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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Effective effort in order to reduce organizational conflict and increase mental health of staff could mean a focus on success in the performance of the organization. Considering the fast changing conditions of hospitals and the necessity of effectiveness, employees are required who have proper functioning for organizations.Aim: This study mainly aims to mediating role of mental health in the relationship between organizational conflict and organizational performance among Private hospitals personnel in Hamedan city.Method: This study was descriptive - correlation by using of path analysis. Research population were of all Personnel of private hospitals of Hamadan city that selected by stratified random sampling method (142). For data gathering three questionnaires mental health, organizational conflict and organizational performance were used. Their reliabilities for analysis of data SPSS16 and Lisrel8/8 software was used.Results: Analysis by Alpha - chronbach were (0.85, 0.91, 0.92) resfectively. showed that the direct effect organizational conflict on organizational performance is negative and significant (-.48), but direct effect mental health on organizational performance is positive and significant (0.55). Indirect effect organizational Conflict on organizational performance with mediating role of mental health is negative and significant (-0.18).Conclusion: Clearly, it is recommanded to healh care managers menage organizational conflict effectively. th would be prompte personelsʼ mental health and organiztional performance respectively.

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Introduction: Nurses always confront with work family conflict. Nurse managers could be recognizing effect psychological capital on work family conflict and work engagement among nurses, and improve their performances in hospital.Aim: This study was done to assessing the effect of psychological capital on work engagement with mediating role of work –family conflict among nurses.Method: This study was a practical study from purpose view and it was a descriptive-correlation one from methodology perspective. The statistical population of this study includes (354) nurses of Shohadaye Kargar Hospital in Yazd province. The sample size was calculated through Cochran formula and a sample of (185) nurses were selected through random classification method. For data gathering, the standard questionnaires of psychological capital (Luthans & etal, 2007), work-family conflict (Netemeyer & etal, 1996) and work engagement (Schaufeli & etal, 2002) used, their validity were checked through the content validity and structural validity and reliability was checked through Cronbach’s alpha (more than 0.70) for all variables confirmed. Data analysis was performed by structural equation modeling (SEM) using Amos software.Results: The finding showed that psychological capital had direct effects on work engagement with coefficient (0.731). Psychological capital has negative effect on work-family conflict with coefficient (-0.295) and on the work-family conflict with coefficient (-0.362). Also psychological capital had an effect on work engagement with mediating roles of work-family conflict and family-work conflict.Conclusion: Psychological capital would be an appropriate factor to reduce the work-family conflict and increase work engagement among nurses. So, it is recommended hospital managers should take appropriate actions to maintain or increase psychological capital among nurses.

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Introduction: Regarding the importance of health care centers and healthcare management in the occurrence of threats and crises, these centers are considered by enemies to disrupt a country. Aim: The purpose of this study was to assessing the knowledge of hospital senior managers about passive defense in Ardebil province in 2014.Method: The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive study that conducted on (45) hospital senior managers. Sampling method was census. Data collection tool was a five-part questionnaire that provided by researchers. To determine validity and reliability of questionnaire, face and content validity (CVR: 0.79) and Cronbach’s Alpha (0.84) were used, respectively. Data analysis was performed using SPSS23 software and statistical descriptiveanalytical tests.Results: Most of the senior managers were male (82.2%) and their age range was (36-40). The average of management experience was (2.5) years. Only, (28.9%) of managers had knowledge in good level about "totality of passive defense", 31.1 % about "principles of passive defense", (13.3%) about "criteria of priority in therapeutic centers", and (22.2%) regarding the "criterion of reducing the vulnerability of manpower". There wasn’t any significant relationship between levels of knowledge of managers in the respective four domains with any of the demographic characteristics (P≥0.05).Conclusion: The knowledge of majority of senior managers of hospitals is not at a desirable level; so, training should start from the level of managers and specialists and gradually develops to other personnel.

