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Background & Objective: Due to the importance of Iranian Ox-Tongue (Echium amoenum) as one of the most important pharmaceutical products used in many pharmaceutical, cosmetic and health industries, this study was done for simultaneous evaluation the effect of planting date and method and different biological and chemical fertilizers on some phytochemical characteristics of Iranian Ox-Tongue in Mashhad conditions. Materials & Methods: A split split plots experiment based on RCBD design with three replications was conducted in 2011-2013 growing seasons, in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Two different planting dates (10 March 2011 and 4 April 2011), three different types of biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers, as mycorrhiza (Glomus mosseae), biosulfur, chemical fertilizer and control and two different types of planting methods (direct seeding and transplanting) assigned to main plots, sub plots and sub-sub plots, respectively. Results: The results showed that the highest dry flower yield obtained in conditions of mycorrhiza application in March planting date and direct seeding. Application of mycorrhiza, biosulfur and chemical fertilizer in conditions of transplanting and March planting date increased seed yield 45, 42 and 35%, respectively. In April planting date antioxidant activity in direct seeding was more than transplanting. Application of mycorrhiza and biosulfur increased antioxidant activity 18 and 35% in direct seeding and 20 and 18% in transplanting compared to control, respectively. Mycorrhiza in April planting date increased total anthocyanin 28 and 27% in direct seeding and transplanting compared to control, respectively. Conclusion: In general, according to the results of this research, the planting method of direct seeding in March and application of ecological inputs of mycorrhiza and biosulfur is recommended to improve the yield and qualitative characteristics of Iranian Ox-Tongue.

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Background & Objective: Considering the consequences of chemical fertilizers misuse and the positive effect of the biofertilizers application from economic and environmental aspects, this research was conducted to investigate the effect of these fertilizers on morphological traits, yield and quality of artichoke forage at the flowering stage. Materials & Methods: A factorial experiment on the basis of randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in Isfahan during two consecutive years (2014-2015 and 2015-2016). Plants received chemical fertilizer at three levels as 100% chemical fertilizer, 50% chemical fertilizer and control, and bio-fertilizer at four levels as control, inoculation with Nitroxin, Barvar 2 and inoculation with both biofertilizers in the first year and chemical fertilizer (100 kg N. ha-1 for chemical fertilizer treatments) in the second year. Results: The results showed that residual effect of 100% chemical fertilizer + 100 kg N. ha-1 among different levels of chemical fertilizer and Nitroxin + Barvar 2, among biofertilizer levels had the highest dry forage yield (8. 25 and 6. 7 ton. ha-1) and digestibility of organic matter (27. 31% and 25. 23%), respectively. Maximum crude protein (12. 85%) and ash (17. 29%) and minimum neutral detergent fiber (31. 06%) were obtained at 100% residual chemical fertilizer combined with Nitroxin and Barvar 2 + 100 kg N. ha-1. The application of biofertilizers also improved the morphological characteristics of the plant compared to the control treatment. Conclusion: In general, the combination of 100% chemical fertilizer with Nitroxin and Barvar 2 can be recommended for artichoke forage production.

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Background & Objective: The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of the intercropping by soybean, Moldavian balm and Proso millet on growth characteristics and yield of three sugar beet cultivars. Materials & Methods: A factorial experiment was conducted in Khoy city based on randomized complete block design with 12 treatments in three replications in 2016 and 2017. The first factor was sugar beet cultivars (Kevin, Ghazira and Vaclav) and the second factor was cropping pattern of mono– cropping of sugar beet and the intercropping of sugar beet with soybean, Moldavian balm and Proso millet (50: 50). Results: Results, indicated that the highest sugar content (15. 82%), root yield (100. 40 t. ha-1) and gross sugar yield (13. 48 t. ha-1) in occupied area was obtained from the intercropping of sugar beet and Moldavian balm, and the lowest one (15. 37%) obtained in intercropping of sugar beet and Proso millet and the intercropping of sugarbeet and soybean with 47. 39 and 6. 13 t. ha-1. The highest LER (1. 27) obtained in intercropping of sugar beet cv. and soybean 2016, and the least (1. 03) belonged to the intercropping Kevin cv. and soybean in 2017. The highest LER (1. 21) belonged to the intercropping Vaclav cv. and Moldavian balm in 2017. Conclusion: Based on root yield, sugar content, gross sugar yield and LER results, the intercropping of sugar beet with Moldavian balm is suitable alternatives for monocropping of sugar beet.

