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In order to investigate the effects of Galbanum essential oil (GEO) and xylanase on performance and intestinal microflora of broiler chicken, a total of 160 one-day old chicks (Ross 308 strain) were assigned to four dietary treatments based on a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement. The factors were xylanase (0 and 0. 2 gr/kg of diet) and GEO (0 and 0. 1 gr/kg of diet). During the experimental periods (0-10 d, 11-24 d and 25-42 d), body weight gain (BWG), feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured. At days 21 and 42 of age two chicks from each replicate were slaughtered to determine carcass characteristic and ileal microbial populations of E. coli and Lactobacillus. Adding enzymes to the diet increased BWG in growing period and improved FCR in the growing and in the entire period of the experiment. At 21 day of age, GEO supplementation alone or GEO and xylanase combinations significantly (p<0. 05) decreased E. coli and increased Lactobacillus counts (p<0. 05). In general, a mixture of xylanase and GEO can be used to improve the production performance of broiler chickens.

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The effect of feeding ensiled licorice pulp with different levels of waste date was investigated on ruminal fermentation parameters, blood parameters and microbial protein synthesis on four male mature Raeini goats. The experiment was designed as a 4×4 Latin square design with four 21 days periods. Licorice pulp was mixed with 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% of wasted date without stone and ensiled in 40 L containers for 45 days. Experimental diets were: 1. control (20 % ensiled Licorice pulp without wasted date), 2. 20% ensiled licorice pulp with 5% wasted date, 3. 20 % ensiled licorice pulp with 10% wasted date, and 4. 20% ensiled licorice pulp with 15% wasted date. The results showed that ensiling licorice pulp with different levels of wasted date significantly increased DM and fleig point linearly (p<0. 05). By increasing the level of wasted date in silages, the population of cellulolytic protozoa, triglyceride, albumin and blood creatinine levels were significantly increased (p<0. 05). Mean of total purine excretion in goats fed ensiled licorice pulp including 10% and 15% wasted date were significantly higher than control (p<0. 05). The microbial protein synthesis was significantly lower in control group than other treatments (p<0. 05). In conclusion, ensiled licorice pulp with wasted date can be used as a valuable feed for livestock nutrition.

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This study was conducted to estimate the linkage disequilibrium (LD) and determine haplotype blocks structure in 93 Sarabi cows using 40k SNP-chip of Illumina company. After genotyping and quality control, 27386 SNP markers on autosomal chromosomes remained for further analyze. The LD was measured by r2 and D' statistics. The average of r2 and D' for range less than 2. 5 kb were maximum with 0. 505 and 0. 927, respectively. The average of r2 and D' in range of 2-5 Mb were minimum with 0. 064 and 0. 486, respectively. In total, 582 haplotype blocks were observed in the genome of Sarabi cows. About 6. 73% SNPs from all of SNPs and 0. 83% (21. 43 Mb) of the autosomal genome were covered by the haplotype blocks. Population effective size was estimated about 40 that return to four generations ago. The low number of haplotype blocks and also low LD level in Sarabi cow population indicates high variation in this local breed. In refer to the results and the number of haplotype blocks in this breed, applying the haplotype blocks could improve results and high precision on genomic selection studies. So, it is recommended that in application of genomic selection using haplotype blocks is more beneficial than single SNP markers.

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The aim of this study was to examine use of Prosopis julifora pods (PJP) in lactating goats (twenty lactating Tali goats with body weight mean of 34± 2. 5 kg) diet. Goats were divided in two groups )ten heads per each), one group with control diet and the other group with Prosopis julifora and fed for 12 weeks. Diets were prepared based on goats’ requirements from both forage and concentrate with equal proportion. PJP rate in total experimental diet was 19. 25%. Animals were weighed individually the beginning of the trial and every two weeks until the end of period. Their weight changes were calculated. Also, their weekly milk production rate and milk compositions were determined. The average daily milk yield and milk fat percent in fed goats with control diet and PJP diet was 550 and 570g, and 3. 24% and 2. 39%, respectively that weren’ t statistically different. Milk compositions (fat, protein, ash, solid material and solid material without fat) weren’ t affected by the diet. The body weight during experimental period, also between two groups was not different statistically. Total cost of feed and milk production of fed goats with 20% PJP diet was cheaper than control group. Therefore, PJP can be used as a feedstuff up to 20 % in lactating goats’ diet and reduce nutrition cost.

