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The aim of this study was cloning of the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin in an appropriatevector for production of transgenic chicken trrough sperm mediated gene transfer. In this regard, transgenic chicken production tecnology has taken into consideration for having many advantages such asshort generation interval, the large number of production of offspring and suitable pattern of proteinglycosylation. To date, no study has been conducted on the cloning of the beta subunit of humanchorionic gonadotropin for rooster sperm. For this purpose, the hormone beta subunit were amplified by aspecific primer pairs, and cloned in T vector. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into CompetentE. coli cells and colonies that containing recombinant plasmids were selected by colony PCR. The validityof extracted plasmid were analyzed by enzyme digestion and sequencing. The beta chain of T vector wasisolated and was cloned again into pcDNA3. 1 + expression vector. The results of enzyme analysis andsequencing indicated that recombinant plasmid pCDNA3. 1 +/β hCG were cloned with the correctsequence and completely matched up with human chorionic gonadotropin beta subunit gene that can beconcluded that it has sutible structure for sperm mediated gene transfer.

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Selection of live animals with minimum carcass fat in animal breeding programs will lead to increase inmeat production at national level. The ligands of Wnt genes are of the effective factors in adipocyte celldifferentiation. This study was aimed to assess the association between polymorphisms in Wnt10a andWnt10b genes and carcass traits in 96 Afshari – Booroola Merino male lambs. In this study, DNA wasextracted from blood samples using phenol-chloroform extraction method and polymerase chain reactionwas performed for amplification a 663 bp fragment of exon III and a part of the second intron of Wnt10agene and a 512 bp fragment of exon III Wnt10b gene. The results showed a polymorphism and threemonomorphisms (a different allele compared to reference sequence of the gene) in the Wnt10a gene butall the sequences of the Wnt10b fragment were the same in studied region of the gene. Results of thesequencing lead to identification of four single nucleotide changes in Wnt10a gene in the studied areawhen compared to the reference sequence. One of the monomorphisms was in the intron and among otherthree nucleotide changes identified in exon III one was a missense in codon 139. After digestion withrestriction enzymes HpaII at this codon, it was observed that all sampled lambs had mutant homozygousgenotype compared to the reference sequence. This site was also evaluated in a number of Afshari (fattailed)and Zell (with the least fat tail) but again the same results were observed. Therefore, it seems thatin this position the G is the wild type allele in the studied population.

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Heat stress is one of the most important environmental stressors challenging poultry production worldwide, especially in warm regions such as Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran. Heat stress increases the production offree radicals in the chicken’ s body. Glutathione peroxidase plays important roles as cellular antioxidants in heatstress. The aim of this study was to conduct an analysis of the evolutionary and phylogenetic of GPX-1 in Ross 308and Khazak populations. Boold samples were collected from 10 birds selected randomly from two stocks of Khazakand Ross 308 population (5 Ross 308 and 5 Khazak birds). DNA was extracted from whole blood. PCR amplificationof 800 bp of GPX-1 was performed using one pairs of special primers. Then, PCR product sent for DNA sequencing. Sequence alignment of the GPX-1 fragment revealed a total of 9 haplotypes and 13 variable sites. Out of 13polymorphic sites, 5 were singletons. Dendrogram of phylogenetic showing genetic similarity between the twopopulations, but probably diversity within populations indicate the possibility to improve genetic changes andincrease the resistance to environmental stresses using selection. The results of genetic distance and polymorphic siteof GPX-1 in different species approved phylogenetic tree findings. Study of positive-selection process showed thatselection and evolution are playing major roles in understanding the biological function of this gene.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different doses of pistachio by-products (PBP) tannin extractsobtained by water, ethanol 70 % and methanol 80 % on the soybean meals protein protection from ruminal degradability. Soybean meal supplemented with 0. 5 and 1 % tannins of different tannin extracts of PBP. Ruminal degradability anddisappearance of dry matter and crude protein in untreated soybean meal (control) and soybean meal treated by tanninextracts (6 treatments) was determined in an in situ trial (three head of castrated Taleshi male calves) and post ruminaldisappearance was measured in DaisyII incubator. Soybean meal supplementation with 1 % tannin from water extract, 0. 5and 1 % tannin from ethanol and methanol extracts decreased the ruminal protein disappearance (P<0. 01) without anynegative effect on total gastrointestinal disappearance of dry matter and crude protein. Also, the addition of all of tanninextracts to soybean meal reduced (P<0. 01) the concentration of rapidly degradable proteins. In conclusion, the resultsshowed that tannins of water, ethanol and methanol of PBP extracts could be effective on soybean meals protein'sprotection from ruminal degradability; however, the use of tannin from water extract of PBP can be more economicaland practical.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary substitution of different levels of Maize silage (MS) withJerusalem artichoke aerials part silage (JAAPS) on feed intake, digestibility and microbial protein syntheses in twentyChall male sheep (live body weight of 65. 3± 2. 3 kg). Four iso-energetics and iso-nitrogenus diets (forage-toconcentrateratios; 64: 36) were formulated in which MS was replaced by different levels (0, 180, 360, or 540 g/kgdietary DM) of JAAPS. The diets were fed to four experimental animals groups in a completely randomized designfor a 31-days period. Dry matter intake and dry matter digestibility were 2139 g/day and 699 g/kg in control diet and2095 g/day and 697 g/kg DM in diet contains 540 g/kg DM JAAPS, respectively. The replacement of MS by JAAPSdid not affect dry matter intake and nutrients intake. Digestibility of dietary nutrients was not affected byexperimental diets. By replacing the JAAPS instead of MS, there was no significant statistical change in themicrobial protein synthesis. It is concluded that the partial substitution of MS for JAAPS, up to 540 g/kg DM, in dietof sheep has no adverse effect on feed intake and diet digestibility. So, the Jerusalem artichoke aerial parts could beused as a silage in sheep diets.

