The purpose of the present study was to compare gifted and normal students in respect to emotional intelligence, self-esteem, social skills, and academic achievement. Correlations among these variables have also been studied. For this purpose, sixty gifted students (30 girls, and 30 boys) and sixty normal students (30 girls, and 30 boys) were randomly selected. Then, self-reported emotional intelligence scale, teenage inventory of social skills, self- esteem inventory of Coppersmith and the subjects' grade point average in the last year were used to study them. Analysis of data with utilization of MANOVA, parsons' correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis showed that gifted students had higher scores in self-esteem, social skills, and academic achievement, but there wasn’t a difference in emotional intelligence between the two groups. There was no difference in these variables between male and females; in addition, only the social skills variable was able to predict academic achievement of students.