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The effect of medicinal plant of Cynara scolymus (artichokes) were studied on ascites syndrome, systolic blood pressure and blood parameters in broiler chickens using a total of 400 one-day-old Ross 308 in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments, 4 replicates and 20 chicks in each replicate, up to 42 d under cold temperature condition. Experimental treatments were control (basal diet), antibiotic (basal diet plus 0. 0015% antibiotic virginiamycin), aspirin (basal diet plus 0. 2% aspirin powder) and two basal diets containing 1% and 2% artichoke powder. The results showed that feed intake and body weight were increased and feed conversion rate was decreased in artichoke powder received groups in comparison with other treatment (p<0. 05). Systolic blood pressure, red blood cell count, total mortality and mortality due to ascites percent were less than control in birds fed on rations containing artichoke (p<0. 05). Antibiotic and aspirin treatments had no effect on performance parameters (p>0. 05). A significant decrease was observed in mortality due to ascites in Aspirin treated groups in comparison with control group (p<0. 05). According to these the results, dietary inclusion of artichoke up to 2% in the broiler diets improved performance parameters and reduced mortality due to ascites under cold temperature condition.

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In order to investigate the effect of fresh whole garlic bulb (FGBP) on production index, immune system and carcass characteristics of Arian broiler strain, 592 day-old male broiler chicks were studied during 42 days in two independent experiments. The first experiment was conducted under normal temperature condition (NTC) with 4 treatments, 4 replicates and 21 birds per replicate and second experiment was conducted under cold temperature condition (CTC) with 4 treatments, 4 replicates and 16 birds per replicate based on a balanced completely randomized design. The treatments were basal diet without FGBP (control group), and basal diet containing 0. 5%, 1% and 1. 5% FGBP, respectively, under both NTC and CTC. The highest level of body weight gain and production index were related to treatment of basal diet with 0. 5% FGBP treatment under both NTC and CTC (p<0. 01). The experimental diets had no effect on daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio under NTC and CTC. The experimental treatments had no effect on immune system under NTC, but 0. 5% FGBP treatment significantly reduced the heterophile: lymphocyte ratio under CTC (p<0. 01). The treatments had no effect on carcass relative weight and carcass cuts relative weight under both NTC and CTC. The malondialdehyde content of fresh breast meat was lower in FGBP treatments than control group (p<0. 01) under both NTC and CTC. The results of the current experiment showed that under CTC, incorporation of 0. 5% FGBP in the diet of broiler chickens is recommendable.

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In order to survey slow release mineral-vitamin boluses effects on reproductive performance, wool and follicle structure characteristics of Farahani sheep, 60 head ewes were divided into two control and treatment groups. Control group didn't receive any mineral-vitamin supplement. The treatment group received slow release mineral-vitamin boluses 15 days before mating. The reproductive performance includes pregnancy rate, lambing rate, abortion rate, weaned rate and means values of fleece weight, staple length, fiber diameter and tenacity of two groups of ewes and secondary to primary follicle ratio (S/P) in treating ewes and their lambs in relation to the control group were evaluated and statistical differences between them were tested. The results indicated that the slow release mineral-vitamin boluse hadn't significant effect (p<0. 05) on pregnancy rate, lambing rate, abortion rate, fleece weight, staple length, fiber diameter and tenacity, but lamb weaned rate and S/P follicle ratio of lambs was affected (p<0. 05) by this boluse. Results showed that mineral-vitamin supplementation could improve reproductive performance of ewes and the follicular ratio of their lambs.

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This study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary supplemental guanidinoacetic acid and betaine on performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality and thyroid hormones of broilers subjected to cold stress. Based on a 2×2 factorial arrangement, 384 day-old male broiler chicks (Cobb) were randomly distributed between four experimental diets (with 8 replicates and 12 birds per replicate) included basal diet (as control) and the basal diet supplemented with 1200 mg/kg guanidinoacetic acid; 600 mg/kg betaine and 1200 mg/kg guanidinoacetic acid + 600 mg/kg betaine. In order to create cold stress, on 21th day all birds were subjected to a low temperature (12-15° C), which was remained constant until the end of the experiment. According to results, increase in breast meat was observed in birds fed guanidinoacetic acid-included diet. Significant increase in lightness (L*) and redness (a*) of meat color were detected in birds fed diets supplemented with guanidinoacetic acid and betaine. Decrease in crud fat percentage of breast meat was detected in birds fed the betaine-included diet. The meat pH decreased by time. Increase in meat pH was observed in birds fed the betaine-included diet. In conclusion, improving yield and decreasing crud fat percentage of breast meat were observed in birds fed the guanidinoacetic acid-and betaine-included diets, respectively. Color indices of broiler breast meat was improved by diet supplementation with guanidinoacetic acid and betaine.