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Extract of Scrophularia striata (ES) was tested as a feed additive for improving the efficiency of ruminaldegradation of nutrients, concentration of total phenolic and flavonoid compounds and antioxidantactivity using the rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC). Twelve fermentation units (vessels) were setup for 2 experimental runs each lasting 10 d wherein the last 5 days served for sampling. Treated vesselswere supplied with no additive (Control), 10 mg/d monensin (Monensin), and 480 and 960 mg/d of ES, respectively. Both levels of ES and monensin decreased methane production expressed per gram nutrientsdegraded (P<0. 05). Production of total volatile fatty acid per gram DM and organic matter degraded washigher in ES treatments in comparison with control and Monensin (P<0. 05). The ammonia productionexpressed per gram CP degraded was lower than control only in the high level of ES supplementation(P<0. 05). The latter treatment also resulted in the highest concentration of total flavonoid, phenol liccompounds and antioxidant activity compared to other treatments (P<0. 05). Based on the present results, ES could be considered as an alternative to antibiotic for improving the efficiency of degradation, increasing ruminal antioxidant activity and decreasing methane production.

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To evaluate the effect of feeding yeast probiotic in milk or starter on growth, fecal score, health, bloodand rumen parameters, 30 female Holstein calves with average 40. 4± 1. 8 kg birth weight in TalisehNemouneh dairy farm used from 14 until 65 days old. Calves randomly divided to 3 treatments including: 1) control (without probiotic) 2) yeast probiotic in starter 3) yeast probiotic in milk. Average daily gain, body weight and feed efficiency were not significantly different between treatments. Dry matter intakewas significantly lower in treatment 2 than control (P<0. 01). Digestibility of feed nutrients, ammonianitrogen concentration, rumen fluid pH and blood parameters did not affected by treatments. Fecal scoreand health in treatment 2 and 3 were better than control. Generally, calves were fed with yeast probioticin milk had the best fecal score and health.

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The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of probiotic and peribiotic supplements onperformance of Holstein dairy cows. For this purpose, 40 Holstein dairy cows with daily milk productionof 33 ± 0/8 kg and initial weight 700 ± 40 kg were divided into four groups in a completely randomizeddesign. The experimental treatments consisted: 1-control group (basic diet) 2-probiotic group (base diet+ 4 gr probiotic per head per day) 3-prebiotic group (base diet + 14 gr perbiotypes per Ross per day) 4-Synbiotic group (base diet + 4 gr probiotic + 14 gr perbiotic per head per day). The results of thisexperiment showed that there was a significant difference between the average duration of chewing, rumination and eating among different diets (P <0. 05). The most duration of chewing, rumination andeating belonged to the group that consumed probiotics and had a significant difference with other groups(P <0. 05). Probiotics consumption increased the amount of daily milk production, milk production with3. 5% fat and milk production with 4% fat, and a significant difference (P <0. 05) with the control group(basal diet without additive). Feed efficiency increased in supplementary rations and resulted in a betterperformance of probiotic diets. Health indicators, consistency and fluidity of stool in supplementary dietshave also improved.

