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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study proposes a model of the impact of HR flexibility both on creativity at the individual level and on innovation at the organizational level. The model was tested on 147 managers from 20 departments of Iranian insurance companies. This was done through a questionnaire. Content and Construct of questionnaires validity was done employing experts` opinions and confirmatory factor analysis respectively. Reliability of the instrument was assessed by Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis; all three variables investigated were of acceptable reliability and validity. In order to analyze the data from structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analysis and hierarchical regression were used. The results show that creativity partially mediated the impact of HR flexibility on organizational innovation. Also, the results suggest that HR flexibility has important effects on creativity at both the individual and organizational levels.

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This study focused on senior public managers’ salary system, not their compensation system. The senior public manager’ s pay system in the context of the culture is realizable. One of the research objectives is that in order to design a pay system, we should realize the cultural dimensions of the country, also recognize the relations of those dimensions on pay variables. Obviously, designing senior public managers’ pay system in any country can be meaningful in the context of that country`s culture, and any system out of that context could result in different problems and eccentric inequality. In this research, we used a qualitative comparative multiple case study method to examine pay variables such as total pay, variable pay, and the ratio of the highest level senior managers’ pay to the lowest level employees in I. R. Iran, Turkey, and Malaysia. Then using “ meta-analysis” or “ evidence synthesis” , such as combining information from qualitative studies, we examined the relations of Hofstede’ s six cultural dimensions on pay variables of those three countries. Findings of the other research projects have been analyzed based on such a methodology. The results of this research indicate that cultural dimensions have a relationship with pay variables of I. R. Iran, Turkey and, Malaysia.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of supervisor support moderator in the relationship between emotional labor with job burnout and life satisfaction in nurses. This descriptive study is a correlational type. The statistical population was all nurses (about 1100 people) employed in government hospitals of Shiraz in 1395. 285 people-according to the table of Krejcie and Morgan, 1970-were selected by random cluster sampling, and 225 People answered the questionnaire completely. To collect the data, emotional labor, supervisor support, job burnout, and life satisfaction questionnaires were used. The reliability of these tools was obtained using Cronbach's alpha method in the range of 0. 79-0. 83. The face and content validity of the research tools were confirmed by experts in this field. In order to analyze the data, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis were used. The results showed that emotional labor with job burnout has a positive relationship, and has a negative relationship with life satisfaction. Also, the moderating role of supervisor support was confirmed. Emotional labor strategies enhance the psychological stress of nurses, which, in a long period, can exacerbate the burnout of nurses and lead to a reduction in nursing life satisfaction. Meanwhile, supervisors' support and attention can modify the negative effects of emotional labor.

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Impression management includes tactics that people employ to manage their impression on others’ minds. Staff relationships and identifying tactics, which teachers use to manage their impressions, have considerable importance in schools. Hence, the purpose of this qualitative study was to identify teachers’ impression management tactics with thematic analysis. Data collection instrument was semi-structured interview using a sample of 22 teachers in girls’ high schools in Semnan, Mahdishar, and Sorkhe. Interviews were done by snowball sampling method. First, primary concepts were extracted from interviews, then several sub-themes were found by coding and rating the interviews. Considering experts’ opinions, 8 main themes were found as teachers’ Impression management tactics from these sub-themes: ingratiation, self-promotion, demonstration, supplication, intimidation, conservative behaviors, silent protest, and response to challenging situations.

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Immoral, illegal, and corruptive activities are observable in all governmental and non-governmental organizations all over the world. But they are different in their dimensions and aspects. So, it is important to have a regulatory system, which is aware of the organization’ s details and structural defects. Henceforth, a controller person with accountability, who delivers so-called organization’ s voice to officials, is required. A person with this character is called a whistleblower and her/his movements are called whistle-blowing in an organization. The purpose of this article is to study and discuss this kind of persons and their action and it’ s a relation with accountability and job satisfaction in the intended organization. The results showed that the organization has skillful human capital, but the problem is the organization’ s culture. Whistle-blowing and defending the whistle-blowers must be made a part of the organization’ s culture, after that, constructive criticisms and good performances will become visible in the organization. The final outcome will be a healthy organization with accountable, clever, satisfied, and integrated staff. This construction with these staff will enable the organization to survive in the competitive environment. However, the survival of organizations in today's competitive world necessitates such competitive advantages.

