Introduction: Universities and educational institutes provide a great variety of e-learning programs toaccommodate the increasing demands for higher education. However, some specialists believe that many ofthese courses fail to meet the required standards of e-learning, thus cannot achieve the goals of implementedprograms. Therefore, regular quality assessment of e-learning programs should be carried out by educationproviders. This study aimed to assess the quality of medical education e-learning course at Mashhad Universityof Medical Science. Methods: In the first step, most important components of e-learning standards were extracted through acomprehensive literature review of previous studies and a rating scale consisting of nine elements and 173items were designed. Content validity of the scale was assured by consulting with ten different instructionaldesign experts using Lawshe's Content Validity Ratio. Reliability of this scale is also investigated by inter-raterreliability coefficient which was 88%. In the next step we provided three instructional design experts with theabove mentioned scale to collect required information for each sample lesson. Data was analyzed throughSPSS Ver 16. 0 software. Result: The elements associated with ‘ quality of contents’ and ‘ accessibility’ were satisfactory, elementsrelated to ‘ instructional design’ , ’ learning management system’ , ’ multimedia’ and ‘ student assessment’ wererelatively satisfactory, and elements associated with ‘ interaction’ , ‘ feedback’ and ‘ student support’ wereunsatisfactory. Overall, we evaluated the quality of the medical education e-learning course as relativelysatisfactory. Conclusion: Although the quality of the assessed e-learning course was relatively satisfactory, it is stillnecessary for corresponding administrators to reassess those items with an average of less than 1. 66(satisfactory level) and pay their special attentions to improvement of those items, in order to achieve betterquality of the program.