The investigation has been carried out at four stages: 1- information and background collection, 2- field sampling, 3- soil and leaf tests, 4- statistics analysis. At first stage, data and information related to climatology, geology, pedology, topography and silviculture were collected. At second stage, four series of Waz research forest which warelocated within Noor city of Mazandaran province and contain pure and mixed stands of Yew tree, were selected. At each series, a five hectar sampling plot was allocated then a 1.5 m. height soil profile was dug at its centre for soil sampling and profile study. Moreover, 10 dominant trees of Yew were chosen for diameter and height measurement and leaf sampling then the accompanied plants were identified and sampled. At the third stage, the soil and leaf samples were tested and analysed at laboratory. The soil parameters were: EC, pH, particle size density, N, P, K, Mg and Ca.The leaf parameters were: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn and Fe. The results showed that Yew trees grow on four different soil types: Typic Haploxerolls, Lithic Rendolls ,Typic Eutrochrepts and Typic Xerorthents. The average diameter (B.H.D.) and height of Yew trees on Typic Eutrochrepts, Uthic Rendolls and Typic Haploxerols soil types were 54.9 cm - 19.9 m., 73 cm - 23.3 m. and 94.9 cm- 23.9 m., respectively. But on Typic Xerorthents soil type the measurement was not applicable because the high quality trees were cut down illegaly. Most of the soil types had low acidic or alkaline reaction, well drainage and high organic matter. The Yew stands where were mixed with broad leaved trees, usually had less than %50 slope gradient, moderate soil depth and high organic matter. These stands were more productive than the other stands. There was a perfect relationship between soil nutrient elements and Yew tree nutrition and sometimes the nutrient elements in the leaves were greater than the soil.