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Introduction and objectives: smoking as the most common and
the cheapest addiction has physical
and psychological effects. There are clear evidences which
smoking is related to persons mental health status.
So this study was done to determine smoked and
non- smokedyouths mental health status, the
great, constructive and active group of the
society and thefollowing objectives based on
28 questionnaire.
1. To determine the frequency of smoked and
non-smoked youths according to different
demographicfactors and the relationship between
them and smoking.
2 . To determine suspected rate of mental
disorders on smoked and non- smoked and at the whole
of samples.
3 . To determine difference of suspected rate
of mental disorders on smoked and non- smoked
To determine the mean of the scores
GHQ-28 Questionnaire, scales determine (somatization,
anxiety, social dysfunction and depression). And
the differences of them on smoked and nonsmokedyouths.
Methodology:This study is a survey which it has been doneas
a cross-sectionaldescriptiveanalytic
study. The samples are
people that have been selected as the randomic cluster
Results: The result
showed, 5.9 percent
of thepeople were smoked. (mals: 12.9%
andfemales: 7%)
that smoking was more observed significant among
males, the age group of25 to 30 and brothers
and sisters of smoked youths. The results also
indicated that 21percent of the samples were
suspected to mental disorders that this rate was
significant on smoked youths(47.1%) more than
non-smoked ones. ( 19.3%) . The data also showed
the mean of anxiety, social dysfunction and
depression scales were significant on smoked
ones. (4.63,9.10 and 7.45 respectively) more than
non- smoked youths (3.76,6.53.
and 2.19
Conclusion: The
obtained results about mental condition of smoked and non- smoked youths are
congruent with many researches (Sieber and
Angest, 1990, Meltzer, 1995,
patton and et ai, 1996
Kandel and et aI, 1997; Me Mahon, 1999;
Whiteand et al . 2002 ;
Kassel and et al
2003) that
all of them have been discussed and analyzed
sufficiently at the text of the research. The results of
Q questionnaire scales
also indicated that smoked ones have more problems such as social
dysfunction, anxiety and depression that it is
also congruent with many studies.