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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2503

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Chimeric antigen receptor- (CAR-) based immunotherapies (CARs), as one of the newest methods for immunotherapy, have heralded a new era of treating cancer. When the CAR is derived from an antibody, the resultant cell should combine the desirable targeting features of an antibody (e.g. lack of requirement for major histocompatibility complex recognition, ability to recognize self antigens). These potential benefits result in the identification of tumor-sprcific antigens which in turneliminates tumor cells by summoning cytokines and co-stimulatory molecules that kill other tumor cells.This review briefly describes basic CAR structure and function, how their antigenic targets are selected, and the development and advancements of this technology to improve their function intumor micro-environment. Afterwards, several examples of successful treatments with the help of this technology are presented and finally, we take a glance at the side effects of this method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Several studies confirmed that early recanalization of intracranial arteries during ischemic strokes result in better recovery of these patients after three months of treatment.Materials & Methods: Recanalization of cerebral arteries is performed using intravenous tPA or mechanical thrombectomy.Results: Intravenous tPA injection within 3 hours of ischemic stroke is associated with better outcome in three months follow-up. Intravenous tPA has less effect on large cerebral arteries, like internal carotid arteries. Recent studies showed that mechanical thrombectomy of large cerebral arteries within 6 hours of stroke onset is associated with better outcome three months after operation. Since 2015, mechanical thrombectomy has been entered in first-line of acute phase of ischemic stroke in several guidelines and countries. Mechanical thrombectomy included several different endovascular techniques, as thrombosuction and stent retrieval for clot removal.Conclusion: Understanding several these different techniques, thier benefits, and their safety could help better selection of suitable method for endovascular treatment of stroke patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1826

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Background & Objectives: Research priorities in different disciplines are considered by scholars in recent years. The objective of this study is to illustrate a comprehensive image of research priorities papers in health care of Iran to policymaking in the future.Materials & Methods: The review involved relevant keywords searches of electronic databases including Magiran and Scientific Information Database in Persian. After inclusion and exclusion criteria without time boundary, the extracted documents were analyzed analytically.Results: Twenty-one articles have been included in the analysis since 2002. These documents were summarized, categorized, reported and analyzed broadly by trend.Conclusion: Considering to the span disciplines of healthcare, we expected more published articles. The analysis indicates that policymakers could focus on research priorities. In this regrard, an integrated action is needed to response the needs and ambiguities. This leads to creative design of applied research and creation of knowledge. Accordingly, the research management of the country, Deputy of Research and Technology in Ministry of Health and Medical Education and Deputy of Research and Technology in medical faculties across the country along with the cooperation of all stakeholders in setting priorities. This is the line with direction and support of thesis, dissertations and research project in health care industry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1448

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Background & Objectives: Visual acuity has an important role in the elderly’s communication with the environment. Cataract is a major cause of reduced visual acuity in the elderly, which can be treated only through surgery. Like in any other surgery, the elderly who should undergo cataract surgery experience a lot of anxiety. Relaxation techniques are of the procedures that can lead to stress reduction and create comfort and relaxated people. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the effect of guided imagery on pre-operation anxiety and hemodynamic factors in the elderly undergoing cataract surgery.Materials & Methods: The present randomized clinical trial recruited 50 elderly patients undergoing cataract surgery who met the inclusion criteria in the period of August to December 2014 through purposive sampling from patients at Vasei Hospital in Sabzevar, Iran, and randomly assigned them to the case and control groups. The control group received routine care and the case group received guided imagery using an audio file. Spielberger’s anxiety inventory and checklist of physiological changes were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using statistical tests by SPSS 16 software at a desirable significance level, independent t tests, chi-square test, fisher exact test and ANOVA.Result: The mean of hemodynamic factors did not significantly differ in the two groups before intervention (p>0.05), but significantly reduced systole blood pressure (p<0.001), diastole blood pressure (p<0.01) and respiration (p<0.001).Conclusion: Guided imagery can effectively reduce physiological responses of anxiety before surgery in the elderly. Hence, it is suggested that clinical nurses and nursing students use it for better nursing services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1601

