Purpose: Test anxiety is one of the common problems among students, which, in addition to creating educational problems, causes behavioral problems among them. Exam anxiety is associated with several factors and there are various methods in this regard. According to the performed examinations, all so the factors associated with the test anxiety are students' procrastination Resilience Programs and Educational boredom in Students. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of various programs (optimism, emotional regulation and mindfulness) in reducing the procrastination Resilience Programs and Educational boredom in Students with anxiety tests. Materials and Methods: Anxiety. This study is a experimental pre-test, post-test with control group. The statistical population includes all male high school students of Turkmenchay who study in year's of 95-96 that includ453 students. After performing Sternberg's anxiety test on students and identifying people who had high scores that include 100 students, they were also interviewed for diagnosis. after interviewed, 92 students as a experimental sampel selected and as a final sampel remaind 83students before collapse. Of the following, four groups were selected after the examination and implementation of the test and the interview. They were randomly selected in the groups and a pre-test was performed on the students' procrastination and Educational boredom Resilience rate. In this regard, each group was exposed to one of the methods of optimistic learning, mindfulness, and excitement. There was no training for the control group. After 8 sessions, the training program of each group was compared with each other and the control group. The results of the pretest and posttest groups were compared to the students' fluctuations and analyzed through multivariate covariance analysis and bonferroni test using software (SSPS). in this research used Solomon& Rothblum (1984) Academic procrastination scal and Connor& Davidson(2003) resilience scal and Reijseger&co worker (2013) boredom scale and the training program are Gratz& Gunderson, (2006) emotion regulation and Seligman(2009)optimism training program and Bowen, Chawala & Marlatt (2011), Mindfulness-based training According to the results, The results of the pretest and posttest groups were compared to the students' fluctuations and analyzed through multivariate covariance analysis using software (SSPS). Findings: In the present study, the results show the effectiveness of the three methods of training in decreasing procrastination, and effectiveness of the optimistic learning and mindfulness technique in decreasing boredom, but neither of the three methods of training nor the effectiveness in increasing academic resilience of student Conclusion: The results of this study show that the effectiveness of optimism training programs, emotional regulation and mindfulness in decreasing procrastination is the subject of this study. However, as discussed in the first chapter, these methods have not been compared with each other. In the present study, the results show the effectiveness of the three methods of training in decreasing procrastination, but among these methods, the method of training for emotional regulation is the most significant difference in mean, the greatest effect, and then the optimism method and, finally, mindfulness, and effectiveness of the optimistic learning and mindfulness technique in decreasing boredom, but neither of the three methods of training nor the effectiveness in increasing academic resilience of student. .