The present research is mainly focused on how to standardize and prepare a short form for MMPI-2 questionaire among the university students. To do so, the sample consists of 2156 people ( 1066 male and 1099 female ) at different educational levels (A.A, B.A, M.A, and ph.D) from six different provinces. Multi-phase sampling together with an MMPI-2 questionnaire consisting of 370 questions was used to choose the said statistical population. The computer results, at first indicated 0.829 KronBach co-efficient, however, this co-efficient was reduced to 0.944 through the omission of some questions with a weak co-efficient correction. Therefore, the present research is of a considerable validity and the questions of the questionnaire have an internal harmony.To account for the number of affecting factors in the MMPI-2 short form and to evaluate it's eliability the researcher benefited from the method of factor analysis. The result of KMo equal to 0.90564 and the significance of Bartlett Test of Sphericity show the appropriateness of the factor analysis method. Regarding factor analysis, Oblimin oblique rotation, skewing diagram and explained variance percentile from among the remaining 179 questions, some 13 factors were extracted. These 13 factors, as a whole, cover 27.5 percent of the total variance of the variables, from which 17.76 belongs to first factor. The naming of the factors shows that the factors which are measured in the questionnaire are: PT, F, Ma, SC, K, Hs, Hy, PA, D, L, PD, SI, MF. To interpret the scores, a mental profile was prepared on the basis of data. Therefore, this instrument could serv as a basis for the determination of the underlying features to measure.