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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    27 (پیاپی 54)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    27 (پیاپی 54)
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The purpose of research is to study the educational philosophy of the school curriculum, recommendations for curriculum planners and administrators of educational institutions Iran. Descriptive research methodology and data collection documents the Munich University Library and Internet sites related to the topic of research is available to the researcher. Based on the educational philosophy of this school is due to individual differences, cannot be taught all the same. Children must be accompanied by practical training and experience to learn the basics of a seasoned act. For this purpose it is necessary to consider the child's upbringing consolidated body and spirit. The four major components of the Waldorf school curriculum aims, content, method and assessment used are free and creative way. Children should learn their subjects willingly choose to teachers to teach students. Learning material, everything is open and it is work and play. Students learn to get intrinsic and the person does not remember anything. Most of the students who compete together and learn together and learn to work together. Teachers in these schools are helpers and advisors, and all the efforts that the students experience real life and adult.

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    27 (54)
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This study uses two methods to provide conceptual analysis and Inductive a new explanation of the components of the hidden curriculum with an emphasis on Van Manen's phenomenology in order to improve the knowledge in the field of curriculum. This research includes applied research and the method of studying is analytical & documental. The results show; the hidden curriculum includes non-tangible learning, informal and implicit in forms of values, norms and attitudes.They are created and conveyed by the teachers, staff, processes and informal learning, teachers & students' interactions as well as the students' interpretations of events and organizational environment. Van Manen's phenomenological experiences help to make a very deep and fundamental learning in students. So it is an appropriate method in recognizing the scope of the hidden curriculum. Van Manen's phenomenology based on lived experiences in parameters of the certain hidden curriculum consists of students (problem-based, self-directed, self-exploration, flexibility, etc.) teacher (agent, effective in development of attitudes & motivation of students and manager in the class crisis contains specific lived experiences for students), content (a precursor to the inner experience of the students based on their urgent needs), teaching (intuitive and creative activity with unforeseen results in students) and evaluation (background for understanding some of lived experiences based on real nature of class, teaching, learning and students' assessment by the education system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 939

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    27 (54)
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This article deals with socialization in high school social sciences' textbooks. We propose an examine use of Motahari educational ideas about socialization in textbooks. Motahari, as an intellectual leader, has an important role in explaining basic concepts of Islamic revolution of Iran.Motahari’s books and high school social sciences textbooks as statistical society and on census method, were studied based on paragraph unit analysis. We applied a mixed method of content analysis. For discovering components of socialization, we used qualitative method for content analyzing of Motahari’s books and find four components: social belonging; social responsibility; dialogue and communication, and critical thinking that extracted from thirteen categories. Then, by using a coding frame based on these components and categories, we use quantitative content analysis to obtain if these used in the social sciences textbooks based on exploratory factor analysis. Results show that there aren’t these components in many lessons of textbooks. Some of these results related to the educational aims of these books, because in these textbooks, students introduce with sociology discipline; but some related to weakness of consideration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 953

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    27 (54)
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Purpose of this research was comparative study the process of reviewing the curricula in various countries and Iran. for the purpose, was selected 6 Universities of the 5 America, Australia, Canada, China and Turkey countries for comparison with the University of Isfahan in Iran by targeted sampling method. The study, by George Brady was performed four-stage comparison process into four stages: describe, interpret, neighborhood and comparison. Campus tool of collecting of data, was check list of data sources in relation to primary curriculum review process was different universities at databases was available on each campus. After collecting and Classification information in different tables, interpreted and analyzed. The results showed that the process of reviewing the various universities have similarities and differences in terms of review levels, work process, and members component. also results indicate that the some of universities had novel aspects in reviewing the academic curricula. These aspects were: attention to personal and professional education of students, and presence of students, experts and specialists outside of the university, and the representative of the library in the review board.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    27 (54)
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This research studied and analyzed an experience of applying cooperative learning in Iranian higher education. To this aim, a longitude study was done through action research in two academic semesters in one of the universities in educational science discipline. Participants of this research were bachelor students in educational science discipline. Data of this research were gathered by open and close response questionnaires, individual and group interviews, cooperative observation of classes and autobiographies of the professor. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and qualitative data were analyzed by coding and making themes. Integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis revealed two themes in this experience: "process" and "outcome". Process itself composed of subthemes named "grouping", "method", "assignments", "relations and interactions", "responsibility" and "get serious process of cooperative learning". Outcome also includes subthemes named "skills" and "attitudes". Finally, some recommendations were extracted from data analysis to betterment the practice upon which another improved model was obtained for future that provides the preparations of another research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1284

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    27 (54)
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Curriculum design is one of the main parts of the process of teaching and learning in education. In fact, the null curriculum refers to the deleted and ignored parts of a curriculum. In this study, we tried to analyze the null curriculum and identify the factors that led to the null curriculum at schools. The null curriculum occurs in three levels: Some parts of the content of textbooks are deleted or added by policy makers, writers or politicians, due to the mismatch between the needs of students and society. Some parts of the content of the curriculum are neglected by staff and teachers in schools. Finally, some parts of the content of textbooks are omitted by the students that not connected with their real life. The main objective of this research is to provide a theoretical perspective on the three levels of the null curriculum based on governing system in society, schools and students. Finally, we propose some solutions to prevent of null content in the planning or execution of curriculum.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 10940

