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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Clinical education can be considered as a learning Facilitator activity in clinical environment where the instructor and students participate equally, and its aim is to make assessable educational changing in the clinical arena. This cross-sectional study was done with the aim of assessment and analysis of Nursing Education Challenges in the clinical arena in domains of goals and educational programs, educator, educational environment, encountering with students, controlling and evaluating on all nursing students (n=64) studied during the fourth educational year; the most participants were 53.6% female students; 76.8% single; at age of 22-24 years; 51.8% in 8th semester; 48.2% in 7th semester; and 77.4 of their scores average was 14 to 17. Afterwards, data were analyzed by SPSS19.Furthermore, the result showed that the domain of instructor was the most desirable (48.1%), while educational environment and controlling and evaluating section were the most unfavorable (51.9%); in general, participants indicated that clinical education status was 33.9% desirable, 62.5% moderate and 3.6% undesirable. In other words, the majority of students expressed moderate status of clinical education. According to the results, facilities improvement, clinical environment equipment, tools revising and evaluation process are recommended.

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There is an urgent need to change medical education program based on community needs that caused to reform medical educational program. The aim of this study was to determine student's attitude to community oriented education at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2013. This descriptive cross sectional study performed on 130 fourth term medical students. The instrument was a self-rated questionnaire including 13 attitude and 5 demographic questions. For evaluation of construct validity, factor analysis was performed; and comparison of groups was done by ANOVA and t tests; level of significance also was considered P<0.05.120 members of students participated in the study (response rate 92.3%), 57.6% were female and their age ranged from 20 to 23 years. The mean (Standard Deviation) of overall attitude score, score of holistic health care scope, and score of the importance and need of community oriented education was 3.86 (0.74), 3.97 (0.80) and 3.69 (0.86), respectively, that all of them were higher in compare with mid score (mean score between one to fine) (p<0.001); moreover, the overall attitude score and scores of the two scopes were higher in females (p<0.001), but the difference between age groups was not significant (p>0.05). This study suggests the positive attitude of student in holistic health care, and the importance and need of community oriented education.

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Different methods are used for teachers' evaluation; one of these methods is using students comment. Despite development of educational evaluation by students, it doesn' t exist a positive attitude for this process because of different factors affection. This study was conducted to investigate factors affecting teachers' evaluation from students' viewpoint and its relation with educational achievement. In this descriptive analytical study, 554 participants studying at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences in 2013 were selected using simple random sampling. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data which consisted of 37 questions with Likert scale ranging from very high to very low rating of 1 to 5, respectively.Questions included five areas of teaching skills (7 items), teacher's personality characteristics (16 items), students’ personality characteristics and attitudes (6 items), physical characteristics and time course (4 items), and evaluation process at university (4 items). Content validity of the questionnaire determined by respective experts, and its reliability was calculated 0.73 through chronbach's alpha test. Affecting factors on teaching skills and students' personality fields with teachers evaluation and educational achievement were not significantly related. Although, result showed that students' personal characteristics and attitude besides time of course presentation were factors that had significant relationship with students educational achievement in their teachers evaluation (p=0.04, p=0.37). Regarding no significant relationship of teaching skills and teachers' personal characteristics with students educational achievement, it seems that students' scientific level in teachers evaluation is ineffective factor, therefore, factors affecting teachers evaluation can be reduced by altering forms and educational curriculum.

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In recent years, physical examination skills are increasingly important in the healthcare professions, and effective and sustainable learning of these skills has been one of the maingoals of medical education. This study aimed to determine student's satisfaction and learning by blended education of physical examination course. This action research study was accomplishedon 15 second semester of medical emergencies students studied at the first semester of academic year in 2013-2014 at Jahrom University of Medical Sciences; all students participated in course of physical exam that educated through blended education. Afterwards, student's satisfaction about blended education was assessed with valid and reliable questionnaire (a=0.9); and for evaluating student learning, the participants' scores were compared with the scores of students taught in the previous year, whom was educated with conventional training methods. Therefore, the result of the study showed that all students were satisfied with the implementation of blended education, and agreed and completely agreed with items such as using educational videos makes theoretical content and how to do skills more tangible, and with peer education increases their motivation to learn how to exam. Significant difference in students' scores with blended education and conventional teaching were commonly observable (df=40, t=-2.96, p=0.005); moreover, conventional education illustrated higher scores than that obtained by students in blended education. Combining various methods of education in addition to considering the facilitation role of peers in increasing student satisfaction will promote the ir motivation to learn provided training.

