This research was conducted with the aim of practicality, Reliability, and Validity Achievement Motivation Inventory among the personnel. A sample of 522 personnel was chosen from home appliance manufacturing and industrial companies in Tehran by multistage sampling. Achievement Motivation Inventory questionnaire of 170 items was given to them in order to assess their advancement motivation. Each one of the questionnaires was scored on a 7 degree spectrum, ranging from "does not apply "to" applies completely". After data collection, the correlation of each item was calculated with the total score of the collection. The coefficient of twenty items was weak and statistically unsignificant therefore were omitted. The alpha coefficient which was 0.934 for the 170 items increased to 0.967 after the omission of 20 items. For the construct validity of the questionnaire and in order to find an answer to the question "How many factors have Achievement Motivation Inventory?", the factor analysis method was used. The adequacy of KMO is equal to 0.923 and the significant of it showed us the existence of appropriate conditions for performing the factor analysis method. After omitting the above items, Other 13 items which had a factor value of less than 0.3 according to the method of Principal Component analysis and varimax rotation, by giving attention to the factor matrix and screenship graph and the percentage of explained variance from the set of 137 items, 9 factors were extracted which explain 36.8 percent of the total variance between the variables. The first factor with 69 items and the special value of 28.744 covers about 21 percent of the total variance of the variables. Results demonstrate that the 137 items collection, which include of 9 factors in this study has enough validity to assess Achievement Motivation Inventory. For evaluating another type of validity (convergent validity), the correlation between the materials of AMI questionnaire and achievement ( advancement) motivation test (: Hermanz) was calculated. The results indicate that the questionnaire has enough convergent validity. The simple structure of the factors has led to these results. The first factor with 69 items indicated tendency and pride towards advancement, The second factor with 22 items indicated bravery, The third factor with 16 items indicated the occupational self-efficience, The fourth factor with 5 items indicated perseverance, The fifth factor with 4 items indicated risk-taking, The sixth factor with 7 items indicated self-confidence, The seventh factor with 7 items indicated preference, The eighth factor with 4 items indicated the place of external sensor, The ninth factor with 4 items indicated learning enthusiasm. The categorical norm made up, in order to analyze and interpret the numbers of the sample group.