Background Humility Leadership is a most used leadership style of managers and leaders of successful firms and organizations in today’ s world, which is based on virtue-centered morality philosophy. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between moral intelligence and Humility Leadership components among managers of Bank Sepah branches in Hamedan, Iran. Method The present study was descriptive survey. The statistical population consisted of 92 managers and deputies of Bank Sepah branches in Hamedan province, Iran. The sample size was 76 people based on Morgan table using simple random sampling method. For collecting data, four questionnaires were used. Their validity was tested by convergent validity, while their reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’ s alpha. and the proposed model was analyzed using structural equations modeling. Results The results showed that all relationships were significant. Modeling of structural equations indicated that moral intelligence predicted 83% of Humility Leadership. Moreover, the effects of moral intelligence on the Humility Leadership components are as follows: it predicted 68 of self-awareness, 48% of mentorship, 25% of mastership, and 26% of educability. Conclusion humble leaders with high ethical intelligence, understand their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, and recognize how dependent they are on forces outside of themselves. Such individuals appreciate that they do not have all the answers and, as a result, actively seek out the contributions of others as a means of overcoming their individual limitations. Based on the results of this study, managers should lay the ground for the improvement of effectiveness, social power and employee’ s participation in organizational processes by improving their abilities to forgive their and others’ mistakes, admitting mistakes and failures, considering others important, and behaving according to moral values.