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Objectives: The present study aimed to the effect of late and normal sowing date on agronomic characteristics of some spring and fall rapeseed cultivars was evaluated during two years. Material and methods: A field experiment in a split plot based on a randomized complete block design was carried out with four replications at the research station of Islam abad-gharb. Main factor was planting date in two levels including September 27 and October 17 and sub factor was rapeseed cultivars including Okapi, Talaye, hyola 401, Zafar, RGS003 and sarigol. Results: The results of variance analysis showed that the effect of late planting was significant only on days to flowering and plant height. Grain yield decreased by 34. 4% and 29. 85%, due to the delay in planting date in the first and second year of the experiment, respectively. This decrease was due to the effect of late planting date on yield components, so that decrease in the number of pods per plant as the most important component of grain yield in rapeseed in the first and second years of the experiment was 32. 7 and 30. 2%, respectively. The results showed that the cultivars had significant differences for number of days to flowering, flowering duration, number of days to physiological maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, grain yield and seed oil percentage. The mean of the data showed that Okapi and Talayeh as fall type cultivars had the highest grain yield with 5096 and 4906 kg ha-1 respectively. Conclusion: Okapi and Talaie are suitable cultivars for the study area. Also, any delay in planting causes yields reduced compared to normal conditions. However, considering other existing issues can be ignored reduction in performance.

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Background and Objective: Drought stress is one of the most important environmental stress and a limiting factor for plants production in most parts of the world. The aim of study was to investigate to the role of mycorrhiza and growth promoting bacteria, Pseudomonas spp. symbiosis in increasing drought tolerance of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdaeiffa L. ). Materials & Methods: The experiment was performed as factorial based on completely randomized design with 3 replications in the greenhouse of Agricultural Faculty of Mohaghegh Ardabili University in 2016. first factor included 4 drought stress levels (drought stress at flowering, 50% flowering, 100% flowering and no stress), the second factor included two species of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices) plus control without inoculation and third factor included growth promoting rhizosphere bacteria (Pseudomonas p-169) plus control without inoculation. Results: The results showed that by applying drought stress, the plant growth properties of Roselle such as height, number of bolls per plant, stomatal conductance, dry weight of sepals, dry weight of grain, root dry weight and root volume, 1000-grain weight, chlorophyll of leave were significantly reduced. Application of mycorrhizal fungi and Pseudomonas spp. In drought stress increased relative water content, the highest amount of which (64. 37%) was obtained by inoculation with fungi which showed a 32% increase compared to noninoculated conditions. In response to drought stress, osmotic adjustment process in Roselle was provided and proline content (7. 84 mg. g-1) and antioxidant enzymes such as polyphenol oxidase (1. 56 μ g. g-1) increased significantly under complete irrigation conditions. Conclusion: Bacteria improved the effects of drought stress. The biological fertilizers increased drought stress tolerance by increasing growth parameters and moderate in the physiological traits such as antioxidant enzymes activity and photosynthetic pigments.

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Objectives: Safflower is known as valuable oil plant due to its high quality of seed oil and the presence of more than 90% of unsaturated fatty acids. Drought stress is the most important factor limiting crop yields in many parts of the world, including Iran. Coexistence with mycorrhizal fungi increases growth, improves yield, and increases plant resistance to a variety of environmental stresses, including drought. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of coexistence with mycorrhiza on the tolerance of spring safflower cultivars at different levels of drought stress by measuring some quantitative and qualitative traits. Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted as a factorial-split plot based on randomized complete block design at research farm of Urmia agricultural high school during 2014 with three replications. The main plots (factor A and B) consisted of three levels of irrigation including optimum irrigation, moderate drought stress and severe drought stress and factor B included mycorrhiza in two levels: non-inoculation (control) and inoculation with mycorrhiza species Glomus mosseae. Sub plots (factor C) consisted of five spring safflower cultivars (Padideh, Gol Mehr, Goldasht, Safheh and Mexic). Results: The results of variance analysis showed that Severe drought stress compared to optimum irrigation reduced 1000-seed weight, number of seeds per head, number of head per plant, seed yield, oil yield and protein yield by about 29, 30, 33, 58, 62 and 63%, respectively. Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi compared to non-inoculation increased seed yield, chlorophyll index, protein yield, 1000-seed weight and biological yield by about 14, 13, 14, 5 and 39%, respectively. Conclusion: One of the best methods for improving the quantitative and qualitative performance of safflower cultivars, especially under drought stress conditions, inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi is recommended. Also, in all three different levels of drought stress conditions, among the cultivars studied, Padideh cultivar was superior to other cultivars for yield and this cultivar is suitable for cultivation in this area.

