The aim of this study was to investigate and compare attributional and resiliency style in students suffering from specific learning disorders, blindness and normal students. Ninety male and female students (30 students with learning disabilities, 30 blind students and 30 normal students) participated in the study are from Sari city. All participants were asked to complete the attributive style questionnaire and resiliency questionnaire. Data Analysis involved both descriptive and inferential statistics including means, standard deviations, multivariate analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The result of the data analysis showed that regarding inner - outer attributions, temporary - stable attribution, total - special attribution, and resiliency, students suffering from learning disabilities and blindness are significantly different from the normal students. In this regard, students have more pessimistic attributional style and less resiliency in comparison to the normal students. Moreover, the multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that attributive styles can predict changes in the resiliency. The overall findings of the study showed that students with learning disabilities and blind students have more worrying conditions in terms of personality and compatibility issues than has normal students. So they need more Psychological services and attention.