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This study was carried out for identification of deletions, insertions (INDELs) and assessment of their related functional groups in two Iranian dromedary camels (Yazdi camel and Trodi camel) using whole genome sequencing data. In this study, two powerful variant callers (GATK and SAMtools) were used to increase precision and accuracy of detected INDELs. Finally, common identified variants between two programs, after quality filtration, were considered as final INDELs. The present study led to identification of 351429 INDELs for Yazdi camel and 341479 INDELs for Trodi camel. Annotated INDELs that classified as high impact INDELs were used for further analysis. The numbers of high impact INDELs were 3424 and 3506 for Yazdi and Trodi camels, respectively. To compare Iranian camels with non-Iranian camels, we used whole genome sequencing data of one African origin camel. Comparison of high impact INDELs between three samples showed that 1595 INDELs were common between them. Assessment of gene ontology’ s results showed that many of significant terms are related to the ability of camels to withstand serve desert conditions.

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This research was conducted in Animal Science Research Institute of Iran for determination of the effects of tanning method of ostrich skin on chemical characteristics of the leather. A total number of 12 pieces of ostrich hide prepared and each four skin pieces assigned to each of chrome, vegetable and alum tanning methods. Chemical characteristics of leathers included fat content, water-soluble matter, water-soluble organic matter, sulphated water-insoluble ash, minerals, nitrogen, protein and pH were determined. Amount of fat in vegetable leathers was higher than chrome and alum leathers but water-soluble material, water-soluble organic material and sulphated water-insoluble ash in alum and vegetable leathers were the same and higher than chrome leathers. In addition, higher amounts of nitrogen, protein and pH measured in chrome, alum and vegetable leathers, respectively. 6% and 4% increase of fat and decrease in nitrogen, protein and pH in vegetable leathers is considerable compared with alum and chrome leathers. Significant positive correlation among fat with water soluble material, sulphated water-insoluble ash and negative correlation with nitrogen and protein in different leathers were observed. There was higher correlation between mineral of the leather with all of the chemical characters other than pH. Due to some different chemical characters of the leather for vegetable tanning method, practical evaluations are imperative using effective material and optimization of the method. Moreover, in spite of probable risks for the environment and tanning workers, the chrome method is the most appropriate method of ostrich skin tanning yet.

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of raw and/or autoclaved grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L. ) seed in diet on performance and egg quality of laying hens. Three hundred and thirty-six Leghorn laying hens strain W-36 at 87 week of age were assigned in a completely randomize designed (CRD) experiment with 7 treatments, 6 replicates and 8 birds each. The experimental treatments included corn-soybean meal (control) diet, and 8%, 16% and 24% dietary levels of either raw or autoclaved grass pea grain. The experiment lasted for 12 weeks. Feed consumption, egg production percentage and egg mass of hens fed diets containing different levels of raw and autoclaved grass pea grain were significantly lower and their feed conversion ratio was significantly higher than those fed control diet. The autoclaving of grass pea grain resulted in significant increase in performance and eggshell quality indices in birds fed diets containing 16 and 24% grass pea grain. Although autoclaving of grass pea grain reduced the negative effect of its replacement in the diet on performance and egg characteristics, however, it could not compensate the reduction in performance. According to the results of this experiment, the utilization of raw grass pea grain is not recommended in laying hen diets. Also, autoclaving process alone can’ t destroy the anti-nutritional factors present in grass pea grain.

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The effect of licorice extract (LE), probiotic, antifungal and boiler litter biochar on performance of broiler chickens fed aflatoxin B1 contaminated diet was investigated using 350 Ross broiler chickens. The trail was conducted in a completely randomized design with 7 treatments (negative control, basal diet without aflatoxin and additives), positive control (basal diet + 1 mg aflatoxin B1 and without additives) and 5 other treatments were positive control with LE (3 and 6 g/kg), Protexin probiotic (0. 5 gr), Agrabond (0. 5 gr/kg) and biochar toxin binder (10 g/kg)) and 5 replicates (10 birds in each replicate). The result showed that aflatoxin B1 lowered body weight gain and breast relative weight and increased FCR and abdominal fat of broilers (p < 0. 05). Broilers fed negative control, 3 g/kg LE and biochar containing diets during the growing period and birds fed negative control and 3 g/kg LE during the entire period had higher BW and lower FCR as compared to other groups (p< 0. 05). Negative control diet decreased breast relative weight and tight meat crude protein percent, while all of the additives led to improving these traits since the highest relative weight of breast and tight meat crude protein percent were observed in probiotic and biochar groups respectively (p< 0. 05). The highest serum total protein was seen in broilers fed negative control and 3 g/kg LE diets while the lowest serum uric acid was observed in broilers fed negative control, 6 g/kg LE, Agrabond and biochar diets (p< 0. 05). In conclusion, licorice extract and broiler litter biochar additives decreased adverse effects of aflatoxin B1 on broiler chickens performance.