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Introduction: Nurse managers must be notice to staff commitment more than other organizational issues, because they can solve the staff problems effectively in order to attainment of organizational goals. So, their emotional intelligence play a mediator role for their abilities in managerial tasks and improving their performances. Aim: This study was done for assessing the effect of management development plan in emotional intelligence on nurses’ organizational commitment.Method: This study was a semi- experimental that was done in (2016), and its intervention was based on the Bar-On Model of Emotional Intelligence in (8) formal educational session and (2) months follow up with indirect control and supervision on nurse managers’ behaviors (18 nurse managers) in case group. The effects of this education program (management development plan) in two groups assessed on nurses’ organizational commitment in two hospitals before and after intervention. All of nurses in two hospitals were samples (94 nurses in case group and 108 nurses in control group). Of course, hospitals allocated to two groups, randomly. And nurses in two groups were matched. For data gathering Allen & Meyer (1990) scale with Alpha-Cronbach (0.95) used. And for analyzing statistics test such as Mann-Whitney test, t-test, Chi-squared and Sign test of Wilcoxon used by SPSS 16.Results: Findings showed that before intervention organizational commitment between nurses in two groups are the same, Mann- Whitney test (P=0.896). After intervention there was a significant difference between means in two groups (P<0.001).Conclusion: It is recommanded to nurse managers that use this plan for management development (nurse managers training) and they observe improving nurses’ organizational commitment.

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Introduction: Emergency medical services (EMS) staff are the first health personnel who experiencing stressful situations and this is resulting to burnout that is one of the key factors of reduction in performance.Aim: The aim of this study was assessing relationship between job satisfaction and burnout among prehospital emergency staff. Method: In this cross-sectional study, which was done during 2015. With census method (100) pre-hospital emergency staff who worked in urban and road bases Gonabad city were examined. Job satisfaction and burnout respectively with questionnaires JDI (Job descriptive index) and Maslach Burnout were assessed. Data analyzed by SPSS20 software using statistical analytical (Pearson, ANOVA and t- test) tests.Results: The mean score burnout (18.14±7.54) and job satisfaction (2.93±0.70) was that the greatest satisfaction for people to communicate with colleagues (3.53 ± 0.88) and the lowest satisfaction was related to the salaries and benefits (2.08 ± 0.75). The mean score emotional exhaustion was (24.53±11.22), depersonalization (11.60±4.92), and personal accomplishment (19.29±6.48). Emational exhavstion and personality depersonalztion were in moderate level and personal accom plishment was in hight level. According to Pearson statistical test, there was a significant and inverse relationship between job satisfaction with emotional exhaustion (P = 0.0001) and personality depersonalization (P= 0.04). However, there was no significant statistical relationship between job satisfaction and personal accomplishment (P= 0.36).Conclusion: Health care policy makers would be decreased emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment for emergency medical services (EMS) staff by increasing salary and benefits in their job, that it would be increased their job satisfaction respectively.

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Introduction: Decresead nurses’ job satisfaction is resulted to poorly their performances and hospital acheivement to aims will be unsucessfully.Aim: The aim was relationship between nurses’ quality performance and their job satisfaction in Birjand hospitals in (2012). Method: A descriptive-analytic study was conducted on (100) nurses who were worked in hospitals in Birjand city in (2012). For data gathering were used two questionairs that they provided by researcher. For assessing nurses’ performance (31) head nurses were completed this questionair that it had seven domins; responsibility, continuity in learning, application of knowledge and skills, professional ethics, quality of care, self-control and professional participation. Its reliability was (0.86) by test and re- test. Also, nurses’ job satisfaction was aquestionair with (35) questions in eight domains; satisfaction in job conditions, job security, salary and benefits, reationship with colleagues, supervision, management policies, job situations and work/ life relation. Its reliability was (0.88) by Alpha Cronbach. Data were analyzed using Pearson & Spearman correlation coefficient and one-way ANOVA by SPSS19.Results: The fidings showed that nurses (75%) had moderate satisfaction to job. And (60%) of them were good in quality performances from head nurses’ viewpoints. Correlation coefficient indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and nurses ‘quality performance (P = 0.03). There was a positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction with nurses’ quality performances and its components; responsibility, continuity in learning, application of knowledge and skills, professional ethics and quality of care.Conclusion: It is recommended to nurse managers notice and evaluate others domains in nurses’ quality performance such as professional participation, management and leadership, and their self-control and give feedback to them effectively.

