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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of ethical leadership in organizational citizenship behavior by mediating organizational justice and organizational commitment. The study population was all teachers in Kazeroon city, who were selected by simple random sampling and based on Cochran formula with a sample size of 537 people. The research method is quantitative, descriptive and correlational studies and especially structural equation modeling. From the Kalshun et al. Ethical Leadership Questionnaire (2011); Niehoff & Moorman's Organizational Justice (1993); Allen & Meyer's Organizational Commitment (1990) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Questionnaire of Podaskev, Mackenzie-Moren & Fitter (1990) were used. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and reliability through Cronbach's alpha for ethical leadership 0. 93, organizational justice 0. 91, organizational commitment 0. 90, organizational citizenship behavior 0. 95, respectively. Descriptive (center and dispersion indices) and inferential (confirmatory factor analysis and confirmatory path analysis) techniques were used for data analysis using lisrel software. The results showed that the variables of ethical leadership, organizational justice and organizational commitment had a direct, positive and significant effect at the level of 0. 05 on organizational citizenship behavior; Ethical leadership mediated by justice and organizational commitment has an indirect, positive, and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The variables of ethical leadership, organizational justice and organizational commitment were able to explain 33% of the variance of organizational citizenship behavior variable, which according to T value (6/11), the explained variance is significant at the level of 0. 05.

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A review of the existing leadership literature in organizations shows that there is no comprehensive theoretical framework for synergistic leadership that is generally agreed upon. Therefore, this study seeks to identify and explain the dimensions of synergistic leadership in the form of a systematic model for Iranian universities using the grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The target population of the study were knowledgeable management experts and people with management experience in universities. Purposeful (theoretical) sampling was performed using a network of experts (snowball). Interviews of 13 scholars and academic executives were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's (1990) three-stage coding method. Validation was done through participant review and peer review and repeated study by the researcher herself. Totally, 506 open codes were extracted from the interviews, which, after axial and selective coding, identified 6 dimensions of paradigm model including Causal conditions (11 categories), synergistic leadership components (8 categories), context (12 categories), intervening conditions (7 categories), strategies (13 categories) and consequences of implementing of synergistic leadership model (12 categories). Finally, a synergistic leadership paradigm model was designed and presented to Iranian universities.

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The purpose of this study was to explain teachers' job innovation based on transformational leadership components in elementary schools of East Azerbaijan province. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population includes all the elementary school teachers in East Azarbaijan province with 14004 (9633 female and 4371 male). Using Morgan table, 375 teachers (257 females and 118 males) were selected through stratified random sampling. Measurement tools were Martin Patchen's Job Innovation Questionnaire (1965) and Bass & Aliev's (1997) Transformational Leadership Questionnaire. Face and content validity were used to assess the validity of the tool and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaires, which was 0. 94 for job innovation and 0. 79 for transformational leadership. The results of correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership of principals and its components and teachers' job innovation. But the results of Structural Equation Modeling to explain teachers ' job innovation based on their transformational leadership components showed that only idealistic features with a coefficient of 0. 82 are able to predict teachers' job innovation significantly, and and inspirational motivation, subjective motivation, and individual considerations are not able to predict teachers' job innovation.

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The study performed to investigate the effect of teaching the course of Formal and Public Education Philosophy (FPEP) within the scaffolding of Leadership and Management Education Model (LMEM) on university students’ learning and academic achievement at Farhangian University (UT) using quasi-experimental method with two-groups pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population was all 170 under-graduate students in general psychology at (UT) that selected the course of FPEP in the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020. The samples were taught for six weeks using the available sampling method in two separate classes. The scaffolding of LMEM was used in the experimental group and in the control group the traditional teaching and lecture was used. The data gathering tools were Kim's Learning Effectiveness Questionnaire (2008) and the Researcher-Made Questionnaire for assessing the effectiveness of the training model which was based on the Kirkpatrick’ s model (1992). For analysing the data from independent variables, T-test, effect size formula and analysis of covariance were used. Findings showed; teaching FPEP within LMEM's scaffolding has a significant and positive difference in the level of learning, participation and satisfaction of students from the course professor in comparison with the control group. Therefore, the positive and significant effect of teaching FPEP within the LMEM’ s scaffolding on increasing the participation of the classroom and the effectiveness of student learning provide promise of usefulness of continuing and expanding the use of LMEM in teaching other topics and in the whole year.

