Social responsibility is new concept in marketing and sociology field thatfootball clubs have potential to use it. The main objective of this study wascodification of Strategies for Football Clubs of Iran's Primer League. Thesample consisted of 19 people's experts, administrators, coach and facultywho were selected through theoretical sampling and Maximal Variation. Data analyzed through three stages coding include open, axial and selective. In coding, 42 cods, 14 fields in six categories include of media education, ethical-social education for managers, athletics and stakeholders, educationcitizenship, sociometry, Social branding, director maker, financialdevelopment infrastructure development, volunteer development, development of fourth generation in football, contracts, online networking, negotiation and diplomacy and 6 components of education, socialengineering, independence, structuring, thinking and communications wereclassified. Each strategy according to local community and the footballclub's position can be prioritized to benefit both the club and the community.