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Introduction: The first and most important source which staff face to it in justice implementation in organization is head or direct director who is responsible to all personnel with complete authority.Aim: The aim of this study was assessing relationship between head nurses’ leadership style and perceived organizational justice by nurses.Method: This descriptive study was conducted in public teaching hospitals related to Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University in (2014). Blake and Mouton (1960) Management Network Questionnaire was used for head nurses and Niehoff and Moorman (1993) Organizational Justice Questionnaire was used for nurses. And (50) head nurses were participated by census method and (336) questionnaires were distributed to available nurses in units. Reliability Black and Mouton management network questionnaire was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha (a=0.85) and test -retest (r=0.90). Reliability Organizational Justice Questionnaire was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha (a=0.93). Analysis of data was done by SPSS20 and by Independent One-Way Variance, Toky, ANOWA, and Kroskalvalis analysis.Results: The results showed that the highest numbers of nurses were under the team leadership style and by using of One-Way Variance analysis, the mean of justice organization in 4 groups of leadership style was significant (P=0.031). The mean of organizational justice in club style (2.75) is more than other leadership styles.Conclusion: It is recommanded to head nurses that they would be developed range of theirselves leadership style by this nursesʼ percived organizational Justice Would be improved.

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Introduction: Studies did not confirm the effect of continuing education on nurses’ performances change. One of the managerial approach in this issues review again this process carefully. Aim: This study was done to determine the effect of applying “The Participative Continuing Education Based on Competency Model” on quality of ICU in the open heart surgery.Method: This was a quasi-experimental study and nurses who were employed through open heart surgery of adult in the Shahid Rajaii hospital in (2016) participated. They were selected by non-randomized method in case (all the numbers) and correspondence controlled group by using of propensity score (using SMD index, this entry confirmed: SMD˂0.15). Data collection tools inclue; the observational checklist of performance, nursing note and ICU charting sheet. It`s validity and reliability was evaluated with content validity and inter-rater reliability (r= 0.85). The designed plan by “The Participative Continuing Education Based on Competency Model” including nine steps: formed the core of education, preparing the environment, preparation resources, capacity building training education administrators, participatory training needs assessment, instructional design, implementation, educational supervision, giving feedback and final evaluation which it plans implemented for 9 months. Checklists before and after in two groups were completed by co-researcher and data analyzed by Wilcoxon, Man Whitney and step by step regression tests with SPSS22.Results: The Man-Whitney test showed that the before intervention between two groups there was no significant difference(P˃0.05). But after intervention there was significant difference (P˂0.05) between two groups by The Man-Whitney test.Conclusion: It is suggested that designed plan by “The Participative Continuing Education Based on Competency Model” use in to continving education specially in the open heart surgery units for improving nurses’ competencies improved.

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Introduction: Enforcement productivity law and performancebased payment are important because of its impact on health interventions, nurses’ job satisfaction and their quality of work life. But, action plans of them always confront with challenge.Aim: The aim of this study was assessing implementation of enforcement productivity law and performance-based payment and nurses' job satisfaction.Method: In this cross-sectional and descriptive study in two stages within 4 years (2012-2016), 500 nurses’ satisfaction was measured who are worked in (17) health care organization in Sistan& Baluchestan and (14) health care organization in Kerman proveniences. They selected as a quota- sampling. Data gathered by the standard questionnaires of Herzberg Job Satisfaction Theory before and after the law improving productivity and pay for performance plan and the impact of this legislations on nurses' job satisfaction was evaluated. Its reliability was measured by Alpha-Chronbach (0.89). Data analyzed by t-test and ANOVA with SPSS17.Results: Finding showed that the mean of overall nurses' job satisfaction before (2.85±0.4) and after (2.99±0.7) the law enforcement of improving productivity and performance-based payment plan hadn' t been increased significantly (P>0.05).Of course, in salary & benefit and recognition domains of job satisfaction increased significantly and in supervision & management domains significantly decreased (P<0.05).Conclusion: It is recommended that for attaining human resource productivity change action plan of law enforcement of improving productivity and performance-pased plan accompapayment nied with staff participation.

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