Clinical education can be considered as a learning Facilitator activity in clinical environment where the instructor and students participate equally, and its aim is to make assessable educational changing in the clinical arena. This cross-sectional study was done with the aim of assessment and analysis of Nursing Education Challenges in the clinical arena in domains of goals and educational programs, educator, educational environment, encountering with students, controlling and evaluating on all nursing students (n=64) studied during the fourth educational year; the most participants were 53.6% female students; 76.8% single; at age of 22-24 years; 51.8% in 8th semester; 48.2% in 7th semester; and 77.4 of their scores average was 14 to 17. Afterwards, data were analyzed by SPSS19.Furthermore, the result showed that the domain of instructor was the most desirable (48.1%), while educational environment and controlling and evaluating section were the most unfavorable (51.9%); in general, participants indicated that clinical education status was 33.9% desirable, 62.5% moderate and 3.6% undesirable. In other words, the majority of students expressed moderate status of clinical education. According to the results, facilities improvement, clinical environment equipment, tools revising and evaluation process are recommended.