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The main purpose of this study was to make a causal model of trust and organizational silence to managers' commitment to university. This study was a descriptive-correlation research and statistical population consisted of all students (n=215) selected through random sampling method at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences during an academic year in 1392-93. Research tools included trust-in-managers questionnaire by Forsite and Adams (2004), organizational silence questionnaire by Brinsfield (2009) and Queen (2000) that were distributed between the sample after calculating their validity and reliability; moreover, data was analyzed through Path Analysis method based on Baron & Keni (1986). Afterwards, results of the research showed that students' trust in managers was a significant negative predictor of some aspects of students' silence, while it considered as a significant positive predictor of commitment to university; in addition, silence variables such as acquiescent Silence and deviant Silence significantly anticipated the rate of commitment to university negatively; how much the confidence to directors is higher, therefore, students are less silent and freely express their ideas and constructive comments in a healthy environment; the more trust in the organization, then the less silence of students. Consequently, Educational administrators are responsible for promoting confidence among students that would be certainly a commitment to maintain the goals and mission of higher education.

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Human resources are the most important resources that managers can use to achieve the goals they strive. The necessity of proper human resource management is to identify the factors affecting the performance of these resources. In this study, some of the factors affecting the operation productivity of human resource and its management solutions were investigated in 1st half of 1393 at Education department of Bam University. To test the research hypotheses, the required information by the questionnaire was obtained from a total 99 samples by random sampling method. The results showed among the factors affecting the efficiency of human resources, those related to leadership style by achieving an average score of 4.383 from the 5 consided as the most important one, while those related to the environment and the physical environment by achieving an average score of 2.959 from the 5 were the least important in improving the productivity of managers and employees. By this classification, employee empowerment, personal factors, factors related to organizational culture and reward systems were ranked at second to fourth. According to Meyer's findings, the absence of review of the appropriate attitude and failure to provide practical training in order to improve to productivity and efficiency of human resources management was known as the most important obstacles.Among the strategies affecting the efficiency improvement, planning to change and creating a positive attitude in terms of productivity and improvement of human resources was achieved the most important remedy.

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Nowadays in contrast to previous decades that man was distinguished as a 3-dimensional being consist of biology, psych and society, then a 4th dimension added and that is moral aspect of human. In addition, Religion plays an impressive role in life of every member of society especially students. As success and failing in education is one of the scales that shows the effectiveness of educational system; so finding the effective variables on educational performance leads to better cognition and prediction of variables in educational system.Furthermore, many investigations showed that happiness and religious beliefs lead to educational progress. Hence, present study was held in 1392 among 200 medical students accepted between 1386 to 1st academic semester in 1391 in analytic epidemiologic way at Ahwaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Research material consisted of 2questionnaires including Religious Tendency and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, and mean of2 previous semesters averages were used. Afterwards, this data was analysed by SPSS and used Pearson correlation coefficient in order to evaluate relationship between variables.Consequently, findings showed that religious beliefs and educational success among girls were more than boys. Between happiness and religious beliefs in two genders, men and women, and between educational success and religious beliefs just among women were realized a positive significant relationship. Findings, therefore, indicated that we can help educational success in medical students specially women by enhancing religious beliefs although, besides by participating in religious activity make them happier.

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The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of computer assisted instruction (CAI) on creativity, metacognition and academic performance on psychology students of Zarand Azad University in second term of 1391. For this reason of 1500 students, 32 psychology students were randomly selected and divided into two groups upon even and odd of students' numbers.15 members were placed in traditional education group and the others students were set in Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) group. At first, two groups were asked to take a pretest by using the Torrance creativity questionnaire (1986); after 16 sessions of traditional education and Computer-Assisted training, a post test was taken, too. The final scores of motivation and emotion were used for academic performance examination. The data was then analyzed by using SPSS19. Research findings collected by independent t test to measure academic performance between two groups, and covariance analysis for effectiveness of the creativity components showed that computer assisted instruction had a considerable impact on creativity; although, significant difference wasn' t observed in the academic performance of two groups. Moreover, the results showed that both traditional instruction and computer assisted instruction were effective on students' academic performance; while in the traditional teaching method, students had less impact on creativity. Accordingly, the computer assisted instruction method probably was more practical, and student engagement with the subject and allocating sufficient time for learning computer-assisted instruction were more objective. In addition, further studies with larger sample size and examining other related variables were suggested.

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Many statisticians encounter with a problem in conveying concepts to students. Hence, this cross-sectional descriptive study reviewed students' attitudes toward biostatistics and using technology at Bushehr University of Medical Sciences. Information was obtained through standard and reliable questionnaire of a paper whose content validity and reliability was determined through factor analysis and intra-group correlation coefficient. After collecting and completing, questionnaires were coded and analyzed with SPSS statistical software version 20. Tests analysis was accomplished by statistical analysis consisted of descriptive parameters, Pearson correlation and t-test. The results showed that there were significant differences between the positive and negative attitudes subscale about students' knowledge and skills in application of cognitive statistics (p=0.022) and total scale of attitudes toward statistics in mentioned education sectors (p=0.041), and also between the subscales of positive and negative attitudes toward usefulness of statistics in personal and professional life among professional doctorate and master's degree students (p=0.007). Furthermore, there was a significant relation between the positive and negative attitudes subscales about students' knowledge and skills toward use of cognitive technology with Subscales of attitudes toward learning statistics and use of technology (p=0.001, r=0.621). The highest correlation was observed between positive and negative emotional impact subscale toward statistics with attitude subscale toward learning statistics by using technology while the lowest assosiation was between positive and negative attitudes subscale related to students' knowledge and skills toward use of cognitive technology with attitude subscale toward learning statistics by technology. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean score of attitude value of students at various educational levels. Therefore, it is recommended that Curriculum planners at universities and higher education centers apply strategies such as enlisting the statistics teachers in planning and arrangement of university courses, thereby, their experiences will be use fullin proper planning courses in statistics and applying these lessons for students.