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Background & Objectives: Visual acuity has an important role in the elderly’s communication with the environment. Cataract is amajor cause of reduced visual acuity in the elderly, which can be treated only through surgery. Like in any other surgery, the elderly who should undergo cataract surgery experience a lot of anxiety. Relaxation techniques are of the procedures that can lead to stress reduction and create comfort and relaxated people. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the effect of guided imagery on pre-operation anxiety and hemodyna mic factors in the elderly undergoing cataract surgery.Materials & Methods: The present randomized clinical trial recruited 50 elderly patients undergoing cataract surgery who met the inclusion criteria in the period of August to December 2014 through purposive sampling from patients at Vasei Hospital in Sabzevar, Iran, and randomly assigned them to the case and control groups. The control group received routine care and the case group received guided imagery using an audio file. Spielberger’s anxiety inventory and checklist of physiological changes were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using statistical tests by SPSS 16 software at a desirable significance level, independent t tests, chi-square test, fisher exact test and ANOVA.Result: The mean of hemodynamic factors did not significantly differ in the two groups before intervention (p>0.05), but significantly reduced systole blood pressure (p<0.001), diastole blood pressure (p<0.01) and respiration (p<0.001).Conclusion: Guided imagery can effectively reduce physiological responses of anxiety before surgery in the elderly. Hence, it is suggested that clinical nurses and nursing students use it for better nursing services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3750

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Background & Objectives: Mef2c gene induces slow twitch fibers in skeletal muscles which involves in various cellular processes. Endurance activity effects on expression of this genein skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a course of endurance activity onMef2c expression in cardiac.Materials & Methods: In this experimental research, 14 rats under controlled conditions (temperature, light/dark (12: 12) cycle, with ad Libitum access to food and water) were housed and randomly were divided into control and experimental groups after familiarization to endurance activity protocol. The experimental group performed 14 weeks endurance activity on motorized treadmill. They were anesthetized and sacrificed after 48 hours from the end of the last session of endurance activity. The heart and left ventricle of rats were removed. Using real time PCR, the expression levels ofMef2c gene was determined. The data were analyzed by t-test.Results: Endurance activity induces the increase of Mef2c gene expression in heart but it was not significant (p=0.148) in experimental group compared with control group.Conclusion: The endurance training possibly does not effect on induction of slow twitch and increasing of them in heart muscle. Therefore, there are unknown mechanisms attempt that the rate ofMef2c gene expression do not much change, to maintain optimal conditions of heart tissue.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Now days, the internet has become one of the most important source of information for searching health information. One group of the users who using it for searching health information is women.Materials & Methods: This research is a descriptive– analytical work. In this study, using internet for searching health information among women has been investigated by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The data of this study have collected from 200 employed women at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. LISREL software is used to analyze the data.Results: The results showed that positive attitude of users towards internet leads to using internet to get health information and management. On the other hand, attitude toward internet totally mediates the relationship between perception of the usefulness of internet and its use.Conclusion: Despite effectiveness of the perception of easy use of internet and perception of the usefulness of it to find health information, perception of the usefulness of internet in compare with the perception of the usefulness of internet has stronger relation by using internet to get information. So it can be concluded that internet and digital literacy of women as well as e-health of them should be worked.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1233

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Background & Objectives: Urolithiasis is a worldwide problem. Kidney stones have different chemical components. Calcareous stones are still by far the most common nephroliths accounting to more than 80% of stones. In Iranian folk medicine, many plants are used for treatment of kidney stones. In the present study, effect oral treatment of Allium porrum L. seeds hydro-methanolic extract on number of calcium oxalate crystals was studied in ethylene glycol-induced kidney stone in male rats.Materials and Methods: Hydro-methanolic extract of plant at doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg were prepared. Crystallization of calcium oxalate was induced by adding ammonium chloride and ethylene glycol in drinking water for 3 and 35 days, respectively. Control group was treated by drinking water. Experimental groups were treated by plant extract at different doses for 35 days, in drinking water. After 38 days, animals were anesthetized by either and blood sampling was done by heart. Liver and left kidney were removed, weighted and put in buffered formaldehyde. Specimens were prepared for histological studies and stained by H& E staining method. Number of calcium oxalate crystals and serum parameters were measured.Results: The present results showed that treatment of extract decreased kidney coefficient, number of crystals in kidney sections, serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatinine levels, while increased serum total protein level in treated experimental animals in comparison with control group.Conclusion: The plant could be as a good candidate to prevent formation of calcium oxalate crystals in kidney.