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Background & Objective: Soil low fertility resulted from continuous chemical fertilizer application turned to be a challenge to sustainable agricultural production. Complementary application of chemical and organic fertilizers is a fertilizer management strategy and a practical solution for reducing the dependency to chemical fertilizer. Materials & Methods: Since little reports about eryngo reaction toward fertilization exist, a field experiment based on split-plot design with 3 replications with two treatments, fertilization as the main plot with 8 treatments and harvesting stage as sub-plot with three developmental phases was conducted in 2016 in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Results: The results revealed that appropriate application of organic with inorganic fertilizers increased eryngo’ s productivity and its phytochemical constituent. NPK fertilizer (200 Kg. ha-1) + CM (20 t. ha-1) in leaf number per plant (28), herb yield (498. 77 Kg. ha-1), flavonoid (41. 10 mg QE. g-1 dry sample), antioxidant (85. 64%), essential oil percentage (0. 17%W/W) and yield (0. 85 Kg. ha-1) at last harvest resulted to the highest amounts. The minimum amounts were produced at control and first harvest. Mycorrhizae symbiosis and Manure treatments in the first harvest did not represent any difference with control but over time, the difference grew up into a considerable level. Result showed that the effects of conventional 100% NPK and 50% CM + 50% NPK fertilizers were almost similar. Application of these fertilizers increased yield and phytochemical traits. Conclusion: In view of the positive reaction of eryngo toward fertilization specially to integrated treatments, we can take advantage of these fertilizations to produce safe and healthy crop.

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Background and Objective: In order to study the effect of two commercial rootstocks and two mycorrhizal fungi species colonization on growth and yield of greenhouse cucumber, present study was conducted in greenhouse. Methods and Materials: A factorial experiment in a completely randomized block design with three replications, in the greenhouse, University of Tabriz was carried out. The first factor was the grafting of cucumber on the two rootstocks of Shintoza, and Routpower and symbiosis with two species of mycorrhizal fungi (Diversispora versiformis and Rhizophagus intraradices) considered as the second factor. Results: The results showed that there were significant differences between the rootstocks and the species of mycorrhizal fungi in aspect of growth, yield and qualitative traits. Plants inoculated with D. versiformis and grafted on Shintoza showed better growth parameter, concentration and fruit number and yield than other treatments. This treatment with 2086. 76 g per plant had the highest fruit yield and non-grafted and non-mycorrhizal control plants with 787. 94 g per plant had the lowest fruit yield. So about 164% fruit yield was increased in comparison with control. Conclusion: Simultaneous using of mycorrhizal fungi of rootstock is one of the best ways to achieve optimal yield with minimal consumption of agricultural inputs; and grafting of greenhouse cucumber on Shintoza rootstock inoculated with D. versiformis is recommend for sustainable cucumber fruit production in greenhouse condition.

