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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background The criminal code is the rules that restrict the rights and freedoms of a person to ensure peaceful coexistence. What behavior should be prohibited and which one can be removed from the circle of legal acts. How can the word ethics in the world of law refer to ethical and literary means from the past, and is called the tradition of morality, in the sense of moral standards? On the basis of the number of acts that the public order Disturbing, varied, and tools used for general order Quantity and quality are different and a wide range of strategies are included. Different legal systems have chosen different ways. Contrary to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Attention to religious law relies on ethics. But any crime, regardless of the limits and principles of criminal law, can be the basis of many challenges. Ethics is also one of the first principles in the criminalization of Iran and is important in the penal system of the Republic within the limits prescribed in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is coming. Conclusion In the Islamic Republic of Iran, like all countries, crime is subject to restrictions. In Iran, criminalization is also subject to the constraints set forth in the constitution. Also, according to the fourth principle of the constitution, the Islamic Consultative Assembly should act on the basis of Islamic principles and principles. Given the religious and ethical principles and the constitution, criminalization must be done.

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Background Despite that has passed decades from sustainability issues, but we are still seeing that farmers misuse the sources of production, and agricultural policies do not fit with the environmental capacity of regions and being brilliant of the term self-sufficiency in among agricultural development policies. It seems all the levers so far have been used to achieve sustainability so should and maybe have not been successful. So, today scientists are hoping to ethical strategies more than other strategies to achieve sustainability and solving environmental challenges. Therefore, in this study, various worldviews of agricultural ethics have reviewed and criticized. As regards today there are the sustainability stress in all fields especially environment and agriculture, and on the other hand human and its ethical dimension are the most important structures in the development process and the necessity to pay attention to the subject of agricultural ethics, the present study aims to identify and critique the most important theoretical worldviews about agricultural ethics and providing solutions for sustainability in the agriculture sector and the environment. Critical analysis of worldviews has been done within the framework of Wendell Berry perspective, which shows moral and immoral boundary and identifies appropriate ethical norms. Conclusion Based on the analysis, holism worldviews is the best criteria for choosing and taking decisions in the field of agriculture and environment. The results of this study could be the solution to the problems of planners and politicians in the field of agriculture and environment in order to achieve sustainability.

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Background One of the problems that universities are facing and endangers academic morality, is academic cheating. Among the decisive factors of cheating, university teachers have a critical role. The present study aimed at assessing the perceived role of university teachers regarding academic morality and decreasing cheating from students’ points of views in Birjand University. Method The current study was a qualitative research. Population of study includes all students of Birjand University. 24 students in the three domains of Humanities and Behavioral Science, Basic Science and Agriculture, and Engineering; were selected through in access sampling. Then, the data obtained applying semi-structured interview, were analyzed on the basis of grounded theory. Results The roles of a university teacher in preventing cheating were identified, and, then categorized as 10 axial category of “ teacher’ s evaluation” , “ a teacher’ s teaching skills” , “ a teacher’ s relationship with students” , “ a teacher’ s morality and manner” , “ a teacher’ s class control and management” , “ a teacher’ s commitment and working consciousness” , “ a teacher’ s expectations from students” , “ a teacher’ s scientific knowledge” , “ a teacher’ s personal characteristics” , and “ a teacher’ s type of assignments” . The category of “ students’ perception of a teacher’ s manner” was taken as the core category, besides; a model regarding the role of a teacher in preventing educational cheating and its outcomes was designed and presented. Conclusion Results showed in case of university teachers’ do their job properly in teaching process and interactions with their students, these teachers can help reduce educational cheating on the part of their students.

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Background The proper organizational behavior and the avoidance of organizational misbehavior, the ethical ideology of managers in order to direct internal decision making for the right decisions, to prioritize ethics in the organization, and the existence of organizational justice at the workplace, which increase the effectiveness of the organization, illustrates the necessity of this research with the aim of investigate the role of moderating ethical ideology in relation to ethical leadership, organizational justice, and organizational misbehavior. Method This research was a correlation survey. Population of the study includes all managers of the schools in Isfahan province. The statistical population of the study were 263 people. A questionnaire was used to measure the variables of the research, which included 73 items and 7 sub-scales. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation of Pearson correlation coefficient and modulatory hierarchical regression analysis with the help of Statistical Package in Social Sciences, version 22, and MODPROBE software based on Andrew F. Hayes's method. Results Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables of research. In the relationship between ethical leadership and organizational justice with organizational misbehavior, ethical idealism plays a moderating role (P ≤ 0. 05). Conclusion The greater the moral philosophy of idealism in individuals, the greater the impact of ethical leadership on organizational justice and ultimately on organizational misconduct.