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View 861

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Background & Objectives: The death anxiety is defined as the fear of your death and others. The students of medical emergency and emergency technicians are encountered with the scenes of sudden death and sometimes terrifying scenes more than other people. This research was done to study the death anxiety and its related factors. The study examined the death anxiety in students of medical emergencies and emergency technicians performed.Materials & Methods: The present cross-sectional study was done on 157 students in Sabzevar, 75 emergency technicians and 82 emergency medical students. Sampling was done using enumeration and gathering information took place by a two-part questionnaire including demographic characteristics and Templer’s standard questionnaire of death anxiety. The data was analyzed by using T-test, correlation and regression.Results: The results showed that there’s a significant difference (p=0.000) between the medical emergency students’ mean score of death anxiety (6.2±41.24) and the emergency technicians (7.6±27.26). The mean score has also a significant statistical relationship with the students’ marital status, employment status, educational certification, age and occupation (student/ technician; p=0.000), but in emergency technicians, the mean score didn’t have a significant statistical relationship with the parents’s (p<0.088), being interested in the major, the number of work shifts and missions (p<0.123).Conclusion: Since the death anxiety is impressive on the medical personnel’s’ performance and health, it’s vital to pay attention to its spread level and presenting the modification solutions. The supportive systems of emergency and emergency medical teams should step in the process and the techniques of dealing with stress and anxiety should also be trained.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: The Azo dyes due to presence of aromatic rings in structure are considered major problems into the environment. In this experimental study, the synergistic effect of persulfate and nano zero-valent iron in degradation of Acid Blue 113 in presence of ultrasonic irradiation was investigated.Materials and Methods: The effect of operating parameter such as initial pH, different concentration of S2O8 2-, nZVI and initial dye using a batch ultrasound reactor at 40 kHz frequency was investigated. After the optimize process, synergistic dye degradation and COD reduction of colored solution was studied. For characterization of the prepared nZVI particle, transmission electron microscope (TEM) image was used.Results: To remove 99% dye with initial concentration of 50 mg/L, the optimal condition in the end of 30 min of reaction was pH 3, concentration of S2O8 2- and nZVI 5 mM and 50 mg/L, respectively. In the same of condition with increasing pH to 11 the dye removal efficiency decreased to 17%, respectively. After 120 min of reaction in the optimal condition, the COD reduction was 95%. Synergistic dye degradation in US/S2O8 2-/Fe0 process was observed 59%. The TEM image of the synthesized nZVI confirmed the nanoscale Creation.Conclusion: The US/S2O8 2-/Fe0 combined process due to high synergistic degradation, can be promising process to industrial wastewater treatment.

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Background & Objectives: Electronic learning is a pre-constructed and programmed use of electronic system and computer for supporting the process of learning. This study aimed to investigate the effect of electronic education on cognitive learning of health pratitioners and compares this new education with traditional one in research methodology in Arak University of Medical Sciences in 2014.Materials & Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-and-post test design. All of health practitioners of Arak University of Medical Sciences (60 people) were chosen as the study sample, and randomly divided into two, conventional and web-based groups. The intervention method for the first group was a 3-days workshop on research methodology and for the second group it consisted of a web-based education course on same subject. The students’ knowledge in both groups was measured at the beginning and end of each course with pre and post tests and the scores was compared through paired T- test.Results: The cognitive learning is measured with 81% significance in pre and post-test processes (p=0.001). We use the descriptive statistics indexes and T-test to understand the data with purpose of statistics analysis and hypothesis test. The result shows that electronic education in cognitive learning is successful. There is significant different between students with electronic education and traditional one. In addition electronic education increases student’s knowledge (p=0.001) and understanding (p=0.001).Ability of analysis and assessment in students who pass electronic learning is very high in comparison with those who don’t pass it.Conclusion: Using web-based education as a training method causes promotion of student’s cognitive learning and paves the way for using this method along with classic training methods in research methodology. A combination of the mentioned factors is effective on e-learning for higher education.

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View 1869

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IUGR is a major causes and silent illness and death in the embryonic and infants population, which in it infants growth potential is less than natural state. IUGR phrase and small for gestation age often used interchangeably. Although, there is small difference between these two.IUGR/SGA as a result different etiology including maternal factors, placenta and fetus arise. That recently genetic factors added to it. IUGR may be caused by maternal smoking, infections agents and chromosomal or genetic abnormalities, maternal abnormalities, but in most cases secondary cause is placenta insufficiency. IUGR often causes complications in the third trimester of pregnancy which is associated with symptoms of preeclampsia.The pathophysiology of IUGR is associated with placenta insufficiency. It remains unclear, but the damage is usually caused due to failure of trophoblast invasion which causes intermittent blood flow the space between the intervillous that this also in turn causes local oxidative stress.