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Background and Objective: The goals of study were to recognize the effects of water deficit on ecophysiological and agronomic responses of safflower and introducing drought tolerant genotypes to cultivate in saline and dry lands. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as split plot based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications in the East Azarbaijan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center during two cropping seasons (2017-19). The experimental factors included drought stress as non-stressed and stressed from flowering to maturity and six safflower genotypes including Padideh, Golemehr, Mexico14, Mexico248, Mexico295 and Parnian. Results: Seed and oil yields and yield components of genotypes decreased by drought. Water deficit stress decreased RWC, stomatal conductance and leaf chlorophyll index significantly. Amounts of these characters were significantly different among genotypes. Correlations among studied traits were significant. Stomatal conductance and RWC indicated significant correlations with capitulum number per plant and oil percent. Also RWC indicated significant correlation with seed yield. Correlations among capitulum number per plant and grain number per capitulum with each other and seed oil percent, seed and oil yields, were positive and significant. These yield components had important role in productivity. Conclusion: stomatal conductance and RWC are able to reflect the effects of late season drought stress on safflower and can be used to select drought-tolerant genotypes. Golemehr, Mexico14, Mexico248 and Mexico295 genotypes indicated higher seed and oil yields in both normal and drought conditions and were seen suitable to cultivate in saline areas around Ormieh lake and areas with similar climate.

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Background & Objective: A two-year trial (2014-2016) was carried out to investigate the response of rapeseed genotypes to foliar application and sowing date in Karaj, Iran. Materials & Methods: Factorial-split plot arrangement of the treatments was set up as a randomized complete block design with three replications. The first factor consisted of three sowing dates of 7 October (well-timed sowing) 17 October, and 27 October (delayed), the second factor consisted of four levels of foliar application with pure water (control), selenium (1. 5%), Zn (1. 5%), and selenium and Zn (1. 5%), and the third factor was the five genotypes including Ahmadi, SW102, Okapi, GKH2624, and GK-Gabriella. Sowing date and foliar application were factorial in main plots and genotypes as split plot in subplots. Results: Number of silique per plant, number of grain per silique, length of silique, grain weight, biomass, and grain and oil yields were significantly affected by the sowing date, foliar application, and genotype. Among the foliar application treatments, results showed that the highest grain and oil yields with an average of 3692 and 1512 kg. ha-1 were related to selenium and Zn, respectively. The average grain and oil yields of rapeseed genotypes decreased by 45. 7 and 49% on 17 October and by 52. 5 and 52% on 27 October compared to 7 October. Conclusion: The results indicated that GK-Gabriella genotype sown on 7 October and GKH2624 genotype sown on 17 and 27 October treated with selenium and Zn could produce the highest grain and oil yields under Karaj climate condition.

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Background and Objective: The goals of study were to evaluate of Alfalfa traits by using penergetic P and K under free and infested by Dodder (Cuscuta campestris). Materials & Methods: The greenhouse experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz in 2017. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with 8 treatments and two replications. Treatments were penergetic P+dodder infested, penergetic K+dodder infested, penergetic water+dodder infested, control+dodder infested, penergetic P+dodder free, penergetic K+dodder free, penergetic water+dodder free and control+dodder free. Results: Different treatments of penergetic had significant effect on plant height, number of sub stem per plant, diameter of main stem, fresh weight, number of leaves per plant, chlorophyll index and alfalfa biomass. The highest plant height with 49. 18cm was achieved by penergetic water + dodder free and the highest chlorophyll index under penergetic P + dodder infested. The highest biomass yield was obtained from penergetic P+ dodder free treatment and the lowest biomass yield was observed in control+dodder infested treatment. Conclusion: It can be concluded that using of different treatments of penergetic in the recommended doses increase the alfalfa resistance to dodder.

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Background and Objective: In order to investigate the weed interference duration on some growth parameters and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ), an experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with four replications during 2017 in Ardabil region. Materials and Methods: The experiment was included twelve treatments; six weed-infested and six weedfree treatments were applied at regular intervals (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days) after potato emergence in which weeds were allowed to grow until harvest and weeds were removed, respectively. Total dry matter (TDM), leaf area index (LAI), leaf area index duration, number of branches, mean tuber weight and tuber yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ) were measured. Results: The results showed that all measured traits were affected by weed interference duration and weed control period. Weed interference duration increased total dry weight of weeds and weed-free duration reduced total dry weight of weeds and mean tuber weight. Also, increase in weeds interference duration significantly reduced total dry matter, leaf area index, leaf area index duration, number of branches, mean tuber weight and tuber yield of potato. On the other hand, total dry matter, leaf area index, leaf area index duration, number of branches and tuber yield of potato increased by increased weed-free duration. Conclusion: Considering of 10% yield loss, the critical period of weed control was 18 and 57 days after potato emergence, respectively. The weed interference duration had a significant effect on the final yield of potato tubers and the interference duration through whole season caused 59. 7% yield loss as compared to the control.