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    27 (54)
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The purpose of this research was the content analysis of 7th grade science textbook's exercises based on Suchman's inquiry model. The method of this research was content analysis and the statistical population were the exercises of 7th grade science textbook (activity, discussion, collecting information, testing yourself, thinking, experiment). Exercise was the unit of analysis and the criteria were phases of inquiry model. The result showed that among 156 exercises only 49 exercises (31%) were based on inquiry model; among the six exercises, experiment with the frequency of 24 (48.97%) and testing yourself with no frequency had the most and the least frequency.Other result showed that among those 49 exercises, gathering data with frequency of 17 (34.69%) had the most frequency; collecting information with frequency of 2 (4.08%) and hypothesizing with frequency of 5 (10.20%) had the least frequency. Totally, the result shows that the book hasn't regarded inquiry model very much so it's necessary to pay more attention to "inquiry model" and preparing students for real life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2632

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    27 (54)
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This study determined the relationship between implicit beliefs of intelligence and achievement goal orientation with academic procrastination. For this purpose, using a stratified random method, 384 students were selected from all of the undergraduate students of Tabriz University (11200 students). Data were gathered by these questionnaires academic procrastination assessment scale, implicit beliefs of intelligence, and achievement goal orientation. Data obtained using Pearson's correlation test, and t test for independent groups were analyzed in SPSS software. The results showed that there was there is a significant relationship between implicit beliefs of intelligence (inherent and additive), goal orientations (mastery- approach, performance- avoidance, mastery- avoidance) and except the performance- approach, with academic procrastination. Finally, the results showed there was not any significant difference between males and females in academic procrastination. Also the 41 percent of the students have high and very high procrastination.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    27 (54)
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This study was done to investigate the effect of shadow educations and parenting styles and mathematical anxiety among high school students in Mazandaran province. The statistical community includes 48545 high school students.380 students were chosen as samples, due to the community numbers in Morgan table, but 500 ones were selected as samples for certainty to the community and coordination to other different groups, by random classified sampling method. The research was a kind of descriptive and Diand Bamrin, s Parenting style Inventory (1973), mathematical anxiety (Shokrani, 2002) and shadow education questionnaires were applied to collect the data. The validity of questionnaires confirmed by educational experts and reliability calculated:./72, ./92, ./72. For data analysis, the independent T, one way and two ways variance Analysis were used by SPSS software. The results indicated that students who applied shadow education experienced less mathematical anxiety and the effect of parenting style on math anxiety was meaningful.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1090

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    27 (54)
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This study aims to investigate the viewpointss of Robert Floden and London E Beyer and defining policies curriculum in Farhangian University (with a view to link theory and practice).Descriptive analysis was used in this study. For this purpose, at first the available Idea about the subject was cleared and then by analyses and comparison was tried to conclude some new consequences. Comparison of Floden and London was the subject of the study. The findings suggest that theory and practice both are two main categories in philosophy of teacher education from the perspective of these two thinkers. Except that Flodden with solutions and Beyer with arguments are trying to show the importance of the issue.According to the philosophical assumptions teacher emphasizing link between theory and practice, developed a philosophy optimized for teacher training aimed at enabling teachers to make relevant theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge to build ties with a democratic society in the classroom is concerned. The revised general principles,, objectives and teacher training programs with an emphasis on establishing, sustaining the link between theory and practice can bring a better future for teacher training.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1089

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    27 (54)
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The aim of this research was to find the effect of formation items of hidden curriculum on the University-related affect in the students of Semnan Payam-e-Noor University. The research method was case study and mixed. Purposeful sampling was used to select Semnan University.Three different instruments were utilized to obtain the data: 1) The affect of University-related questionnaire 2) Observation checklist 3) The standardized open-ended interview and informal conversational. Several statistical procedures including repeated measures analysis, Scheffe's method and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The obtained multiple regression analysis result for hidden curriculum, and the affect of university-related was 0.621 which wasn't meaningful at%5 level of significance. Coefficient of determination was 0.385. Thus distinguished that%38.5 of the affect of University-related has been influenced by hidden curriculum.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    27 (54)
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The purpose of this study was the evaluate of the effect inveness of teaching based on research oriented on school achievement and problem solving skill. The research method was quasa exprimental. The population consisted of all 6th grader students and the sample was an elementary school which randomly was selected. Among all 6th grader students 30 students who were ready to participate in this study were randomly divided to two experimental and control group. The instruments included standard questionnaires and problem-solving skills Heppner and CRASKOF (Heppner, 1988) and test scores in science class teacher and the validity of alpha values between 0.72-0.85 and subscales (0.72.PC, 0.84 AA, 0.85 PSC) and 0.90 For the overall scale and reliability through Cronbach's alpha in the range 0.83 to 0.89 calculated.The validity of teacher-made tests regarding the number of science teachers and one who teaches history of science at the University of educators were determined. To determine the reliability of the test with a history of two teachers and science education experts were asked to independently test 20 sheets of papers to correct. Agreement coefficient was calculated between two corrector 0.87 Both group completed HEPS and CRASKOF problem solving questionnaire and the science test as pre- test. The experimental group received 24 sessions of teaching science based on research oriented method, while the control group were taught through traditional method. Then both group received problem solving skill test and the science posttest. The data were analyzed using (SPSS19) T-test and CO-variance. The finding indicated that the experimental group in both school achievement and the ability of problem solving were significanty better than control group.

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