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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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پژوهش حاضر با عنوان بررسی رابطه بین سبک های هویت، خودکارآمدی و خودتنظیمی انجام شد. نمونه آماری شامل 340 نفر (170 دختر و 170 پسر) از دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد شهر کرمان بود که در سال تحصیلی 85-86 مشغول به تحصیل بودند و با روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای انتخاب شدند. جمع آوری داده ها با استفاده از پرسشنامه راهبردهای انگیزشی پینترویج و دی گروت (1990) تغییر یافته توسط حسینی (1381) و سبک های هویت وایت وامپلر و وین (1998) صورت گرفت. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش با استفاده از آزمون t و همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندگانه نشان داد که:- خودتنظیمی با سبک های هویت اطلاعاتی و هنجاری رابطه مثبت، اما با سبک سردرگم / اجتنبابی رابطه منفی معنادار دارد.- در دانشجویان دختر سبک های اطلاعاتی و هنجاری و در دانشجویان پسر سبک اطلاعاتی پیش بینی کننده خودتنظیمی بالا است.- سبک های اطلاعاتی و هنجاری با خودکارآمدی رابطه مثبت معنادار دارند. سبک اطلاعاتی پیش بینی کننده خودکارآمدی بالا در دختران و پسران است.- خودکارآمدی با خودتنظیمی مثبت معنادار رابطه دارد.- بین خودکارآمدی و سبک سردرگم / اجتنابی رابطه ای وجود ندارد.- بین خودکارآمدی دختران و پسران و بین سبک های هویتی آنها تفاوت وجود ندارد اما دختران نسبت به پسران از خودتنظیمی بالاتری برخوردارند.

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Subjects were 100 mangers 360 teachers that selected from Tehran's educational regions, based on takman and cluster random sampling method. Instruments in this research was include: Job street Inventory (completed by managers), and organizational Health Inventory (OHI) (completed by teachers).Ten hypotheses were examined about job street dimensions in relationship to organizational health in basis of Pearson's coefficient of correlation. The analysis of data shows there were significant relationship, high vocational turnover, multiplicity in responsibility, vocational inappropriate relationships, despotic style of high level managers with organizational health. Other dimensions of job stress haven't significant. Finding also show, three important stressor of school managers were: inequity of salary, overload inequity between. more important implication of this research is pay attention to mangers psychological needs.

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Attributive theory is one of the motivational and cognitive theories that its aim is to investigate the methods which explain people, events and incidents and follows the causative and effective relation. Attributive retraining is a kind of instruction to change attribution style of students for their success and failure. the aim of educational specialists is to help students to achieve the most adjustment possible causative results. The current research intends to examine the effect of attributive retraining in changing the attribution style as well as the educational achievement of the unsuccessful Female students of the second grade of junior high-school. The society of research included the female students studying at the second grade of junior high school in Tehran in 2005-6 (it is noticed that children's attributive style questionnaire "CASQ" which was used in this research devised for 10-13 year old children that are assigned to the second grade junior high school). for sampling 225 students in three subdivided groups were selected through multi-stage sampling (75 successful group, 75 failed in test group and 75 failed in control group). The research tools were consisted of CASQ and the school records of the students. the questionnaire was carried out in two stages. the first stage was included all students in sample group after first stage examinations and before beginning of attributive retraining program. then, the unsuccessful test group was subjected to nine sessions of attributive retraining and before second stage examinations, the attribution style questionnaire was once more carried out on unsuccessful groups. After collection of data, the research hypotheses were analyzed through t-test for independent and interrelated groups. The results indicated that the first research hypothesis based on "the more intrinsic attribution of unsuccessful students after educational failure" was not confirmed, but the other hypotheses were confirmed: Second hypothesis –Attribution of unsuccessful female students after educational failure is more sustainable. Third hypothesis –Attribution of unsuccessful female students after educational failure is more general. Fourth hypothesis – Attributive retraining affects attribution style of unsuccessful female students from the viewpoint of sustainability.fifth hypothesis – Attributive retraining affects education progress of unsuccessful female students.