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Bachground & objective: The competitive ability of weed is one of the key elements in describing the interactions of crops with weeds and predicting crop yield loss in sustainable agricultural systems. The aim of this study was to quantify the interactve effects of nitrogen fertilizer and reduced dose of bromoxynil+2, 4-D on the competition of wheat– mallow. Materials & Methods: An experiment was conducted in the research field of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan during 2016-2017 growing season. Experimental design was split block based on completely randomized block design with three replications. Experimental factors consisted of nitrogen level (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg. ha-1 of urea fertilizer) as main plot and reduced dose of bromoxynil+2, 4-D (0, 0. 25, 0. 5, 0. 75 and 1 time of recommended dose (1. 5 L. ha-1)) as sub plots. Results: Results showed that wheat biomass was the most in case of applying more doses of herbicide plus nitrogen fertilizer. However, it was the least without herbicide and fertilizer application. Nitrogen fertilizer (130 Kg. ha-1)+recommended dose of herbicide (1. 5 L. ha-1) or 220 Kg. ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer+50% recommended dose of herbicide and/or 300 Kg. ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer+55% recommended dose of herbicide can be used to achieve wheat biomass about 600 (g m-2). Mallow biomass was greatest without herbicide application and use of 300 kg ha-1 of urea fertilizer. Competitive ability of mallow (μ ) increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer use and reached maximum with applying of 150 (kg h-1of urea), but the use of more than this, reduced the competitive ability of mallow. Conclusion: In this study, wheat biomass was significantly reduced in competition with mallow, which was significantly higher in non-herbicide treatment than other treatments. Therefore, increasing urea consumption without mallow control will significantly reduce wheat biomass.

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Background and Objective: Water and fertility stress are the most important factors for reducing sugar beet yield in Iran. Since irrigation and boron fertilizer have significant effects on sugar beet yield, simulating those factors on sugar beet yield were done using AquaCrop model. Materials & Methods: Treatments were consisted of irrigation management in four periods (I1: 6, I2: 9, I3: 12, and I4: 15 day) and boron fertilizer amount in three levels (F0: 21 kg. ha-1, F1: 30 kg. ha-1 and F2: 39 kg. ha-1; as low, medium and appropriate, respectively). Results: Maximum and minimum difference between simulation and observation values for yield were shown in F2I2 (4. 33 t. ha-1) and F0I4 (0. 37 t. ha-1), respectively. Average difference between simulation and observation value for yield was 1. 77 t. ha-1. NRMSE (0. 04) and RMSE (2. 24) values showed that AquaCrop had good accuracy for simulating yield, however, MBE (1. 07) result revealed the model had over estimate error. Criteria results for d and EF showed AquaCrop had good efficiency. RMSE and NRMSE values for water use efficiency were 0. 29 kg. m-3 and 0. 07, respectively. MBE value for mentioned parameter was 0. 17 kg. m-3. Conclusion: Regarding the importance of the effect of main factors on sugar beet yield in sustainable production, it is recommended to use AquaCrop for simulating Sugar beet Yield.

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Background & Objective: A two-year experiment was carried out in Karaj to investigate the effect of potassium sulfate and ammonium sulfate fertilizers on agronomic traits, seed yield, oil content and yield of camelina under drought stress conditions. Materials & Methods: The experimental design was split plot-factorial in an RCBD with three replications. Irrigation regimes as full irrigation, irrigation interruptions from silicle formation and flowering stages in the main plots and combine of potassium sulfate (0, 25, 50, and 75 kg. ha-1) and ammonium sulfate (0, 25, 50, and 75 kg. ha-1) fertilizers in the sub plots. Results: The number of silicle/plant, silicle length, number of seed/silicle, 1000-seed weight, biological yield, seed yield, harvest index, and oil content and yield were affected by a three-way interaction between irrigation regime × potassium sulfate × ammonium sulfate. When compared with full irrigation regime, the seed yield, oil content, and oil yield were decreased by 46, 8. 5, and 51. 2% in the irrigation interruption from the silicle formation stage, and by 51, 7. 18, and 78. 7% in the irrigation interruption from the flowering stage, respectively. The highest seed yield, oil content, and oil yield among the fertilizer treatments belonged to the application of 75 kg. ha-1 potassium sulfate+75 kg. ha-1 ammonium sulfate fertilizer treatment with an average of 1950 kg. ha-1, 31. 8%, and 643 kg. ha-1, respectively. Conclusion: In general, camelina should be cultivated in the full irrigation conditions and treated with the potassium sulfate (75 kg. ha-1) + ammonium sulfate (75 kg. ha-1) fertilizers for achieving the maximum seed and oil yields.