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The effect of different sources of Se, together with flaxseed on performance, egg physical qualities and some serum biochemical parameters in laying hens was investigated. In a completely randomized design, 384 "Hy-Line W 36" hens (50 wks of age) were assigned to a 3×4 factorial arrangement comprising four replicates of eight for ten weeks. Birds received three basal diets containing 0%, 5% and 10% of flaxseed, supplemented with no Se and one mg/kg of Se from sodium selenite, Se-enriched yeast and seleno-hydroxy-methionine (Selisseo). Inclusion of flaxseed decreased egg weight and egg mass (p<0. 05). Albumen index and Haugh unit were lowest with flaxseed at 10% and sodium selenite as well as selisseo (p<0. 05). Serum triglyceride appeared lowest with no flaxseed and total cholesterol reduced with Se-enriched yeast (p<0. 05), while the diet without flaxseed and with no selenium resulted in the lowest total cholesterol (p<0. 05). The lowest serum MDA and highest TAC appeared with diet containing Selisseo with no flaxseed (p<0. 05). Flaxseed at 5% level turned out to increase MDA and decrease the activity of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (p<0. 05), whereas, Selisseo resulted in highest activity of these two enzymes in serum as well as TAC (p<0. 05). In conclusion, Se could be applied at one mg/kg of diet, with no negative effect on performance and the organic supplements, particularly Selisseo, which improve antioxidant status of birds, can be taken into consideration.

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To evaluate the effect of cobalt source and level on blood parameters and performance, 30 indigenous breed male goat kids of 3-5 months age, with an average BW of 17. 8± 2. 5 kg were assigned to five treatments in a completely randomized design: 1. Basal diet containing 0. 076 mg Co/kg DM (Control), 2. basal diet + 0. 25 mg Co/kg DM as Co-sulphate (sulphate 0. 25), 3. basal diet + 0. 5 mg Co/kg DM as Co-sulphate (sulphate 0. 5), 4. basal diet + 0. 25 mg Co/kg DM as co-glucoheptonate (glucoheptonate 0. 25), 5. basal diet + 0. 5 mg Co/kg DM as Co-glucoheptonate (glucoheptonate 0. 5). Goat kids receiving 0. 5 ppm of Co from glucoheptonate had higher DMI compared to control. Final body weight and average daily gain was affected by the level of Co supplement and was significantly higher in 0. 5 ppm receiving treatments. However, feed conversion ratio did not differ significantly between treatments and differences were only numerical. Cobalt supplements affected serum glucose and vitamin B12 and the highest difference was for glucoheptonate 0. 5 treatment. Although the glucoheptonate 0. 5 treatment differed significantly with control, there were no significant differences with other treatments. Cobalt treatments had no significant effect on serum biochemical and hematological parameters. In general, the level of cobalt had a significant effect on goat performance given that higher levels of cobalt caused greater dry matter intake and average daily gain. The results of the present study showed that the requirement level of 0. 07 mg/d for goats is marginally adequate and the organic Co source performed better in the rumen for vitamin B12 synthesis and consequently glucoseand goat performance was better at 0. 5 as compared to 0. 25 mg Co/Kg DM.

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In order to determine the prediction equations for apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) of Iranian wheat, this experiment was conducted at two different ages of broiler chicks in 2014. At first, chemical composition including dry matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract of 16 widely used Iranian wheat cultivars were measured in the laboratory. To measure AMEn content of these cultivars at 10 and 24 days, 6 and 4 mixed sex ROSS 308 broilers per each treatment were used, respectively. At these ages, the samples from the excreta and the contents of ileum were collected. Afterwards multiple regression equations for predicting wheat AMEn content were determined by SPSS software and stepwise method. The results showed that the AMEn estimation equations determined by sampling of excreta at two ages of 10 and 24 days were AMEn = 37. 855 × NFE and AMEn = 43. 494 × NFE and by sampling of ileum content were AMEn = 41. 173 × NFE and AMEn = 42. 224 × NFE, respectively. Thus, using theses equations is recommended at the time of diet formulation for grower and finisher phases of broiler chicken.

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