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This study compared student's short term memory (visual and audio)at circadian rhythm at the different hours of a day. Method: An ex pos facto research had design, and 104 subjects (52 girls, 52boys) from two times schools (areas7& 8 ) were chosen by using method of cluster random sampling. Every sex divided into 4 groups(13,student at each group)and in different hours of a day(8,11,14.16)were tested. The data was analyzed with F and T TEST. The finding of research show that: between short term memory efficiency in two sex displayed significant difference. And boys have upper performance than girls in visual STM efficiency in. Girls were up at 16, and boys at 8 and 11.Conclusion:Biological rhythms in distribution and planning of mental activity are very important.

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In The present study the relationship between parents' marital satisfaction and conflict tactics and academic of their daughters. The sample of the study consisted of 250 mothers with their daughters. They were chosen from 20 districts in Tehran. Data were collected by means of Enrich Marital satisfaction questionnaire, strauss' conflict tactic scale and academic achievements of the students. The present study was a correlation study. In analyzing the data SPSS were employed. Results of the study indicated that:there was a positive correlation between marital satisfaction of the mothers' and the academic achievements of their children.parents' abuse conflict tactic was negatively correlated with the children's academic achievements. This conflict tactic was a good predictor of the children's low academic achievements.

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The governmental system the focus of this study  is observing if the time management questionnaire is practical reliable, valid and also presents the norm finding of it among a sample group of 400 managers working in the government in the city of Tehran. The sample were selected by non-random (accessible) method. The questionnaire was used in this study is made of 32 question .Each question is based on Likert’ s 4 item spectrum. After performing it among 50 persons and gathering the approval of experts, the content validity related evidence were extracted. Therefore, expanding the performance in a winder range became possible. After gathering data and analyzing them, the reliability coefficient of Kronbakh' s Alpha was equal to 0.774. None of the 32 question were omitted.Analyzing of the main paramenters was used because of considering structure validity, and answering to this question that "time management scale includes how many parameters. The sampling sufficiency amount was 0.772 and the Bartlet Kroit relationship was meaningful, therefore, the condition were suitable for performing the parameter analysis. The results extracting 5 parameters include: 1- discipline and time performance 2- obeying equilibrium, 3- attention to clock and time, 4- control and supervision and,5- organization. Finally for description and definition of time management scores of the managers two kinds of percentile and analytical norms have been provided.

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The aim of present research was to survey identification possibility early learning disabilities for help to high risk children by screening with Developmental scales checklist in preschool and grade one in Tehran. Screening was two stages. The stages inclusived One: teacher judgments, Two: use of Developmental scales checklist. Of the600 participating in this study, were 60 shady to LD(30preschool and30grade one) and 60 normal of peer (control group) in the 6&7educations area, that identified and selected by using the randomly sampling method. Method was survey and causal-comparison. The information were given of tests analysised by descriptive statistics (mode, median, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (t test, variance two way). The results showed that Developmental scale checklist powered to screening two grades. Performance shady to LD group in two grades was less than control group too. With re before research and Developmental delay theory, shady to LD group in two grades has delay in developmental skills, nee this group liked tiny. Then, shady to LD group can identify by utilization of normal developmental indicators before entry to school.

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The present research is mainly focused on how to standardize and prepare a short form for MMPI-2 questionaire among the university students. To do so, the sample consists of 2156 people ( 1066 male and 1099 female ) at different educational levels (A.A, B.A, M.A, and ph.D) from six different provinces. Multi-phase sampling together with an MMPI-2 questionnaire consisting of 370 questions was used to choose the said statistical population. The computer results, at first indicated 0.829 KronBach co-efficient, however, this co-efficient was reduced to 0.944 through the omission of some questions with a weak co-efficient correction. Therefore, the present research is of a considerable validity and the questions of the questionnaire have an internal harmony.To account for the number of affecting factors in the MMPI-2 short form and to evaluate it's eliability the researcher benefited from the method of factor analysis. The result of KMo equal to 0.90564 and the significance of Bartlett Test of Sphericity show the appropriateness of the factor analysis method. Regarding factor analysis, Oblimin oblique rotation, skewing diagram and explained variance percentile from among the remaining 179 questions, some 13 factors were extracted. These 13 factors, as a whole, cover 27.5 percent of the total variance of the variables, from which 17.76 belongs to first factor. The naming of the factors shows that the factors which are measured in the questionnaire are: PT, F, Ma, SC, K, Hs, Hy, PA, D, L, PD, SI, MF. To interpret the scores, a mental profile was prepared on the basis of data. Therefore, this instrument could serv as a basis for the determination of the underlying features to measure.

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