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Kashefy Neishabouri Mohammad Reza | REZAEIAN ALI

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The purpose of this paper is to develop an indigenous pattern of interoperability in health care system based on the proposed benchmarking interoperability models in developed countries and develop concepts and consider indicators and criteria in accordance with the current guidelines of Iran`s laws and regulations. In this regard, the researcher has attempted to explain the detailed pattern of e-government interoperability at the national level and use inductive pattern. Hence, the components used in the extraction and then based on the proposed framework for interoperability of e-government, interoperability in the field of health care was provided. We used random, stratified sampling. Our samples include community groups, managers, and experts in the field of health, information technology, and management. We used the Delphi method to validate the components and dimensions of the model. Finally, the proposed framework was validated using experts' survey. Based on the findings, three integrated, unified, and independent approaches were identified to the realization of interactivity in the health system. By performing discrete simulations and considering indicators such as cost, time, and performance units, an integrated approach was selected as the optimal approach.

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The objective of this research was to develop a subculture model using grounded theory methodology. To do this, first, important work practices identified by conducting explorative interviews with a nonprobability sample of 53 experts of IOPTC chosen using purposive and snowball methods and coding those interviews. Then, these practices were grouped using content analysis and, in following, a researcher-prepared 50-item questionnaire was developed based on these practices’ dimensions which led to the initial model. Using total population sampling, the research questionnaire constructed from the model questionnaire, and six demographic questions were distributed among the personnel of the Central Office of IOPTC as research population, and answers from 255 respondents provided the data for testing the validity and reliability of the model. Next, validity analysis was performed on the initial model via Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In this process, the final valid model was developed by correcting the initial model by removing 23 invalid items from the model questionnaire and changing its dimensional composition. Using Cronbach's Alpha, the reliabilities of the final model’ s dimensions were also proved. This work practices-founded model has 9 dimensions that are: development, management, participation, training, stress, support, productivity, bureaucracy, and cooperation that are measured via a 27-item questionnaire.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of transformational leadership on organizational wisdom with the mediating role of organizational culture among Tehran Azad University`s faculty members. The method, according to purpose, was practical. The method of data collection was descriptive correlational. The type of data was quantitative. The population consisted of faculty members in Tehran Azad University. 700 members were selected using sample size calculation based on structural equation and cluster random sampling method. All of them were full-time members. To collect the data, three standard questionnaires were used, including transformational leadership by Bass & Avolio (2000), organizational wisdom by Brown & Greene (2006) and organizational culture by Dennison (2000). After collecting the data, they were described through the mean, standard deviation by SPSS-21, and data Statistical Inference was carried out through structural equation modeling with the help of LISREL-v8. 80. The technical characteristics of questionnaires were assessed, including reliability, validity, convergent, and divergent validity. Path coefficient and significant coefficients were used to examine the hypotheses. The results showed that the degree of appropriateness of the proposed model was appropriate with regard to components research. Also, the results of the study indicated that transformational leadership has a significant impact on organizational wisdom with the mediating role of organizational culture among the faculty members.

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The main purpose of this study was to conduct meta-synthesis on the studies in the field of ethics policy managers from the perspective of Islamic lessons. The research tools included the inventory studies and documents about managers' ethical policy that were 20 studies. By adopting a qualitative approach to research and using the meta-synthesis method, the data analysis and coding practices were conducted. In this regard, the relevant texts were identified and after evaluation, some of them were selected and analyzed. In the next step, the texts were studied with the aim of extracting examples of ethical policy. The study explored and founded 143 codes of ethical management policy, based on Islamic lessons that covered 5 main categories with 52 sub-categories. The main categories were managerial-leadership, interactive-communicational, behavioral-characteristic, and knowledgeable-analytical. The results of the study can be used for both policymakers and higher education administrator's in the current and future conditions. Furthermore, the findings of this study may be considered as some practical guidelines for managers of higher education.

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With the advent of the concept of "strategic thinking", visionaries and many researchers have tried to look at a definition for offering a logical model to measure the ability to provide strategic thinking. However, despite highly enriched Islamic religious sources and Sciences, little effort has been made to extract the components of strategic thinking with an Islamic approach, and deficiency of local and Islamic research in this area is quite evident. In this study, to collect data and information required, the direct reference to the Quran, the hadith, and Islamic Science Citation text presentations and resources have been employed and, according to research, open coding practices are used. In this manner, the text of the units studied in an evolutionary process scripts, concepts, and components were converted; then, after obtaining the opinion of the experts by questionnaire, to determine the preference of the components, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice software were used. In this study, the final extracted components in order of preference were: considering the divine traditions, vision, idealism, foresight, wisdom, and prudence connection.

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Iran's oil industry, with more than a hundred years activity as the engine of the economy of Iran, to maintain its competitive position in the Oil Business, increase production capacity, avoid raw retailing, and develop oil and gas fields needs project-based organizations. These organizations rely on Human Resources to effectively carry out their missions. In Iran, as in other countries of the world, few studies have been done in the field of organizational behavior management of these organizations. This study reaches on the areas of personal, interpersonal, and organizational behavioral aspects by means of Grounded Theory and interviewing 15 high-ranking managers in these organization.

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