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Background Humility Leadership is a most used leadership style of managers and leaders of successful firms and organizations in today’ s world, which is based on virtue-centered morality philosophy. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between moral intelligence and Humility Leadership components among managers of Bank Sepah branches in Hamedan, Iran. Method The present study was descriptive survey. The statistical population consisted of 92 managers and deputies of Bank Sepah branches in Hamedan province, Iran. The sample size was 76 people based on Morgan table using simple random sampling method. For collecting data, four questionnaires were used. Their validity was tested by convergent validity, while their reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’ s alpha. and the proposed model was analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results The results showed that all relationships were significant. Modeling of structural equations indicated that moral intelligence predicted 83% of Humility Leadership. Moreover, the effects of moral intelligence on the Humility Leadership components are as follows: it predicted 68 of self-awareness, 48% of mentorship, 25% of mastership, and 26% of educability. Conclusion humble leaders with high ethical intelligence, understand their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, and recognize how dependent they are on forces outside of themselves. Such individuals appreciate that they do not have all the answers and, as a result, actively seek out the contributions of others as a means of overcoming their individual limitations. Based on the results of this study, managers should lay the ground for the improvement of effectiveness, social power and employee’ s participation in organizational processes by improving their abilities to forgive their and others’ mistakes, admitting mistakes and failures, considering others important, and behaving according to moral values.

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Background Ethical organizational culture is a subset of the broader organizational culture that incorporates shared ethical values among the employees of an organization and is maintained through formal and informal organizational systems, thereby creating and maintaining ethical organizational culture. And strengthening it is important for organizations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dimensions of the eight-factor model of Captain's moral virtue in public and private service organizations in Iran and to fit this model with the collected data. Method The research method is descriptive and correlational. This study was performed on a sample of 200 employees of public service organizations (public and private) in Iran, using available sampling method. Questionnaires were used for data collection and their analysis was performed using structural equation modeling in pls software. Results The research findings show that among the eight factors of the model of moral virtue, clarity factors, supervisor convergence, management convergence, support capability, transparency, arguability, and punish ability were confirmed and verifiability was confirmed. Could not. Therefore, the main hypothesis of the eight-factor model was not confirmed. Conclusion Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that ethical attitudes in one society are different from another and this justifies the necessity of differences in models of ethical organizational culture in different societies. On the other hand, managers relying on these components can institutionalize this culture in organizations.

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Background morality and moral behavior are important aspects of individual and community health. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence the conduct of moral behaviors can be a step towards increasing moral behaviors and reducing immoral behaviors. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate the causal relationship between personality dimensions and moral behaviors through mediating moral metacognition. Method The present research is a descriptive-correlational study. For this purpose, 524 undergraduate students of Yasuj Universities were selected by multi-stage random sampling method. In this study, three questionnaires including Big Five Personality Inventory, Moral Metacognition Scale and Moral Behavior Inventory were used. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results The results showed that neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience were predictors of moral metacognition and extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness were predictors of moral behavior. Indirect paths were significant from three dimensions of personality including openness to experience, neuroticism, and conscientiousness to moral behaviors through moral metacognition. Conclusion The results of this study indicate that personality dimensions through ethical metacognition can result to moral behaviors.

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Background The humans’ greed, the productivity of natural resources, the sense of jobbery, and capitalists and producers’ avarice, are some threats to the natural resources. Therefore, the environmental issue has been considered by many scholars. The issue of environmental ethics has been raised in order to solve these problems by the experts. Hence, the present article aimed to highlight the relationship between values, norms and environmental ethics, as well as predict the environmental ethics based on environmental values and norms. Method The method of this study was descriptive correlational. The population of this study was citizens of Kermanshah City in 2018; 736 people were selected by cluster sampling method. Data collection was carried out using the environmental value, environmental norms and environmental ethics questionnaires. Data were analyzed by SPSS-23 software in two sections of the descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation) and inferential statistics (regression). Results Data analysis indicated that there was a significant relationship between the value variables and environmental norms with environmental ethics at the level 0. 01. Environmental values had 50% and environmental norms had 11% ability to predict the environmental ethics. Conclusion Environmental values and norms had a direct relationship with the environmental ethics of citizens. Therefore, changes in the individuals ‘ values and environmental norms would increase or decrease the citizens' environmental ethics.

