusion: Since the results and finding showed that doing pray and caring about them and other Islamic rituals can decrease depression rate, the researchers propose to spread and urge islamic rituals and pray to use it"s effect on physical and mental affairs and reduce depression.

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Self- conept is an important and fundamental Subjects in psychology and an influential aspect of every body"s personlity. Positive self-concept plays a considarable role in students career as well as their future. Consequently, it seems essential to search for stratgies and programs which help us improve our students self-concept. This study in the wake of this very goal, is intended to determine whether exercise can be regarded as a contributing factor to self-concept.. i . e , whether athletes enjoy a higher self- concept than non - athletes. Methodology: This research is a descriptive type. The population consists high school students in Gonabad , with athlete students members of the town selected sportsteams. They were 115 , all recieved  the questionnaire. The non- athletepopulationincluded180students, 130 of whom were selected through stratified randome sampling. The measure used was Carl Rogers questionnaire for personal characteristics and self - concept scale, which was composed of A and "B" forms, Using SPSS software, T- test was run to analize data. Results: The results of the study indicated that athletes do enjoy significantly higher self-concept compared with non - athletes. Moreover, no significant difference was observed between boys, and girls, self - concepts. However, female athlete students self-concept difference was significantly observed higher than that of males. Conclusion: A review of literature concerning the effects of exercise on personality traits yields ambiguous outocomes . Nevertheless the two most permanent variables throughout significant findings are "deperssion" and "self - concept" . It can be concluded that exercise and physical activity can act as a contributing factor to the enrichment of self-concept.

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New Page 1 lntrodution and Objectives: Heart ischemic disease and cerebral stroke are from the most common diseases and causes of mortality in all the societies and countries today. Hyperlipidemia is one of the main risk factors of atherosclerosis and its control has basic role in preventing the said diseases. In this way it in necessary to inform people of blood lipid increasing food stuffa for using them less. Egg is one of the cheapst foods available for most of the people. some studies showed that there is no meaningful relationship between egg usage and blood cholesterol, then we dcide to survey this subject in our society. Methodology: This is a prospective survey of clinical trial, then 60 students from Birjand medical university were selected as our samples and they were given one boiled egg extra to their daily normal diet. Blood samples were checked before and after the plan and the analysis were done. the collected data were analized by spss software and statistical T - test. Results: In this research cholesterol average level, triglyceride, LDL, Were 138.47 109.33 . 62 mg/dl before having egg and it increased to 160.64, 137.81 and 100.60 mg/dl respectively after using egg. There is a meaningful relationship between using egg daily and cholesterol in crease LDL, triglyceride serum and also the decrease of HDL and cholesterol proportion increase to HDL. Conclusion: It is not recommended to use continously and daily egg based on this research but more studies are necessary in this subject.

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Pharyngitis is one of the most difficulties after operation that its intubation is between 14 - 50 %and most of the patients complained from this complication. The patient wish a safe surgery and without any side effects. But sometimes there are something wrong with the patients despite of all efforts and exertions, using all practical and scientific methods. The problem sometimes is eliminated by an easy and small change in the operation methods. Methodology:1n this research two groups who were ready for surgery and must tolerate general anesthesia of trachea intubation were selected and we omitted all intervening factors such as not having or bearing head and neck surgery and the surgery must be done in centeral operation room of Ghaem hospital. The samples were devided in two groups of 100 between the age of 6-80. The groups health condition and statues were checked, then we used trachea cuff pressure in one group being/illed with air and in the second group we used normal saline. Both of the groups were intubed by one person and using Macintosh average blade induction method was used for all of them that were : Atracurium + Nesdonal + fentanyl. The degree of the patients pharyngitis was checked and controlled after 6 - 8 hours after operation and removing trachea tube by interview and a check list. Results: Many factors cause post- operation pharyngitis incidence that according to all references trachea intubation and cuff tube pressure are more important than all others. Conclusion: The results showed that pharyngitis incidence in those patients with normalsaline cuff intubation was 10% and those filled with air 20 %. It means that intubation with normal saline reduced post - operationpharyngitisabout50%andthenit is recommended as a selection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Job burnout as a new object is considered recently. This problem has many physical and mental advers effects, specially in care needed jobs it is common, because these jobs are very stressful. The purpose of this study is to determine the relation between burnout and mental health. Methodology: In this analytical study three forms consist of demographic data, GHQ-28 questionnaire and Tedim Job burnout inventory were sent to all midwives and nurses that work in Gonabad medical science in 1382.124 of them were completely returned. Results: The findings of this study showed that 21.77of cases is suspected to mental disorder and mean score of GHQ is 22.65±7.93 , the uppest score were related to social dysfunction, somatisation, anxiety and depression. Other findings showed that there is positive, and significant relation between burnout and mental health status. Also the mean GHQ scores of somatization, anxiety and depression were significantly deference in defferent levels of job burnout. Conclusion: Because of burnout harmful effects on the staffs mental health, researchers suggest designing of some methods to reduce the problems of job burnout. Key word: Burnout, Mental health, Midwife, nurse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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New Page 1 Introduction & objectives: Important life events as stressors has casic effects on humans body humans and its psych. Many physical and psychological disorders can appear a series of different events and crisis. Sometimes these factors may not result disorders but they can increase servere and bad conditions, researches showed that stress as apsychological phenomenon is one of the main factors in appearing and continuing of mental disorders. Methodology: This study is a survey study. The samples are 356 youths of Gonabad city with age .group of 20-40 that have been selected as the randomic cluster sampling. Results: The results showed that the most common stressor events were incidence of weak physical illness. lack of enough salary and wage and participating in important test. By comparing the average of individual stress scores, there was significant difference between the experience of stressful events and demographic factors of age and number of family. Whereas the differences were not significant about sex, marital status, education degree, Job, birth order and history of psychiatric disorder. Conclusion: The outcomes resulted in this research is congruent with other researches outcomes Malacti . 1374 ; Atari, 1374; paycle , 1969; Ventura, 1993; Agid , 2000 and sandber , 2001) , of course according to individual assesment of stress each expectation for completed concordance about this is unreal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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