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The effect of two thyme species hydroalcoholic extracts and flavomycin on nutrients digestibility andantioxidant status of male broilers was assessed in a 42-day trial using 128-day-old Ross 308 chicks byemploying a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replicates. The experimentaltreatments consisted of control, 0. 05 percent Thymus daenensis extract, 0. 05 percent T. kotschyanusextract and 0. 1 percent flavomycin. Throughout the experiment, the chickens on flavomycin diet had abetter weight gain and feed conversion ratio (P<0. 05). Although thyme diets had no effect on weightgain, the birds on diet containing T. daenensis extract had better feed conversion ratio than those on thecontrol diet (P<0. 05). The jejunal villus height and villus height to crypt depth ratio increased in birds fedwith diets containing T. daenensis extract and flavomycin (P<0. 05). However, villus surface area ofjejunum was increased in birds on diets containing the additives (P<0. 05). Feeding chickens with dietscontaining T. daenensis extract and flavomycin decreased the thickness of muscle layer of jejunum(P<0. 05). Digestibility of dry matter and organic matter was increased by T. kotschyanus extract andflavomycin (P<0. 05). Nitrogen retention was increased in birds fed with all additives (P<0. 05). Theactivity of blood superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in birds receiving thyme extract washigher than those of the control group (P<0. 05). Malondialdehyde of thigh meat declined in birdsreceiving diets containing T. kotschyanus extract in comparison with other treatments (P<0. 05). Based onthe results of the study such as improved feed conversion ratio, intestinal mucosal morphometry and bodyimmune status parameters, application of 0. 05 percent T. daenensis extract can be suggested as a growthpromoter in broiler diets.

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The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of clove essential oil nanoemulsion (CEON) onperformance of broiler chickens fed wheat-based diet. A total of 280 day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308, mix sex) were used in a completely randomized design with seven treatments and four replicats. Theexperimental treatments were; 1-control, 2-control supplemented with enzyme (En), 3-controlsupplemented with 200 mg/kg clove essential oil (CEO) and 4 to 7 were control supplemented with 200, 150, 100 and 50 mg/kg of CEON, respectively. The results of this experiment showed that in the wholerearing period, the feed intake and body weight gain of birds fed diets supplemented with 200 mg/kgCEON decreased significantly compared with control and En treatments (P≤ 0. 05). In the whole period ofexperiment, chicks fed diets supplemented with CEO and 50 mg/kg CEON had better feed conversionratio compared with control group (P≤ 0. 05). Serum triglyceride concentration decreased significantly inchicks fed diets containing different levels of CEON compared to En treatment (P≤ 0. 05). Relative weightof bursa increased in chicks fed diets containing CEO and 200 mg/kg CEON in comparison with controltreatment. Supplementation broiler diets with CEO and 200, 150 and 100 mg/kg CEON decreasedsignificantly Escherichia coli populations of cecal content (P≤ 0. 05). According to the results of thisexperiment, supplementation broiler wheat-based diets with CEON may decrease Escherichia colipopulations of cecal content.

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The insulin resistance and glucose, insulin, IGF-1 metabolism (somatotropic axis performance) wereinvestigated in cows to receive (4 g yeast/d/head) (Probio-Sacc® , BioChem, GmbH, Germany) or notreceive live yeast supplement from 21 d before expected date of calving under the hot months of summer(THI = 82). Two groups of 6 periparturient Holstein cows were fed a diet without or with 4 g yeast/d/head(15*109 CFU/g) starting 21 d prepartum through 8 weeks postpartum to investigate the changes of bloodconcentrations of glucose, insulin, IGF-1 and glucose tolerance test (GTT). On d 60 postpartum, greaterblood levels of glucose, insulin and insulin-like growth factor I were found in cows receiving yeastsupplement than those receiving no yeast (P<0/05). Probiotic had not significant effect on GTT test. Overall, it appears that Probiotics would beneficially improve the blood concentrations of glucose, insulin, IGF-1 in day 60 postpartum (on DFS day) and improve somatotropic axis of dairy cows duringthe heat stress. Probiosac probiotic had positive effects on somatotropic axis and animal performance. It’ scan be a good solution to increase dairy cow’ s performance in heat stress condition.

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This study was conducted to investigate the differentiation potential of equine adipose-derivedmesenchymal stem cell into bone in single-dimensional culture system (in plastic tissue culture) and inthree-dimensional system (on poly-l-lactic acid scaffolds; PLLA). A porous structure that allows use ofthree-dimensional distribution and provides optimal growth of cells is of great clinical significance in thefield of tissue engineering. In current study using equine adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), we intendedto compare the osteogenic differentiation potential of PLLA nanofibrous scaffold with tissue cultureplastic (TCP). Adipose tissues were collected from 3 adult horses, and ASCswere isolated by enzymaticdigestion. PLLA nanofibrous scaffold was successfully prepared using a phase separation method. Viability and growth characteristics of ASCs on TCP and scaffold were investigated by tetrazolium(MTT) based colorimetric assay. Alizarin Red staining was performed for determination of calciumdeposition following osteogenic differentiation. Furthermore, other common osteogenic markers such asalkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and calcium content were also analyzed. Our data showed that thePLLA scaffold had no detrimental effect on the cell growth rate as evaluated by MTT assay. However, ASCs that differentiated on PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds indicated higher ALP activity and more calciumcontent than that on TCP. Adequate proliferation rate and higher expression of osteogenic markers ofstem cells cultured on PLLA nanofibrous scaffolds provide this scaffold as a suitable substrate to supportproliferation and differentiation of ASCs in equine.

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