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Background In the world today, organizations operate in dynamic environments. Such an environment challenges structural and behavioral changes; and creation of these developments requires paying attention to the role of organizational justice and their own special leaderships and also taking the talent management into account. The present research has been done aiming the studying the role of organizational justice in talent management together with the mediation of moral leadership. Method The research methodology used was descriptive-correlative. Statistical community of the research includes 211 educational staff of Ardabil city that 162 people were selected from among them as statistical sample on the basis of Cochran formula and using the randomly stratified method. For data collection the three questions of organizational justice, talent management and moral leadership were used. The research data were analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results The Results showed that the effect of organizational justice on the management talent (0. 46) was positive and significant. This variable had a stronger effect (0. 73) on moral leadership. The effect of moral leadership on talent management (0. 68) was also positive and significant. Indirect effect of organizational justice on the management talent with the mediation of moral leadership was positive and significant amounting (0. 43). Conclusion The obtained results showed that there is a relationship between organizational justices and talent management in the organization with the meditation variable of moral leadership; and therefore, it can be said that the role of moral leadership in the organization bears special importance in development, improvement and protection of human resources.

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Background An important factor in reducing institutional immorality within organizations, is knowledge management and organizational learning that various studies have pointed to these factors somehow. This article aims to explain the role of organizational learning and knowledge management in Staff immorality. Method The research method was descriptive and correlational. The population of the research was administrative staff of five education in the city of Tabriz. According to Morgan sample size table 207 male and female employees were selected through stratified random sampling ratio of 139 males and 68 females. Questionnaire was used to collect the data from sample, to verify the validity of three questionnaires were used to assess the reliability of the first-order factor analysis Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used for data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis) was used. Results The results showed that among the components of knowledge management and organizational behavior, and there is a significant negative relationship. The relationship between organizational learning and organizational behavior and leadership culture and employee involvement except the components were negative. Analyses showed that the components and the development of externalizing knowledge and competence, collaborative leadership and organizational structure could predict the organizational misconduct. Conclusion The results showed that these three areas have a mutual relationship, so pay attention to this field can be effective in reducing corporate immorality.

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Background The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of negative affect (fear) and locus of control to create different patterns of ethical decision-making in the field of accounting and finance. Method This study was semi experimental, applied and field research. The research community was the Ph. D. candidate and M. A. senior student in accounting, auditing and financial management who have enough professional experience. A sample of sixty participator has been randomly selected. Data was collected using the standard questionnaires. Locus of Control was measured using the standard Rotter's Locus of Control scale; negative affect employed the Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale in which participants indicated on a five-point ascending scale how they felt at that moment. Various scenarios have also been used to measure the acceptance of an application or an immoral behavior. Hypotheses have been tested using analysis of variance. Results The findings show that participators with low fear and high locus of control make the decision more ethically and less accept the unethically senior manager's request. Also, a high negative affective fear state/mood will associate with a slippery slope or ethically consistent pattern of behavior and a low negative affective fear state/mood will associate with a licensing or compensatory pattern of behavior. Conclusion This research help to better understanding individual characteristics that lead to unethical decision making under pressure of senior managers. Organizations can reduce the fear and create more confidence in the staff to develop the moral behaviors and stop unethical decision making.

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Background Today, the organizations have ethical responsibilities for employees and stakeholders in addition to achieving the benefits that sacrifice leadership influencing it. Based on this necessarily, the purpose of this research is study of the factors influencing on sacrifice leadership. Method The present research is applying by the object, quantitative by data and way of collecting, descriptive correlation. The statistical community including all of the Red Crescents' employees in Isfahan. The way of sampling is one cluster sampling randomly that selected 220 persons based on Cochran formula. The instruments of this research is four questionnaires and analyzed data by descriptive and inferential statistical Results They are significance and positive relationship between commitment, perfectionism, and organizational self-efficacy with sacrifice leadership. Organizational self-efficacy mediates the Relationship between organizational Commitment and Perfectionism with Sacrifice Leadership and totally the experimental model has good fitness. Conclusion Improving sacrifice leadership of organizations requires to development of organizational commitment and perfectionism and self-efficacy.