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This research aimed to investigate the relationships between psychological capital, learning empowerment, and dynamic interactions in students of Shahrood University of Medical Sciences. With regard to the ways data were collected, the present study is descriptive correlational and is specifically based on structural equitation modeling in which maximum likelihood estimation with adjusting skewness was used. The participants of this study consisted of students in Shahrood University of medical science, who were selected using stratified sampling method. In order to assess variables, standard questionnaires in the form of five-point Likert scale, including Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans et al., 2007) Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (Mishra & Spreitzer, 1997), and Perception of Social Interactions Scale (Glass, 1994) were distributed among 260 students. Content and construct validity of questionnaires were confirmed by several management and factor analysis experts. To analyze data from questionnaires, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one sample t-test and Pearson correlation structural equation model have been used. Findings showed that psychological capital, both directionally and indirectionally, plays key role in empowering learning of students through dynamic interactions. Also, it was determined that dynamic interactions have a meaningful, directional and positive correlation with learning empowerment in students. Furthermore, results indicated that main variables in this study were appropriate for studied samples.

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The purpose of this study was to present a model for innovative climate in Islamic Azad University Based on Organizational Learning, Organizational Justice and Ethical Leadership. The research method is descriptive-survey with emphasis on structural equation modeling and the statistical population of the research is comprised of qualitative department, university experts (n = 20) and quantitative section including all staff of central organization of Azad university (n = 1535). Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size and 320 people were selected by stratified random sampling method. Data gathering tools through semistructured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires; based on literature and research background and perspectives of university experts and standard questionnaires; organizational learning Nifeh (2001); NIHOF AND MORMAN ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTIC (1993), The Ethical Leadership De Haag and Dan Hartg (2008). Their validity was estimated 0. 93, 0. 88, 0. 92, and 0. 86 by experts and experts, respectively, and their reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The face and content validity was confirmed by experts. Data were analyzed by SPSS and lisrel software which used structural equation analysis and exploratory factor analysis and path analysis to investigate the research questions. sing path analysis, the results showed that organizational learning with coefficient (0. 91), organizational justice (0. 83) and ethical leadership (0. 72) each have a significant impact on the implementation of innovative organizational climate and organizational managers Organizational learning, organizational justice and ethical leadership can lead to creative and innovative behaviors in the organization.

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According to the research on information empowerment and information literacy, the purpose of this study was to present an information literacy empowerment model to train the staff of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Statistical population in the qualitative part of this applied, qualitative-quantitative exploratory and descriptive-correlational study was conducted by academic experts in educational management, banking sciences and executive experts including senior and middle managers of the central bank., And 21 individuals were selected by purposive sampling method and adequacy. In this case, we have the following: The statistical population of all the central bank employees in the second group was selected using random cluster sampling method. In the qualitative part of the library method, semi-structured interviews and in the quantitative part of the researcher-made empowerment questionnaire with 0. 801 validity and 0. 736 reliability standard information literacy questionnaire [10] with 0. 889 validity and 0. 838 reliability respectively were used for data collection. In this case, we have the following For the analysis of the qualitative data, content analysis was used. In the quantitative section, considering the research questions, descriptive statistical methods along with inferential statistical methods (including structural equation modeling (SEM) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA)) using the SPSS and LISREL and MAXQDA12 softwares were applied. Results indicated that empowerment components included meaningfulness, competence, autonomy, and impact. Meanwhile, the finding showed that empowerment of employees positively affects their information literacy.

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The purpose of this study was presenting a model of teacher productivity with a positive organizational behavior approach. The research method was mixed that used qualitative strategy; meta-synthesis method then Fuzzy Delphi; and in the second stage that used descriptive-survey quantitative strategy. The statistical population of this study includes faculty of educational sciences, managers and deputies of education departments and school principals and deputies and teachers. In the first stage 12 people were selected purposefully and in the second stage, a sample of 384 people was selected by random cluster sampling. To identify model elements using the meta-synthesis method; 3 categories, 4 subcategories, 22 concepts and 89 indicators were found. To screen and identify the final indices using fuzzy Delphi method, 10 of the 89 indicators were removed and 11 were changed to expert opinion. In the second step, a researcher-made questionnaire was developed to collect the research data that the questionnaire reliability (α = 0. 83) was obtained after confirming its face and content validity. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that the factor analysis model of teacher productivity with positive organizational behavior approach, based on the dimensions and components with second-order confirmatory factor analysis, it has a good fit and in determining the importance of the research indices was determined by fuzzy gap method and in investigating the importance of research indices using fuzzy gap method was determined; there is no indifference and waste area, and all the research indicators are important.