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Objective & Background: The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of planting methods on riased bed with microirrigation and seed density on grain yeild and energy indicators of bean production. Materials & Methods: In order to compare the effect of planting methods and seed density on bean line of COS-16 (Straight Type), a split plot experiment in randomized complete block design was carried out in Khomein Bean Research Station during 2016 and 2017 with 3 replications. The main plots were flat planting, single row on a ridge, double rows on a ridge and three rows on a ridges. Sub plots were seed consumption of 70, 120 and 170 kg. ha-1. The space between ridges was 75 Cm. Irrigation type was microirrigation (tape irrigation). Results: Experiment results showed that the treatments of two rows on a ridge with seed consumption of 120 kg. ha-1 and single row on a ridge with seed consumption of 70 kg. ha-1 with yields of 2300 and 2225 kg. ha-1, respectively are beter than other methods. The lowest energy intensity with 34 MJ. kg-1 and the high energy ratio with 0. 99 were related to these treatments. Energy intensity and energy ratio of conventional method were 53. 7 MJ. kg-1 and 0. 63 respectively. Conclusion: The treatments of two rows on a ridge with seed consumption of 120 kg. ha-1 and single row on a ridge with seed consumption of 70 kg. ha-1 are recommended and the flat and three rows on a ridge planting methods does not recommended.

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Background and objective: Sistan is one of the largest wheat producing region in Iran, but wheat production has given way to the production of wheat during the past years. Materials & Methods: In order to analysis the reason behind this conversion, the productivity and sustainability of wheat, onion and garlic systems was examined using emergy and economy evaluation in 2019. In order to research site to have similar conditions, the data required for this study were collected in two villages of Karim Koshteh and Safarzaei, Zabol. Results: Total emergy supporting the systems was estimated to 2. 45E+16, 3. 12E+16 and 4. 73E+16 sej. ha-1 for the wheat, onion and garlic production systems, respectively. The purchased resource accounts for 55. 9, 53. 4 and 65. 4 percent of total emergy flow for the wheat, onion and garlic production, respectively. This shows that the studied both systems are an extremely open system influenced strongly by the input from purchased inputs. The composition of emergy input to these production systems largely was different. The emergy yield ratio was 1. 27, 1. 15 and 1. 90 for wheat, onion and garlic production, respectively. The values are low, indicating that the many process of the two systems converts natural resources from local into product. The environmental loading ratio of garlic systems was, a little bit higher than the wheat and onion systems, and correspondingly the sustainable index is lower than that of wheat and onion. Economic analysis indicated that output/input ratio and the benefit of the garlic production were greater than that of wheat and onion. Conclusion: As a general outcome, these analyses showed that the better environmental performance of the system accmparied by the worse its economic performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objective: Agriculture is one of the most important activities, whereas observing ethical dimensions (human, environment, animals, society, economy and policy) are necessary. Therefore the purpose of this study was develop strategies to apply ethics in agricultural in Sonqor County. Materials & Methods: This study is a Qual-Quan research. The study population consisted of experts and farmers producing healthy products in the city of Sonqor (n = 32) who were selected purposefully. Results: Based on results, comprehensive government attention to Agricultural ethic and financial, technical, and legal support from the farm food to the table ( ) as a first strategy and evelopment of good agricultural production for all products, regional, national, international contracts and agreements in order to meet the needs of healthy consumer markets ( ) as a second important strategy was recognized which both of them are among the aggressive strategies. Also result showed that considering ethical actions towards development of sustainable agricultural, allocation of annual budgets, leading agricultural education to ethical agriculture (WO) are the most important conservative startegies. Conclusion: in the current situation in study the, aggressive strategies should be prioritized. This means that with considering the factors affecting the non-observance of ethics in agriculture, instutational development in this area, amend the rules, guidelines and most important social institutions and ethicl norms in the community of farmers need to be addressed in this county. In this regard the approach of farmers and related organizations should be changed toward appliying manifest of ethic in agriculture.

