Dissertation abstract includes: summary, objectives, research methods and findings. The main concern of this study is to assess the relationship between good governance and media ethics from the students' perspective. The indicators of good governance include "accountability", "transparency", "rule of law", "participation", "responsibility", "social consensus", "efficiency and effectiveness" and "fairness and justice". It should be stated that the criteria for media ethics include "independence", "tolerance", "objectivity" , "responsibility", " telling truth", "deception avoidance", "national identity" and "accountability" .The method of this research is survey and the its population include All professors of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz.The research findings showed that accountability, transparency, social consensus, efficiency and effectiveness, rule of law, participation, fairness and justice and responsibility indicators were realized. It also showed that the criteria such as national identity, tolerance, independence, deception avoidance, accountability, objectivity, telling truth and responsibility, were respected by the press. The test variable also showed that social consensus, rule of law, fairness and justice, responsibility, efficiency and effectiveness, accountability, transparency and participation's indicators were affected by the media. In addition, the objectivity telling, truth, deception avoidance, tolerance, accountability, responsibility, national identity and independence, are correlated with achieving good governance respectively. The results also showed that the media ethics and good governance communication pattern is very similar with real and actual data pattern. Since the goodness of fit indices amount is equal to 0.08, one can claim that the model is fitted to an acceptable reality.