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This study aimed to provide model for professional competencies of industrial educators in the technical schools. The research method was developmental and functional and the method of data collection was sequential mixed. In qualitative section used phenomenological method and in quantitative approach researchers used survey method based on PLS and structural equation modeling. Participants in the study included manager and employees department of the technical and vocational education and industrial educators in the technical and vocational schools of Zanjan in the academic year 2018-19. Using purposeful sampling method in qualitative section and in quantitative section was 164 people based on stratified random sampling. 23 people were selected as key informants. The data were collected through a and semi-structured interview and in quantitative was questionnaire based on item of qualitative section methods including peer debriefing, rich description, member check and questionnaire through Cronbach's alpha (0. 76) used to obtain validity and reliability of data. In qualitative coding, 43 sub categories and 13 main categories in 4 dimensions were obtained. Knowledge dimension with 12 subcategory and 3 main category awareness of work market, technical and vocational knowledge of industry, educational knowledge, skill dimension with 10 subcategory and 4 main category information and industry technology, coaching and mentoring, safety health and workplace engineering, learning environment management, ability dimension with 12 subcategory and 3 main category perceptual and mind ability, effective interpersonal communication, constructive interaction and participation with the external environment, Attitude dimension with 10 subcategory and 3 main category selfdevelopment approach, optimism for training skill, entrepreneurial attitude and productcentric have been identified. In the quantitative section were approved using factor loading and extraction mean variance and high convergence validity (0. 4), Cronbach's alpha coefficient and high blended reliability (0. 7), high z high coefficients (1. 96), coefficient of determination (R2) and goodness of fit (GoF= 0. 55).

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The purpose of this study was to investigate intellectual and social capital according to transformational leadership in primary schools using the descriptive and correlational research methodology. The statistical population was the teachers and staff of primary schools of Tabriz that 184 of them were selected using cluster random sampling method. In this study, intellectual capital, social capital and transformational leadership questionnaires were used for data collection and LISREL software was used to determine the model and construct validity questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaires was 0. 89, 0. 97 and 0. 94, respectively. The results showed that there is a high correlation between the variables and their components and also the data supported the structural equation modeling of the direct effect of transformational leadership on intellectual capital (beta coefficient: 0. 73) and social capital (beta coefficient: 0. 66). Based on these results, it can be said that using transformational leadership in schools can makehope for creating social and intellectual capital.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of organizational learning capability on employee empowerment by explaining the mediating role of managerial competency. This was a descriptive field survey, in which the statistical population included 200 employees working at 10 branches of Payame Noor University in Lorestan Province. The Krejcie and Morgan table was employed to select 127 participants as sample through the relative stratified random sampling method. Onag’ s Organizational Learning Capability Scale (2014), Spreitzer’ s Employee Empowerment Scale (1995), and Griffin’ s Managerial Competency Scale (1994) were used for research purposes. The validity of the questionnaires was approved through formal and content validity, and reliability was approved through Cronbach's alpha for organizational learning capability 0. 721, employee empowerment 0. 764, and managerial competency 0. 752. Data analysis was performed in SPSS and Amos through linear and multivariate regression tests and structural equation modeling for measurement and structural sections. According to the SEM results applied to the data of 127 questionnaires collected from the statistical population, organizational learning capability had a direct positive significant effect (path coefficient= 0. 81) and an indirect effect through the mediating role of managerial competency (path coefficient= 0. 93) on employee empowerment. Organizational learning capability also affected managerial competency (path coefficient= 0. 38), which had a positive significant effect on employee empowerment (path coefficient= 0. 33).

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational learning by mediating job involvement. The population of this study consisted of all elementary teachers from Region 2 of Hamedan; from this population, a sample of 274 people was selected through simple random sampling and based on Morgan table. The research method is quantitative, descriptive and correlational, especially the structural equation modeling. The research tool was a questionnaire. The Van den Hooff & Van Weenen Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire (2004), the Neefe Organizational Learning Questionnaire (2001) and the Kanungo Job Involvement Questionnaire (1982) were used. To determine the reliability and validity of the tool, the data was collected using confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha; the reliability coefficient of knowledge sharing, organizational learning and job involvement questionnaires were 0. 990, 0. 927 and 0. 820, respectively. According to the results of confirmatory factor analysis, the instrument has appropriate and acceptable fitness (structural validity). To analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis and confirmatory path analysis were performed using lisrel software. Results showed that the knowledge sharing variable has positive direct effect (0. 20), indirect positive effect (0. 0352) and total positive (0. 223) and significant effect on organizational learning at level 0. 05. The job involvement variable has positive direct effect (0. 11) and total positive (0. 11) and significant effect on organizational learning at level 0. 05. Regarding the effects of all independent variables, it can be said that knowledge sharing (0. 223) has the highest effect and job involvement (0. 11) has the lowest effect on organizational learning variable. The variable of knowledge sharing with direct path coefficient (0. 32) and t-value (10. 75) has direct, positive and significant effect on job involvement at level 0. 05. Also, the knowledge sharing variable can explain 28% of variance of job involvement. The amount of explained variance of job involvement with respect to t-value (11. 19) is significant at level 0. 05.

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