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Background Today, due to the new attitude towards ethical aspects in marketing, the increasing importance of ethics has become evident in this regard. The purpose of the research is to examine the role of ethics in different aspects of the field of marketing. Method This study is an applied one in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational one in terms of the nature and method of research. The statistical population of this research is all the employees of the central post office in Kerman. A sample of 160 persons were selected through simple random sampling. The data gathering tool was Morality and Social Marketing Questionnaire. Data analysis were done through Kendall and Spearman correlation coefficient using SPSS24 software. Results Research findings indicate that there was a meaningful relationship between social marketing and honesty, confidence building, devotion, ethical virtues, community service, and the spirit of justice and justice orientation. Conclusion Ethics such as honesty and confidence building, devotion, ethical virtues, community service, and the spirit of justice and justice orientation will have a significant impact on marketing, and will increase social marketing, which will result in organizational productivity. Therefore, it is suggested that the organization should provide the necessary ethics characteristics of marketing.

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Background In the present situation, some ethical standards have not been complied with, causing great concern in the governmental and non-governmental sectors, and since the behavior of auditors employed in an audit firm is one of the criteria for audit quality and their behavior is influenced by organizational culture. It will be located. This study examines the relationship between ethical culture in audit firms, objectivity and independence of the auditors. Method The present study is an applied one and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection. The study population consisted of partners, managers and supervisors of audit firms in Mashhad, of which 145 were selected through available sampling (of which 118 questionnaires were received and the basis of statistical analysis). Questionnaire was used for analysis. To test the hypotheses, Structural Equation Test was used using PLS software. Results The results at 5% error level showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between ethical culture in audit firms and auditors 'neutrality and auditors' independence. Conclusion According to the findings of the study, managers of audit firms should strive to create or develop ethical culture in audit firms in order to improve audit quality and increase their chances of success and competitiveness in the market.

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Background One of the major concerns of efficient managers is how to create the right context for human agents working in all professions to apply them with a sense of responsibility and a full commitment to the issues in their community and profession and the ethical principles that govern them. Observe their profession. The purpose of this study was to design and test a model of antecedents of moral behavior. Method The research is correlation pattern through structural equation modeling. The statistical community was all the employees of national Iranian drilling company which 238 of them were selected through random sampling method. All participants were to complete ethical behaviors questionnaire, ethical context scale, job motivation scale, organizational justice questionnaire and spirituality questionnaire. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and mediation analysis. Results Structural equation modeling analyses indicated that the proposed model fit the data properly. The results also supported the positive effect of ethical context on ethical behavior, job motivation, organizational justice and spirituality, positive effect of job motivation, organizational justice and spirituality on ethical behavior, and indirect positive effect of ethical context on ethical behavior through Job motivation, Organizational justice, Spirituality. Conclusion The findings of this study showed that the ethical climate in the organizations lead to many implications such as ethical behavior of employees. So, organizations can through the dissemination the field of ethics in the workplace leads to consequences of individual and organizational and thus increase productivity in organizations.

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Background Given the competitiveness of markets in the past years, it is inevitable to use different strategies for surviving in the current increasingly competitive environments. In this regard, the companies use different methods for increasing their market share. Supporting different activities and charity marketing are the main methods that can be used in such conditions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between charity marketing and purchase intention, taking into account the effect of mediation of moral pleasure and consumer skepticism. Method The research method was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population consisted of Tak makaron customers in Kerman province, among which 410 people were selected as sample and selected by simple sampling method. Data was collected using standard questionnaires: charity marketing, moral pleasure, consumer skepticism and purchase intention, with validation and reliability. Structural equation modeling and AMOS24 and SPSS19 software were used to analyze the data. Results The results indicated a positive and significant relationship between charity marketing and purchase intention and cause-related marketing and moral pleasure. The existence of a positive relationship between charity marketing and purchase intention on the one hand and the negative relationship between cause-related marketing and consumer Skepticism and between consumer skepticism. and purchases intentions are among the most important findings of this research. Conclusion The use of charity marketing in the organization affects the moral sentiment and consumer values, and will increase the purchasing intention in the organization.