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Clinical learning environments have an important role in the learning of nursing students, hence promotion its quality needs to assess students satisfaction of clinical learning environment. The present study aimed to evaluate nursing students’ satisfaction from clinical learning environment; it was a cross-sectional study and conducted in the first semester of academic year in 2009-2010.127 B.Sc. nursing student at Iran nursing & midwifery faculty participated in this study. Data were collected through actual form of the “Clinical Learning Environment Inventory” which included 42 items in 6 domains; at last day of clinical traing, the researcher was present at the student’s clinical learning placement, and after explained and clirified necessary information about purpose of study, questionnaire gave to students, then all questionnaires were collected after completion. In addition, data was analyzed by SPSS version 16 using descriptive and inferential statistic. The results showed that there was statistical significant assosciation between students’ perceptions of all domains and their satisfaction of clinical placement (p£0.001). In other words, the most satisfaction relationship was with "innovation" domain while the minimal association observed with "individualization" domain.According to esearch findings, the association emphasizes on more attention from educators and educational planners at all domains of the clinical learning environment, especially innovative instructional methods there.

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The purpose of present study was to evaluate information literacy of final year undergraduate students at Islamic Azad University of Ramhormoz during 2010 -2011 based on ACRL information literacy standards. It was a descriptive and analytical research; and the population consisted of all final year undergraduate university students who studied at various courses of electronics, psychology, family studies, civil ngineering, Arabic literature, Persian literature, accounting, law and computer; data-gathering tool was researcher-made questionnaire including 36 items of the Leikert scale type. After data collected, data analysis has been done at two descriptive and analytical levels by using spss software. Research findings then indicated that population mean for both awareness of their correct understanding of their information needs and how to determine and express was 42.01; familiarity of student with correct methods to achieve information was 43.34; familiarity of student with evaluation of search process results was 16.43; awareness of how to use information was 20.97; and also familiarity with legal issues, economic and social use of information and follow them was 23.86. In otgher word, the result ofstudy indicated the moderate information literacy of undergraduate students based on ACRL standards indices. In conclution, it presented to improve status of information literacy among students by holding seminars and lectures at universities to raise students' awareness of innovation and technology as well as preparing brochures to use at the library, and holding introductory workshops with online information databases to help students increase their understanding of the sources of information.

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Depression is the most common mental disorders that doesn also differ widely on individual activities, mental health and therefore his social relations My Andazd risk. This study examined the rates of depression and mental health among new students in Abadan School of Medical Sciences in two consecutive academic years 92-91 and 93-92' s. This descriptive study has been done. The study population included all new students Abadan medical school of nursing, operating room, laboratory and medical sciences with a total of 325 people. Data collection, GHQ depression with 28 questions and 21 questions. To analyze the data, SPSS 18 software was used. Results showed that the age group between 17 and 38 years. The number of female students is higher than male. The depression in the medical field most (51.0) and in the operating room the lowest (35.0) rate. Most of depression at the age of 31 years (53.0) is.Depression married (47.0) over single students and male students (49.0) over female students.Most of the mental health in the age group 30-26 years (37.2) is. This study showed a strong relationship between depression and mental health of new students and the reverse is not so appropriate arrangements with the Student Administration should maintain a high level of mental health in the effort to prevent depression Bh Ml prevent it.

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بحرینی امین

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بیماری های کبد بعنوان یکی از شایعترین بیماری های گوارشی بخش زیادی از مراجعان به مراکز درمانی را تشکیل می دهد و بدلیل آناتومی پیچیده و پرعروق آن درمان جراحی آن بسیار مشکل بوده و نیاز به تکنیک و تبحر خاصی دارد. اکثر اعمال جراحی هپاتوبیلیاری بسیار وقت گیر و پرخطر می باشد که راس آن ها عمل پیوند کبد است. ...

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ورود به دانشگاه موقعیت حساسی برای جوانان است که اغلب با تغییرات مهمی توام می باشد و موجب به وجود آمدن مشکلات جدیدی در روابط و سازگاری با محیط می گردد. دانشجویان در دانشگاه ها در دوران تحصیل با مشکلات فراوانی مواجه می شوند که می-تواند آسیب های جدی و آثار مخرب جبران ناپذیری به همراه داشته باشد. ...

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