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Background and objective: Lake Urmia is one of the most important and valuable Iranian ecosystems. Given that a large population of East Azarbaijan residents in the Urmia Lake Basin is engaged in agricultural business, and the economy of the region and residents of this region depend on the sustainability of agricultural systems in the present and future, hence the study of the sustainability of the agricultural ecosystems of this region are very important. Materials & Methods: This paper examines the sustainability of the agricultural ecosystems of Azarshahr in the period of 2004-2017. The weight of the indicators was determined using entropy method and other information was collected from Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization, Regional Water Organization and the yearbooks of East Azarbaijan province during the studied years. Results: The results of the study showed that the level of stability at the beginning of the period was decreasing during the years 2004-2006 and after a temporary increase in the years 2006-2013, it was reduced again and the conditions of sustainability deteriorated. Conclusion: Given the results of weighting the indices and calculating the sustainability level, the important role of the factors of sustainability, especially the use of chemical inputs, was shown on the sustainability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Selection of wheat cultivars with stable seed yield and seed yield components in different climatic conditions was aim of this research. Methods and Materials: To evaluate the seed yield and seed yield components stability of 20 spring wheat lines, this experiment was done using RCBD with two replications under five conditions for three years(2010-2013) in Islamic Azad University research stations( Tabriz and Mianeh). Results: Due to significant Genotype X Environment interaction (G X E), stability analysis for seed yield and seed yield components was done using AMMI method (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction) and the results showed that the lines N-75-4, N-75-5, N-75-17 and N=75-1 are the stable for 1000KW, respectively, the lines N-75-6, N-75-4, N-75-1, N-75-9 and N-75-14 are the most stable for number of seed per spike, the lines N-75-6, N-75-16, N-75-1 and N-75-5 have stability of producing spike per square, respectively, and the lines N-75-6, N-75-5, N-75-1 and N-75-17 have stable seed yield, respectively. Conclusion: According to the results of AMMI method the lines N-75-1(Tajan), N-75-5 (Yang87-158) and N-75-6 (Rayan 89) with the seed yield of 6. 475, 5. 623 and 4. 083 t/ha had the most stability respectively, so on the basis of having the stable yield and seed yield more than average of total lines, those lines can be used as a parental lines in wheat breeding program and secondary can be cultivated in the spring in cold regions of East Azerbaijan and similar places also.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objective: Energy efficiency in wheat cultivation in agro-industry Company of Mazrae Novin Iranian (Agh Ghalla in Golestan province, Iran) was investigated. The aim was comparison of the wheat production method in this company, according to calculated energy efficiency indices, with reported values from other places. Materials & Methods: The company has four units each with an area of 323, 59, 857 and 673 ha, namely A, B, C and D units, respectively. These units were categorised according to their location and farms integration. All farms were rain-fed. Energy efficiency indices were calculated according to direct culled data from each unit. Results: The weighted average of energy input for farms was estimated to be 31. 7 GJ. ha-1. Almost 60% of the energy input was indirect energy (in the form of fertilizers, seed, pesticides and machinery) and 40% was direct energy input from tractor fuel. The weighted average for grain yield in farms was 2244 kg. ha-1. The energy intensity of only grain production was 14. 12 MJ. kg-1. This high energy intensity results from extra high inputs to achieve the mentioned high yield from rain-fed farms. By converting the grain yield to energy equivalent, the energy output/input ratio was about 1. 04 MJ. MJ-1. Conclusion: Optimisation of nitrogen fertiliser consumption and reduction of machinery operations make opportunities to reduce energy input in company's rain-fed farms without reducing the grain yield. The use of straw as the by-product should be considered by the company.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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