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Bagherianpour Mostafa

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Background Ethics in the higher education highlights the extent to which faculty behaves and ensures the health of higher education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the observance of the vocational ethics components of faculty members at Farhangian University. Method The research method is descriptive-post hoc survey. The statistical population consisted of all students of the University of farhangian in Sanandaj (1452), 264 were selected according to statistic. Using the Cochran formula and stratified random sampling, 264 were selected as samples. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that its validity was confirmed by the professors and its reliability was determined using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 80. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, Manu's test and one-way analysis of variance) were used to analyze the data. Results The findings of this study indicate that: 1) the average of the components of ethics of faculty members' training was higher than the criterion of the research. Among the components of professional ethics, the component of student secrecy by faculty members is the highest coefficient of change (4. 87) and the component of accountability for the correct education with the lowest coefficient of change (2. 37). 2) There is a significant difference between students' viewpoints on gender, term, and discipline regarding some of the components of professional ethics education. Conclusion Therefore, by institutionalizing the professional ethics of education at Farhangian University, in addition to improving students' ethical beliefs and behaviors, they will learn that they will adhere to professional ethics when teaching in schools.

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Background In discovering instances of fraud in financial statements, in general, the main focus is on the CEO and his role in committing fraud. While these cheating usually involves collaboration between followers and malicious managers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the role of personality traits of followers including proactivity and a kind of narcissism called self-sacrificing self-enhancement (SSSE) in the tendency to agree with the followers of the unethical request of the company's leaders, In the process of fraud, it was investigated. Method This research is semi-experimental survey. The statistical population of this study is Ph. D. students of all universities of Tehran in 2017. The sample size was 79 with a random sampling method and the data gathering tool was a questionnaire. For data analysis, multiple regression analysis was used. Results The results show that there is a positive and significant correlation between kind of narcissism called self-sacrificing self enhancement and fraud index (agreeing to fraudulent) requirements on accounting. There was also a negative and significant relationship between proactivity and accounting fraud index. But, based on the research findings, no significant relationship was found between the narcissism interaction and the proactivity with the index of accounting fraud. Conclusion Individual characteristics of subordinates are effective in controlling the pressure of leaders on accounting fraud. Therefore, corporate executives can prevent many corporate financial violations by identifying a personality type and reinforcing positive personality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background Ethical leadership is one of the approaches that has been introduced in the leadership and management literature in the decades of the 20th century. In modern organizations, the importance of paying attention to organizational activities in the framework of moral codes of ethical leadership begins. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between ethical leadership and good governance in government organizations in Sanandaj. Method The research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population consisted of managers working in government departments of Sanandaj city, of which 169 were selected as sample and selected by random stratified sampling method. Data were collected using standard questionnaires of ethical leadership and good governance with validity and reliability confirmed. For data analysis Structural equation modeling and SPSS20 and AMOS23 software were used. Results The results indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between ethical leadership and its components (Morality and Fairness, Role Clarification and Power Sharing) with good governance in governmental organizations, in which the power sharing dimension It has the greatest relationship with good governance that can be caused when managers give their employees permission to comment and listen to their ideas and worries. That the employees feel that they belong to the organization. Conclusion In ethical leadership, it is further emphasized that ethical leaders regularly follow adherence to ethical standards and point to positive results of good governance in organizations that benefit from ethical leaders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background Several researches demonstrate administrative corruption in public organizations. Ethically, fighting with kinds of corruption and especially administrative corruption is an inevitable necessity. The purpose of this research is examining the relationship between religiousness and administrative corruption with the mediating role of organizational commitment. Method Methodology is descriptive and correlative. Statistical population includes all employees of governmental offices in Sirjan city that 274 persons of them was selected as a sample. We have three standard questionnaires. Reliability confirmed by Cronbach coefficient and CR index. For validity also we used CFA. Data were analyzed by using structural equationin Liserel. Results Findings showed that religiousness has a significant relationship with administrative corruption through organizational commitment as a mediator. Also, religiousness directly has a significant relationship with organizational commitment and organizational commitment has a significant relationship with administrative corruption in public organizations. Conclusion Promoting religiousness can reduce administrative corruption. This influencing occurs directly and indirectly through relationship with organizational commitment. The result confirm an important role of obligation to ethics and ethical principles on reducing administrative corruption.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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