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View 2566

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Background & Objectives: This study aimed to examine the antibacterial effect of Nano Polyamidoamine-G5 (NPAMAM-G5) dendrimer on Escherichia Coli, Proteus Mirabilis, Salmonella Typhi, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureu s isolated from the hospital environment.Materials & Methods: In this study, the antibacterial effects of NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer were studied by disc diffusion and micro-dilution method. Different concentrations of Polyamidoamine-G5 inoculated onto blank disks and were placed in Mueller-Hinton agar media. Zone of inhibition was investigated by bacterial inoculation according to the McFarland standard 0.5. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer were determined by micro-dilution method.Results: Zone of inhibition in Polyamidoamine-G5 dendrimers concentration of 25 mg/mL for Escherichia Coli, Proteus Mirabilis, Salmonella Typhi, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus were 22, 28, 21, 16 and 20 mm, respectively. Regarding the zone of inhibition in gram negative bacteria with gram positive ones was p=0.16 and was not significant different. The minimum inhibitory concentration for both Proteus Mirabilis and Salmonella Typhi was 2.5 mg/mL and for Escherichia Coli, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus was 25 mg/mL. The Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) for Salmonella Typhi was 50 mg/mL and for all Proteus Mirabilis, Escherichia Coli, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus was 100 mg/mL.Conclusion: According to the results, NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer can effectively eliminate Escherichia Coli, Proteus Mirabilis, Salmonella Typhi, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus.

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Background & Objectives: Abstracts are valuable tools in assessing the relevance of documents during information retrieval. Determination of abstract compliance with international standards is one of ways of generating qualified information, reducing costs and establishing aligned coordination with international standards. ANSI/ NISO Z39.14 standard is also one of the international standards presented by NISO committee that its final amendment has been published in March 2015. In terms of content elements of different sources like theses, offers some principle. Therefore, this study aims to assess Persian theses abstracts of different educational levels with ANSI / NISO Z39.14 standard at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU) from 2010-2014.Material and Methods: This analytical survey consists of 386 titles of Persianabstracts of master’s, professional doctorate and specialized medicine theses abstract of different schools at SBMU from 2010-2014. Standard text of ANSI / NISO Z39.14 (R2015) is used as a research tool including 5 content elements. Stratified sampling using random number table (commensurate with the size) was the method of this study. Descriptive statistics along with Anova test, Chi2 and Tukey’s HSD tests of SPSS 19 software were used for data analysis.Results: There is a significant difference among the consistency of content elements of the standard with theses abstract of different educational levels in different schools using ANOVA and chi-square test (p<0.05), while there was insignificant difference between the years 2010 to 2014.Conclusion: The findings suggest that writing style of thesis abstracts at SBMU, in some content elements, is not in accordance with the standard ANSI/NISOZ 39.14 (R2015). Therefore, it is recommended to develop an instruction and a coherent model based on international standards which are mandatory to be followed by all centers in order to improve the writing style.

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Background & Objectives: Hepatitis B is a bloodborne infection and it is predicted that about two billion people in the world have been exposed to the hepatitis B virus. Due to occupational reasons, medical students and staff are more susceptible to be exposed to this disease than the other members of society.Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive-analytic study and a total number of 238 staff and students of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected and sampled. Then, the antibody titer of surface anti-protein of hepatitis B virus (HBs-Ab) was measured using ELISA method. The results were analyzed using Stata (version 12) software after recording the demographic information.Results: Out of the 238 samples evaluated, 65.5% (156 persons) were female and 34.5% (82 persons) were male.66% of the individuals had antibody higher than 10 mu/ml and 37.4% of individuals showed appropriate answers higher than 100 u/ml. The relationship between job, sex and marital status with the immune response was significant.100% of the people who received full dose along with the booster vaccine were immune. Over the time, the percentage of the immune people has been decreased.Conclusion: Considering the reduction of the response to the vaccine over the time and being at risk the healthcare personnel, it is recommended that the antibody titer be periodically examined in these individuals every 5 to 10 years to administer a booster dose in the case of a decrease in the antibody titer.

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