The philosophy history of education has been faced with five vital and important words. These words have defined five positions in discussing about teaching and learning in the modern world. The words are including: mind, democracy, oppression, socialization, anecdotes and stories. The first three terms are respectively associated with the names of Frederick Herbart, Dewey and Paulo Frère, that have been raised in the United States, Latin America and Africa. Socialization by using the knowledge tool is relevant to Marxism, which has been interpreted mainly in Brazil, France and Italy. The term of stories and anecdotes is also used by different people in different parts of the world and is the term considered by proponents of modern pragmatism. Many experts believe that perhaps the most significant development in American philosophy in the recent times could be the renaissance in pragmatism or the neo-pragmatism. Due to the raised cases, the main purpose of this article was the evaluation of educational theory and curriculum approach from the perspective of the modern pragmatism. The study was a cross-sectional research. Previous studies have shown that the foundations of modern pragmatism should be searched among the ideas of people such as Rorty, Quien, Pathnam, Bernestien, West, Davidson, Dewey, Shusterman and Brandon. Neo-pragmatism emphasizes on principles such as rejection of fundamental epistemology, language, uity of knowledge, social cohesion instead of pure objectivity and education for democratic wise citizen. From the perspective of neo-pragmatism, an educational theory should be practical with three features, descriptive, explanatory and specific. They have been mentioned five steps for training including the anecdote, linking an anecdote with the issues of life, creating new anecdote, reviewing the story and comparing it with national and collective stories. They have introduced the best curricula approach for pre-university as an integrated approach and project-based approach for the time after the university.